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She's pretty cute at least.
Still going to fuck Sae though.
Whats Mary sue about that shes just literally showing off her flexibility
What's next, is she gonna save a cat from a tree?
>does a flip just to grab a balloon barely off the ground
Any shitty character can get a fanbase as long as they're a cute anime girl, it's so annoying.
Cute squid
>someone who does gymnastics is fast and can jump high
Yeah, such a mary sue
I hope she turns out the Patrick Bateman levels of fucked up under the perfect exterior.
Sae will not get any new content, especially not a fucking romance.
I wonder what they'd do if it turned out she killed a bunch of people, considering how easily they would have forgiven Goro.
I hope this somehow leads to /ss/ porn
Except that no one in the phantom thieves is a super athlete. sure, they can move and do a lot of crazy shit, but they have magic on their side.
This girl is a superathlete, she is not a regular person like the other guys. Thats what makes her a sue.
Being a good person and a gymnast isnt being a mary sue, thats just rare to see.
I define a mary sue as an ifalible cosmic entity that seems to warp everything so that the world focuses on them being best.
>Mary Sue
What the fuck was that? Is she gonna save Morgana from a tree too? Hahahahaha
Nah bro. She's probably gonna be little miss perfect since she's the new girl and they gotta show her off over the others. They're probably gonna have her save Goro too
That's a loli
>his previous shitposting thread died
>better make a new one
You're sad, sad person, OP.
I dont think you understand what a mary sue is
I bet you would be pleasuring yourself if Joker did that instead
/ll/ then
I'm talking about the little girl
>Implying Atlus will let a romanceable character ever be anything more than a pure cinnamon roll
The Kasumi dickriding is going to be unbearable. I already hate Marie 2.0.
I just woke up, saw that shit and made this thread you fucking faggot
>Jumps 2 feet to grab a balloon
>Super athlete
Maybe to you couch potato
>>Implying Atlus will let a romanceable character ever be anything more than a pure cinnamon roll
>What ia Futaba
>what is 90% of the Catherine game
Don't lie on the internet, kid.
>Being athletic means being a Mary Sue
C'mom user
It wasn’t even that high of a jump you fucking fatass.
thats too complex for Atlus to handle
What a plain looking bitch, no wonder most people thought she was FeMC
There is unironically nothing wrong with a plain-looking girl.
>slightly athletic is mary sue to fat fucks
>Implying she's not replacing Goro as the traitor.
this would bump the game up to a solid 6 for me
>she's an ally of justice
count me in
Imagine whiteknighting a fictional character
shut up tsumugi
Meh, P4G was great in spite of Marie's presence.
>hordes of fatlus drones are going to buy this game just to pretend-bang some new mary sue waifu, just like they did with golden
>Except that no one in the phantom thieves is a super athlete
Joker displays highly advanced calisthenics and gymnastic feats in the palaces, plus you have a super hacker, super artist, super genius and super rich girl on your team.
I'm ok with that. Though honestly I'm doing it for more content.
>Does flip
>Mary Sue???
By that retarded logic Akihiko is a Gary Stu because punching boxing. Shit bait/10
in order to get the extra content you HAD to bear her faggotry, that was fucking awful
I hope they change that in this version
Akihiko is an immensely flawed character with severe social problems. Kasumi is marketed specifically as being flawless by Atlus.
I think she's being called a Mary Sue not cause she's being athletic, but because she saved that child's balloon. They could be setting her up to be beloved by everyone in the community with no flaws of her own
akihiko didnt punched a dude in order to grab some kid's balloon and show off how much of a good person he is
Not all new scenes required Marie but still it was a fun dungeon in spite of requiring spending time with her.
Ann is a model, and supposedly maintains her model level looks and body with minimal effort.
Haru is the daughter of a rich businessman and later is owner of his company.
Hifumi is a pro level shogi player.
A character being a skilled athlete really isn't that out there for Persona 5.
Alright, fair enough. But just gotta wait and see how her story plays out first though.
Hifumi LOST tho
>People thought she wouldn't be Marie 2.0.
Ya'll niggas stupid.
>>This girl is a superathlete
She does rhythmic gymnastics, you sperg.
This fanbase has acted like they never given flak to plenty of "flawed," characters in this series and never acted they preferred characters with less issues in comparison to those flawed characters.
Who didn't see this one coming?
Futaba's autism is played off in an endearing way and isn't a real flaw. I'll give you the characters in Cathrine, but that game has a very different tone from Persona.
Womanlets can’t be Sues, cause womanlets aren’t perfect.
But she is ultra-cute.
>Akihiko is talking to protagonist.
>Child's balloon starts to fly off.
>Jumps up mid sentence, punches the sky, makes it cringe in pain and drop the balloon back to Earth.
>a character having a talent, in a group where mostly everyone is has some talent or quirk that sets them above most people, makes them a mary sue
>her talent isn't even some dumb shit like "super hacker" she's just atheltic
Congrats on winning my "dumbest post of the day" award so early
>Game demonizes every single palace ruler except the two beautiful women.
>Every single woman with a character portrait in the game aside from Sae (storyline complications) and Shiho (used goods) can be fucked.
>"Maybe this girl will have extreme flaws!"
How womanlet are we talking about?
>Futaba's autism is played off in an endearing way
Futaba's issues has almost driven her to a fucking suicide, if there weren't phantom tieves to poke around her psyche she would either wind up dead or on a medication.
It took over a month of effort from an entire group of people to just drag her out of her home and even more for her to even be able to perform basic things like shopping without Joker's aid. If you think those aren't real flaws you're fucked in the head.
Try saying it without the word salad this time, user.
I want to date a plain-looking girl.
I want her to blush and be surprised someone would ask out her, a plain-looking girl.
I want to have a romantic and fulfilling long-lasting relationship with her, filled with ordinary dates and gentle, affectionate bodily contact.
I want to tell her I love her and see her turn bright red and to have her respond that she loves me too, barely managing to stammer the words because of how much her head is spinning.
I want to see her blush again and be continually surprised at how much I still like her when I ask her to marry.
I want to impregnate her and have her give birth to plain-looking children who will go on to live plain lives.
I want to grow old with her and reminisce on our plain lives that were entirely satisfactory, just because they were plain.
Ahh, I want to date a plain girl so bad.
>Every single woman with a character portrait in the game aside from Sae (storyline complications) and Shiho (used goods) can be fucked.
Blatantly untrue. Can't fuck the other teachers, that model from Ann's confidant or the lolis.
Futaba fun-sized, maybe an inch taller. The other girls clear her easily.
I didn’t save the height comparison pic but I know what I saw, no bully
There's a big difference between "is this a serious problem in real life' and "is the narrative treating this as a flaw or an endearing character trait."
Futaba's autism is treated as a crippling, self-terminating flaw when she's not your friend, but as a cute, funny, whimsical thing as soon as you start her S-Link. It's treated as something that makes her more desirable instead of a problem.
Damn, got me there, I was trying to exclude the creepy girl. Fine, exclude characters who appear during school scenes and other character's confidants.
Akihiko dodged bullets at point blank. Total Mary Sue
That truant is anything but normal.
Chie is at fault for P4.
That's plot armor.
He'd be a Gary Stu if he was dodging bullets at point blank range to make a child's day better and the other characters went "woah, he's so cool" and he started talking about virtuous things.
Is the third semester a new epilogue past the ending of the original game or is it a redone post 12/25 scenario?
Maybe the lesson here is that people with these issues should be treated normally and are human beings you can hang out with instead of pariahs?
She looks the same size as the other girls desu
Or that companies want you to be attached to their paper thin characters so you'll buy a bunch of merch of your waifu. Futaba's probably the best written girl in the game, but she's still blatant wish fulfillment garbage.
The word mary sue has really lost all meaning huh?
Just like most words repeated over and over as meaningless insults. Though Mary Sue hasn't mean anything for a very long time, mainly thanks to tv tropes.
>slightly athletic
>can stand from sitting and leap fast and high enough to catch a runaway helium balloon
That's superhuman level.
No, it's just that some people aren't autistic and can see things as signs of something going a certain way instead of going
She just caught a fucking balloon user, Ryuji speed run a sinking cruiser and I don't see anyone calling him Gary Stu
Futaba is Makoto's imouto, I hope that new bitch understands that.
