I just got fired from my job as a chef at McDonald’s. What games should I play now?
I just got fired from my job as a chef at McDonald’s. What games should I play now?
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If you're working at McDonalds, you aren't a chef, you're a cook.
A chef owns their menu. You owned nothing. And even more now, you probably won't own anything.
the guy who makes the recipes is a legit chef tho
Chef? Lmao
not your blog
How the fuck did you get fired from McDonalds?
probably showing up high.
Angry birds
Did you cum into the food or something
Wow, have sex, incel.
Don't worry, OP. I used to be a chef at Wendy's and now am a sandwich artist at Subway. It gets better. Anyways, I suggest Papa's Burgeria. Keep fresh on your skills as they say.
How the hell did you get fired from mcdonalds?
The Game of Life, retard
isn't that a prerequisite for getting the job in the first place?
Lmao wagies gotta stick together right?
>a chef owns their menu
is that the literal difference between both? Not being facetious here
By being a jackass
>"woah dude i like really like hamburgers and fries"
>"That's the spirit we're looking for! Welcome to the team son!"
>sandwich artist
fancy way of saying woman
Once you're working in a place like Subway, you don't see yourself as a wagie. It's a career, honey. Maybe you'll have one in the future.
cook, serve, delicious ratard
Ok. I'll bite.
Generally they make their own recipes too
Technically yes. And the hat, in some countries.
More like by being a nigger
Yeah, technically a line cook. A chef is suppose to be the master of the menu, a sous chef makes sure that the food is standard to menu, and a line cook makes the food in the order of delivery.
that too
No shit, that's an actual regulated thing? That's gotta be in France or Italy or one of those right?
I thought there were chefs and something called a sous-chef, who was the head
why would there be multiple chefs if only one can own the menu?
>Chef at McDonald's
>Puts a basket of frozen pre-cut fries into a vat of oil at a predetermined temperature
That would be like me calling myself a software engineer for changing settings in a videogame.
If you aren't stoned 24/7 while working a fucking McJob then you are doing it wrong.
based city
cringe town
>mfw i read that filename as "flcl progressive"
Go get a job as a Sandwich Artist at subway instead.
But as it turns out, that might be what you gÃEt
There is a difference, but chefs will typically have a cooking degree and are professional, while cooks are not.
Why you gotta be so mean
This thread is full of counter-bait right? No one is this new?
I can confirm the hat is a very serious thing in France, for any chef that has the least bit of esteem about his profession.
You were a burger flipper. Barely even a cook.
>McDonald's chef b8
>newfags still reply to it years later
At this point Yea Forums gwtsvtrolled more than it trolls.
ahahahahhahahh oh no no no ahahahahahahaa
Wow it's almost like that's the point of his b8 you fucking moron, dont worry at least you're in good company with all the other mongoloid here.
Sous means under so that word is literally under-chef. It means someone who takes direct orders from the chef, usually they prepare shit and make the easier stuff.
never been to france, but surely it's mostly in "high-end" restaurants? or just some fags trying to look important?
Overcooked 2
So many newfags