This is Princess Daisy. She's 30 years old

This is Princess Daisy. She's 30 years old.
Say something nice about her.

Attached: D4pgVY6WkAAsCL4.jpg orig.jpg (1347x1600, 177K)

I enjoy looking at pics of her in a diaper

hag, i love you so much

She looks better when tanned. Also, she is spunky and sassy, the perfecto counterpart for Peach.

>She'll never sit on your face.
It isn't fair bros

She's a hottie and superior to Peach

Attached: 1557168812899.png (698x1339, 683K)

I look forward to the inevitable VR cosplay porno featuring her. Bonus points if it's a threeway with Peach.

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My wife for 3 decades and I hope for 3 decades more.

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She looks really damn good for thirty.

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she turned 30 today last month dumb daisyposters

She's such a qt I love her

Attached: 1554145178953.jpg (665x800, 84K)

yeah but this is just another excuse to post more daisy pics on this blue board.

Is the reason why they don't use Daisy in mainline Mario games because she was created by Gunpei Yokoi?

Attached: hmmm.png (298x321, 158K)

Post Nichijou Daisy

Honestly? Yeah.

Attached: Yellowroom-664732-Sarasaland_Summer.jpg (1010x1305, 1.02M)

Attached: 0e3[1].gif (600x338, 1.26M)

She's just Alter Peach.

Cute, thanks.

Attached: Me on the right.jpg (500x500, 126K)

Something nice about her.

I enjoy the many pictures of her as a flatulent fat slob

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unironically based

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Based diaperfag

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30 years of princess perfection.

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Honestly I think it's more of a gameplay reason.

Daisy only existed to begin with because R&D1 didn't want to use the traditional Mario cast, and of course that included Peach. So naturally they just created Daisy as a stand in for her.

However most Mario games afterward just use Peach as the damsel, so there's not much of a point to Daisy appearing. I don't think EAD/EPD have anything personal against her, especially since Mario Run, which Nintendo considers a mainline Mario platformer, added Daisy as a playable character.

Attached: mariorun.png (1200x630, 820K)

Attached: hmmm 2.png (440x263, 224K)

Attached: 1547280140482.png (866x1000, 335K)

She's got a nice, big dick.

Attached: 3001280 - MarmaladeMum Princess_Daisy Super_Mario_Bros..jpg (808x1151, 63K)


How does daisy do it? She’s a literal whale and has a massive cock. only one of those is good

Haha trash artist

Attached: 1547281153818.png (800x441, 108K)

futafans will be the first ones to get the gas

Futa sucks tho

Damn right she is

Attached: 1533384501157.jpg (778x972, 69K)

Gonna need a source for that, please

Not my fault you have shit taste.

Attached: 1c976de82625c49a651a34b770b84db7.jpg (3362x1610, 935K)

No daisy is a tranny

>i recognize that bulge

No! Daisy is a big plump girl

No daisy is a big plump boi with a big plump penis and a wonderful donut bussy

>her gimmick is double jump
Kind of weird that wasn't used by anyone yet in main Mario games.

Peach is a good friend too.

Attached: 1557426469228.png (1344x1143, 339K)

A drawfag from the drawthreads

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Attached: 1555738880170.jpg (924x1500, 338K)

Does anyone even like the taste of that stuff? And how do you get so much?


thanks mate

Attached: 1553020550641.jpg (753x700, 185K)

Rosalina in 3D World is kinda the same, but with a spin attack along with the double jump.

Why is most Daisy fanart ass-focused? Not that I'm complaining

Because she's flat.

Because her ass is growing at an alarming rate

More atheltic = nicer ass



Attached: I WANT DAISY TO SIT ON MY FACE.webm (728x720, 1.89M)

nicer person = nicer body

If you ever played her in the Mario and Sonic Olympics, you'd know why

How long was this before yellow and blue toad?

Strikers cemented her as the ass princess with the official art/her victory animation. In fact lots of her official art is more ass focused than the other two.

Fuck yeah it did.