Holy shit!!! What is she? Some gymnast? Wtf
>she is not a regular person like the other guys
yosuke is a painting prodigy, ann is a model, futaba is a hacker, haru is the daughter of a corporate executive, morgana is a fucking demon cat, akechi is a famous detective. the only members of your crew that are "regular people" are Ryuji and Makoto.
You're a faggot, op. Why did you had to be so misleading?
men cant be gary stu's since we can nail pretty much everything
I don't care as long as I can finally fuck that cat.
Ex-star athele of the track team
Makoto is the smartest girl in school who the principle personally requests to spy on the protagonist, and she knows martial arts, I wouldn't really call her outright normal
>you first party member is literally was top ahtlete
>it's another remake with new perfect oc waifu shoehorned into the story
After Persona 4 Golden, Devil Survivor 2 Record Breaker, Strange Journey Redux, Catherine Fullbody and now Persona 5 Royal I wish Atlus would stop being such fucking hacks.
Cute & Funny sized
>Given that she's a gymnast and the doctor introduced, chances are that her think will be that she takes a new performance enhancing drug that tests can't detect yet.
>This will be her big shame and she will be so broken up about being found out, but she HAD to you see, the money was being used to help keep the orphanage from closing!
>But, of course, the doctor supplying it has nefarious reasons behind supplying her and will blackmail her, leading to the bonus dungeon where you have to change his heart.
>She will continue to be such a virtuous and pure and wonderful person who makes everyone happy with the fact that her selflessness lead her to cheat being her only """flaw""".
>Dipshits on Yea Forums will not only defend this once the game comes out, but presently try to pretend it won't be shit like this because they don't have any pattern recognition skills and think this is farfetched from a game that had confidants like Futaba, Makoto, Yusuke, etc.
the persona series doesnt pander to fucking faggots, so sorry, go and write a kotaku article about it
Why did they make the cat a boy in the first place?
>used to
Yeah, until she met Futaba.
Most autists thing I've read on here in weeks, it's a gymnast that jumped less than 10 inches off the ground. Do some excercise.
>he never played innocent sin
>Ryuji's bum leg never comes into play, even when he's "sacrificing himself" or the various times the group has to run.
Fuck you, writers.
Now she doesn't need to keep looking.
You can't just jump in real life, user, it doesn't work like that.
NuPersona and Oldsona are different.
Oldsona had characters with meaningful flaws, including being gay. NuPersona needs to be perfectly marketable, so no gays allowed.
>Ryuji's bum leg never comes into play, even when he's "sacrificing himself"
You can actually se Ryuji punching his leg when he's doing his stunt in the cruiser
>or the various times the group has to run.
You mean like at the end of Kamoshida's palace
>forgetting p3p
>Gays aren't marketable in Fujoland
Hackshino is the only one holding homoshit back, now that he's gone, Persona will be gay as fuck, considering all the Persona remakes and even the Catherine remake were gayed up
for shits and giggles, teasing homosexuals but not giving them what they want (a romance route) is the ultimate prank
>literally who game
persona games started with P3
>Oldsona had characters with meaningful flaws
>P1 main cast we're the very definition of cardboard cut outs
>P2 IS cast has the depth of a fucking puddle barring maybe Maya
I haven't played EP yet but I'm sure it's gonna be the same as IS, fuck off with your rose tinted glasses retard
Yeah, it doesn't come into play. They just remembered to draw a few little allusions to it. There's no actual consequences tied to it, which is kinda lame.
She's a ballerina you socially inept mouthbreathers
How dare you refer to the No. 1 as cardboard.
Everyone else is fair game though.
You caught that but not
>meaningful flaws, including being gay
Those were added after the japanese release, to mask the bed writing for a little longer. They knew nips wouldn't notice something like this and whereas the western audiences have better attention spans.
Yeah, they're pretty flat.
And they're STILL more nuanced than the P5 cast.
FUCK. That's really cute.
You better pull some proof on that, motherfucker.
Still want to Mary her Sue
>P1 main cast we're the very definition of cardboard cut outs
This is how you know you've spotted a nusona babby. Unless a character has a moment where they literally weep openly and explain all their emotional problems to you, they're "cardboard."
Same shit with the P2 cast. You don't read any of the optional dialogue or try to read into subtext so you just assume there's no depth lmao.
Cmon dude she has a vagina show some respect
Girls are suppose to be short, shes also younger than Joker just like Futaba
I cannot fucking wait to play this game again
Mary sues aren't necessarily perfect, the plot and cast just have to treat her like she is.
So Makoto.
>ame shit with the P2 cast. You don't read any of the optional dialogue or try to read into subtext so you just assume there's no depth lmao.
You wish I didn't, I didn't even hate the games I enjoyed their stories and characters for what they were but you faggots put the games in such a high pedestal that in the end I couldn't feel nothing dissapointment after I finished playing
Fuck that ridiculous bullshit
Post best Persona/Demon designs from all of Megami Tensei
>she can jump high
Are you sure she isn't just mirroring Joker or are we pretending he didn't jump through a glass window while spinning around like he's Baryshnikov?
>Such a high pedestal.
I think most people put them as a 7 or 8/10.
shotas are made for onee-santachi
lolis are also made for onee-santachi
men can have each other
What is the symbolism behind his hat?
based liechad
Baal, Moloch, Chernobog, Seth and Karasu Tengu hold a special place in my heart.
underated post
She didn't have to be so extra, tho. She could have just rushed and jump high. That doesn't require to lend like she's in a gymnastic competition.
I hope she's not one dimensional and she actually has something to add to the cast because this scares me. It only makes her "the gymnast girl".
I really want to see her concept art
I bet they had some over the top design like Marie but dropped it for the more generic one
Both characters are fucking sues.
>Persona 3 FES
>Expanded the roles of existing characters and added a new social link for Aigis. The only new character added to the game exists in a post-game side story and is necessary to drive Aigis's plot and cement her as the "new" protagonist. Also added a hard mode.
>Persona 4 Golden
>Added a brand new character voiced by a meme seiyuu who consumed every amount of spare screentime she could and who everyone in the story absolutely adores, and an Adachi social link, plus an alternative ending which is about as good as the regular bad ending. Difficulty nuked from orbit.
>Persona 5 Royal
>Now the designated waifu is your party member who does flips, makes your penis feel good, and probably casts Armageddon as a normal spell. Also, Morgana has a human form because this game was starving for its 20th fujobait character. Just thinking about what they're going to do to the difficulty makes my head spin.
>The only new character added to the game exists in a post-game side story and is necessary to drive Aigis's plot and cement her as the "new" protagonist.
I seriously hope you're not implying the Answer was good
are they going to fix that whole “targeting okumura = phantom thieves lose their way” thing?
>posts Futaba
This post couldn't be any more ironic if you tired.
The Answer is unironically better than The Journey in a lot of ways
But the bigger point is that it's completely optional and isn't shoved in your face like Golden's new content, with a bonus of forever and eternally btfoing all yukarifags
even if its shit, its necessary for the plot to happen so no, they prpbably wont change that stupid palace
>event in the plot underlines futaba and makoto can't connect socially
>visually they can't stop touching each other
Something is going on here
>with a bonus of forever and eternally btfoing all yukarifags
At the cost of fucking the development of the rest of SEES except Junpei
It's a damn cool hat.
FYI this chick completely abandoned her die cis scum persona and became wholesome (as much as that is still possible.)
The only point I'm trying to make is that FES did it better than the other games so far because all of the extra shit was focused on expanding on old characters and giving them more personality and stuff to do, saving all the OC for post-game. Golden shoved Marie in your face from the word "go" and never let up.
>P3 gets this
>P5 on the other hand has this
If its not fixed in Royal, I will be royally pissed and have to mute the TV for my own sanity
>Golden shoved Marie in your face from the word "go" and never let up.
It really didn't most of the Marie wank was confined into her SL
>all your friends should be perfect copies of yourself!
take your dyke faggotry elsewhere, b/u/gman
The Phantom Thieves should have fallen out of public favor 1/3 of the way through.
