ITT: Peak Yea Forums moments

Post them Yea Forumsros.

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still mad

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>finding this shit funny


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that was a good thread
johnny cage gets me every time

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You may not have been here, but Ridleyfags were just as bad leading up to Smash 4 as Stevefags are now. Cancerous shitposters getting what they want isn't "peak Yea Forums". It's what lead to this dumbass Steve/Banjo shit we've got now.

cringe thread

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try contributing instead of trying to look cool faggot

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>all disgusting looking men posting these.

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Post Mini.

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Even Ashleyfags aren't as bad as Steve falseflaggers.
Cope more.

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The most epic moment ever here.

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t. Aaron

is it bad that i want to suck off a horse

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goddamn Yea Forums was fun back then

now its all about race and gender falseflagging bullshit

user did nothing wrong

Anyone got the "games don't need gameplay" or whatever it was?

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No, but you can find that in every sony thread nowadays.

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>Sonybros call Nintendofags manchildren
>End up being the biggest manchildren of them all
Really make you think...

Remember the dmc thread

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10 years ago people were dabbing on mods just the same
I want to go back

>legitimate rule against posting redundant threads and double checking the catalog
>99% chance that the only person that actually got banned in this image is the basedjak poster

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So you're saying that you weren't here.

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does anyone remember this?

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Don't you have a dog to be fucking, Aaron?

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We could make an entire thread about the grinch leak

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So you're saying that you weren't here because you are underage.

Does anyone have screencaps of the Ashley BTFO threads?

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you smashfags would make about 20 threads

The good old days

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The pizza balls thread

Thanks to the user who posted this last thread.

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Ashleyfags are much, much worse. At least the steve pictures are funny

Wow.. I've been here for more than 8 years.