Literally impossible

Literally impossible.

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Literally git gud

>literally only one difficult phase
what were they thinking? at least make lightning do a shitton of health to you if you decide to reflect it as a risk/reward thing instead of making the final phase a joke

this was the boss that made me put in my refund request. it got denied. FUCK

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He is the second easiest humanoid boss after Cuckichiro

i want to see you srubs trying to handle this fucker

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He's ridiculously hard, he's probably the hardest and best boss fromsoftware has made now.

she looks like she's in her 40's


how is that, if people have done it that clearly makes it possible?

then some dude does it in less than a min.

I hate when the final boss of a game like this is super hard, it just makes me give up. Really hard bosses earlier in the game don't make me give up, because I want to keep playing and experience what else there is in the game after you beat that boss, but with the final boss, there's nothing after it when you beat it, so losing a lot to them can just make you not want to keep trying.

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this was the boss that made people on Yea Forums quit, hell my friend who got me into Dark Souls hasn't even beat him and he started sekiro before me.

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This board really is bad a video games

Only the third stage is truly difficult, but even that's winnable if you know how to bait him into his backwards jumping slash attack.

>play entire game
>wonder why you can't refund it
Lmao git gud, retard.

Who gets to the last fucking boss and quits.

>can't beat an old man in a bath robe and helmet on
Kek git gud

>Yea Forums in a nutshell

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Literally Impossible

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>going for vitality damage instead of just using the axe when he is stunned for massive posture damage

I need someone to explain this dumbass "literally impossible" meme? Without fail for the past year or so they've been about bosses that only took me two or three attempts to beat. I'm not even good either.

Only the first phase was difficult, after that you can just run around the map baiting one move and punishing it.

phase 1 is attack attack, parry parry until dead
phase 2 you umbrella+projected force his jump attack, run at him whenever possible

use blue sugar when learning his second phase

>phase 1
parry and side step the mortal blade strikes ( to your left )
>phase 2
>phase 3
parry and dodge all jumping attacks
>phase 4
same as phase 3 just reverse lightening strikes
not the best method by any means but as long as you're not mentally handicapped you can beat him this way pretty easily.

hesitation is defeat

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Midir is pathetically easy. Not to act like Sekiro is nearly as hard as shitters want to think, but Midir is a fucking joke.

the phase 2 attack where he sheathes and unsheates can be dodged by literally just walking backwards from when he sheathes the sword to when the second strike ends. i got into the habit of dodging back once when he unsheathes so that i could be a safe distance from it while still getting a hit in. walking back is good because it lets you regain posture.

the crossblade(? probably the wrong name)/double quick slash attack you mean? yeah, that's a good counter to it, I never really tried that. always just parried right when his sword flashes after it's in the hilt. easy parry if you know what to look for, but I'm sure the chip damage is the better option, especially since he does that move a lot in that phase and almost always at the very start.

Best method is actually walking towards him when he does that move. The deflection is very easy to achieve and the perilous sweep attack he performs afterwards can be countered by jumping on his head.

Cant you beat him?
Are you inept?
Surely you can predict his attacks?
Understandably, he's one of the hardest bosses,
Let alone one the last boss, but still come on man

With that axe animation he would have just hit him once and he had enough posture to survive. After that Isshin's dash would have killed you like it did to him.


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This would've killed me.

should have blocked then instead of going all out on a boss that was nowhere near dead

I don't understand why people have so many problems with Isshin, he is much more readable than Owl,and doesn't need a complete change of playstyle like DoH

just speaking for myself, but I only found him harder because of the number of phases and he has more attacks that do ~60% of your health.
my first time fighting him I always got overzealous and made too many dumb mistakes just trying to get through the fight a bit quicker. by the time I would get to phase 4 I would be almost out of common healing items and then would fuck up from feeling the pressure of being close to beating him with few items.
him and demon of hatred were the only ones I really got stuck on though.

Heavy build in ds3 is impossible.

Isshin is pretty easy.