Do you play any video games outside, Yea Forums?

Do you play any video games outside, Yea Forums?

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I can play emulated stuff on my phone but can't play PSP or DS in public.

Should buy a laptop at that point. Looks expensive and clumsy.

Based AJ

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Why not?

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>can't play PSP or DS in public
I've played both in public transport back in uni days and no one GAF

Notice how there’s no disc inserted? Well that’s because the xb1 has no games.

>AJ is going to retire soon

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that guy is inside

Being oblivious to your surroundings does not mean nobody noticed

no, i'm not 12 years old

the only people who actually care about public gaming are you autistic retards on \V\

Makes some people want to strike conversation. Hell it happened when I was emulating GBA on a tablet.

user thats 360

Literally who cares if they see someone on a PSP playing a game vs on a phone playing a game? Literally what's the difference? Who actually cares?

Airport terminals are boring. I think more people are annoyed/disgusted by the turk with bad body odor who takes his shoes and socks off, or the Chinese guy covered in boils, more than they are with a white guy with glasses playing a PSP game.

Yes, I'm a Switch chad

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We aint doing geometry nigga we tryna play some games

Go away Yea Forums

Come here Yea Forums

Big Bible AJ will always be here for us, shut up.

literally all you guys have to do to not be a loser in public is be in good shape, otherwise leave the vidya at home

>Literally what's the difference?
"Oh he's taking advantage of the fact that he'll have his phone with him anyway for important business matters and staying in touch while traveling to play a quick socially acceptable game of angry birds while waiting for his train to arrive" vs "Can you believe this guy? So obsessed and addicted he'll actually bring his dedicated gaming console with him because he can't spend 5 minutes of his life waiting patiently like a respectable adult, why doesn't he just strike up a conversation with a stranger instead? What a loser"
Note: it doesn't matter what game they're playing, it could be angry birds or fruit ninja on the vita vs an emulated GameCube or PSP game on the phone, it's about others perception.
Not that I agree, you shouldnt care about this stuff. But that's the logic behind all the posts on Yea Forums

Imagine typing this paragraph of autistic drivel thinking you speak on behalf of the thousands of people that use this board.

Serious question, when did normies take over this board?

The shit you can get away with when you're wearing a decent suit is unreal.


Still more than WhoJapan

You know it's true

>be handsome and athletic
>do whatever you want

Yes I do know it's true your an autist that thinks he speaks on behalf of Yea Forums

I thought it was during the candyass era


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"Hehe look at that retard playing a 3ds in public what a loser"

>arrives home to play on PC for 8 hours straight

Then what do you think the reason is


Because people like shitposting

kill yourself. This board has been runover for years now. Stop pretending like it just suddenly happened. You are not fitting in newfag

Christ I rember these faggot ass portable fuckers were all over military base. Every store had them and there was a rep that would show up and try to sell them. Get a fucking laptop holy shit.

I bought a Switch and yet only play POWDER on my phone and leave the Switch at home

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imagine them taking turns fucking you senselessly haha

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More like run to 4chin to waste time talking about it. Both sides. Heh.

This is a train in Asia. White guys can get away with pretty much everything over there.


Good thing you can emulate ds and psp on your phone

Played with my 3DS on a 3 hours train last saturday. No person gave a flying fuck.

You're a faggot for the way you answered my question, but you did also answer my question so thanks I guess

Stop being a teenager, grow up

This thread has been brought to you by Diamond Dogs.

Is this actually true? I thought 6'2 chads like myself would be hated if I did anything there

>Focus on other people looking at you or what they think

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no i am not a retarded normie subhuman

you guys ever see people in public and think "everyone's the main character in their own life story, how did this person look at themselves this morning and decide that this is what a protagonist looks like"
makes it easier to believe that NPC meme


>not caring about what other people think

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Ever see someone walk past you with a blank stare? Like if a car was turned into a human? That makes me believe the NPC meme.

Why go through all this effort

Nope. When I was growing up video games were for nerds back when it wasn't a good thing to be a nerd. I don't even tell people I play video games and when I'm asked I down play how much I do. It's stupid but I guess I never got over the stigma.

>be an ugly skeleton
>ridiculed for anything


He sure doesn't

Hey I didn't ask for feels.

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>Desperately seeks the approval of everyone else

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Yeah some PSP.
Public perception isn't based on what you do, but on how you look and act about it. No one thinks twice about a Chad confidently playing 3ds in public, but a fat neckbeard will be "cringe".
Since people don't judge you by what you do, but what they think of you, you might as well stop giving a fuck and play video games wherever you want.