I wish Marie would wank me if you know what I mean
I will literally never understand anyone who dislikes Tartarus' music or aesthetics. Gameplay sure, that's more complicated, but people who don't understand the sheer kinography of how Tartarus' music evolves over the game is a fuckball who never finished the first block.
they just beed to change the context. maybe they actually do just jump on it while ignoring more important things just for popularity
One thing I hope they fix is the lack of party banter in palaces, there should be a "chat" option in safe rooms where characters banter. They also need to fix the Mementos banter that forces people to dick around on purpose because any sort of action cuts off the dialogue.
Nothing would make me happier than Haru getting written out of the story desu
mementos was fucking awful
It's too deep to actually fix. The game is weird and relegates all party dynamics to random lines in Mementos. You can't undo that.
To be fair, there's literally nothing that could be fixed in P5 without scrapping the entire game.
That would show their characters as flawed, and that's bad for merch sales! Gotta make it not their fault in any way whatsoever!
It still boils my ass that Haru doesn't even doubt them for a second when THEIR ACTIONS SEEM TO KILL HER FUCKING FATHER.
>This thread
Sounds like Scramble players are mad as usual. Best announcement of 2019!
both uses the same notes over and over but why does P3 sounds more comfy and P5 is more annoying to hear?
>The game is weird and relegates all party dynamics to random lines in Mementos. You can't undo that.
They just need to add some SoL scenes how fucking hard is that?
It's easy to fix, just have a designated button you can tap to manually trigger Mementos banter. The rest room banter is even easier, just add another menu option there.
You don't have to scrap the assets or the basic combat system and UI. Just, redo most of the palaces, tweak game balance significantly, and rewrite the story very, very heavily.
Sae is still going to get cucked.
>stronk womyn are fine as long as they look cute
Kys weeb.
Haru blaming them would have only ever worked if she hadn't seen up close how this shit is supposed to play out.
What are you even talking about?
>Hit a button to spam dialogue for a random chance at getting actual characterization and party dynamics.
That sounds fucking awful. Imagine playing FF7 and being forced to sit around in the ship and spam a button until Barret mentions Marlene.
At best you could maybe keep the music, parts of the UI and half the combat system. Everything else would need to be redone, from palaces, to characters, to actually having a theme this time, to the game RESPECTING YOUR FUCKING TIME and so on. But everyone knows they won't do it, because admitting that P5 was a mistake is too much for Fatlus.
You forgot Radiant Historia for the 3DS.
Honestly, what were they thinking here? They could have easily had their third act slump by making at least some of the thieves retire because they thought they were responsible for someone's death. Haru going nuclear on them and maybe later discovering the truth and coming to them with it would have actually given her character something to do.
But no, we're on a clock here, game has to end on Christmas and casino palace is in November, can't waste time actually developing our characters. Let's just say they lost their way, that's what RPGs do right?
But she didn't. She saw (and helped) them kill shadow dad. And they say "oh yeah, he'll be fine now."
And then he dies.
She has NO reason to actually believe they aren't lying to her and using her. She should be at least a little conflicted. It's fucking ridiculous.
this I swear to god
>oh, Akechi has some good points for disliking the PTs
>lol nevermind he is evil and the MC can do no wrong!
>she is not a regular person like the other guys
the imouto character is literally a super hacker that had her parents killed by the fucking japanese illuminati
that's way more immersion breaking than a sexy girl jumping 2 feet into the air
>Just thinking about what they're going to do to the difficulty makes my head spin.
Excuse me gatekeeper but I play for waifu, not the dark souls of jrpgs.
I personally like this version of Odin a lot more than the original even if he still doesn't really look like you'd think the fucking Allfather would, he's still baller as shit
>random chance
But it's not random, you'll automatically get the banter, the only random element is which banter piece you'll get.
More like they don't see it as one because they made a lot of fucking money.
That aside, how do you figure they would need to scrap assets? What's wrong with the existing Tokyo maps and character assets and demon assets? Why would they need to even get rid of palace textures and geometry?
>She saw (and helped) them kill shadow dad.
Shadow Okumura was fine until Goro did his thing user
>But she didn't. She saw (and helped) them kill shadow dad. And they say "oh yeah, he'll be fine now."
By the time they did that, she's already been through the ropes because Morgana and her had been burning through Mementos.
user that's what I'm saying, a lot of the banter is pure nothing while a chunk of it is actual character detail, you'd be rolling a die for a chance to maybe here something worthwhile. In a game focused on social life, that's terrible.
I don't understand why 5 was so lame, like its cool how P3 theme changes the deeper you go into TAR-TA -RUS but in 5 is just the same until the end
>Haru going nuclear on them and maybe later discovering the truth and coming to them with it would have actually given her character something to do.
It'd be better if she got written out. Atlus clearly doesn't know what to do with her, consider the anime skipped her confidant and she just gets repeatedly kidnapped in Q2 as well. The character is begging to die, I wish Atlus would just let it happen. It's not like anyone would even care, least of all the thieves, considering how late she joins and how inconsequential she is.
haru is the newfag of the group, she doesnt understand how shit works tho
Yeah? And she doesn't know that. For all she knows they killed him and it was a delayed reaction. She isn't aware of the plot. She doesn't know how it works.
Yeah? And? That doesn't mean she knows what happens after you "beat" a Shadow, much less one with a palace. The damn thing was crumbling. For all she knows, when the palace collapses the shadow dies.
Says the somehow not fat and gross shut-in that's also a super hacker that can outplay adult criminals.
Holy fuck, this. If people get mad at this, why don't they get mad at a 15 year old girl hacking the entire country's TVs and then stopping the government from stopping her.
>playing cucksona and not SMT
Morgana teached her the ropes and the other criminals targeted by the PT turned out fine, why should she suspect them?
>she just gets repeatedly kidnapped in Q2
Oh wow, that's sad.
What if I play both?
>Honestly could set it up to look like Haru is going to betray you, but she gets fucking ganked by Akechi.
Woulda been kinda interesting.
Shame they have to sell merchandise of both.
>Playing vaporware
>Soejima's garbage
Soejima drinking game
Take a shot every time one of his demon designs has:
>knives for feet
>legs which look like boots and come up flared at the top
>claw fingers
>sharp teeth
>sharp-angled eyes
>robotic/metallic body parts
After about five designs, you will die of alcohol poisoning
Because if I think of a conflict between the characters, it's good.
If Atlust does it, it'd be bad, melodramatic and badly written.
I know the series better than Atlus does. Always have, always will.
What is "bed writing"?
>sense of urgency, desolation and doom and the music changes more dramatically the more further you go
>the same silly lol-adventure music during the whole game
come on, making remixes is not that hard
Damn, it's easy to write an argument when you erect a strawman to beat up. I should try it sometime.
Writing so embarrassing the only excuse for it could be that the literally just woke the writer up and forced him to present something.
>Ryuji speed run a sinking cruiser
He also died in the middle of it
Just deleted my save file of Persona 5 and Persona Dancing All-Night and cancelled my pre-order. Fuck this series. They DARE put a Mary Sue slut in my anime game? FUCK Atlus and absolutely FUCK Japan. Only the male PC is supposed to be a know-it-all, do-it-all guy that gets his dick sucked by the entire cast and game. They've gone too far this time.
Get with the times man it's like the cornerstone of Yea Forums
Christ. You people are stupid.
What about Futaba hacking all of Japan's televisions and counter-hacking the government when they tried to stop her
>Yea Forums still hadn't played P5
Before she even joined the team she was following Morgana around and changing peoples' hearts. Doubting them only briefly like she does is the only thing that makes any sense especially given her personality and how she felt about her father in the first place.
That's just bad writing
You are exactly the kind of cancer killing this series. Kys
Can you give me an example of any conflict between the characters in P5 that isn't the Morgana/Ryui clusterfuck?
that's gonna be a big yikes from me chief
I'm slowly starting to hate this character
She's never done a palace. Even members of the GROUP wonder if they actually killed him, and you're telling me his fucking daughter, who has never done this before, would 100% trust them and not even say a single harsh word?
Shut the fuck up.
unironically its ok when womanlets do it
Honestly considering he was completely willing to throw her to someone he believed to be a rapist in the making, it's really not that hard to say he was basically dead to her at that point one way or the other.
>it doesn't count cuz it's not a palace because I say so fuck you fuck you fuck you
Is this the best P3cucks can do?
I would normally agree with you, but the game goes out of its way to say she didn't feel that way about him and was deeply hurt by his death.
