That's all it takes for a burglar to break into your house with the intent to steal your Vidya.
The last video game character you played as is the only person who can protect you.

How fucked are you?

Attached: burglar.jpg (315x367, 32K)

pootis POW! haha!
You are dead!

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> The last video game character you played as is the only person who can protect you.
El Presidente will protect me! Yaay!




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>she transform into elephant, not only easily able to crush him but block him from entering my place with her massive size.

Yeah okay good luck local burglar.

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Testarossas are overrated.

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Absolutely fucked
Although at least the court case for my murder will be pretty neato

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haha what if she farted while she was turned into an elephant haha just as a funny joke lol :)

Burglar is slipped, farted on, then beaten to death with a toolbox.

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