Alright, Yea Forums what's the consensus on this

I'm getting my PS4 shipped soon as a gift and I'm gonna actually play the game. I didn't really want to buy a console just for one game. I've always wondered about how the opinions I've seen about this game here is that it's great or it's so dull and drags on for too long.

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Just play it and form your own opinion you fucking retard

emulate it

ignore the contrarians, it's a fantastic rpg. get a ps4 cheap for this, bloodborne and a few of the other good games. granted yakuza and nioh and other games are now on steam so there aren't a ton of exclusives any longer.

ive been playing it over the past month and am now 50 hours in and there is finally a girl that is at least fuckable.
give me that futaba cunny over everything else.

Pretty mediocre, why the FUCK can't SMT5 come out already.

Wow it really lacks games, I'm glad i'm getting it as a gift. Are those literally the only exclusives besides numerous d tier jrpg from a literally who studio? Seriously, the ps2 was loaded with games and it was such a treat to find a game that no one knew that was really good. What the fuck happened

If you enjoy an incredibly bland jRPG combat system from like 1997 with too much unnecessary shit added onto it and talking to wacky funny ghosts who then just all turn into the mask you wear whilst getting chastised by the most annoying fucking cat sidecharacter I've ever wanted to physically reach into the screen and strangle because this FUCKING CAT just wont shut the fuck up and stop taking my free time then I'm sure you'll have fun
The visual presentation of menues is utterly amazing and the music gets stale fast, unless you're really into this weird japanese jazz with near unintelligible vocals
As I said, combat is a boring chore and brings nothing new to the table, the dating sim mechanic remains the same as previous entries, love it or hate it

The plot starts out interesting enough and the first major bad guy is well done but after that I feel it just sort of slows down and becomes incredibly dull

Can't say I do but I can see why people would like it, there's a ton of content for what you're paying though so that is a big plus

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>Can't say I do but I can see why people would like it, there's a ton of content for what you're paying though so that is a big plus
Huh really, guess that will keep me occupied. How'd you like P4 then user?

>I've always wondered about how the opinions I've seen about this game here is that it's great or it's so dull and drags on for too long.

It's kind of a bit of both desu, but definitely worth playing. The art style, general presentation and soundtrack are phenomenal

It's divisive, there is no consensus. If you're interested in it then play it and decide for yourself how it is. Though you might just want to wait for Royal at this point if you are interested

It's a really generic complaint, but it's "lots of style but little substance". For how stylish the music, promo visuals, and UI are, most of the actual game visuals are incredibly generic.
The story's relatively barebones due to it being padded out due to the calendar format, only for you to be crammed with a fuckton of info all at the very end.
Character development may as well not exist because a good chunk of it is put into Confidants (social links); because those are optional, the story's written as if you never helped the characters develop.

Never played it, I only emulated P3 previous to that because the waifu sim intrigued me and I do enjoy Dragon Quest Monsters a lot so the whole Persona thing worked as well
Needless to say I didn't get further than a good 30-40 hours in because I ultimately didn't care for the plot, the characters or the combat
That game had way better music than P5 though
I did max out (I believe, not sure though) my waifu rank with that brown sports girl which was cute but not much to say beyond that

>listening to Yea Forums for opinions on video games.
i seriously hope you dont do this.

>Character development may as well not exist because a good chunk of it is put into Confidants (social links); because those are optional, the story's written as if you never helped the characters develop.
Oh god, they never fixed it after 4? That's really disappointing. P3 was really flawed and december was one of the most boring piece of shit i had to go through in any game but for a weeb game the cast's character arcs were great, getting the ultimate personae was proof of that.

It's likely never going to change. Most of the audience loves having a social link with your party members. That'd be fine, but ATLUS is too fucking incompetent to try to set flags to change the script based on your social link progress. I get it. It'd be a fuckton of work trying to make the script cohesive with that many extra variables, but it's something you have to do if you're going to delegate character development into these side events.

>First Palace=God tier
>Second Palace=Great tier
>Third Palace=Mokoto is useless tier
>Fourth Palace=Good tier
>Fifth Palace=Fuck Morgana tier
>Sixth Palace=Great tier
>Seventh Palace=Pancakes lmao
>Final Palace=Shit tier final boss was kino though

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Who the fuck are we you counselors? Fuck off nigger.

commit suicide immediately

Alright then what was shit about it?

