What games are similar to black?

What games are similar to black?

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Its really one of a kind. It's amazing we have so many cinematic fps games but nothing like the OG "gunporn".

any shovelware fps title on ios should suffice

Im glad Yea Forums stopped jerking off this mediocre garbage

Black and White

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bible black

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Found the zoomer

I fucking bought, beat and traded in that shit all in the same day. It had neat looking explosions and some of the most absolutely generic game/gun play I've ever seen.

maybe killzone 2 for the weighty physics


Every Modern Warfare and Blops is pretty much exactly like Black. Except more entertaining.

>First level
Here's your Ak47 bro, it's got a 60 round mag
>Next level
Here have a G36 bro, it's got a 70 round mag, don't you feel special
Final level.
>everyone likes M16s, here's one with a 95 round mag, so you can shoot more than explosive barrels before having to reload.

It's to gun porn what hurt locker was to war movies. Impressed idiot critics but so insanely unrealistic that it causes physical pain to the people who actually care.

Shit fucked up my greentext


came here to post this

>implying realism in games isn't directly proportional to tedium and shit game design

also, was the hook to this and other games ever "look at this realism"? no, it was "here's some shit to shoot at and blow up, also cool animations, go have some fun"

>t.literal manchild impressed by explosions and 100 round assault rifle mags
You do you, but don't pretend that game was actually good.

t. zoomer


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What’s your favorite fps?

It was. I was sarcastic because the "gunporn" marketing was anything but.

I still like the game alot. Playing it on Xbox X in 4k was an unexpected treat.