Here's your tier 1 operator bro

Here's your tier 1 operator bro

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For me it's Mozzie

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the only waifu this game needs

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Any good SFM porn of this ham planet yet?

Huh, that's not frost

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>cop vs cop instead of fighting terrorists or robbers
>too many characters instead of having fewer with more abilities and unique aspects each
>ubishit diversity cringefest
I regret purchasing this game so much


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that's a big hitbox

this so much.
I'm tired of those ubi games correct at best and getting ruined by incompetence through time

you can feel the cholesterol moving though its veins.

>ubishit diversity cringefest
This works out for them tho. Game journalists, blue checkmarks and tumblr will defend them to the death... and the people against it will still buy the game despite their complaining.

I bought it way before all the SJW stuff got added

>still salty about this absolute unit

and you can't refund so they already have your money.

>cop vs cop instead of fighting terrorists or robbers
Clancy was pretty strict about ensuring that nothing with his name on it should allow you to play as terrorists
>ubishit diversity cringefest
It's a unit made up of people from different CTUs around the world

>excuses for problems
stop posting
I got it from a russian keysite

>t-hunt isn't anywhere as good as Vegas
I'm still fucking mad.

is she actually tier 1?
if she is, you already know they did it just because she's ugly as fuck and would know that no one ever would play her if she wasn't broken

Legitimately thought that was a dude when I first saw herr

Is it because she's a 4 armor operator?

>he thinks the inability to play as terrorists and having people from different countries on the same team are "problems"
>not the absolute pants-on-head retarded balance which they take months to make slight tweaks to because of their rigid update schedule
>not every new DLC op continuing to compromise its core gameplay
>not ubishit's awful servers causing constant gameplay issues
>not every update adding gamebreaking bugs that go unfixed for months
>not the fact that they keep bloating the game's map pool with terribly-designed garbage every season
If you're going to bitch about something bad at least get your fucking priorities straight

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if everyone had uniforms accurate to their real life counterparts, with cosmetics just being either different historical uniforms or varied real life camo patterns, then I wouldn't even be mad about all the women
but at this point it's like every character is a superhero with their own costume

Reminder that her BMI is literally medically classified as morbidly obese

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At least the original release operators resembled their real life counterparts.

>>he thinks the inability to play as terrorists and having people from different countries on the same team are "problems"

no, the problem is having a 100kg stronk independent woman who wouldn't have passed basic fitness tests for the australian special forces

Just like money, the higher the number the better

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Best female design since Ying shame about the weapons though.

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finally a Muslim operator

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cringe. at least it reaffirms that feminists are just bitter fatties

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