Try to disprove it, if you can.
Vidya Redpills Thread
Wtf is a subseries and what other megaman subseries would there even be. Megaman soccer? I thought the term was spinoff
Mega Man Battle Network is the best example of running a series into the ground by releasing too many games too quickly
I love those, post more
Mega Man is the very definition of running a series into the ground.
Fucking based OP, lmao.
>Lazy object labeling
Wow, Yea Forums is stealing Facebook memes now?
Redpill is just a bluepill painted red
I haven't saved many of them.
ms paint comics don't make your arguments sound more valid, if anything they make you look like a faggot who can't argue back
Ok this is epic
Are you implying that Battle Network was any more consistent in quality than the Classic and X series? 4 and 5 exist.
I think it is pretty obvious that he is saying all of the series has the problem of inconsistency and too many sequels.
Only soibois and leftcucks play video games
Nobody fucking cares /pol/nigger
Try painting the pill next time, .
im sure your average /pol/poster is really, really productive
Yeah, just ask them. They all make six figures and are fucking 10/10s on the regular
I found some more.
I'll find more.