Play s.t.a.l k.e.r

Play s.t.a.l k.e.r.

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dont fall for it, Yea Forumsros

what is this creature

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belarus radiation horror
>tfw you will never go on a comfy trip to chernobyl with a crazy deformed midget

Peter Lorre, show some respect

Call of Piyat is the one worth playing IMO. The others were a bit too buggy for my taste.
>the train part

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Play metro

Attached: metro.webm (1000x502, 2.95M)

Some deformed retard that reddit-tier STALKER fans are obsessed over.

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I would but I am out of things to do in CoC

Oh no he said the r word how will we ever recover.

i have though
and i've done basically everything i can in vanilla and most of the popular mods
i really hope stalker 2 is good

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fucking kino desu lads

He is a metro explorer from the ukraine that has a pretty big YT channel, Super sus is his name.
He does all kinds of stuff, exploring everything underground with his team and some friends sometimes.
Been watching him for a while and his operator is quite annoying at times with the way he talks. You can see how he sometimes tries to hype up the situation. Sus is better when he can be himself and his operator is more chill.



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the fuck is this?

Why is my computer deploying mus

Just an elephant foot

A mass of melted uranium during the Chernobyl incident I think

Anomaly mod?



played the fuck out of it, even if its just memery but slightly tweaked
also why is installing it such a pain in the ass holy shit

i would if a new fucking mod would come out

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granted but its just misery but with a slightly altered economy and it runs at 8 fps on ultra low settings

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The elephants foot is no longer lethal to look at btw.

It has decayed from its original 10k roentgens/h to like 350 roentgens/h

Realistically what would happen to me If I stared at it for like 30 seconds? Would I start just feeling nauseous, sick and then collapse?

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*clears throat*
That is all.

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Not a lot. You'd probably get cancer later in life. Its current radiation takes about 1h before it's deadly. The more radioactive something is the shorter its half life usually is.

I was unironically going to make this exact thread based hivemind.

Any fellow stalkers watching Chernobyl on HBO?

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Dunno about now
Back then you would start vomitting then bleed everywhere as your cells split apart

I guess your cells would just fail slowly at this point

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>watching Chernobyl on HBO
The only the I know about this show is the reactor core waifu that was made. Is the show about how everything fucked up and lead to the disaster?

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STALKER doujins huh? Aight, I'm down.

goddamnit i wanna rape that helpless woman stuck in the wall

Back then?
Fourth degree burns throughout your entire body, severe internal hemoraging, peeling off your epidermis, nausea, blindness due to fucked up corneas.
Nothing, though you'd have a higher chance of cancer later in life

Show starts exactly at the moment of the explosion and deals with the aftermath
It's very good, except for the annoying female scientist who's the only non-real person on the cast and constantly shows up to save the day with female power

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>tfw can play CS, SoC and CoP all max settings but lost alpha lags like shit

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The explosion happens in the first 30 mins. The show details the events during and after. Yea Forums says its pretty accurate and most of the characters are real. Watch it, it's kino.

Wrong. It's only 3.6 roentgens. Nothing to be concerned of comrade, equivalent of a chest xray I am told.

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It's pretty much everything that happened right after everything went to shit.

user you'll be dead in five years

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I heard she gets BTFO in episode 3?

>you will never moon the elephant's foot seconds after its creation and become a mutant with godzilla breath farts than can level entire cities

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What said, it's top tier kino.

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Yeah. Its pretty good. Femal scientist doesnt piss me off as much as the portrayal of idiots-in-charge.

>fire at a nuclear power plant
>Vadim, should we use geiger counters?
>No Dmitri, its only a fire

Its incredible just how much in denial higher-ups and Diatlov were.
>There is no core!
>He is delusional. Take him to the infirmary and give him sedatives

wtf is she actually stuck because her ass is to big unghhh

Who the fuck is this guy? Was he a worker at the plant? W-Would radiation actually do this to you?