Wrong. It you play a portable console in public, people will consider you a gaming addicted loser, a disgusting waste of breathable air. Do you really want to present that kind of image about yourself?

Wrestler usually travel a lot

As opposed to being a phone addicted loser, like everyone else? Imagine caring about what retards like that think of you.

>Do you play any video games outside, Yea Forums?
IRL is a fun game. You should give it a try.
Exploits fucking everywhere waiting to be abused.

Because if there's one thing BBAJ likes more than his Bibles, it's his Xbone or at least until someone stole it.

Phones are socially acceptable, handheld consoles are not. Retard.

Finna cringe

>train does a 360
>console jumps out of the windows
>money stolen

Based styles

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I got ridiculed for playing Sonic Adventure 1 a while back.

Only NPC's mindlessly follow what is "socially acceptable". a laptop

I'm listening to audiobooks.

same here, though i used to to take my psp with me when i would be spending time in between classes in uni

Nigga no. If you look good enough you will be considered le sexy nerd xD. I know a dude who drives a pink smart two seater as his daily driver car. That's probably the most feminine car. He still gets pussy how often he wants because he is jacked.

They literally let you grab them by the pussy

>socially acceptable
Depends on your surroundings.
In college hardly anyone would bat an eye when seeing someone playing a video game on campus.
At a company it obviously depends on the company. At, say, Google it would probably be normal. At Exxon you'd probably get fired on the spot.

No. I listen to podcasts or do some light reading on my phone. I guess I'm a bit of an intellectual.

The more publicity Yea Forums creates, the more people come check it out. And some stay. It's the nature of man. In a private community, there will always be some that crave attention.

Honestly if that's what you have to tell yourself, than more power to you.

I had people strike a conversation with me because I was playing emulated Zelda on my S9+. To be fair, I was using a telescopic ipega controller.

That could be a 10 hour ride for all you know. Maybe he's not a nerd who reads books

Not really. I have a bad case of motion sickness.

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It's really not. Logically there is absolutely no reason to feel worse about playing with a handheld than a phone in public, and logically there are also very few occasions where there is any reason for you to care about what is socially acceptable, your reaction probably stems from some sort of irrational fear of exclusion.

Even though I have a switch and have had several handhelds in the past, I don't think I ever could. It's just too embarrassing. I get enough stares from strangers as is.

Then if it bothers you so much don't play a game that will embarrass you so much.
In this day and age especially you're more of a freak if you're not at least playing some kind of game, thats the judgement I've received in my life so better showing your into games or even better yet stop giving a shit.

In front of your face with everyone is a million ways to ridicule them, even if its cruel and hurtful.

Any norper out there that genuinely thinks this when seeing someone play a game is already a lost cause anyway. I doubt its the majority of people.
>why doesn't he just strike up a conversation with a stranger instead?
Are you kidding?

I play Dorf Fort between classes in the lounge when I'm not studying

Boner no

Why is there a stigma for this I don't get it

Again, if that's how YOU find peace in your own reality, then good for you.

Games are still seen as "for kids" and something to be kept behind closed doors, even by the normies that play them.

Outside environment is way too uncomfy and hectic for gaming. It's only really an option on long train rides.
There really isn't. Thick nerds think there is one because they're always over-conscious of their surroundings.

Get help my dude.

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Technically speaking everyone has their own reality due to how perception works. Your reality appears to be one where it matters how you appear to people with literally zero importance to your own life.

It's too late for me, bro. All I can do is warn people now.

You're trying really hard to convince me of something I fully support. Seems to me you're not confident in your own ideals.

I am confident in my own ideals. I'm not confident in knowing what message your posts are even trying to convey at this point.

no one gives a damn bro

GAF doesn't imply no one noticed, just that no one cared.


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this, as long as you aren't a fat neckbeard, you are fine, hell if you are fit and well groomed, people will probably find it endearing

post discord

I actually have a set up for the gameboy player. It takes like 5 minutes to put together outside in the backyard to play boktai in the sun. I used to be able to beat boktai in like under 2 hours but I ran into my old nemesis the second to last ice block puzzle. Every time I forget how to solve it.

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time keeps on slippin

I take my 3DS EVERYWHERE with me and I play it once I am perfectly sure there's no one around to see me. At least no one who would judge me for having fun.

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