It's almost like these people didn't play the game and don't actually realize Haru didn't like her dad at all, especially since he was forcing her to marry Sugimura
Persona 5 on the whole probably has the laziest soundtrack in the series. Not the worst, but the laziest. In Persona 4, every end boss had their own unique theme except for one instance of a minor boss fight reusing a theme. Meanwhile
>Rivers in the Desert 5 times
Mary Sue is usually an alter ego of the author, but I thought the autor was a male?
>before P5
>series is considered weeb shit for FATASS FATLUS incel virgins
>after P5
>can find millions of videos of women and girls playing P5, they love the social aspect and dating sim of the game, hate the battles and dungeons
>Persona got popular enough to get a character in smash
Yeah, who thinks this series is not going to go to shit from now on? They know which side the bread is buttered.
>don't actually realize Haru didn't like her dad at all
She kind of did, which is baffling. Remember she's still upset at Akechi for killing him.
>weeaboo retards don't understand how real human beings work.
Wow what a surprise. You realize disliking your parent doesn't mean you'll be happy if they get their brains blown out on live television (and also it's kinda your fault lol) right? You do understand that?
I dunno, you guys love your Evangelion, and the whole conceit of that high schooler show is that hating your parents doesn't mean you weren't still molded by them from the moment you were born.
Maybe you guys are still in high school and in your "I hate you dad!" phase but you should probably realize real human relationships are more complicated than that.
It's a lot easier to tell yourself they're dead to you, than to actually have that register. She hoped against hope things could get better, but fucking hell he really went out of his way to destroy basically every chance he got. She didn't want him to die, but at the same time, the father she had in her memories had been gone for a very long time.
Funny enough P5D basically reaffirms that he's been an ass far longer than the game might suggest.
I really hope they add a lot more tracks.
>weeaboo retards don't understand how real human beings work.
user, if anyone on this site knew how actual human beings worked on a regular basis, I can almost assure you there'd be less visitors here per day than a subreddit on toenail clipping.
Morgana also said that it was possible that Kamoshida would die if they tried to change his heart. Just because he THINKS he understands the rules doesn't mean he actually does. It would have been a perfectly doable plotline.
Hell, why not make THAT the point where Ryuji and Morgana fight?
There's a wide range between not liking someone and being fine with them getting killed. A better argument would be how in her awakening she pretty much said that she was ok with throwing him under the figurative bus for the sake of acquiring her freedom which means she made peace with fucking him over to get out of being his possession.
>It doesn't count because it's not a Palace
Palace Shadows are extremely different and the game makes note of this in both gameplay and narrative. They are governed by different rules and manifest in different ways. That shit's canon. To say a character should have no doubts about something supernatural that's established to work differently just because she handled an unknown number of off screen things (we don't even know if they actually changed any hearts or beat on generic shadows) is ridiculous.
>Any level of frustration, suspicion or bitterness is "A 180".
>Game points out she doesn't completely and utterly despise her father despite being a terrible person, but she totally must completely hate him because it makes my position look better.
>Haru should operate on cold logic despite being an emotionally driven person.
Are you stupid?
Yeah, which, again, makes it weird how she doesn't even show a single sign of frustration with the group when there's nobody else to blame at the moment.
Yeah. The idea behind it makes sense, but the game wants to portray Haru as "uwu fluffy waifu" so she can't get pissy at the group.
>She's a mary sue for jumping into the air and catching a baloon
>meanwhile it's okay for Futaba to hack into the telecommunications network of an entire country
I just want him to be happy
Awakenings are not part of the character motivations, they're just nice eye-candy moments.
The fuck is this retarded shit you're spouting?
futaba is a socially autistic neet. everyone loves kasumi and she seemingly has no flaws
She chews out Akechi for his murder and talks about how she'll never forgive him. Get your shit straight.
>Funny enough P5D basically reaffirms that he's been an ass far longer than the game might suggest.
Sounds like putting a bandaid on the bad writing that made people sympathize with him in the first place and wonder how the fuck Haru could possibly trust the thieves after the whole ordeal, etc.
But we don't know that yet. So far all we really know is that her design's pretty cute.
That's not what OP is arguing though, and we don't know enough of her interactions or background to say she's like by everyone or she's perfect. Why would they showcase negative parts of her character in promo screens and videos?
The only way you can fix the Okumura arc is by making him not a complete shithead. Haru's feelings for her father are almost nonsensical due to how he treats her like a thing to be traded away, and any impact from the PT being tricked into going after him is wiped away because he's 100% unquestionably in the wrong and his death is hardly a negative thing. But that would be too complex of a situation for the player to handle, I guess. Or for them to bother writing.
>Ann only has sizable breasts in PQ art.
It's an odd feel.
Why would they advertise a character to you with their flaws? They didn't do that for any of the other characters.
Its more about how she instantaneously knew the correct thing to do and had all the social abilities to perfectly console the child on the spot, while everyone looks on at how awesome she is
Pics or it didn't happened.
No, it's marketing driven more than anything.
The cast NEEDS to be squeaky clean to reach max profitability.
>Yeah. The idea behind it makes sense, but the game wants to portray Haru as "uwu fluffy waifu" so she can't get pissy at the group.
No, it just doesn't make sense of her to go ballistic, not after what she's already been around with the others. Every previous instance worked the same way, every Mementos boss was fine, everything was by the numbers at that point and none of them note anything out of the ordinary about Okumura either. By this time she knows none of the thieves would intentionally, or unintentionally hurt her. Not to mention they also find out about the principal's calling card, which cements the foul play in motion. For all the complaints Ryuji and Morgana get, it'd be just as dumb to have Haru fly off the handle, only to back off when the forged calling card is shown. It'd be called bad writing all the same.
I will say there's a line between what characters do in extreme moments like awakenings and what they do on a regular basis.
Makoto goes full "FUCK THE POLICE, LAWS ARE FOR FAGS, NUKE THE GOVERNMENT" during her awakening, but rarely after that does she do much similar. She pumps her fist while watching an action movie, that's about it.
Now, that said, that's still a stupid fucking reason. Again, I get that highly emotional moments are different from rational ones, and awakenings are characters really embodying their "rebellious spirit" or whatever.
But jesus christ, literally never again under any important circumstances does Makoto even vaguely act aggressive. They play it for jokes and that's it. Haru has like two lines in Mementos where she alludes to being sadistic, and that's it.
I'm cool with Haru realizing she doesn't hate her dad as much as she thinks she does after he dies, but if anything I'd say the issue is she doesn't take it far enough. She has plenty of justifiable reason to believe that the people she JUST met used her to murder her own father. But she never stops trusting the PT, for no good reason at all.
You could have written the shadows like they were in P4 where they had actual nuance and weren't meant to be taken at face value.
She's a gymnast. She can do that sort of thing.
It isn't hard to have the "social abilities" to console a child. It literally just takes being able to not act like a fucking dumbass and speak in a calm tone.
>They didn't do that for any of the ot
Yusuke is literally socially retarded from second #1.
It's not like they already didn't pull off the dickhead bitter father figure drama in a human way an entire game ago haha
>They are governed by different rules and manifest in different ways. That shit's canon
The game establishes in fucking May that palaces grow out of Mementos and changing the hearts of the people work exactly the same way, you are stealing a seedling of desire from their Shadow, when you rob a a palace you steal the same fucking thing but in a more developed state. And guess what, it was the cat that she was hanging out with that info dumps that on you.
And we DO know that they were changing hearts in Mementos, because requests on the website were being resolved and the main group wasn't doing them. That's how the group knew to look for them in Mementos in the first fucking place.
Play the fucking game holy shit
Never played the remake. Who was the new oc waifu in that?
Stop avatarposting, faggot.
ITT: P3fags try to shit on P5's story without knowing much of anything about P5's story
Except Haru's moment would come off the heels of the death of her father, inexperience with the thieves, and add fuel to the whole "lost our way" milquetoast plotline instead of just being a result of someone who couldn't handle the banter.
>Haru's feelings for her father are almost nonsensical due to how he treats her like a thing to be traded away
Kinda dropping the whole meme argument for a moment but I genuinely hope that you can keep this attitute and never have to reach a point where every synapse in your body is telling you to disassociate from a family member, and you just can't. It's fucking shit feeling to live with. In Haru's case, the fact that she doesn't seem to have any other living relative, doesn't help much either.
