Remember Max Payne 3? Why didn't we get any other third person shooters as solid and stylish as that shit...

Remember Max Payne 3? Why didn't we get any other third person shooters as solid and stylish as that shit? Max Payne 3 was fucking great.

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it sucked

you suck, fag


I enjoyed it, but it wasnt jack shit compared to the first 2. Maybe I was just a kid at the time, but the first two were amazing back in the day. Bullet time being a fresh concept adopted from the matrix was all the rage for a 13 year old back then.

Unironically kill yourself

Every Max Payne game is great

he is right. it sucked.

It didn't and you are both wrong.

The multiplayer was great, especially because almost everyone was so bad at it. I always rolled a single unmodded PT92 and wiped the floor with minifags on PS3 and PC. There was usually one other guy per game who was also good though and it almost became like a 1v1 kill race. Good times.

I agree. I tried hard to like it. Game is awful. Didn't even finish it

I agree with them. "played" the game an hour, was able to interact with what felt like all of 20 minutes. Fuck MP3 and you zoomer movie loving faggots.

Opinion disregarded. Enjoy your shit taste.

nah those guys are right. it sucked. it had more cutscenes than gameplay.

Oh no some dipshit thinks I have shit taste whatever shall I do.

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Nah, they and you are wrong. Even if it was heavier with cutscenes than other games, the gameplay more than made up for it. It was a great game, sorry bro.

Great game if you don't give a shit about pacing and progression maybe.

MP3 sucked ass because it kept interrupting gameplay every 5 minutes with moronic cutscenes.

Just go watch Man on Fire and let me fucking play

I saw it at fivebellow lol

You don't have a clue what you're talking about lmao

It's called creating context, something the series is known for.

Console plebs that played on easy

>Yea Forums shits on it
>eventually play it
>it's pretty great

The story and cutscenes suck, but the shooting was still great.

They're not exactly complicated concepts user.

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No it didn't you just have shit taste
Well it's because gta v faglords bought the game like water in the desert and rockstar don't want to work hard to not get their money back. Max Payne needs a better taste to get appreciated


rockstar is a one trick pony, they peaked on the ps2. only newfags will like their recycled and simple bullshit gameplay.

their shit is boring, outdated, and minimal.

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>whatever shall i do
well shit user, fix your taste would be my advice. just because you're a limited zoomer with no real valuable input, doesn't mean you have to be that forever.

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opinion discarded, shit taste etc. etc.

fun shit haha

user, pls, its not personal. i mean its kind of unavoidable to be new and have anything other than a shit and narrow point of view.

back in my day

faggots had to lurk moar

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mp is shit compared to the earlier titles. only people who defend it here are zooms who were around 14 when max3 was released and who havent played 1 or 2

lurking stopped being a thing by 2012 gramps

And the board is worst for it.

Stay triggered MP3 is a shit movie game and keep the ad hominens rollin rollin rollin.

Kinda I wish it would have kept the 2nd and first games style

Then at should have kept with the comic strips at the begging of eatch mission

It still is, I am playing it right now
The graphical glitches are especially great

I've played all 3 games, it's a perfect trilogy. People only shit on 3 because it's different.

I shit on 3 because it doesn't value my time and feels like the director is constantly behind my shoulder. There's no straightshot levels, just a bunch of segmented bullshit broken up by a slew of cutscenes.

this dumb nigger didnt even play the game
otherwise he'd understaCOCAINE

I believe it's because it was pretty much a cult classic like the original

I actually just recently played through this game on PC and I absolutely loved it story was solid music amazing and the gameplay was great and definitely a refreshing compared to today's bullet sponges

I tried playing Max Payne 3 for the first time with my Steam controller and I quit after I reached the 1st boat level. Couldn't aim for shit.

I think its just because Max Payne 3 was slower paced where as the first two had a bit more arcadey feel and much faster pace


>getting into the groove, cutscene to open a door or look around a corner
>repeat multiple times in every level
>took years for a cutscene skip mod and even then it still has some bugs
still love the gameplay though

>the golden gun from 007 is the only exception

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The other 2 games did that without being obnoxious. Sam Lake even commented about how the team knew the gameplay and story clashed so they just mostly separated them and had fun with it instead of trying to integrate both and ending up with lesser gameplay, and a lesser story. This "integrated" approach has been nothing but cancer and I wish it went away.

I also love people who parrot the whole 'it's hiding the loading screens dude' thing as well.

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What I don't get is how 3 can get so much hate but I never see people mention how out of place and shitty most of 2 is.

Keep engaging him for another 10 replies. I'm sure that'll work

Zoomer piece of shit
Max Payne 3 had nothing to do with Max Payne and was a fucking travesty.

