Vidya Redpills Thread

Try to disprove it, if you can.

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Wtf is a subseries and what other megaman subseries would there even be. Megaman soccer? I thought the term was spinoff

Mega Man Battle Network is the best example of running a series into the ground by releasing too many games too quickly

I love those, post more

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Mega Man is the very definition of running a series into the ground.

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Fucking based OP, lmao.

>Lazy object labeling
Wow, Yea Forums is stealing Facebook memes now?


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Redpill is just a bluepill painted red

I haven't saved many of them.

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ms paint comics don't make your arguments sound more valid, if anything they make you look like a faggot who can't argue back

Ok this is epic

Are you implying that Battle Network was any more consistent in quality than the Classic and X series? 4 and 5 exist.

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I think it is pretty obvious that he is saying all of the series has the problem of inconsistency and too many sequels.

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Only soibois and leftcucks play video games

Nobody fucking cares /pol/nigger

Try painting the pill next time, .

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im sure your average /pol/poster is really, really productive


Yeah, just ask them. They all make six figures and are fucking 10/10s on the regular

I found some more.

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I'll find more.

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