Other urls found in this thread:
is a shit series but the characters are hot
Is a good series with a retarded fan base and haters i gonna make it?
reminder Shantae was created by a literal so1boy and the reason the characters are hot is because he's so cucked that he wants to see everyone desire to fuck them
So? Net positive.
Does anybody in the entire world actually play this game? Literally everything I've seen about this game is just circlejerking.
no because they are so fucking boring and slow
Fuck you.
Fuck you.
Fuck you.
Fuck you.
These transformations got weird later on.
Don't people usually say it actually delivers as a game beyond its status as a titty attraction?
Why are the projectiles moist?
depends on what you mean by delivers as a game
i got perma banned from the shante forums for posting that their game runs as fast as the hz of the display and nothing will slow it down till you change the display adapter settings in control panel to sub 60hz
they never patched it. 100% retarded dev that only likes being jerked off by its fans.
Lewd Risky is best Risky.
Is canonically futa
Cringe game for anime loving weebcels. How can you dumb niggers even stand this shit for more than five minutes?
Awful animation.
This. These games are terrible, but it has good waifus. Same with that Senran Kagura shit.
Then why does anybody have these characters as their waifu if the game sucks shit?
because they dont play the games
Then why would you waifu characters if you don't play their game?
i want them all to pin down risky and tease her cuteingly
I want to have sex with shantae
because theyre hot?
That's not how love works.
Well, Yea Forums? Fuck, marry, kill?
Fuck Bayonetta, Marry Palutena(and have hundreds of children), Kill Shantae
Marry Palutena, fuck Shantae, kill Bayo.
newsflash idiot
most waifufags if not all don't actually play games
now listen to some cameo
Kill them all.
Breed material.
Rottytops has the smelliest body
so she plays smash bros, don't judge her
I was browsing this thread on my Oculus Quest and I swear Skye's butt looked 3D. Obviously not like a full 3D model, but kined of "raised" and rounded like the way some holofoil trading cards looked to give some of the details the illusion of depth.
If there are any VR fags ITT test it out to see whether or not I'm crazy.
Oh shit, is this the designated gay thread?
You guys all have boners too right? Lets talk about masturbating together while sharing porn like always :)
I'm really glad Yea Forums is super duper extra gay like this and constantly has active gay jackoff threads
This is why no one likes waifu fags and they destroy threads.
Once waifufags get their hooks into a franchise its all over, discussion is dead forever because the threads will forever just be gay jerkoff threads for autists to dump lewds in
That seems like a poor use of VR.
holy fuck
I want to bump butts with them
why are their exposed armpits so arousing
Shantae would be better with pubes
i want to fuck risky 6 ways from sunday
I'm really glad Yea Forums is so progressive, there aren't many websites where gay men can get together like this and talk about masturbating together about so many different things :)
Also I too am looking at pictures of shantae and playing with my penis. I have never played her games but I really love these threads because we get to tell each other about what makes our penises hard and talk about having orgasms
Why won't WayForward give me my Shantae Universe Advance Wars/Fire Emblem spinoff?
progressive tried to rip me off in car insurance
they jacked up my rates despite my clean driving record
sure, they started me at 32 a month, but then next cycle was like 50, then 60, then 90, then 150 and i'm like okay fuck you guys and went to geico
geico has treated me well so far and kept my rate steady even when i did have a fender bender recently
I thought this post was going into a Wesley Willis song.
3D Shantae world, when?
breakfast of champions