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So when i get home from my epic work vacation, i can use my BFA sub to get into the classic beta for free immediately for certain? Asking for myself. Fuck you

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Only playing if I can name myself
BatFucker or SasukePissFetish

can't use fuck
too long

I miss the days when Blizzard as a company was based.

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Nope, it's lottery, unless you are estreamer


WoW Classic success might make them focus only on Classic content and fix all their mistakes with TBC and Wrath.

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This company is gay and the minor attention my negative thread is getting is proof of that

Haha oh yeah and maybe theyll fundamentally restructure and restore the youth of the founders and creators who left too haha

Yeah but it's also their general attitude to their customer base. Nowadays instead of stuff like in OP's pic you get Blizzard banning the OK hand sign and community managers ranting about how much they hate the community.

They already fucked up Classic WoW, you delusional retard.

Don't bother with beta. Be patient. Everything will get reset in 3 months anyways.

Active account since before AQ released and still no beta key

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but did you buy the pig

No why?

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I'm guessing the likelyhood of getting a beta key is influenced by how much of a whale you are for the ingame store.

I want to say thank you.

To the people who won’t give up on the combat bugs- A lot of negativity has been going around about how it’s annoying that they confirm this or that and you guys won’t relent. People even dissing your memory/relation to pservers. But you keep going - why? Bc you’re passionate. Bc blizzard birthed a joy inside you you hope to relive and have exact. You’ve helped spot a stoneskin bug. Keep going and there may be even more. I know it’s a lil over the top, but good on you. Good on you for having a care and love for such a good game to see it the same as it was (even at the risk of being wrong). The challenge of it all and the hardships you faced in the past may no longer be there bc of game knowledge, but you know you’ll still have fun. So with that said I know you’re dedicated to this combat for the rest of us who may have missed out on that vanilla experience. Thank you.

To the streamers - What entertainment. Thanks for the laughs (esfand) and the intense war battles (sonydigital/Venruki/asmongold) and the sheer steady gameplay/thorough gameplay combing through the game looking for bugs. So that we can be hyped and excited and hope to share laughs alongside you one day. And we get to experience these findings with you or maybe even notice things you may have not.

To the dev team -

Thanks for making gamers feel... cared for again. I remember playing back in burning crusade and thinking “this game was made for me.” And I can see why; bc you cared for each individual player to come into Azeroth with your code/development. The hours you put in and the bug reports you continue to read even though you KNOW it’s been confirmed. The fun you like to have with your community. This game shows a lot of heart and care. Thank you for that.

I’m heading to bed but I just wanted to say thanks - sorry for the poor formatting on my phone. Good night everyone and good luck on stress testing tomorrow!

Goodnight friends!

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>Resubbed for a chance at the beta
>Dungeon gear is now equal to the gear from Uldir
What the actual fuck are Blizzard thinking?
What is the point of even doing the raid now?

I want to preface this all: I know the general advice is to play what you want or what you're happiest on, and I respect that viewpoint.

Now to my post: have any of you had to learn to love gnome? I really want to roll alliance in classic for a change of scenery from horde, and unless I decide to heal I'm torn between Mage and Lock right now.

Aesthetically speaking I much prefer humans. I find gnomes horrible to look at, play as, listen to, you name it. I hate them. With the aforementioned advice, it would make sense to play human. However I have a really bad min/maxing mental block preventing me from making what should be an easy decision.

I've always played WoW at a hardcore level, and plan to go very hard in Classic. It doesn't sit right with me to intentionally give up bonus int, escape artist, and even the small gain of +15 eng (which is a great profession in Classic) just so I can enjoy the character I look at. The human racials just don't even compare, at least for the caster DPS classes. I feel like I'd be hating myself playing human the whole time for basically choosing to play the less efficient race.

So I ask, how the hell have you people who may have been in a similar situation come to love gnome or learn to accept not playing the "BiS" race? I've always played undead but my friends want to Alliance and I want to play with them, so here I am.

My other options I'm entertaining are priest or pally, in which case I'll definitely go dwarf for priest but I'd be undecided for pally. I just hate that something as dumb as racials is making it so hard for me to make a decision. I can't not think about it. HELP.

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Just play a human you fucking faggot
That bonus int is basically nothing, it only effects the base int of your character
It's not something completely gamechanging like Arcane Torrent or that Draenei +hit racial

Gnomes can't even wear pointy red hats.

People that are dying to get into the beta, why not just play on a private server? Your beta character will get wiped anyway.

yeah I don't get it
nothing new until launch

I am
My guild has started getting lackadaisical since the release date got announced

Tons of people are on private servers already actually. There's been a huge population spike and all the starter zones are packed.