Boy you don't want to see irl images of chernobyl.

that's just steve
he fell into a vat of coca cola

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Fireman who spent about four hours next to the reactor to put out Dyatlovs fuckup
Also yes, though there are many diseases and complications which are much worse looking and more painful than ARS

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>hmm, what should we do. Send for help? Evacuate?
>Cut the phone lines and prevent anyone from leaving the city.

An actual SCP, born from Chernobyl its basically a pile of radioactive waste and cement, any contact is insta death. The only way they can take pictures of it is with mirror tricks

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I do man.
Radiation has died down faggot, it's not as deadly anymore.

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Just use security cameras...

>Watch the first episode
>Ends with schoolgirls happily heading off to school
>Single bird just drops out of the sky, dying

>Niggas dont know about GvH
Better hope you never need a blood transfusion user

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I actually puked. Fuck me

>Fuck me
clean yourself up first and maybe

I envy young people who still think they will live forever, never be in pain and never have their Organs break down

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This is just like my japanese animes

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I would but my toaster can only run SoC, unmodded, and that got boring after a few playthroughs

>that one dude who somehow survived a nuclear meltdown at ground zero, had all of his skin and organs burned with radiation but was kept alive for a month just for science
suffered the most anguish of any human in history
thankfully he was comatose most of the time and died

This guy?

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not actually him, he didn't have an amputated leg

Watch Chernobyl. It's pure kino

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>he was begging for death and told the doctors to stop treating him like a guinea pig, but they just ignored it and prolonged his suffering as long as possible

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She's arrested by the KGB yes. She's a composite character so everything she does was done in real life but by a different scientist each time. There was something like a hundred other scientists helping Legasov

The firsthand account of the woman in that webm
>The last two days in the hospital — I'd lift his arm, and meanwhile the bone is shaking, just sort of dangling, the body has gone away from it. Pieces of his lungs, of his liver, were coming out of his mouth. He was choking on his internal organs. I'd wrap my hand in a bandage and put it in his mouth, take out all that stuff. It's impossible to talk about. It's impossible to write about. And even to live through.

Cameras on robots were immediately destroyed upon entering the room. No one has seen it directly and lived. The picture is from several mirrors angled toward each other to see around the corner.

Radiation is scary, why we need that stuff again?

No it's not dummy the man in that picture (distored and ghosty bc radiation fucked up camera) is still alive

Need power goyim.

Source in case any of you retards tries to say something.

>taken ten years after the meltdown

Yes but all of you retards are implying that the elephant foot cannot be photographed today and anyone that has ever seen it died the next day. Which just isn't truem

One of the first firemen who came there. And yes, radiation can do that to human body.

>go to check on core
>see this instead
What do?

Attached: 1558559594930.webm (1280x640, 782K)

Clearly an electrical fire.

Explain to me how an RBMK reactor explodes?
You can't

Attached: RBMK Kot.gif (300x275, 720K)

This, comrade is clearly delusional, send him to the infirmary.

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I call the fireman

jump and fish for a 7½ inch penis

*unsheathes cock*
*dives in*

Is this true? I want to read about it

run to my desk where i keep my escape plan

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Arya stark

everything is fine

>played through Soc multiple times and loved it
>played Cs once
>never really gotten around to Cop but have it installed
thinks it's time lads

Which stalker game is best worth playing? I will play them all at some point but what has the most content, replay-ability and enjoy-ability?

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W-why the fuck are there cracks of lightning in the air around it?

Radiation distorted/damaged the film.

Seems like a very low shutter time or the film itself got fucked up
The light effect is consistent with the low shutter speed, people do that light painting/graffiti crap with it.
So theres probably a little light on the.guy somewhere
The one below is just a reflection

The slow shutter speed is consistent with why he looks like a ghost. He was moving during the shot.

Attached: shutter-speed-motion-blur.jpg (620x410, 107K)

>what is this creature

My favorite is Soc it's the only one I beaten.
CoP is fun but I feel like make it needlessly more difficult would make it better, so I play with only 1 continue, game over is game over, so I always die without Advancing far.
clear sky i just can't like it for some reason

Attached: пьяный.webm (650x450, 1.65M)

>Play s.t.a.l k.e.r.


