People Criticizing ‘Anthem’ Don’t Understand The Developer’s Vision

Well, Yea Forums? Why don't you get the developers' visions?

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And that's a good thing

There was no vision. The creative lead left just a few years in. The developers themselves didn’t know wtf they were working on most of the time

>"that had to come out this past fiscal year"

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>Well, Yea Forums? Why don't you get the developers' visions?
I suppose the OP didn't realize this was from The Onion

Creators vision doesnt matter if the game is shit. I'm sure there was a vision for andromeda but it doesnt change the fact it wasnt very good. Game journalists are borderline retarded I think.

>the onion

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Onion news= professional fake news outlet

Bait harder OP

>the onion

God damnit OP

Primo, ze onion.
Secundo, in case OP is actually serious, what vision? Anthem rotted in creative hell for YEARS because nobody has the balls to make decisions in cubicle farms these days. Then the higher ups sic a retard-plague of a man upon them and what we get is absolute shit. This is basically the joke The Onion is making, here.

>the onion
wow OP you fell for it

Yes, I don't understand why they would make that shit of a game, instead of KOTOR 3.

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I rented this game to form my own opinion.

My own opinion is it's bad. In all the ways already stated by countless others, but I never hear anybody bring up just how fucking annoying the writing is. It causes me physical pain. Its like everybody is trying to our Reddit each other.

well, the devs did have a vision but the game turned out nothing like it

Here we fucking go again with bioware I wish they would just fuck off and die already

Blah blah blah, they went woke, got broke. Politically Correct posturing is no substitute for a technically sound game with compelling mechanics. Oh and actually attractive women doesn't hurt either. Wanna guess what Anthem doesn't have? Any of the above.

Their vision is irrelevant. What matter is the quality of the product they actually deliver.

You already got KOTOR 3.

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I dont understand why they would make a shit of a game like any of the kotors instead of something good.

You are some of the DUMBEST motherfuckers I have seen today.
Also fuck off if you say you commented ironically.

Grilled onions are pretty good on a cheese burger

>There was no vision.

Literally this. Wasn't their big REVEAL pretension just smoke and mirrors with no idea if half of those features will even make it in?

>read that article about how it was development
>devs were forbidden from bringing up Destiny comparisons, despite clearly making a game of the same type
No wonder they made a ton of same mistakes.

Star Wars is fucking gay shit

the author is dead

>onion gamers network

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you really don't want them to make kotor 3

The developers 'vision' was fat stacks of cash and it didn't work out for them.

right. they didn't know if they wanted to be a looter shooter or a bioware story game.

is that why mods decided to go with that wordfilter?

>People attacking Anthem need to understand the developer’s vision, which was a AAA third-person shooter that absolutely had to come out in the fiscal year ending March 31.

KOTOR 3, 4, 5 6 AND 7 or whatever their stupid ass quote was

The official Twitter account has been silent for a month, I don't think they have a vision anymore

its artistic integrity all over again. bioware is legitimately the most conceited and arrogant AAA developer on the market in my opinion, and are currently still a karma houdini as well

>faggots keep falling for The Onion

lmao @ the people ITT who go trolled by the fucking Onion in 2019.

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sith warrior story was amazing

I didn't know Toriyama joined Nintendo, thanks The Onion

do you think he showed up at work with a fake voice?

>triumphant pride precipitates a dizzying fall

its really a wonder how this clowntown dev is still functioning

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>You don’t understand our vision

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They deserve every ounce of shit this game rained down on them. I understand if you dont think KOTOR or NWN were really the best games ever, they werent. But they took the time to make them, payed attention to detail, and brought some ok stuff to the table. But this. Andromeda. What they did to Dragon age. Fuck. I hate everything they have become and the fact that they are failing makes me both happy and sad. They cannot be trusted to make an "ok" game any more, its fucking over. The talent left will leave as it gets worse, to retire or start new studios because Bioware is floundering so badly. Video game crash when? It NEEDS to happen for it to get better.

People arent shitting on the original staff who had an image of an interesting semi-realistic space survival game where you had to rough it in alien terrains.
People are criticizing the visionless hacks and corporate suits that morphed that idea into a bog-standard shlooter

people have already forgotten Anthem even happened and are getting hyped up again for dragon age 4. I mean with consumers are mindless and stupid as these you can't really fault publishers taking advantage of them every chance they get

Reading about the production and what led up to this shit, there WAS no vision, just a bunch of vague ideas thrown around at meetings for YEARS. They changed leads multiple times, rotated staff multiple times, and had no direction except "different". When they had to pony up they were out of time.
Its a fucking joke. But the investors see the failing profits easy enough.

there is no way people actually fall for onion articles in the year two thousand nineteen

Vision doesn't count for shit if the product is worthless. That's like saying that people who paid for my beautiful MSPaint picture that shows a breath-taking panorama of a titanic dragon in all it's stunning glory are not allowed to criticize it or its $15000 price tag.

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Fuck this shitty society

>there is no way people actually fall for the most credible news outlet in the year two thousand nineteen

They fall for much, much, worse. Which makes console wars and /pol/ threads so poisonous.

>onion articles on vidya are almost indistinguishable from actual seriously published articles on videogames

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Oh they do, i've seen people argue for far less shit simply because they read one headline from some nobody news site. Kind of like the chimps here that see a thread with a twitter from a literal who that has 5 followers and think it's a widely argued point.

They go for that sometimes.

Not like this bros

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Bioware is a giant sack of shit.

Haha where is the upvote my frind.

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resetera does a lot, they'll kiss EA's ass if they include progressive propaganda. Suddenly loot boxes and micro transactions don't matter if a black faggot is the main protagonist

How will they ever recover

How do you make money writing the equivalent of "Hey Patrick what's funnier than 24?"

I really like the thin layer of subtlety. It comes off as a standard games site article only with a thin veil of velvet disguising the sledgehammer. I like to imagine games journos reading it with an ashamed facial expression but who am I kidding.

Games journos would unironically agree with the entire article

Isn't the Onion getting sold off again along with Kotaku?

that was actually funny

>Had to come out
EA's shitty production decisions are not my burden.

You now realize the only reason the shitshow that was FO76 got covered so gleeful is because Bethesda isn't cozy with the gaming press.

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Based Onion commiepilling gamers by exposing the destructive shortsightedness capitalism.

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Toxic fucking gamers it's your fault the game is shit

It's not the developer's vision if it's tied to a fiscal year, it's the publishers.

Whoa. Really?

It's the competition announcing they're making their flagship product's next iteration when it's actual planned one isnt even out yet. It's funny, you fucking autist.

It's not really satire if it doesn't fool idiots.

Did you faggots really, REALLY think that desperate contrarianism just to gauge attention is somehow Yea Forums specific invention?

That is so fucking laughable.