These are the """"""""""wo""""""""""""""""""""""""men"""""""""""""" telling you to stop posting wojak

these are the """"""""""wo""""""""""""""""""""""""men"""""""""""""" telling you to stop posting wojak

Attached: tc.jpg (1192x672, 255K)

That one tranny is pretty funny though. And evidently popular. Are you jelly, OP?

>these are the people telling you to "have sex"

wojak is reddit

in addition to all the regular males also telling you to stop because it's beyond stale and unfunny


Top left is do able don't @ me.


Just remember Yea Forums, that these are the subhumans that call you an incel and tell you to have sex.

the absolute state of americans

have sex incel

If that makes you feel better, sure. It only takes one click to hide them, nobody's losing sleep over it.

>all white dudes

black man here, yall going crazy.

Why is this board so obsessed over trans people?

Attached: 1557490933912.jpg (316x423, 24K)

Attached: KEEP CALM and snibbedi-snab!.jpg (732x814, 166K)

I'm Nigerian and I demand to know why are they all white? Vidyas without those feel?

Social degenerates laughing at other social degenerates to make themselves feel better

and yet your political side designates pepe a hate symbol lmao

Fuck off wojak

all me

>trans people
trannies, not "people", trannies

So that's the power of self-proclaimed ''''''''''oldfags'''''''''''

Because they are not human over here at Nigeria. People kill them for fun like vidya games.

Poorly repressed trannylust.

I designate it as also tired and unfunny, literally modern day ragefaces while whining about reddit and normies in the same breath

why whites are so obsessed with being a tranny. most sjw trannies or landwhale feminists on Yea Forums are whites, and they are much louder than anyone else and absolutely fragile. white fragility is real.

Underages and newfags