I was trying to convince a friend of mine to pick up Dark Souls and was gushing about the different mechanics and how they make the game such a unique experience. And in my gushing I said "It has the best combat system of any game, ever." Immediately after saying it, I realized it was true.
I don't have to break down the why to you guys, but with the variety of movesets, balancing of equipment and the whole classic idea of "easy to learn, difficult to master," the Dark Souls combat mechanics are the best in video game history, and the mechanics in DS3 are tighter than ever.
From what I hear, there are some slight balancing adjustments to be made for spell-casting and certain weapons, but overall, I still think it's the best ever.
Is Dark Souls 3 the best combat system of all time?
>dark souls
>best anything
This is how you find the brainlets
Go home girls. This right here is the pinnacle
How can it have the best combat system when Sekiro exists?
It's actually the most boring Souls game because all those weapons play the same and don't feel like they have that much of a benefit or trade off between each other.
The Platdrones are here already.
Kamiya is a hack, "character action" is not a genre.
Souls games, save for possibly Bloodborne, have very one-on-one focused mechanics. I've been playing a lot of Dark Souls Remastered, and it's nothing but fishing for backstabs or trying to time a parry. Because of the lock-on, it's very easy to circle-strafe enemies, especially if you're wearing light armor.
Not to imply that it isn't fun, but it certainly isn't the greatest combat ever. It's challenging in its own right, but it's no where near as engaging as Dark Messiah.
No. Are you insane?
Yes he is when games like are posted.
Personally I like Souls simple combat over DMC flashy combo-based combat. Ninja Gaiden II have my personal favorite combat overall.
name one 3D game with better world design than DaS1
>its the shitty cycle of new game = bad, old game = good
no DS3 will never be good
People don't realize that the combat is designed to fit the rest of the game. The entire experience is about being uncomfortable and getting punished for your mistakes, and that's what the combat system does well, especially by throwing more than one enemy at you.
Gothic II
Soul Reaver
Mind you, these are just games that came out before Dark Souls.
Who could be this delusional
But the combat system isn't designed for more than one enemy encounter. That's one of the biggest reasons why Dark Souls 2 is so bad; the game relentless throws hoards of enemies at you, when the player has no sort of crowd control abilities.
>God Hand
Exactly my point. However, Dark Souls 2 isn't bad only because it throws so many enemies at you. It's bad because those enemies don't play by the same rules as you, and track you during their windups to mitigate fishing for those backstabs.
Bottom line is the combat is good for the game that it's in, but when I say people putting it on a pedestal, or worse, trying to emulate it in Skyrim, I just cringe.
Well, the enemies don't play the same rules in any Souls game. They can all attack through walls, attack through other enemies, have lots of tracking (this isn't really an issue) and so on.
>the combat is good for the game that it's in
I agree with this. The combat is quite good, but I never considered it the main appeal of these games.
>fag outs himself as a clueless idiot on videogames and didn't even bother playing one with actual good combat
The tracking in Dark Souls 1 isn't to the point where you can't circle-strafe, though. Dark Souls 2 on the other hand... it's one of the reasons why I couldn't get into it, as well as just generally not being good at the game at the time.
And zoomer wonder why they are considered retards.
Google about the fucking game you retarded piece of shit.
No Sekiro has a lot on bb and DS3 combat but DS3 is probably the most aesthetically beautiful game I’ve played. Some of the architecture and vistas are gorgeous.
Dark Souls 3 looks like garbo, though. The entire game has a marmalade filter on it.