ITT: Bad game design

ITT: Bad game design.

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kill yourself.

to be fair that room does suck

The blocks all find in a fixed pattern and if you're on this screen you're on the Alucard path anyway so you can just fly up and skip it entirely. It's slow and boring if you don't have any hearts by that point but chances are you most likely have enough to fly past it.

Do you actually like having to spend several minutes waiting for blocks to fall? I don't think I've ever seen a more boring obstacle in a platformer.

i died in game so its bad

But what if you have Grant?

Well shit, you actually got me there. I guess you're stuck doing things the hard way unfortunately but I think you can use Grant to hang on the sides which minimizes risk.

That room was pretty shit

I just beat Castlevania III and don't remember that

You probably did the Sypha route then. She has a different Stage 7.

You're a faggot, but I agree that level is awful.

i always took the other route cause that one is a snoozefest

That stage was insane

You took the easy route, coward.

I did?

As for other characters I picked up a monkey dude who could climb and a faggot wizard. I wasn't aware of taking different routes.

>faggot wizard
That's a girl.

Yeah, Sypha's the easy route, and she's a girl btw.
I believe the game refers to her as a he, don't remember.

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>posting gypsy Sypha

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>Yeah, Sypha's the easy route
Funnily enough she has a harder time in Stage 9 because Alucard can just fly through all the difficult parts. That's really her only downside, she turns bosses into a joke.

literally undefendable

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I used save state after getting past that room and I don't feel bad about it.

What's with Stage 7 in video games always being full of bullshit? OP, , heck even Sonic 2 shits out Oil Ocean for stage 7

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I haven't played this game, what makes this so bullshit? Seems like a fairly easy jump?

t. never played cv3

Gradius 3's "Cube Rush".
Parodius's Rank system.

Those are falling blocks setting the environment around you, and that includes being able to bonk you on the head. Knockback will drop you in the pits, and classic CV games don't have air control so you dedicate jumps. CV3 is full of memorization and beginner's traps that are basically designed to take a life or two before you either figure out an optimal path through or simply shoulder your way through - and the US version making all the enemy damage scale to ludicrous degrees means that trying to shoulder through can result in a single enemy taking half or more of your health late game.

Oil Ocean was fine, Sonic 2 falls apart after it even though I kinda really like Metropolis Zone. I'm surprised you didn't mention F-Zero GX's legendary chapter 7.

It is pretty easy, just incredibly boring.

Attached: CV3_bullshit.webm (320x240, 2.91M)

>J-just use item 2!
It's literal shit level design, there is no warning, no preempting, no indication. It is literal trial and error as you can only learn by dying.

Same with the death beams in quickmans stage, you have to know where to transition on the edge of the screen for most of the level otherwise you simply cannot make it in time.
>B-but Megamans is the best game ever 10/10 gotyay

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DUDE Shakespeare

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At least this level design has a bypass method. The Boobeam Trap is a different story.

Since posting that I remembered this one aswell

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>game has an ingame timer
>but it's a slow scripted sequence
The fucking wors-Ne,ermind, this is the worst. On a full tank, you can make ONE mistake as long as you put a bomb in the right spot to hit two of the doors at once.

Hope you brought heals boy

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>Those are falling blocks

Okay I take it back, that sounds and looks absolutely retarded.

The worst part is it's the longest level in the game. That falling blocks screen is only the halfway mark, there's a boss fight right before the tetris screen, then when you eventually reach the end of the level there's a boss rush of three boss fights. You lose your lives on the boss rush you gotta start all over again. Absolute low IQ subhuman tier level design.

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Why do people defend CV3 when it has so many shitty design decisions? 4, RoB, Bloodlines, Chronicles and hell even 1 are better games of the classicvanias.

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Because they don't want to say that the first of a series is the best, can't say that Simon's Quest of all things is the best, so that defaults it to Number 3.

It's by far the worst level in the game. Given how well-designed the rest of the game is it's strange it even exists at all. Still the best Castlevania, though.

did a playthrough where I had no healing items left for this section.

end of that run.

For a newer player it's the same situation on the plane tyrant fight

It made a lot of advancements for the classicvania design, and when it's not being stupid levels of hard just to fuck with you and waste your time, it is pretty solid. It's just that Konami went way, way overboard with it.

Not to mention this stage was an absolute gauntlet. Wasn't it like 9 or so sections? plus a 3x boss at the end.

That level aside I think CVIII has the strongest level design in the series. My biggest issue with it is that the alternative characters aren't that fun to play to me, so I usually just stick with Trevor the whole way through save for OP's example where I'll switch to Alucard to fly up. The bosses are probably its weakest point.

Taken middle school english since yesterday user?

No, I live in Spain

christ what were they thinking

i think the fact that its so easy and at the same time so time consuming is what makes it tedious game design

>grind for boss
>boss is easy
>don't grind for boss
>boss is challenging because you didn't put any time into grinding

>enemy tactics don't improve or change via difficulty settings
>late game enemies just have armor

>difficulty selection
>game not focused on being balanced as an overall challenging experience

Why didn't you read the manual then faggot?

For people who only played the remakes, stages 4-4 and 7-4 gave no chimes or anything if you were on the wrong path so you could be spending ages go through the same sections over and over without knowing why.