>it's a "still no weapon, hiding in a corner at night without a single window boarded up while I listen to whispers and furniture move" episode
It's day 4 now and at least I've boarded up the windows.
>it's a "still no weapon, hiding in a corner at night without a single window boarded up while I listen to whispers and furniture move" episode
It's day 4 now and at least I've boarded up the windows.
Is there some way you can farm wood what the fuck man
Idk m8 I just started and the only way I've been able to get wood is through the traders.
>night 1
>door suddenly swings open
>prepare my board with nails
>close the door and continue pissing myself
This game is gonna fuck me up
find logs in the woods, put fuel in the band saw, and you can make wood
This is best horror game I have ever played. Is there any other lesser known horror games out there that comes even close to this?
Project Zomboid?
depends on what exactly you find scary about it
I always liked the concept of this game but find zombies tired, is it actually good? Never hear anyone mention it.
Ill check that one out
Not necessary scary, but what I like most is the overall atmosphere of the game, world, sound and enemy encounters. I guess last time I got this tense feeling was when I explored the non human enemy infested buildings in stalker
Apparently it's pretty good now. They even implemented the usage of vehicles.
if you are looking for obscure stuff I recommend Close Your Eyes. It lacks combat but sound design is top shelf. Same goes for atmosphere. I guess it's rather comparable to Silent Hill (but low budget rpg maker).
If you are into body stuff maybe Mothlight does it for you. Basically rpg maker Bloodborne.
Why does this game fucking melt my CPU? Is there some setting I should mind? My system is beefy and doesnât stutter or get this hot with much more demanding games.
Close your eyes looks interesting, will try that one.
ignore my post, im a fucken retard
I love project zomboid and it is a very tense game but not exactly scary
Boarding up can be a mistake if you cut yourself off of an escape route.
Enemies are stupid, but boarding only slows them down, it doesn't stop them from breaking in. Think of it as an alarm system, not a preventative tool.
in a year, we will finally get animations
still no npcs though but i guess multiplayer has that angle covered
CDDA is alright, though it's more of a rougelike than a straight horror game.
Dude what? You should be rolling in wood and nails to make a nail bat.
>boarding up windows in the first hideout
You dun goof'd. The worst that can come in the first hidout is a single dog or a single dude. Both easily killable.
This. I'd save up your wood and nails. Later you can get a guy to ship your materials from your workbench to the new hideout, so they'll easily be moved to your later ones when you really need them.
Could have been a good game if it wasn't designed around survival mechanics.
Was it though? It's not like there's hunger and thirst shit in the game. You just have to be able to protect yourself at night.
It's just the first house, you'll miss those calm nights later
It's so comfy watching others play.
The whole day/night cycle works so well. The only problem is the horror diminishes when you find out there's little penalty in dying.
Well you can always play with permadeath, or the other difficulty where you can die like 3 times before permadeath.
Has anyone played Lost in Vivo? Is it good?
there's a perm death mode you can play. I personally never seen any beat the game with it on
Well I found the night time to be pretty tedious considering you have to return to your base and do some simplistic shit over and over. The game of waiting for bars to fill. Shame, because the art design and the sound design were really really good.
Nights are boring for the first two areas yeah, especially after you figure out how to properly seal up your base and how enemies function at night. But later on it becomes harder to avoid any combat. Especially in the swamp, it livens the nights up a lot more and makes surviving feel like an accomplishment.
You really don't. You can run around and be active during the night at greater risk. The red sludge kills you slowly, and when you stand still. The waiting game is safer, but less efficient.
It's boring till the 3rd and 4th hideouts when a couple chompers and banshees roll up on you at once
Sometimes I hear knocking on the doors of my hideout. Should I answer them? If it were savages they'd just barge right in, so it must be someone friendly.
yeah, user, go out and give them a big hug
You're being invited, don't be rude user.
