Play fistful of frags.Please.
Fistful of frags
more like Fistful of Fags. because people who play this game are faggots who fist eachother hahaha. hows the fisting going OP? nice greasy, shitty forearm you have their gayboy. hahahaha.
imagine being gay AND having shit taste in games. God you're pathetic. Pathetic with shitty hands from all the fisting LOL.
i only found out about this game like a month ago and it's dead
Pass the whiskey
im busy atm try again later
Nobody uses the fist people often uses the axe or throwing knifes,get a load of this guy.
I won't because I'm playing mordhau. But I'll bump your thread because the game seems cool
Yeah thats why i want to people to know and remember this game.
fucking BASED
Volcanic + fanning is best panic combo, prove me wrong
Someone please make an Outlaws (1997) campaign remake with FoF assets and Source engine they use.
Every update since 2013 has made the game worse
Dual Colt Walker
>fuck everyone on the map for 12 shots
>out of the game for the next 45 minutes to reload
I liked this game a lot back when it came out
I hate how they removed the default fist ability to disarm people and put it on another weapon, I forget to equip it half the time.
*distant hahaha getting louder*
Boy you're gonna wind up dead
"Im gonna pump you full of lead"
Gets boring when you realise there are only two viable weapons if you want to win (colt and volcanic). Why the Schofield was nerfed multiple times is beyond me considering how it gives less than half the points per kill as the colt. Then again I haven't played in two years so maybe they fixed some stuff
Is Boot still OP?