One copy of Bloodborne please, and put it on my bill
One copy of Bloodborne please, and put it on my bill
Heh heh, bill, I get it. Well played OP!
>put it on my bill
uuuh ducks don't play bloodborne?
fuzzy little baby
What's his end game ?
he heard souls games encourage fowl play
you don't even wanna know
It's not going to cover it.
Bloodborne, it's literally stated in the OP, retard
To roll to the end.
>tfw no fren to play bloodborne with while we snack on some pidser and koler
>and put it on my bill
fuck off incel
back to
based duck poster
To get some motha fuckin breadcrumbs.
b-but im a dirty gay libtard
>getting this triggered over doggo-speak
Blessed thread
fren = Far Right Ethno-Nationalist
it's LITERALLY admitting to fascism. Get the fuck back to /pol/ faggot
Quit trying to force this.
It’s literal baby speak for friend.
That's the joke..
>heads straight to the guides
fucking casual
No user, he's looking at them with disdain thinking about the casuals that need them
I love it
this is the best post itt
I don't get it
please uninstall your consciousness
>trusting babies
Where else would they put it you fucking moron
I'll be your fren user. You have steam right?
>Got any grapes?
I want a fren like these, but only hypothetically.
i dont actually want to put in the effort of making a shitty steam friend and having to keep tabs on them 24/7 and everything. but the mere idea itself of having a friend to share pidser and koler with makes me feel warm inside.
no you fucking piece of shit i dont have any grapes
>There's a suspicious entity in our store, everyone duck!