Can we all agree that it was a good sci-fi fps despite not being a good Doom game?

can we all agree that it was a good sci-fi fps despite not being a good Doom game?

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Tried it a few months ago for the first time.
WAY too spooky for me (I hate horror stuff), but I can definitely see it being good for people who enjoy horror stuff.
Unpop opinion: I prefer the flashlight being a separate item and not taped to your head.

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regular edition yes, BFG ruins the one good thing Doom 3 had which was atmosphere

>WAY too spooky for me
PFAHAHAHAHAHA what a fucking sissy faggot you are
man the fuck up and go play The Forest

It's not good at being like Doom 1 and 2, but the real problem is how it isn't good at being horror either. It just exists in this weird middle ground where it has just enough horror elements to ruin the action and just enough action elements to ruin the horror.

It's a shame too because I'd totally be down for a game where even a couple of monsters is a huge deal but Doom 3 isn't it.

Hideous Destructor is what Doom 3 should have been.

It was better then bethesda's doom

This is what Doom3 should have looked and felt like

I feel you bro, I'm a chicken too and Doom 3 is probably the scariest game I've played, even tho it's mild as fuck compared to other actual horror games.

I enjoyed my one play through of it and the expansion, but had zero replay -- where the original I played for years.

It is a good game for what it is throughout and it became a good Doom game in the last chapter.

the only reason to play fps is multiplayer and goofy mods so nah

You guys are cute.

I don't get why you would make a game around lighting tech and then not have any concealment mechanics.

for me, it's riddick

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I fucking love Doom 3. Now I kind of want to replay it.

they're babies


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I actually really liked the original Xbox version.
They supposedly changed the levels to focus more on action and it was a more focused game desu.
Also looks great for an original Xbox game.

It was just a super generic early-mid 00's corridor shooter with monster closets. You walk into a room, lights go out, SPOOKY SOUNDS, then you just shotgun the monsters that spawn right behind you. Lights back on, move onto another room.

I somehow managed to have enough patience to beat the original campaign, it was all super samey and repetitive until the short section at the end where you finally get to go to hell.

Never played the expansion packs.

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Babies are cute.

DOOM3 is a great game
BFG sucks ass


actual pedo wtf

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it was literally the same “you enter a room and suddenly demons” game that D44M was, how can people like 3 but shit on 4?

meant for

This game awoken my guro fetish when lost soul ripped head off some chick

No, it was slow, boring drag with obvious scripted shit happening at the exact moment you were expecting it to happen
But hey, it looked nice

>t. zoomer
get a fucking taste instead of shitposting on your phone all day long