Cataclysm Dark days ahead can be a bit scary at times
Easy to say when the only wood I've come across is through the traders. I still don't have a weapon. Also, when there is someone in your hideout talking about wanting to get out of there...is that friendly or not? Worst I've had so far is a dog and those fuckers who draw the circles outside my home.
>Also, when there is someone in your hideout talking about wanting to get out of there...is that friendly or not?
I wasn't sure myself. I bludgeoned him anyway because I didn't want to take any chances.
>yfw something comes into your house[spoiler/] for the first time
I heard that in my first night and I just stayed in my corner. I didn't have my power generator on either so while I was hiding in the corner I kept hearing the knocking as well as furniture move and doors open, also those strange flashes of light.
you can literally find weapons in chests
also board with nails is good for a starting weapon
You should have a weapon on your first day, user. Look for piles of logs as you wander around during the day. Take the logs from them, and bring them back to the sawmill at your hideout, then turn them into planks. I know there's an RNG element to the placement of resources, but there's no way your world spawned without log piles around the first area. You should be swimming in wood; easily 50 planks by day 4.
Use that to make a weapon with nails.
>hear voice outside asking me to come outside
>actually do it
>get a healing item
M8 all I've been finding from bodies or furniture is rope, nails, matchsticks, and a few chains. No weapons at all. And every chest is locked. I just recently found one lockpick and that's it. I'm on Day 4. No weapon whatsoever. One piece of wood.
Piles of logs give you logs which you put into the saw machine to get wood. There's no excuse to not being able to find any, the game should throw them at you. Use logs and nails to make a nail bat. If you can't figure this out good luck beating chapter 1
>think i'm hot shit for killing some savages
>unidentifiable creature comes into my room
>its scream envelops everything
>run out of the house like a pussy
It's a good thing that daybreak was only seconds away, otherwise I don't think I would've made it.
Wow, I saw the sawmill once and ignored it. I'm fucking dumb.
you definitely need to explore and experiment more like what other anons have said ITT
the game does not put you into unwinnable situations arguably ever but there is maybe some chance of that in late game.
you did notice there is a crafting bench in your hideout, right?
you did the right thing, this thing would shred you
>hide out two
>still trying to figure out the best room to hide in
>"i should probably go get that container in the other room :)"
>open door right into my first banshee
Just started my second playthrough on hard. Thought I was doing pretty well until my first night in the second hideout and two savages came in at once. I'm pondering restarting. If I've lost 1 of my 4 lives this early on I'm at serious risk of losing the whole thing before the end.
if you eat the embroy, you get an extra life, did you cook it?
if some bullshit happens during the night you can quickly alt-f4 and it won't save in time
Does it only happen once? Did I screw myself by not answering as soon as possible?
it happens a lot but it's not the end of the world if you don't answer the door or go outside following firefly things
check the invitation at the wiki to see what you missed (and then never look at the wiki again until you finish the game, it ruins the experience)
Does this have anything to do with the "wedding" location? I scoured it during my first couple of days, but only found a locked door that requires a four digit code.
>you get an extra life,
Well, that's amazing. Yeah, I cooked it. Even more reason to restart so I don't waste it.
Nah, I would feel like that would invalidate my run. Thanks though.
That is exactly what it's for. They're inviting you to it and the invitation has the code.
The music and supernatural fuckery ramping up as it's getting close to the end of night is so fucking good. The sudden switch to morning and the relaxing music after it all is like having a huge weight lifted from your shoulders.
Got it. Thanks. I don't want to spoil the game for myself an more than this. Ruined too many other games that way.
you can buy wood and nails from the trader that visits your house every morning
yes and yes!
fuck yes thats a good one.
short as shit though, I'm talking like 4 hours max
I'm usually a big sap when it comes to horror games, but this looks really cool. Will this game be too spooky for me?
I really wanted to like this game but I guess I'm too casual for it. I couldn't progress at all and with every excursion I just got more fucked up.
This game is spooking me the likes of which no other game has done before, and I've always thought I could easily tolerate any horror game.
ah, not for me then