Something about the north Alliance quest hub in STV against Colonel Kurzen really calls to my nostalgia. You're just high enough in level to have some gear, maybe even a blue or two, and you have some solid class skills, and the enemies start to get tougher and have their own tricks.

I live in fear of hearing HUH! again.

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Why the Alliance STV quest hub doesnt have a flight path yet Horde gets one along with zeppelins that make travelling for them piss easy I'll never understand.

I bought the pig and got an invite the next day, pretty based.

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Kurzen medicinemen make me angry. They heal so fucking much, good luck if you don't have an interrupt

Why do you guys want to get into the beta?
I'm avoiding it so I don't get burned out by the time the game actually releases.

>tfw already beyond beta level on a private server
It's a mixed feel

Naming my guy Enward for sure.

Kurzen Remedies are a godsend for some classes though
>That fucking EPL debuff that reduces you chance to hit by 50%
>It lasts TWO HOURS

Classic was designed in the early 2000s and released in 2004. Twitch wasn't even a conceptual thought. YouTube wouldn't exist until the next year.

The mechanisms of gameplay and interaction were not designed to handle streamers and their audiences without it being warped by them.

Fast forward to 2019. Streamers and Twitch aren't just part of gaming, for anyone below 30 theyaregaming. Streamers are the dna of gaming itself and watching them is simply part of the gaming process.

Streamers will flock to Classic as it will be the hottest game of the year (Asmon had more concurrent viewers than FUCKING NINJA the other day -- and people mocked me when I said this game would be bigger than Fortnite on Twitch). Every streamer worth anything -- and then countless worthless streamers with single-digit views -- will be streaming classic. There will be no serverwithouta streamer.

They will be in the top guilds. They will be handed the best loot. They will run the server by virtue of being the most popular and adored player. They will have veritable armies farming mats for them day in-day out just for a mention on stream.

The community-focused, individual server-focused game was not designed for the existence of streamers but here they are. We have to reckon with the fact that the gamewillbelong to the streamers, not to us.

Older gamers, what a place we are in.

Men will not understand us -- for the generation that grew up before us, though it passed those years with us in Azeroth, already had a wifey and a calling; now it will return to its old occupations, and the WoW will be forgotten -- and the generation that has grown up after us will worship streamers and push us aside. We will be superfluous, to the WoW and even to ourselves. We will grow older, a few will adapt themselves and find a low-key streamer not suckling off the teat of the bigger ones, some others will merely stop playing, and most will be bewildered, in the end their char will fall into ruin.

I'm guessing it's people who watch streamers like Asmongold.

I'm purposefully not watching his stream or any that play Classic because it just makes me impatient.

I asked that question once.
They replied "Chuck Norris dies"

It's been like this since Wrath you jackass. BC had a little bit of this too with Magister's Terrace.

There is no point.

You play the patch, not the expac

The devs like the horde more

Human looks a lot better in the level 60 caster gear so it’s not really worth looking ugly for that int boost

That's false, the caster gear you get from zg etc is so fucking ugly that the less visible it is, the better

who the fuck wants to play horde
literal mudhut niggers eating KFC in their designated nigger KFC huts in the middle of every zone (complete with every vendor, more quests then alliance and FP ofc oh and sometimes there is even a zeppelin or free transport thrown in) while chimping on anything that moves in numbers only despite rolling for pvp racials but never actually 1v1ing to use them
then porting into their literal mudhut nigger KFC city called "orgrimmar" more like ogreshit lol blizzard literally took some somalian shithole town and copy pasted it into wow to give that authentic nigger feel to the faction le monster races br0 check out these NO SHOES so whacky better name myself something fucking retarded like boogerbones to fit in btw get owned kid totally bg queued out of that 1v1 close one
you want a sick capital city to afk in br0? take your pick :

- literal sewer shithole with aids and feces everywhere
- some fucking retarded canyon thing where you fall off and die
- literal nigger kfc somali city





I didn't know it'd gotten this bad
I assumed at least the previous raid tier would still be a bit worthwhile but jesus fuck

They’ll never concede there were mistakes as they wer what brought them the most subscribers

Go horde and dispel world buffs off your friends until they reroll

Bloodvine is ugly as fuck but objectively looks better on human female than gnomes.

I dunno dude, I think it's so ugly that the smaller the character model the better. I will agree humans look better in most caster gear though

Yes, beta access is guaranteed for the 100 of you still subbed to BFA

Fixes such as adding LFR and flying to complement sharding?

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is lightbringer not dead anymore? shit was a ghost town when i was leveling my 20-something warrior a few weeks ago.

Most private servers are topheavy as fuck, them all being at Naxx and such.

>Why not just play on a private server?
Why not just play locally with NPCBots and VAS Auto Balance?...

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>Ten years later
>"Classic" realms catch up to BFA
>They announce WoW Classic Classic
>The cycle begins anew