Crash sold 10 million

>Crash sold 10 million
>Spyro only sold 2
>Crash was ported to the PC and Switch
>Spyro is stuck on One and PS4
>Crash is getting CTR remade because N.Sane did so well
>Spyro has nothing worth remaking
I-is it over, Yea Forums?

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Crash has been out longer and has the novelty of being the first in this wave of PS1 remakes.

Considering Spyro had a budget of an old shoe and half of a 7/11 hotdog it did pretty well.


Didn't Toys For Bob only remake the first two games, which is why Year of The Dragon's remake wasn't as good?

This, and it's worth noting that Crash was always kinda bigger than Spyro.

They don't compete though, they're brothers, to the point that Spyro being in Nitro Fueled wouldn't shock me.

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A good chunk of 2 was outsourced and 3 was developed by Sanzaru IIRC.

From what I read about sales of the remakes, Eurofags tend to like Crash more than Spyro while Spyro sells more evenly worldwide. And yeah, I hope he's DLC.

Fuck I never even played Crash as a kid. But I had all 3 Spyro games and loved them. I guess I always just assumed Spyro was more popular in general because I happened to play it.

Pretty much me, user. I could never get into Crash the same way, to this day I really don't "get" it other than CTR.