Is there a more beautiful game?

Is there a more beautiful game?

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Attached: red dead redemption 2.jpg (1920x1080, 379K)


>the grass poking up out of stone texture.

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This but without a single bit of irony

Tearaway: Unfolded

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>making a game look like what I can see out of my bedroom window
Art > photorealism

Looks better than every PC game

Why the fuck do the controls feel so fucking clunky
>turn analog right
>wait for character to face that direction so he can walk
Nothing pulls me outta of a game like this does

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Looks like shit, THIS is how games should look

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No but theres alot better games

There literally is not. Anyone that disagrees is a salty ninty/pc fanboy.

The craziest thing is that it's a massive detail rich open world game at the same time. How the fuck they pulled it off, i don't know.

Can't wait to see how it looks on ps5

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No... this is the peak we will reach. Sure, games like MK11 have amazing facial detail, but overall, this is completely unmatched.

Arthur sure is beautiful that is for sure.

can you fuck off i'm trying to follow the POST DEM X CHARACTERS shitposting and this thread shows up in the search

Hollow Knight


Thought I wasn't wearing my contacts for a sec but it turns out the game is actually that fucking blurry


How the fuck did Rockstar pull it off with 300 million dollar budget & 1000 people working overtime?

Looks worse than Wildlands from 2017
But most PC gamers only play WoW so they don't know

RDR2 on consoles literally look like dogshit. Blurry mess. However when it'll hit PC it will be the best looking game.
There is no ground to say it looks better than most PC games. I can name at least 5 games in recent memory that look better than rdr2 on consoles.

1. Metro Exodus
2. Anthem
3. BFV
4. Crysis 3
5. SWBF2

House building song is the best

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How did they get it on Xbox/ps4. Im a Sony fag and even I thought the first screens were bullshit or that the game would run at 12 fps


I loved metro, but linear fps, even with better textures, don't give off the same impression, especially with rdr2s god tier weather system. Climbing mount Shann for sunrise for the first time went beyond anything else I've experienced.

What defines beautiful? I’d put SotC as most “beautiful”, while RDR2 is technically impressive no doubt.

RDR2 is certainly a good graphical game but i think it also depends on the type of ar tstyle.

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>1. Metro Exodus
Blurry mess.
>2. Anthem
>3. BFV
Nope try again.
>4. Crysis 3
>5. SWBF2
graphics in that was just as dogshit as the lootboxes.


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>Blurry mess.
Turn off blur. :3
>Nope try again.
He is right tho.

ok how about this.

Get the BEST looking screenshot in BFV, and someone else get the BEST looking screenshot in rdr2.

its just fallout with horses

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>Same fog from San Andreas

Horizon: zero dawn but the game is shit.

>playing games for their beauty

megayikes and OOF


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holy shit.

mother 3

RDR2 is far more blurry than Metro, Rockstar over did it with the TAA

thats why most if not all AAA console games have motion blur on be default. and theres usually no option to turn it off.

dumb fucking retard

I see some haze. 4/10 graphics by modern standards.

the combat is fun in that game though. It's like the only open world game like this with good combat

Final Fantasy XV
Too bad they're both unfun garbage.

BotW and I don't even like the game much. It has better gameplay too which is pretty sad considering the huge flaws like durability, controls, 30fps, shrines, lame combat, minimal enemy variety, etc