Attached: daisy mario strikers.jpg (640x794, 213K)

Well, I guess that makes sense
Post some more Daisy butt

Attached: 1558029508182.png (1050x1072, 712K)


Attached: 1550870380628.png (850x550, 745K)

As a fatfag, I'd ask for more like this, but I don't want you to ruin the thread for the non-fatfags

Attached: 1541369728402.webm (1920x1080, 2.69M)

this is one of my favorites

Attached: 1550865306817.png (1700x1202, 1.18M)

ignore this man, he does not speak for the fatfag community

Attached: CsUMPgiUkAEBLqS.jpg large.jpg (800x450, 88K)

Best I can offer as I am not a fatfag myself.

Attached: 1550871444173.jpg (633x1101, 119K)

Just keep posting either way

>we'll never get personality like this again until miyamoto dies


Attached: 1533184733716.jpg (2717x4096, 674K)

We just need an original Luigi platformer to bring her into.
Maybe she'll be in the new Luigi's Mansion.

I'll just post the sfw i have on my phone

Attached: 1550873016232.gif (212x354, 2.56M)

Attached: 1533184509610.png (1280x1469, 861K)

Always my favorite daisy image

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I just looked at the image and remembered its been 6 years since 3D World came out


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yo i say it's time to fuck some ass

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Attached: 1551464726719.jpg (1752x717, 250K)

This ass is for worshiping, not for fucking.

Attached: niyzwfG8gY1tk4qpbo1.jpg (780x1285, 754K)

Well. I'm out of pics that i can post to a blue board short of just cropping porn, so i'm done for now.

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i fuck your rules too

Attached: 1409395751884.png (1800x1350, 359K)

Thank you for your contribution, user

Attached: 1385700724202.jpg (800x450, 416K)

How di girls get pleasure from anal with no prostate?

God I wish that were me.

Attached: pcswl7hBej1x1knrco1.jpg (1280x747, 209K)

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Happy birthday, Daisy! Stop eating so much or you won't be cute anymore!

Attached: 1417637134981.png (900x1265, 453K)

How can you say you love Daisy if you don't love her no matter how fat she gets?

Daisy has a pretty good shot of being in the next Mario game. I mean, if they can bring back Pauline, they can bring back Daisy too.

Attached: 1546485511209.png (1090x1266, 2.03M)

Ah fuck you're right.
Sorry Daisy, feel free to get big.

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Attached: 1547902038461.png (381x915, 198K)

Shadow Daisy

Attached: 1546480979858.jpg (879x1200, 98K)

Post Daisy reaction pics.

Attached: 1557098622427.png (1288x1286, 636K)

Attached: Daisy2Dalt.png (412x460, 185K)

Attached: 1428537279729.png (566x664, 127K)

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one THOUSAND percent based

Which one?

Thanks. I'm in dire need of some good Daisy pics.

Attached: 1554134644501.png (438x353, 143K)

Peach of course.

Agreed, in theory.
I've only seen one or two that I liked.

>that one picture of her and Peach farting on a tiny Luigi who's stuffed between their buttcheeks

Attached: 1530140336684.jpg (1200x1200, 198K)

I would like to see some of these, "flatulent fat slob" images.

Attached: 1412469397811.png (1600x1857, 2.84M)

What a cutie

Attached: 1541737434649.gif (113x185, 267K)

That's a big doughnut.

for u

Attached: 1547491843870.gif (292x312, 1.55M)

I'm surprised it only took one ghost to lift her up.

What's it like living under Peach's shadow?

Attached: snort.gif (475x341, 2.93M)

Goddamn is she a princess or a pig?

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Attached: 1555279405834.gif (280x270, 209K)

You mean what's it like having actual shades of personality aside from "pink girl who likes cake"? Or what's it like not getting kidnapped every other weekend?

I want to be her cuckold so fucking bad

Attached: 145-1451937_princess-peach-mario-and-sonic-at-the-london.jpg (880x1102, 274K)

Attached: dab.gif (400x273, 3.1M)

Attached: 1392501240431c.png (1415x1708, 1.08M)

To be fair, what personality does Daisy really have? she's kind of a tomboy and thats it.

That's more interesting than whatever Peach is.

That's actually more if not just as much as most of the cast characters. That was more than Mario up until Odyssey.

nice scorpdk art.

Would smash hard.