Attached: Dark Matter Ladder Anomaly.webm (1280x720, 1.48M)

You got the one with the cute hooker?


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Why was it that only Russians and South Americans liked hard bass?

El Russian

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Is that yeast? The fuck?

Poor people think alike


>Wrong. It's only 3.6 roentgens. Nothing to be concerned of comrade, equivalent of a chest xray I am told.

Hmm, not great but not horrifying.





This is fucking horrible. Why do people still make " meme videos " like this. I want to to stop, now.

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CoP with sandbox mods. There's various flavors of these so you can try all of them and see which one suits your tastes more
Anomaly is arguably the best one so far and it's still being developed; it's highly customizable and you can pretty much set the tone of the game to your liking (if you want more action and shooting for example, or if you want more lurking, atmosphere and scavenging, you can also do that)

>clear sky i just can't like it for some reason
it's a solid game, but probably not a must play.
I played it with sky reclamation project and had a completely bug/crash free experience. The best advice I could give to anyone is to tweak the grenade spamming with srp, otherwise they will be 100% accurate all the time, and give you less than a second to get out of cover. at one point a group of bandits tossed 4 grenades at me simultaneously, and my character flew into orbit.

otherwise it's a solid campaign, the maps are gorgeous looking, much more detailed than soc. And the faction war is a fun addition that can indirectly affect your experience through the campaign itself.

I didn't believe it would be that after seeing you post, but it was worse. Who the fuck watches those?

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muh dick
is there a full vid

It was more than a month.

play stalker

average ukranian


The Japs did something like that for real. Hisashi Ouchi, one of the workers in Tokaimura NPP was exposed to extreme amounts of radiation, and to see what the effects of radiation did to him, they forcibly kept him alive in life support for as long as possible, no pain meds either, since pain is absolutely necessary to get full results unfortunately. And yes, he died a painful, agonizing death, his skin and flesh literally melting off his bones. I know it was fucked up and extremely unethical and immoral, but thanks to that we knew more about radiation, radiation poisoning and their effects on the human body thanks to that.

Attached: Agony incarnate.jpg (750x443, 74K)

>this article
Ouchi is right

its far to late to save it
and far too late to make it out without being turned into a science experiment

it generates power for years and if you replaced the radioactive metals by volume with gasoline you'd power one car for like a week.

Why is there graphite on the roof, Yea Forums ?

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that is not a picture of Ouichi, that is a different person who suffered a fall into a chemical vat. Stop posting it in relation to him.

That's burned concrete, comrade

>Management game about dealing with a reactor meltdown just before it happens
>It is inevitable, but if you take precautions you make things easier later on, like evacuations
>you have to manage controlling damage, including essentially picking who to send to their deaths
>you oversee quarantine
>maybe add in some elements of dialogue choices where you have to handle public and government relations
>Have some Rng to keep things fresh
>endgame is trying to decontaminate the area
>Portions of the game are portrayed from first person views of characters involved, not all of them survive.

would you play it?

This it's not as bad as it once was but it's still pretty radioactive

seeing people in this inhuman looking condition unsettles me way more than beheadings or suicides by shotgun, I don't know why, my brain just knows humans don't look like that and something is severely wrong, also imagining the pain they went through makes me sick to my stomach.

Low replay value.

Coc, misery, dead air, lost alpha, or anomaly?

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It's insane how such a random piece of misinformation like this has become so ingrained.

I haven't been able to get Lost Alpha to work at all, I'm enjoying Anomaly so far. CoC is worth looking trying at least.

lost alpha is standalone, i hope you didnt copy pasted the files into cop or soc

This video pushes all the right buttons

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>anime thumbnail
The elephant's foot would give me less cancer than watching that.

Alright Yea Forums, you are now in charge of the Chernobyl reactor 4. Will you be able to run it at 3500MW? Post results.

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Just like my hentai

Fukken sauze

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>people keep meming how buggy X-Ray Engine is and that the game crashes constantly with mod fixes
>try out all three games with just ZRP and SRP (CoP didn't need one somehow)
>not a single crash
>meanwhile F:NV is still prone to 100s of crashes even with thousands of fixes

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