Fire Emblem

are you replaying anything in preparation of Three Houses?

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So honestly, is that scene in FE4 a reference to pic related? I only recently got into Berserk, but I played FE4 back in 2013, and loved it, but since I've seen this, it feels like a reference

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Playing Conquest Lunatic mode Female only

maybe? I doubt it but then again they both came out in the same year and both involve a very horrible event happening + waifu being mindfucked before your very eyes

I’m slowly making my way through the series for the first time.
Currently on FE3 Book 2 chapter 6. Found Iote’s shield on a fluke so now Palla is an unstopable freak of nature that eats archers and artillery for breakfast.
Also Rowdy Roddy Piper already made Paladin and is slapping people’s shit hard.

Surprised I didn’t try this series sooner. It’s a blast.

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there is literally nothing in common between the two besides "everyone dies"

I'm doing the same thing, FE3 book 2 ch2 for me. How did you enjoy FE2? I was surprised by how good it is, I liked it a lot.

Arvis kills Sigurd so he can obtain power. Guess why Griffith sacrificed the Hawks.

FE7 and FE8 are peak FE.

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I liked it.
I felt it was a bit too easy though compared to 1 and 3 which force you to take risks and manage your stuff competently.

I’ve finally started to play through Awakening without wanting to immediately start over because of autistic reasons. I’ll probably go into Shadows of Valentia afterwards, and then Fates: Conquest, maybe with an autistic reset first. I also have Blazing Blade emulated on my PC, but I’m never really on it to actually play the game.
As for Three Houses itself, while I’m still disappointed by the visuals and most of the character designs, the information that came out recently has actually pushed me towards wanting it. That Famitsu article, I believe it was, has sold me more on it than the goddamn portion of the Direct it had back in February.

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Selkie is cute!

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Why even get three houses when I can just replay FE4 lmao

alvis already had power. he kills sigurd to preserve it and also out of fear that deidre will remember sigurd. and alvis has no personal relationship to sigurd or his army, besides his brother azel.

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Arvis appears before Sigurd like, 6 times before he dies. It's been a couple years since I've played FE4, but I remember Arvis talking to Sigurd, a lot.

Oh and heads up from someone who is slightly ahead of you.
Check the small towns too. Seriously. They tip you off to some actually vital knowledge including a trigger to a dragon rider ambush that would otherwise be total bullshit in one of the earlier maps, but if prepared for properly nets some easy exp and a promotion item. If it wasn’t for that I would have lost like 5 people.

Also have your thieves check any suspicious tiles and all enemy bases for hidden items.

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What would you guys recommend as a nice starter FE game?
I hear Path Of Radiance is one of the best - but also one of the most difficult..

>Path of Radiance
Hahahaha what

Well you remember wrong. He meets with him like once or twice. Once to give him the silver sword and another time to give him the order to hold Augustria I believe.

he only shows up once and gives sigurd a silver sword and tells him to take care of his brother. that is the only interaction they had in-game until the final part of the first generation. granted within that first interaction, it is shown sigurd and alvis have known each other for a while. but they are acquaintances at best and the relationship is nothing like the one he has with the two he made an oath with.

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Thanks breh, I'd probably end up skipping them since it's always "DID YOU KNOW THAT THIS BOSS USES A JAVELIN IF YOU ATTACK FROM 2-RANGE HE CAN COUNTER!!"

I would just start with FE3. It comes with a remake of 1 for the snes plus an entire new campaign which is the direct sequel.

Why does /feg/ suck this games dick so much? Maybe it's because I just don't like playing games on my phone, but I find it boring

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Yeah, it feels like for the new campaign they figured you already went through the obvious stuff in the first game so the towns now have either story fluff or actually important info pertaining to the current map. Or in one case heavily implying that one of my party members would betray me so I disarmed him and benched his smug ass.

If you want an actually good FE mobile game try Langrisser.

>someone posted the squilliam I made last year
Neat. Have a higher-quality version.

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Path of radiance isn't hard outside very few points. Ike once levelled can solo Almost everything safely, and a lot of your other units can do similarly. As long as you stay away from a few duds you'll be fine

Not a reference, but clearly an inspiration.

Calling Alvis a Dastard was far more iconic, the new quote doesn't feel at noteworthy, let alone the R makes it far more rough.

Ok user no need to spoil so much damn.

a lot of the officially translated names are of questionable quality
that aside, i've had the old translated names ingrained in my brain so hard for so many years, i can't stop calling them by the old names anyway.

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It was in the first chapter, otherwise I wouldn’t have mentioned it. Sorry if I overstepped.

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It's no problem, thanks for the info!

Can't wait to slaughter some eagle fucking shits

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terrible character

One of the FE5 translations is going to be done by the end of this month apparently so I'm waiting to play that for the first time.

really? thatd be great
>in b4 they announce a remake at E3

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>haven't played fire emblem since RD
>finally have a console again
>they haven't ported any old emblems to switch yet
Is it going to be good, bros?

>are you replaying anything in preparation of Three Houses?
nah but I'm excited to play vestaria saga when ever it releases on steam

just emulate

They wouldn't remake 5 without doing 4 first anyway.

The only thing I'm going to tell you about FE5.
The chapter where are storming a castle gate, throw 4 swords on Leif, and throw Scrolls/lockpicks/Keys in Lifis' inventory

I've been working through the series since a few months ago and I'm on FE9 now. Does Ike suck for anyone else? He was level 19 before promotion and he had 10 strength. Fucking MARCIA had more strength then him.

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well he has a 50% str growth so that means one of two things.

either he'll gain strength once out of every two levels, or every time he trys to level strength it comes down to a coinflip if he succeeds or not, i'll let you figure out which one your Ike falls under.

You know I've always thought FE looked interesting but it's not native to PC so I've never bothered, anyone care to point me in the right direction to check it out?

I've heard Battle for Wesnoth is kinda similar and I loved the shit out of that game.

>Peak FE
Yeah, I love playing the Paladin Solo games. Besides FE7 Slow ass enemies almost any unit can double, FE8 has terrible Balancing issues. They are great, but not the best (Like FE9)

PoR Ike is honestly a bit overrated. It's pretty much 50/50 whether he turns out good or not. Although it doesn't really matter too much cause PoR is easy unless you're playing Maniac on the JP version.

Arvis Kills Sigurd because Sigurd was all about killing corrupt Royals and would eventually lead him to kill Arvis. Arvis did not know Dierdre was Brainwashed and only showed Sigurd Dierdre because he wanted to rub it on his face that he will be the one that rules Grannvale. When Arvis Found Out about Dierdre's backstory, it was too late for him to do anything

My Ike needs to hit the fucking gym. At this rate Mist is gonna match his gainz. Does anyone have a megamuscle Mist image?
/feg/ has a pastebin with a download link to emulate FE 1-12. /feg/ is shit other than that though.

are the SNES FE games very different from the 3DS and GBA mechanically? I'll probably find out sooner or later when I go play them (I may start with DS Shadow), but I wanted to hear from you fags that've played some from old to new

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FE5 resembles the gba games heavily, but the others don't really have much in common with newer games

4 is rather unique in the series for taking place throughout nation sized maps with only a handful of chapters. It's also the only FE that acts out like a historical-political drama.

>the trailer is just the opening cutscene modernized
could be kino

FE5 is the most like the GBA games, but each game before it has some mechanics exclusive to it. FE3 has the dismounting system, and FE4 has the holy blood/marriage/children system. FE2 has too many differences to list.

You cant actually think that