>it just doesn't make sense of her to go ballistic
Nobody said she should go ballistic.
>By this time she knows none of the thieves would intentionally, or unintentionally hurt her.
She has been with them for about a month, and only for one operation, and has NEVER seen the outcome before. And her dad is dead. To say she should be completely level headed is absurd. These aren't her friends yet. She barely fucking knows them. They offered to help her, and now her father's head exploded on live TV.
>Not to mention they also find out about the principal's calling card, which cements the foul play in motion.
>Fly off the handle
Motherfucker, something as simple as a harsh sentence or two would make more sense, nobody is saying Haru should start screaming and attacking them.
I respect your choice of reaction image, however I hope we can both agree that the problem for you seems to be more your own expectations, and not an issue with the games themselves. I recognized I had the same issue a long time ago with teasers/trailers/game footage prerelease and now I avoid it as much as possible except for the bare minimum. I'm looking forward to Dying Light 2 and VtmB2 and I know practically nothing about either of them. Completely avoid footage and discussions about it on here. All I can recommend for a game that's already been out for a while is cutting your reading short once a title piques your interest even slightly and check it out as soon as reasonably possible.
>socially autistic neet
>gets along well with everyone else in the main party and is socially competent and confident, enough to even shit on almost every male character in the game
>is only a neet because of unrealistic trauma
You're arguing with a futabautist
>She pumps her fist while watching an action movie, that's about it.
And what a cute robot she was while doing so
Can't let the girls be TOO flawed or rebellious, now! That wouldn't be desirable for a good fucking.
Please tell me I'm not alone in despising Akechi
He is the epitome of what is wrong with jap storytelling, there is no goddamn reason the PT should even consider being nice to him once they learn the truth. He kills TWO of their parents and countless others but everyone just kinda brushes it off and goes "Y-Yeah but Shido made you do it tho, good boi dindu nuffin!"
This is also despite the fact that Akechi did like half of this shit on his own and would've tried to betray Shido just like Shido betrayed him on top of being batshit crazy. And he gets a redemption ending, fuck this motherfucker. If Akechi looked like Mitsuo nobody would give a damn about him being evil.
>Play the fucking game holy shit
>Anyone who gets anything wrong from a 120 hour narrative NEVER PLAYED THE GAME, ESPECIALLY if it's minor details that are covered once compared to the shit that's repeated ad nauseum.
Very reasonable assessment, user.
>and has NEVER seen the outcome before
I mean, except Kamoshida, because same school. And all of the others, since she's been following their actions for a while now.
Not even memeing, I genuinely don't understand it. If someone's treating you that badly I don't get how you could possibly still want to associate them, let alone love them. Blood ties are meaningless if the person you are tied to is human trash.
Blessed post
Man I wish Yusuke had actually been an important character. It's cliche to say it at this point, but if he'd had Junpei-levels of screentime, he could've been great. He has hands down the best SL in the game, he actually comes to terms with his relationship with Madarame and really grows. But because all that shit is optional, it's not reflected at all in the story.
Meme it up with "DIDJA SEE THAT SHINJI?" all you want but that shit was important. It made it clear to the player that Akihiko was different, he was fighting for something real. I can imagine an equivalent line for Yusuke after a big revelation where he goes "this is for my mother" or some shit like that, I don't know, at least SOMETHING. He's such an enjoyable character in both funny interactions and serious ones but they completely waste him once his arc is done.
Nah, he's shit.
More like P5fags trying to cope by nitpicking the tiniest details while ignoring flaws with the narrative.
But he's hot and I want to stir up his cute japanese boyoussy with my black cock.
You just summed up the problems with Death Note, and considering Akechi really looks like Light Yagami, the irony is beyond wasted here.
I honestly think it's better that you don't. This is one of those cases where I'd rather argue this a billion times, than wish you ever had to experience it on your own.
>trying to salvage your argue with minor details
Just back out of this now and preserve at least a little dignity
I liked most Ultimate persona in 5.
alright yeah cool can we talk about the porn now?
kys Dany, you are not foolong anyone
Her getting along with them is more so them babying her autism and she sure as fuck isnt socially competent and confident until Akira steps in and I dont know whats unrealistic about having trauma from watching someone die in front of you
She only has their word that they carried that out the same way. For all she knows they straight up killed her dad and lied to her about it. The fact that, in her grief, she doesn't have a speck of doubt, a single nasty word, or even a single harsh rebuff (seriously, Ryuji honestly asks if maybe they DID kill him and she doesn't even mutter a 'maybe you should have been more certain') is fucking crazy. Nobody is that perfect. People are raw when someone close to them dies, even if that person is a cunt.
I was fine with him until his boss fight when he turned into the most generic VERY ANGRY AT SOCIETY AND PEOPLE WITH FRIENDS autistic screecher in any JRPG I've ever seen.
You are correct but sadly it isn't that easy to follow this thought process because emotions and brains suck sometimes.
You're the one trying to pretend that "uwu my friends, who may or may not have lead me to kill my dad, do not deserve any rudeness on my part" is good writing, dude. Don't talk to me about making an ass of yourself.
>super athlete
You stupid fat fuck.
>P5 is the first persona that has a story longer than 5 hours
>target audience can barely remember what happened in it
P3s music sounds really trance-like, especially when paired with the visual aesthetics of the dungeon
P5 is a bunch of experimental minor chords taped together making an attempt to compliment the muddy Mementos palatte
People aren't logical creatures. Despite everything, our parents are what created us. We have difficulty letting them go.
And Ryuji was a runner before that shit with Kamoshida.
Any game that can't tell its story in a shorter timeframe than a movie should not be called a game to begin with.
>Discussing character believability and motivations in a game where almost every character is a shallow cartoon with no humanity or depth stuck in a story incapable of having any message or purpose
Damn, I didn't know P3 only had 5 hours of cutscenes.
Because as with most other palace cases, there was a time they weren't absolute human garbage so people that knew them from before they became scum will be more willing to make excuses for them. Even Yusuke still loved his adoptive father in a way despite the man letting his mother die just to steal her work.
P5's music annoys me, because it just screams awardbait.
Mitsuo was pretty cute.
Yeah, they're all shit.
Doesn't mean we can't talk about one being even more shit than the others.
The best part is that it actually did, p3 as an entire game had less story content than p5 up to Kaneshiro, reddit tried to use this as a point against P5 awhile back but it backfired hard
Anat was probably my favorite, compared to everyone else's her's was really just a straight-up progression instead of something totally different and the Demon Transformer aesthetic was neat.
I also liked Seiten Taisei but that's just because I like Sun Wukong shit. I'm tired of Susano-o though, he's overplayed at this point.
The biggest issue is that his heel turn robs him of all his depth. There was absolutely no reason he had to be an irredeemable sociopath. His entire thing, for 90% of the game, was being an understandable foil to the PT. He questioned their ethics and had his own justice that operated within the system rather than outside of it.
The whole conceit of the PT is that they operate outside the system because they feel the system doesn't work. But Akechi challenges that idea. It's law vs. chaos, classic. shit. You can even draw it back to civil rights. You can have lawful, non-violent protest, or you can go full Malcolm X and kill whitie. People STILL debate that shit today.
Imagine an ending where instead of turning into the joker, Akechi confronted the PT on their ethics, and they proved him wrong. It'd strengthen the themes of the game, dispel doubts about the PT being just, etc.
But nah no lol we don't know how to write that so they just kill him. It's like Korra punching Amon out a window. It's fucking lazy. Even Adachi had more deepth.
Shit bait
Funny, because it didn't even win best OST. Does Automata's feel like that to you too?
>I'm tired of Susano-o though, he's overplayed at this point.
At least they change his design every time.
No one likes uncute women. Are you a woman or something
As much as I like this design, and I'm glad it's coming back for SMTV, it doesn't really capture the trickster aspect of Odin, which was one of his more prevalent traits
I mean technically you're right.
It just had 10 hours of dialogue.
>reddit tried to use this as a point against P5 awhile back but it backfired hard
You say that, but P5 is a fucking slog.
>confront the chaosbro at the end of the game
>he essentially says "you're my friend and I'm sorry we have to fight, but I've got my beliefs and it's too late to go back now"
>confront the lawfag at the end of the game
What did Atlus mean by this?
