How come nobody is talking about this? It looks dope.
A Plague Tale Innocence
>movie game
hard pass, not buying your game
>why is no one talking about my shitty walking sim
where exactly is the "game" part located?
yeah man, I'm definitely an AA publisher's shill on the internet. if anything I'd shill another game for them, Styx, since I know for a fact that game is underrated kino
anyway Plague Tale seems to be a stealth game like Last of Us or whatever, if that's a shitty movie game to you then I guess we gotta agree to disagree
I actually bought it a couple days after it released. I really enjoyed it. Clapping stones on soldier foreheads was so satisfying.
> girl has tight leather pants
>no ass shots in the entire game
Such a shame, it made me enjoy the game a whole lot less.
the last of us was a video game though
Just fucking post some closeups of the girl's face and tits and ass or something. You clearly don't know how to create successful threads here, making you look like a shill.
they SPECIFICALLY covered up her ass with a little tunic thing. and she speaks french too what a waste
That's because of cover shooting (getting shot through walls).
I don't get why people are saying this but I haven't seen the trailer, does the trailer not have gameplay? It's a fucking stealth game where you sneak around soldiers/trick them, solve puzzles, run away from swarms of rats etc.
Entire game is an escort mission. A stealth escort mission.
She's 15 you fucking perverts.
How short is the game?
alright guys here me out
we make the last of us again... but before firearms
and you can't use any weapons except a slingshot and maybe some magic powers later on ehhh
it's literally just a walking simulator
You can't discuss narrative driven games on this cuckbarrel of an image board. Quit now. There are people who legitimately played this game, and even liked it, but we know better than trying to discuss it here.
in that century, 15 was 18
6 inches
God of War was a narrative driven single-player GAME and it had a lot of GAMEPLAY to go with the family drama story.
Perfect breeding age
I understand the dislike for super linear cinematic games, but sometimes they're well done. This one seems to be pretty cool.
Plot and dialogue isn't even that good. The only good parts are the parts where you get to play. Too bad nearly 80% of the game, you just walk.
Yea and APT also has a healthy dose of gameplay, but no one cares. Also GoW still has people shitting all over just because of its narrative.
You should go back to discussing it on reddit.
>sneak around soldier
>he sees you and chases you
>throw alchemy dust in his face
>as you are running away, a plague of rats stars pouring out of the walls and you have to escape by knocking some pig corpses in their way and lighting a torch because they hate light
I don't know bro, I can't find this elusive gameplay you're talking about. It is a mystery.
Solving puzzles,sneaking around soldiers, and straight up using your items to kill them. Play the game.
Put it back in the deck.
Walking sims don't last more than a week being discussed. You just pirate and play them and move on.
w-well I guess she has cute hands
the gameplay loop is:
>scripted stealth section
>if you somehow fuck that up use consumable
>run torch to torch from rats
>the torches have a time limit! but not really since you get everywhere faster than they can burn out
it's only kind of a game like how riding a bike with training wheels is like riding a motorcycle
>straight up
>using your items
age of consent in France is 15 retards, the devs did it on purpose
>1346 A.D.
She's cute so it's okay. It's only wrong when it's ugly goblinas like Aloy.
Shes cute and has some nice legs.
r34 when?
strong woman is just to get around her age
>believing promotional drivel
just play the game man, shes only physically trained and strong in the sense that she has to take care of herself and her brother in a world where everyone is dying and theres people purging infected villages.
>the ahistorical image board brainlet chatting shit about history again
tip: women, for most of history, especially rural ones, were expected to work like everybody else. I have my own incel tier disdain for women but you can't deny reality, the idea that women should not work is a big R Romanticist/Victorian worldview only a couple centuries old. (((they))) are not going to let women sit around doing nothing because that's leaving money on the table, women were squeezed just like the peasant men.
hunting culture varies but time and place but the idea of a teenage girl hunting or poaching with her father is not unusual at all. I'm not specifically aware'd on 14th century france so idk those details, but just generally the year 1346 by itself doesn't mean shit
>Plague Tale seems to be a stealth game like Last of Us
It's not. You walk along a straight hallway and you wait for gards to turn around to sneak past. It's a slight puzzle game, where you must find the correct way to get past enemies, or get the timing right.
