Never played one of these before but would like to give it a shot. Where is the best place to start?

Never played one of these before but would like to give it a shot. Where is the best place to start?

Attached: final.jpg (620x420, 70K)

You posted it

7 is the first game in the Final Fantasy series so that one

Wait for the remake. You'll thank me when you appreciate that it's gameplay will be superior to the original's.

If you are okay with 2d sprites 5
If not and you are a graphics fag then don't bother

Final Fantasy 9

6 is better.

>muh actiony but not too actiony hitting walls to do special attacks all with an overabundance of particle effects

Probably Final Fantasy 4, 6, 7 or 9. Maybe FF1 if you don't mind old games

Final Fantasy 7 is 6 but good. People only pretend to like 6 more because 7 is immensely popular

Anyone who considers ATB to be superior to KH style combat can be safely written off as an ignoramus.

There is nothing good or clever about FF7's actual combat system aside from how cool the camera angles look when you perform summons.


6 is better and has likable characters. Next up should be 8, then 10, then FFT, and finally FFTA

I would start on the first disk.

>implying the remake wont be FFXV combat again

I'd say any of the GBA remakes, IV if you want more story focus, V if you want more gameplay focus, VI if you want something in between.

Honestly it doesn't matter that much. Personally I started with 4, but it really depends what type of game you'd prefer. If you want something story heavy go with 4, 6 or 7 while if you just want a simple RPG try out 1, 3 or 5.

>how cool the camera angles look when you perform summons.

That was the worst part of the system you absolute faggot. Shit taste

>FFVII:R will have "hold O to win" and being KO'ed granting you a minute to freely heal yourself with any item before you die 'for real'

It could have been ff12 atb to counteract all the retarded "lol standing in line waiting" retardedness

True, but even that needed more refinement to avoid repetition.

Start with a fantasy one like 4 or 5

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