You got BTFO, user.
>Y-Yeah but Shido made you do it tho, good boi dindu nuffin!
Brainlets still can't understand that scene, huh. They're not excusing his actions. They repeatedly say in the scene they don't forgive him. They're offering him a chance for redemption, after which he will be properly punished. They empathize with his situation because he's a teenager like them and he chose literally every wrong choice he could have because he was desperate to get revenge on the source of his suffering. And to be fair, Shido DID exacerbate the situation by accepting Akechi's services, while fully aware he was his son to boot.
Humans are chaotic neutral.
Chaosfags are always based
>Oh btw you're so strong that you could potentially be a threat to me so I have to kill you even if you're my ally. Only the strongest can rule
>Oh well I lost, good luck running shit.
>Hating on big girls
Law represents control, strictness, imposition, disparity with someone in a superior position guiding and monitoring the ones in a lower position. It's pretty clear that a lawfag would be a petty arrogant prideful bitch if opposed by.
Futaba is autistic neet dealing with a traumatic experience and Makoto doesn't understand humans cause of her uptight upbringing , that keeps them from being Mary sue. The plot forcing Futaba as a deus ex machina and Makoto as the semi leader/main girl is just shit writing
>Big girls
She's not even 5'8''.
>Rivers in the Desert 5 times
Yeah but the song is still awesome as is Last surprise. But i agree that even though i never got tired of them it shows a lack in quality having to repeat the same boss battle music so many times
>ITT: Harufags seethe
It's not about being brainlets, it's about the same losers on Yea Forums that loved Adachi for years and years seeing the sympathy Akechi gets from women in real life despite his actions while they continue to get nothing from any woman despite having done nothing that bad, and being eternally pissed off about that fact, screeching about moral conflict like they conditioned themselves to for actual decades at this point.
It's funny when people who don't know anything about the civil rights movement talk about it.
I'm not saying that they were just going to 100% forgive him and excuse everything that he did, I'm saying he only got that because of writing around a prettyboy designed to be popular and also based upon outdated-as-fuck Japanese ideals of "anyone can be redeemed, but some are more redeemable than others."
It doesn't help that his character just completely shits the bed and falls apart in that same scene when he goes completely nuts, after which point he looses all sympathy.
Rivers in the Desert should have been the boss theme from Wakaba to Sae.
He was also on the fucking track team and that shit was built up since the beginning of the game. This bitch only did this shit because the developers needed her to look good in some way.
>tfw no tune in P5 as catchy as Your Affection
Didn't look at her properly. Looked pretty tall, but because of the kid next to her.
Except they all sucked his fucking dick and said he was so cool and great and awesome. That's horrendous writing when these people should be furious with him. The deranged fuck shoots you in the goddamn head with the intent kill. Fuck off.
>Acknowledging talent is sucking his fucking dick
You now remember Hifumi is in this game and got cucked out of being party member again
I know I oversimplified it my dude, I've taken my classes. I'm just using it as an example that my fellow burgers will understand.
I dont consider people that actually liked that song to be worth considering human tbqh
Her name is Nemesia. She is a princess from an ancient empire that jumped 150 years into the present after facing against the Singularity, the being - and her lover corrupted by the Black Chronicle - responsible for the desertification.
I got really sick of this shit by the 4th Palace, honestly.
Are you talking about Persona or SMT? You can replace most characters in SMT with CHAOS dude, LAW dude, NEUTRAL representative and maybe one bro that will stick with you no matter what.
Futaba and Kasumin will be my main girls in P5R. This much is practically a certainty, unless they also add a Sae route
>le ebin rock guitars
God I hated this shit so much. The entire game is themed on jazz, synth, generally lowkey things. But as soon as we get to boss fights, nah lol AWESOME JROCK AM I RIGHT GUYS?? THAT'S ALL I KNOW HOW TO WRITE FOR BOSS THEMES.
I don't know what happened to shit like this, which at most uses guitar as an element rather than blaring the fuck out of it
The only boss theme from P3 I know of that's purely guitar-driven is Strega, and that's because they're regular human beings. Kinda makes sense they have a theme based around regular human instruments.
look at this lardass lmao
wonder if we will get new awakened personas in royal? or a 3rd maybe?
>hates rock
Only thing Meguro can do well after he became a hack outside of jazz or fusion
Small tangent, but can someone explain to me why the fuck Blooming Villain isn't included among the P5 tracks in Smash Ultimate?
You got the meme vocal tracks but not the main boss theme? Come on.
>SMT1 lawbro snaps out of his mindcontrol delusion to lament
I'm still sad, even if he said "try not to feel too bad"
Hifumi was a fraud that constantly had her matches fixed for her, and when she played a real game she got fucking annihilated
She's definitely closer to Ryuji levels of normal than Ann, Yusuke, Futaba and Haru though.
A high school track team, not like he's an olympic athlete or anything.
So real talk, what the fuck happened to Meguro?
How do you go from Trauma Center's GOTAY OST to this shit?
Literally the best shit he's put out in a decade have been remixes of classic bullshit
A 3rd form is all but a certainty, I think. The precedent in P4G was set and with a whole extra semester I can see them easily adding a further evolution for everyone's personas.
Good. She's boring and should stick to being a social link.
P3 has the best OST out of the 3 imo, I think they went with rock sounding songs in 5 cause the rebellious theme the game has
honestly wouldve preferred having the palace theme but a remixed boss version, cause going from synth music like in Futabas palace or Kaneshiro to the same song was lazy as fuck
As long as he still dies, I can excuse some "he was a gud boy, he didn do nuffin", because people excuse the dead for a hell of a lot.
I gave up after a few episodes because that show is fucking retarded, but isn't the point of Death Note that Light is a horrible person that deserves to die, and people supporting him is an example of people being awful?
I unironically blame Hashino. Because the precedent for this sort of thing is already set.
Akira Yamaoka was the only person left from the original Team Silent after 4, and he stayed as a producer and composer for awhile, but it was obviously a shitshow. Musicians aren't writers, they only know what to make if you tell them what emotion you're trying to invoke.
With P3 I'm sure what they told Meguro was "we're making a game about death, and otherworldly creatures, and a tower that grows and changes, so give us music that invokes those things."
Whereas with P5 it feels like all they gave him was "we're making a game about phantom thieves, and we haven't really done a jazz game yet, so make sure the music is jazzy. For bosses? Ah yeah no those have to be epic power trips, so just do rock. Except uh, also we want orchestral stuff too I guess."
What the fuck is he gonna do with that little to go off of?
The guy did a great job with what he was given, but thematic shallowness begets aesthetic shallowness.
>character has a special quality
>mary sue
What's the term for when a word gets spread around and underexplained and it loses meaning?
I thought she was more intresting than Makoto or Haru who only have their PT outfits being cool going for them, i doubt they flesh her out even if she was apart of the group thou and majority of s links are pretty scuffed in this game
Usually but not as a rule.
>we haven't really done a jazz game yet
For persona or megaten
Nusona cucks getting BTFO tonight.
P5R should be renamed P5T, T standing for TORtanic.
These guys are all going to play it anyway
This is just a way to show off her gymnast skills during her introduction. That shit will be useful in the Yikesverse. Stop being a bitch.
Odin isn't a trickster.
You're thinking of Loki.
>Ryuji ex-star of the track club
>Ann is a model without doing anything and a cumdumpster for the volleyball team
>Yusuke is a prodigy artist
>Futaba is a genius hacker
>Haru is a heir to the one of the most successful business
>Joker literal God
>Morgana is a cat
>new girl can jump 1,5m high in the air
Wow fatlus literally ruined the game unironically. I canceled my pre-order this is immersion breaking what the fuck
So much this. Can't wait to laugh at them as they enjoy their shitty game while we sit on our throne with the chad P1 and P2. Fuck nusona is fucking shit, so glad everyone agrees ITT.
Cope harder nusona cuck. Enjoy playing P5T (TORtanic).
>BTFOing anyone but themselves with their trash tier taste in basically everything
Reminder that fatlus wants you to forget P1 and P2 exists. Only nusona exists to them.
P3 is also nusona, glad we can agree.