Still a pretty cool walking simulator, the setting is somewhat unique and the swarms of rats are amazing and scary as shit. Every level has some creepy factor, like seas of blood and fields of dead pigs, etc. The voice acting is great and the characters are pretty believable.
How much stealth is required and how much hand holding is there?
If you want a joke answer, 90% of the game is hand holding.
>Stealth game
Look, Stealth is just strategic walking. Unless you have mechanics around stealth, it’s not an excuse.
Last Of Us is not a stealth game
MGSV is a stealth game.
Please study the difference, shill. And leave.
Well that's a fucking shame, dropped
How's Amicia's foot game?
This could be a good Yea Forums banner for the next time the contest rolls around, but it might be a bit too big to squeeze into 468 x 60
non existent, devs gave us no fanservice of any kind.
the joke is that you're holding your little brother's hand because you are leading him around. the game does seem pretty hand-holdy in a design sense though. it's very linear at least.
Into the trash it goes then.
That's how you know it's a good game.
>Walking Simulator
>AI Partner escort
Why would that be good? Stealth tends to be a horrible genre due the idea that slow movement == sneaky, and level design tends to be awful due lack of movement abilities.
And walking simulators are fine, but that by itself is bad. So what happens when you combine poor horrible walking movement with STEALTH and escort?
The duality of man
the game jumped the shark at xiii
>Stealth tends to be a horrible genre due the idea that slow movement == sneaky
play styx as mentioned here you are an agile little goblin dude jumping on roofs and ziplines, movement is very central to styx's design. the second styx game is in my top 3 stealth games of all time because it avoids the very thing you are describing. the first game is a bit rough and feels really indie, but it's worth playing just for the setup to the 5/5 second game
goddamn I want another styx game so bad bros. also captain helledryn is my wife
Yet another example of "I haven't played it" the post. And next they'll say "I don't have to play it to know it's shit". Good gravy.
I see, no chance for much exploration, what about collectables?
I fucking hate those things
I wouldn't mind Styx 3 if they changed the writer, the gameplay went up in the sequel but the story took a nosedive.
it apparently does but not very many
Too old
Because the main character doesn't show enough skin and the gameplay doesn't appeal to the adhd manchildren
Yep there are collectibles. About 2-3 in most chapters.
fuck, but thank you, guess ill wait for the bargain bins
why do people hate the story in 2, it's one of the best parts. some of the jokes are retarded like the assassin's creed reference, but that's fine, styx is like your boomer uncle who won't shut the fuck up with the bants and it gives the game a lot of soul
I suspect some of the dislike for Shards of Darkness style writing comes from the fact that everything has to be cloaked in five layers of irony today, you can't just make a joke about taking a shit with perfect timing these days because tHaT'S tOo BaSic (and also reddit)
wtf are you smoking, the first story had a linear plot with some twists and turns and stayed coherent until the climax. The second game's character gameplay and setting were great but the story went shitall, Styx somehow thought it was a good idea to accept some shady deal for some dozen bottles of shit he can find in a few days, infiltrate a high security fortress multiple times, found out something bad that he had no emotional investment in but decides to keep digging deeper into it without expressing any clear reason why, sticking his head into the guillotine by entering the same fortress multiple times and it wasn't even about making money ending on a cliff hanger when you're about to fight some dude who you don't like but have no particular reason to fight to the death.
Good graphics and setting. Everything else about it looks weak. Weak movement animation. Weak voice acting. Weak facial animations. Weak characters. Weak score.
he did all that stuff in the beginning because he thought helledryn was going to give him a bunch of shit from the CARNAGE treasury, then when they invade his hideout he basically has dark elves looking around to murder them, so he goes back to fuck their shit up and figure what's going on/get some quartz in the process. I will agree with you that it's kinda jankily explained in some parts but his motivations make sense
its in medieval france so its totally okay
Be honest, is it actually good?
I like the trailers and the setting, but fear that all you do is Stealth and manipulate rats though light