Why not both?
Not a literal pig though, pigs are nasty as hell.

what did he mean by this?

He draws some good stuff.
Too bad twitter and even furaffinity seems to shrink his work

Attached: D441o2nXkAAhy0F.jpg orig.jpg (1000x1300, 95K)

>30 years old
Sure Shlomo, I'll become a mommy cuckold and start fetishizing characters that in reality would be granny roasties that hit the wall 10 years ago. I do prefer my women less fertile and beautiful after all like a good goy.

Attached: 1526466992816.webm (426x240, 2.93M)

Miyamoto created Pauline though, he really has something against Mario characters he didn't personally create or had a significant input appearing in the mainline Mario games.

Get outta here

you speak the truth. i liked his humanized pony shit back in the day. haven't really kept up with him since tumblr did their dumb bullshit.

How did you marry her when she was only 1 year old?

this is so dumb

I still can't believe he was so jealous of Yokoi that he hired the yakuza for his "accident"

Attached: 1554700198952.jpg (1200x675, 95K)

Wh-what are they drinking?
Is it what I think it is?

Loved her more than Peach. I think she could benefit from her own game or at least in a 3D World scenario. I don't see her as the type to get kidnapped. It was fine in Land but since her reintroduction, her character seems more suited for an active role.

Attached: 1470930528791.jpg (613x999, 372K)

Unf perfect proportions

Milk? Yeah

Why is she barefoot in so many pictures?

I was forced to get a twitter after the tumblr implosion so I follow him there now.
His anthro stuff is also great too

Attached: D4kC-WPWwAEUpsv.jpg orig.jpg (1151x1600, 160K)

I just realised why I like Daisy so much. She looks a little like Selphie.

Lucky Luigi

Attached: 1475682673067.jpg (600x752, 39K)

Is that a fruitcake?

Attached: 1541753812112.jpg (2435x1981, 408K)

You must be gay then

I appreciate your discretion user.

That reasoning does not explain why Daisy isn't in solo Luigi games like Luigi's Mansion though, considering "the lore" enforces that Daisy is somehow Luigi's princess through party games' descriptions, having an actual game that could show that on screen could justify Daisy's presence.

>tfw Modeseven draws great Daisy put always put a huge dong on her
His last Daisy work would have been perfect for a dickless alt

Attached: 1539315836155.png (418x776, 127K)


Thanks. We haven't gotten a good fat thread that hasn't 404'd in a while, though.

Don't make it too obvious though

Attached: 1429393532983.png (500x375, 104K)

I'm gonna have to know more about this picture.

Just an edit from Sailor Moon

Attached: 1557541124738.jpg (1280x1292, 1.72M)

whats that from?

Agreed. If - oh who am I kidding - WHEN 3D World gets ported, I really would like to see her be playable.


Attached: 1428448692448.webm (406x420, 388K)

Man I fucking hate daisy

3D World has potential to be its own thing. Make that the NSMB and build on it. The first time I saw that aesthetic and liked it and go figure, it was the one time since that they broke out of the usual Mario fare.

Don't worry, Rosalina. One day you'll get a buff.

Attached: 1546415517964.jpg (1280x720, 182K)

Sucks to be you, then doesn't it?

I just want one. It doesn't have to be this one, but I want one.

Man I fucking love Daisy

Attached: 1543803411497.jpg (472x512, 73K)

I love being a futafag.

You can always start one

Attached: 1520620195.scorpdk_180309_daisy.jpg (1112x1280, 123K)

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Wait she shares my birthday?

Daisy game when

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'Sup bitch, long time no see. When we meet up I'm doing you on hard with my morning wood inside your heart-shaped box.


Attached: 1556948971174.jpg (356x374, 36K)

I fucking hope

What I wanna know is, if you put the super crown on Daisy does she get sluttier or does nothing happen because she is already female?

She's a cute futanari

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You're a month late for the anniversary.

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Hey Daisy.

Attached: daisy wg.webm (420x964, 1.54M)

I love them all


Attached: doughy_daisy_animation_by_solitaryscribbles-dbs8yp0 (1).gif (750x605, 1.38M)

it peachifies her


Daisy is the best because she's the only one with open toed shoes

0:05 is perfect.