Kill my father.
Kill my father
Why is her neck freakishly long? Does modding skyrim qualify as a mental disorder?
Anime has no place in skyrim.
ok but first I breed you. THEN i go.
She doesn't look like Serana.
Loli Serana a best
>make best girl
>cant marry her
goddamn you todd
Welp. I guess it's time to buy Skyrim again.
I get wanting to improve on bethesda models, but what's the point if it just ends up looking NOTHING the original character?
Might as well jack off to something else entirely.
Reminder that Todd makes these threads.
There's a reason you never see any of these models in motion. Autists just wanna play with their dolls
What are Todd's favorite porn mods Yea Forums?
Lydia what you think about the Dwemer or Deep Folk?
Seriously is this a shitty custom model or is there some new npc replacer?
Now we're talking.
Your wish is my command, m'lady
>wanting to marry Molags cold sloppy seconds
Shahvee is the only lady worth marrying.
Making the women in the game attractive is the sole reason i want to mod Skyrim but i have no clue how
Not new, this replacer came from 2017.
The body is custom model.
I see. I just found her actually.
I just want to see the body values and recreate them for my bodyslide
Oh fuck the mod itself has no mesh data
The body based from 7 base oppai.
Honestly I didn't even play Skyrim on PC. It was just installing mods until you burn out and lose interest for months at a time.
If you want only bodies just download CBBE. Comes with a tool that can generate meshes that mimic other mods.
Thanks a lot
Follow a good modding guide, you'll quickly get a nice fully modded game and learn how it all work in the process, most will guide you through installing all the pretty girls anyway (because everyone love it)