>That kid who had all the gaming consoles, yet lived in a house like this
That kid thread?
>that kid who borrowed your favorite game before school ended and lost it
>a house like that is now $1m+ in 2019
What happened?
>boomers ruining opportunity for the next generation so they can hoard wealth they can't take to the grave
>that kid who had a kitchen completely full of delicious expensive snacks while you didn't have jack shit
Boomers happened.
Poor local leadership that spent more than it could afford with ordinance it shouldn’t have passed.
>t. Califag who moved to Texas
Voting red since those fucks never do a damn thing to change their states “for the better/right side of history”
>That kid that invites you round to play vidya
>his parents argue the entire time you are there
>c'mon man, its not fair you dont let me play
>your friends dad gets mad at him
I remember getting asked about my 6 month gap on my resume. Told them I traveled the world seeing all the sights when really all I did was neet around and masturbate. Good times.
>chips for days
It was like heaven
I had a friend like that. Once I bought us burgers to eat it while we were heading to his place and after eating half of it he decided to put the rest in his pocket as is and said he's gonna give the rest to his grandma since they have no food at home.
>vidya game sleepover
>just shared his bed with him
This was me. I later realized my mom sold drugs.
>that kid who threw his ps2 controller at his parakeet and it fucking exploded
classic Yea Forums
>that kid who traded his games in for cash then missed his old games a week later
>sharing a bed with your schoolyard bro, snuggling and rubbing your hairless bodies together to keep up the body heat
nothing more manly than that, brothers
same but we also sucked each other off a few times
but yeah I agree
>that same kid sold you an xbonex for a pittance two decades later
>it was for the same reason
>the reason was drugs
As long as you're not holding hands while doing it.
>Salary: competitive
Yeah fuck you faggots
Fuck, I did... Did I fuck up bros? Am I gay now?
Ikr. For some reason our fingers also smelled like shit when we woke up in the morning but whatever.
Did you help your bro to clean them with your tongue?
>that kid who died by falling in a well and drowning while screaming for help
>that kid who died by getting split half by a heavy duty cable snapping out of place
>that kid who died trying to take a sharp turn with his car while going at 120mph
>that kid who fucking died after her bf broke up with her over a phone text so she jumped off a bridge overlooking the train station (actually no she didn't reall die but she's paralysed from neck down now haha)
No dude that's gross, I'm not his father.
>that kid who sells everything he owns to gamesrop so he can get one $60 game
Look, i get that not everyone has money, but maybe this is why you dont have anything.
Then you're not a true bro. Please reevaluate what you're doing
>that nigger who was expelled for getting his dick sucked blatantly in the main hallway
How is America these days? I'm trying to get a job there.
That feels oddly specific
the bird or the controller?
Don't bother coming, they're "creating jobs", aka shitty retail and fast food jobs. America is dead
The job market is a hell of a lot better than it was 5 years ago! In fact, we are in the best job market ever right now. If you are educated, and have a year or 2 of professional experience you shouldn't have a problem getting hired. Just apply a lot online.
Stay out of major cities in California and rent shouldn't be an issue.
I'm currently working China, I get paid about $3,500 a month after tax for working 2.5 hours a day, the rest of my time is spent sleeping/playing vidya/shitposting on 4channel/hanging out with qt Asian girls (lots of Japanese and Koreans here too).
holy fuck that pic lol
mind if I save it?
perfectly fine, don't move to a big brown filled city.
i paid off my school at 23, bought a house at 25.
maybe aim higher than retail and fast food
Wachu doing?
Are you a professional white person?
Teaching high school history in a tier 2.
>that kid who forced you to take your clothes off when his parents were gone
I once saw an ad for a pot-washer that required a years experience in pot-washing and a car. I think it was only a bit above minimum wage too.
Jesus Christ user
Im thinking about doing that but I'm scared of falling through an escalator then getting run over by a bus crashing into the mall just as I land in the basement
HR departments were a mistake
a lot of people are intimidated by these bullshit lists, but they're exactly that, bullshit.
these lists are usually made by mongoloid HR people that google for these descriptions and take what other retarded HR people put in theirs.
they hardly reflect reality, and if you could do at least one thing on those lists you should always apply.
Literally me. There are only 2 of us living in the same roof so we don't really need a big house or a mansion and I'm sorry Vincent, I'm having fun with pokemon emerald.
Sounds pretty comfy.
>that kid who damaged a game they borrowed and has no intention on paying you back.
>on Yea Forums in China
This is bait
Unless you're making at least $100,000 stay out of major cities if you want to live comfortably
>that kid who returned that game he borrowed covered in chocolate stains
Winnie the pooh