Play Overwatch

Play Overwatch

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don't like kusoge

>blizzard reveals mais bare thighs
>Yea Forums suddenly loves overwatch again

did they fix the gameplay, undo their godawful balancing and rehaul all the shitty chokepoint maps? or did they just add some more shitty event-locked skins for people to port into porn video studios? because if its the later i'll just wait for the r34 vids, thanks

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I don't like OW but I'm waiting for the porn

Fuck off, the girls arent even pretty.
Fuck your shitty fetish and fuck your SJW video game

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no..I think you are very beaut fill Mei..let me play with your tummy

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>dude obesity lmao

Paladins has better asses and TF2 has better gameplay.
no need to waste my time and money on this shit.

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>TF2 has better gameplay

TF2 has skill based movement rather than abilities that just do the movement for you so that alone makes it better.

no one wants to see your low graphics setting screenshot

I went from TF2 to OW back to TF2 and my god was it super slow, it was almost unplayable

Based retard who hasn't played overwatch

I'm a competitive first person shooter player

Inb4 that one webm comparing rocket jumping in tf2 to pharahs rocket jump

have they nerfed shielding yet?

based retards who are shit at TF2 and don't know how movement works

i think that a lot of overwatch's abilities end up bogging the actual game down more than it helps it, and the amount of momentum-killing stuns is pretty obnoxious too; as far as i recall TF2 just has the sandman and even then they changed that to a slowed state instead
another issue is the source engine has much better physics, meaning that while overwatch has more movement-based abilities TF2's engine itself allows for easier movement and mechanics like rocket jumping built-in, overwatch has really poor physics in comparison and from my time trying to jump with junkrat it just felt less satisfying


The difference is tf2 movement is mostly based out of finding a solution to an unintuitive system with unintended side effects while ow movement is polished and professionally developed to allow organic movement options for a variety of different classes.

I'd rather beaty my meaty

How does overwatch have poor physics at all? Objects fall like normal objects, including characters. They all fall with gravitational acceleration. They recently fixed lucio's Boop, too, which was jarring and unnatural. The only weird physics i see are in Reinhardt's charges which are amazingly still fucking broken 3 years after release, and Brigitte's whip shot which throws Orisa like 3 goddamn miles away.
"Less satisfying" is a meaningless buzzword. Have you ever got a widow double hook-shot? Very satisfying.


>ow movement is polished and professionally developed to allow organic movement options for a variety of different classes.
BASED RETARD, many thanks for the keks

Bitch about the mechanics you want, the game has blizzard polish. I'll put this in my cringe collection, thanks. *snap*

>blizzard polish
Please sir I can't take no more

not even that guy.
TF2 has quake movement, its way faster paced that OW if you actually learning routing on each map.

if you flick between that and the pajama skin its funny that they made her bare legs fatter, to appease all the "woke" fat bitches

This Reddit-tier upvote-based snide commentary rather than discussion brought to you by the movers and shakers at Yea

Overwatch is a terrible game with worse balance and an even worse community of drones that play it.
>Blizzard polish
Blizzard polishes fucking turds and sells them to you at full price.

she has fatter thighs to appeal to men you faggot

that'll be 59.99 with tip please

mei is fucking disgusting

no i mean her legs in that new skin are literally fatter than the edge of the pajamas in the other skin, didnt people complain she was too skinny in the pajamas?

The tip is all the money they want you to spend on lootboxes, I presume, because that's clearly all they care about at this point. Milking their fan base for cosmetic to support their next dying attempt at esports. It's honestly more sad than anything.

Because the loud minority of morons, Yea Forums included, have decided that Mei is a blobbery mass of cellulite despite everything to the contrary in the official material and throws a massive fit when she's not portrayed as the hambeast of their dreams.

Literally made for BWC

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Whales shouldn't be wearing people clothes

and that’s a good thing!

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>Mei is a blobbery mass of cellulite

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thanks doc