He stopped though and I am the supreme victor. Clearly my views were stronger.

>he was a literal who in a scheme of money
>he failed every woman he tried to protect
>he finally lets it all go and retreats into the sunset
dare i say, KINO??

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"The final gunshot was an exclamation point to everything that had let to me at this point. I released the finger from the trigger."
"A bit closer to heaven."
"My Ghosts released me from my haunting."

"I had a dream of my wife. She was dead. But it was all right."

"And now, your local forecast: Boy, it's dark in some places, but it's sunny everywhere else."

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Max Payne 1 & 2 are noir
Max Payne 3 is Die Hard
And that's okay

you should pretty much play everything Yea Forums shits on desu
most of the time you're gonna get a fine game if not a great one, I mean I wouldn't say MP3 is a masterpiece, but it sure as fuck is some of the best shooters ever made despite being so cutscene-heavy
and yeah, thread seems like faggots who played the game on easy mode once are shitting on it and it's slow paced story mode, when there are other good shit in the game like new york minute hardcore, multiplayer was also some of the most fun I've ever had, too bad it's dead now

Use a fucking mouse like a real PC gamer.

Yes because a dull loading screen is a much better use of one's time than a kino cutscene.

I must have been around 20 when MP3 came out, I grew up with 1 and 2 and it's one of my all time favourite vydia series to this day, including MP3, got it on release day and thought it was great, I have to replay it basically every year at least once if I want some good shooting

shooting was dogshit headclick fest. missed the whole point of john woo esque barrages.

>max payne 1 on hardest, walk into room without knowing where everyone is and die
>max payne 2 is the same
>max payne 3 is the same

MP3 is nothing like an arcade shooter

>played on easy and used cover
Sure thing man, just like the other ones weren't either. The only thing arcadey about it is the slow motion.
>walks normal speed around the room and rolls

In MP1 & 2 you were dumped into the map and left to your own devices.

>being this over sensitive

lurking taught you not to be a sensitive cunt and don't be a try hard unfunny attention whore. basically don't spam your shitty lame humor, only post top tier content etc etc

shit threads get shit content. simple as that.

lol no. kids and corny ass dudes attempt to post lame unoriginal shit. when i first started posting here this place was already dying though.

its funny, because this place used to harbor a lot of the clever and creative content on the all that content can only be found scattered throughout shit like twitter and even reddit. reddit used to be the safe haven for unoriginal kids who would just beat memes like dead horses. it was why it was hated so much, they stole shit off here and spammed their lame humor all over it until it all died a brutal spamhappy death. reddit is still like that to some extent.

like you newfags think everything is "cringe" because you're insecure and young. everything is embarrassing to you because youre all still children. can't even distinguishing irony from cringe.

my point this place is the trash now and that max payne 3 was just a polished version of max payne 1 and 2, games which a lot of people played the life out of.

rockstar is washed up and can't expand on their formula.

also don't fucking @ me shit tastes

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I can understand people like the shooting in MP3. I don't understand people calling it a good game though.

>Tons of unskippable cutscenes
>damage feedback is non-existent
>the last man standing mechanic is clunky as fuck at best, broken at worst
>game equips pistols automatically for cutscenes purposes. Doesn't which back to your equipped weapon when cutscene ends. Doesn't matter if that pistol is out of ammo. You're fucked.
>Insta-death if Max is hit in the head by a stray bullet you couldn't have possibly seen coming
>Annoying as fuck, "Man of Fire" stylish text and image distortion everywhere. It's the video game equivalent of JJ Abrams' lens flares
>Shoulder switching is mounted to 2 different buttons on the D-Pad. Game doesn't give you a control option to mount it to L3/R3 like every other game in existence.
>Enemies will brush off bullets like rain drops
>Good luck keeping track of your tiny ass little opaque crosshair dot with all of the filters on the screen

MP3 could have been a contender for GOAT shooter, but Rockstar was too obsessed with style of substance. The shooting is pretty good, but it's surrounded by dog shit.

It was a massive step down from 1 and 2 in every way but I can't deny how much I loved the airport segment and multiplayer.

If only they didn't set it in a shitskin favela. I'd love a Max Payne 4 with a return to the classic noir setting.

>Max Movie 3

>Max Payne 1 & 2 are about insanity
>Rockstar take everything in charge now
>Suddenly, it's about muh gritty past, muh alcohol, muh drugs, urg urg We Man on Fire now!

>fucking frogposter complaining about spamming memes do death
Some people have zero self awarness

Should go without saying but legitimately don't play this shit if you have epilepsy. Learned that the hard way before I knew about any of the memes.