>everyone is having reasonable discussion
>suddenly in come the P5 falseflaggers purposely acting like retarded babies and fake-praising P3
Really makes you think
>Who is Ryuji
>people falseflag and shitpost
Wow, sounds like your average day on Yea Forums
All these posts BTFOing P5T and nusona cucks are too pussy to debate.
Best post ITT. Based forecast of what P5T will be like. Thank you for being a sensible fellow.
Yeah. He's shit. Could've been fine but the whole "oh im so sad if only we couldve been friends its okay we all forgive you uwu" bullshit after you beat him was, as you said, the epitome of shitty jap storytelling. Absolute garbage.
>kings of shit mountain
>sense of urgency, desolation and doom
>the same silly lol-adventure
I mean is this not accurate for what the games were portraying?
Yeah, but one is objective good and the other isn't, and the good one isn't called Persona 5.
Ryuji's just a good athlete for high-school level. He's completely average in the wake of Yusuke, Futaba and Joker.
So her Proficiency is maxed out, big deal. Joker could've done the same.
Joker could slap her shit.
that could've been a interesting dynamic with the group, the boring calm quite girl who acts like a massive chunni in dungeons and palaces
her abilities centered around bless damage cause she hangs out at church
but I guess they are sorta doing this with Kasumi, like instead of shogi its gymnastics
Is it just me, or Shadow Sae and her Palace make no fucking sense?
>Shadow Sae cheats and rigs the games in her favor
>nothing we've seen from the real Sae implies she does that, too
>Shadow Sae knows you are in her Palace and tells you where to go
>Shadows still attack you, and the security meter rises
>Shadow Sae cheats and rigs the games in her favor
>nothing we've seen from the real Sae implies she does that, too
It's a terrible social commentary on Japan's court system being "rigged" because most people who get sent to court happen to actually be criminals.
Pretty sure the idea is that she sees the court system as rigged against people, and while people in power SAY it's fair and act like they're there to help, in reality they're just trying to fuck you over. Problem being that I don't understand how she sees the court as her palace at all. She pretty blatantly sees it as a place that's ruining her life because she can't get ahead without scummy tactics.
Sae's palace was more about the Japanese legal system being rigged since it has an insanely high conviction rate which mean prosecutors are always going to win the rigged game.
Did you even see the feats Futaba pulls out for Shido's calling card? You think jumping rather high is in any way comparable to compromising security across an entire nation in real time?
still better than Makoto haha
Play Ace Attorney
Is this the next stage of nintendo fans grievance?
>a system where the prosecution is always extremely favored, including being given more access to police resources and evidence
>this is fine because they get prosecuted so they must be criminals
The Japanese justice system is completely fucked. Because Japanese society doesn't agree with "I'd rather let ten guilty men go free than condemn one innocent man." Japs value the greater good over individual liberties, which is an understandable ideology, but saying it's not questionable makes you an idiot.
See this user's point. It's like if Mishima or Shiho had a palace where everyone is Kamoshida's victim.
Have sex incel
>We got beep boop as the forced love interest over 123
What? I thought she was gonna be The Fool as well or something like that, i don't care that this bitch can jump high. Do you even know what a Mary Sue is?
Glad I'm not the only one who saw how blatant the game was about forcing Makoto on Joker
Minor complaint but I hope they change them being in open spaces talking about Phantom thieves shit
Also would like some non encounter stealth options but I guess that fucks balancing, idk thieves to me are more stealthy instead of tanking almost every encounter
>Amerilards think jumping two feet in the air is super human
P3fags have to be among the worst fanbases of history. They're just insufferable, praising that incel pseudovillain and it's horrible ost.
goddamn you people must be unathletic. that's not a fucking somersault, she's just doing a jump recovery, something i learned as a ten-year-old. there's less chance of hurting yourself while landing if you do it into a roll.
>Can just shift into a corner in order to avoid being seen at all
>Can traverse entire rooms just doing the shift movement
Fucking hated that, I wanted actual stealth gameplay.
>those animations
>for a Confidant event
Did they get a bigger budget or something? It looks so much better than base P5.
It'll be Kasumi in P5R.
>you're a mary sue if you pursue a career in gymnastics and have flexibility
You're an absolute fucking retard
>Incel villain
>In P3
user, that was P4 you fucking retard.
The problem is not in the jump.
The problem is in how this character is presented. Making her do this jump for literally no reason screams of a forced attempt to make her interesting to the player, and it fails in a pretty cringeworthy way as a result.
fujo were into p3 and 4 as well. why do you think the games have been getting easier?
It seems to be a main story event considering it is Joker's second meeting with Kasumi, but they are refining the hell out the game and taking advantage of it being PS4 only so it'll probably look way better.
Blind nigger. People are calling her a super athlete here.
>the next Marie will be the forced love interest as well
Tell me something I don't know.
Nibba, did you forget that "stylish" is the main vibe of this game? Every major character is a show off.
I wonder how early you meet her? Kamoshida arc is pretty tight all things considered and she'd definitely have to be somewhat aware of all that shit considering she's an athlete and all.
I wonder if Joker will sacrifice his team for her like Yu did.
found the fatass
Ryuji was a fucking athlete before kamoshida fucked him up
God every time I look at Marie I remember how horrendously overdesigned she is. An actual, professional artist sat down and decided she needed arm-length fingerless gloves with stripes along the sides and laces at the top. And a puffy cap with a giant gold emblem on it. And a loose necktie. And a flared-up collar on her sleeveless blouse. And a giant blue strap across her chest that goes down to her messenger bag. I mean jesus fuck. It's like i'm looking at Tetsuya Nomura character.
It WAS good because I got to see more Aigis And BE Aigis
Marie really only existed in the bubble that was her for most of Golden and then only played into the new main story. Kasumi is going to be around from the start and will actually integrate herself into the group which means Kasumi could come off as way more forced than Marie.
The event in the video is May 31 and there seems to be an event prior to this in which Joker ends up saving her from a harasser so it'll probably be right after Kamoshida's arc.
>in a shocking twist, Kasumi will "sacrifice" herself to save the team and then come out fine minutes later
Taking bets now.
Can Meguro please return to making music like this?
Necktie and Velvet room stuff aside it's not an awful design. Just a bad one.
I'm guessing Kasumi will probably try to sacrifice herself due to reasons, but it'll lead to the PT's stealing her back so she can keep living her normal life. It looks like the new final boss might even be 1 vs 1 with Joker considering the implication in the PV so it might even end up being Kasumi.
Nobody in the main group behaves like that a minute into introduction.
Have sex you misogynistic incels. Mary Sue is a sexist term created by virgins that couldn't handle how great of a character Rey from Star Wars is. Get over it.
>she jumps in the air
Wasn't it always like this though?
This is incredibly obvious bait that doesn't deserve any (You)s, but the term "Mary sue" is at least 40 years old.
What makes no sense to me is the boss form of her shadow. Most bosses are rife with symbolism, but I don't understand what her silent hill robot is supposed to symbolize at all.
Is she just an unfeeling machine that prosecutes without consideration for the defendant or what is even going on?
such an underrated persona girl
Overdesigned characters are good from time to time. Without them fiction would be boring
>he says while posting Futaba, a genius hacker who at the very young age of 15 can hack televisions all across Japan, and anything else she wants too
>while being objectively recognized as beautiful (but is also an otaku just like me!!!!)
>while being surrounded by people who genuinely care about her and gently address her issues
Maybe it's time you just accept that Persona in general has ridiculous characters.
>anons legit calling p5 music bad
not liking it is one thing but being contrarian is something else
The problem isn't that it's overdesigned, the problem is being overdesigned but looking awful.
Arsene and Satanael are both overdesigned but they look good, so no complaints there.
>Soejima talks about Kasumi’s design next, and says that adding new characters to something which has an original version is a tough job for character designers, something not limited to P5R. He says that as most people interested in P5R are likely to be fans of Persona 5 to begin with, he did his best to make sure that she does not look out of place when placed next to the existing characters. Unlike P4G’s Marie, who had a special place in the game as a new denizen of the Velvet Room, Kasumi is actually involved in the main story, and so making sure that her design fits in was especially important, and Soejima designed her to be the “icon” of P5R.
The implication I get is that Soejima wanted Marie to look as outsider as possible so she would standout when put among the cast which does make sense considering her ultimate role. Marie is still a bad design though.
You forgot the prime directive buddy, never preorder games. Games nowadays are required to have soms early access or preorder bonus so your fomo lizard brain gets convinced you need tot get in on that
Nice buzzword op kys
>smashfags shilled for this
Remember Futaba tries to grab Makoto's ass in P5 Dancing.
>gymnast is more nimble and agile than the average person
Maybe it only works with monsters? As much as people say Digimon have awful designs I just can't not love them.
So what? They eventually do anyway. At least it's not her very first appearance.
Her persona form is titled Leviathan, which in Christian myth is often used as a demon of Envy, she also has a yellow motif, which has connotations of envy in japan.
Basically the shadow form is her inner self's compensation, its over compensation in fact. And hiding herself within a suit of armor.
Not even Joker?
fuck I wish
>mfw all that god tier music from the entire final act
overdesigned people, especially children looks dumb
making a demonic form of lupin the 3rd a little dramatically designed isn't that offputting.
It's definitely harder to fuck up monster designs, but it can work with characters as well. I think some of the KH character designs are good, but they're also overdesigned as hell. Might just be my shit taste though.
Pretty much
MemeToes is a shit theme thou, also the palace music is amazing but I would kill to have a battle/boss variant instead of the same song on repeat
I never played it so I don't remember
holy fuck nu-Yea Forums is a fucking disaster
Still seems weak to me.
I feel like the only person in the world that likes the Mementos theme.
It's okay but there's no variation to it, unlike the tartarus theme, and gets repetitive quickly.
Is that all you have to offer.
Come back when she hits Marie levels.
I would much rather read Kasumi's poetry.
I don't dislike the theme for Mementos but I'd never actively listen to it on my time. I think it fits perfectly in game.
Lemme put it this way. I think most people take on mementos gradually as the game goes on.
But it's not required. You don't have to do anything other than the very beginning until the game reveals that it's actually the final dungeon of the game. Up until that point it's reasonable to believe that it's entirely optional. So somewhere in this world, without a doubt, there's at least one person who left the entire thing until the end of the game, and then had to do the entire fucking thing from beginning to end. With a day limit. And the game allows for that to happen.
So there's absolutely no fucking reason on this earth that the devs should have settled for one single tileset and one single track for the ENTIRE thing. That's just absolutely horrendous and only ever served to make the game worse.
The repetitiveness is thematically appropriate. Mementos represent the mindless daily grind of the Japanese wageslave. That's why I think it fits perfectly. I also like that it feels like sinister elevator music.
Have sex
One of the few end-game weapons that wasn't a massive disappointment. The general shittiness of the high level weapons genuinely bothers me.
So why were the transmuted weapons still "model weapons"? It doesn't make sense
Shut up, Regirock
Literally what the FUCK did he mean by this?
At least they have nice designs in some cases.
Explain why Mementos is segmented, with each segment having it's own theme and the deeper you go, the more twisted it becomes. It's lazy as shit, there's no excuse to have only one track playing the entire time and composition wise, Persona 5 is the blandest of them all.
>Best girl gets best gun
Why are you so mad?
You forgot about the super idiot of a runner.
shut up regirock
>one single tileset
Each section looks more and more fucked up though
Everyone in the game is a superhero. Even an artist who otherwise never exercised. Calm your autism
God I wish you were me
calm down daenerys
No way fag
Is this how americans see normal people?
I'm not mad I just wanted some (You)
It's still only 3 tilesets w/ recolours though.
Mixing it a little as you progressed like they did with Tartarus could've been pretty neat, I won't argue with that. Personally I'm more sick of Last Surprise than the Mementos theme.
lithe loli?
Yusuke's sword goes great with Susanoo imo and Ryuji's retarded weights are a clear reference to his ultimate persona.
I only accept Goro because I kept telling him to fuck off throughout the entire game and then he got blown the fuck out. The game trying to force me to sympathize with him at the end ticked me off though.
Light got BTFO in Death Note, though, and died a screaming, pathetic loser.
Yeah that part of her s-link where she starts having a panic attack at the store because she lost sight of Joker was pretty whimsical.
>grabs a balloon
Ryuji's end game weapons were the worst in terms of actual stats. They're all fucking trash which makes so little sense since he's a physical fighter.
Auto Tarukaja is handy for regular encounters.
>Auto-tarukaja or elec+
It's so fucking bad.
Auto-tarukaja is worthless when you get Joker a persona with auto-matarukaja and its attack value is just 256 which is less than even Ann's weapon
Elec+ is also useless because Ryuji isn't a caster and I think Mjolnir only has 254 in attack. Ryuji also learns elec boost naturally and I don't think it stacks with Mjolnir but maybe it does
nobody preordered this...
>New World Fool getting re-used for Adachi
At least he got a vocal battle theme in the Golden anime. Granted, giving more focus to him was about the only good thing the Golden anime did.
I want him to slap my dick.
Mjolnir doesn't stack with Elec boost, but it does stack with Elec amp.
They should change it to Shock (High) or something.
man, she didn't even jump that that high
>He is the epitome of what is wrong with jap storytelling, there is no goddamn reason the PT should even consider being nice to him once they learn the truth. He kills TWO of their parents and countless others but everyone just kinda brushes it off and goes "Y-Yeah but Shido made you do it tho, good boi dindu nuffin!"
Haru literally says "I don't forgive you for what you did, but I do sympathize with you". I didn't realize that empathy meant complete forgiveness.
>Mjolnir doesn't stack with Elec boost, but it does stack with Elec amp.
And Ryuji doesn't even learn elec amp. I don't know why the developers made his weapons extra useless. Makoto is arguable the only one that gets both a good melee and ranged weapon.
The point of Death Note is that "justice" is just a pretty word, and might makes right.
Yusuke's are alright. The extra effects on his melee are mostly bad, but the stats are okay.
Haru doesn't have ANY good weapons, executions or otherwise.
the entire p5 soundtrack could have been just rivers in the desert on a permanent loop and it still would have been better than p4's soundtrack.
p4 has better music in the persona q games than it does in its own games.
>model gun namer in honor of a god of death
>transmuted from Michael
people aren't always rational actors. and for most people, cutting ties with a family member is easier said than done.
Mary Sue, when the term was originally coined, meant someone that had great skills/abilities that they never studied or trained. Either the character's past was never explained, or the explanation was retarded and made no sense.
Like the girl that repaired the millennium falcon as though she'd been working in the millennium falcon factory for 30 years. "LOL I JUST BYPASSED THE FAULTY COMPRESSOR LOL" ... that shit, how she magically new more than Han about his own ship.
It's not about the character being perfect. It's about the character being perfect with no decent explanation. Leeloo from 5th Element, for example. Literally perfect at everything, as pointed out in half of her scenes by onlookers. But there was a reason and it was well explained.
why do mainline-only fags act like their characters are any better? persona 2 alone has better characters than all of mainline. you play mainline for the gameplay and the alignment system, not for the characters.
wew lad
im not buying this shit after the trainwreck that was p4g unless its fucking amazing changes-the-game-entirely tier
The thing about Yusuke is that while the Yoshitsune sword isn't bad his best weapon is actually one of the mid game swords simply because it gives him +5 strength.
Haru's axe is interesting because it has both an ailment on hit and gives +stats which no other weapon in the game does. It's just a shame that it gives +5 magic when I prefer her gun skills. I don't like that both her axe and Haten robe+ pushes her towards magic.
God I'd pump so much sticky stuff into Asahi
holy fuck she was so cute too bad i killed her lol
>jumps 2 feet into the air
>super athlete
whats your weight user
>unironically using apocalypse as an example
Everyone hates that game except persona fans. Beside the fact that mainline absolutely has good characters. They're just not in-your-face when compared to the sheer number of cutscenes in persona.
Quantity=/=quality and all that. Knowing what Chie's favorite movie is doesn't make her a better character necessarily.
>Everyone hates that game except persona fans.
More like love-hate stupid
>Everyone hates that game except persona fans.
but whenever people compare it to persona, mainline-only fags immediately get defensive and start up with the "b-b-but it's not like persona at all, i-it's about killing your friends!!!"
His idle animation in the palace is literally him steadying himself on his good leg. Do they have to spell it out?
That's why you play DeSu 1 for characters.
Maybe SH for a fun set of supporting cast members
When's Tadashi coming back