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You could try P4 for the waifus user. It's kind of a retreat to a rural town too. The combat was fixed to not be shit. and imo it has better music than 3. Tho that may be subjective, it's a lot more relaxing though and the boss theme is the best in the series.

Maybe I will, I do own a Vita afterall

Like all 100+ hour games, everything drones on.
The story becomes tedious.
You realize how little gameplay there actually is when you fight the same enemy and play the same way dozens of dozens of hours.
You get tired of the same song for hours and hours a day.
You realize that every new ally you make during palaces barely change anything, then they come with more micromanagement afterwards and the gameplay and story leading up to that are usually very similar.
For such an expensive and lengthy game, everything starts gradually dropping in quality after the first palace.
You can enjoy it, it's an alright game. But nowhere near the quality your average fanboy leads on as its faults are more glaring the less ignorant you choose to be

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Didn't mean to quote you, apologies lad

>Character development may as well not exist
The character development isn't in the Confidants and it wasn't in the S. Links in P4. It's in the story around each character's respective dungeon, the S. Links/Confidants just tell you more about the character and reflect on the development they got in the story. It's no different from the S. Links with the girls in your party in P3 or the guys in P3P.

do you fellas genuinely think persona 5 has a chance to get on the nintendo switch besides that hack n slash spin-off? i really want to play p5 but i don't own a ps4 or ps3. i can't emulate it either my pc can't run it.

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>It's no different from the S. Links with the girls in your party in P3 or the guys in P3P.
But it's not the same at all. In 3 the development they had wasn't restricted to one part of the story, through out the game you had Junpei SEETHING because he wasn't a chad like you, but later that changes. You had Yukari hating Mitsuru and being a massive cunt to her for the first part of the game but after kyoto they were probably already fucking. It's not the same at all because their growth was tied to the story and it felt like theyre a part of it instead of completely getting benched after their dungeon

Persona's always been mainly on Sony, with numbered SMTs on Nintendo. I wouldn't expect that to change anytime soon.

Did the SMT games besides Persona on the ps2 sell badly, That's why they didn't make another one for the next generation? Is there an explanation for it?

The development in general isn't handled the same way, but I meant the relationship between their development in the story and their S. Links/Confidants is the same. The development of characters in 4 and 5 is formulaic, but it's no less part of the story than it is in 3, they just space it out better than 3 and let you see plenty of the character before and after their development, part of that is because the characters in 4 and 5 undergo more noticeable and significant changes, and part of them changing leads them to joining you, where in 3 everyone is in SEES already before they start to develop, but you still do see more of the characters in 3 before they develop than you do in 4 and 5. Still though, that has nothing to do with S. Links or Confidants, and the characters in 4 and 5 still have their growth tied to the story and are a part of the story, even if their growth follows an easily identifiable formula.

why would you ever ask post-tortanic Yea Forums for their opinion on a current-gen game before playing it? you know full well 90% of the replies will be "it's shit" no matter how good or bad it is.

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I didn’t enjoy it as much as I did when I first started it. I did manage to finish but man it was such a slog how much they dragged on the ending. Is P4 any better in that regard or should I just avoid it

P4 dragged on at the end for me, but the only part of P5 that dragged on for me was Okumura's dungeon. I do think that the endgame of P4G is handled very well if you don't do Marie's S. Link though. The last dungeon and boss still aren't great, but I really like the stuff in between the penultimate dungeon and the final dungeon.

The only way that would happen is some sega team porting it , and the only sega team that does that is the EU one and only for PC

>feed me my opinion

and after pc lards pirated catherine in droves instead of buying it, p5r is probably never happening for them.

I thought how they handled it in 3 was perfect. I think it had something to do with how serious they were taking on with the themes of that game, less style and more substance. That's maybe why they had the characters had some link with death. Yeah but after the Answer and Arena they really shat on what 3 built up to all game

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No reason to play this version over P5 Royal, unless you intend to play both.

SMTIV on 3DS is the best selling one

Serious question, will this game make my pp hard?

It's alright, but it's a major step back from Persona 4: Golden.

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>I think it had something to do with how serious they were taking on with the themes of that game
yeah, like how the theme is coming to terms with death, except for when junpei dies and gets revived, or when chidori dies and gets revived, then suddenly you don't have to come to terms with death anymore.
even if you ignore the answer and arena, p3 is still the worst game in the series at sticking to its own theme, so it's mind-boggling how it keeps getting praised for its theme.
>less style and more substance
p3 has long-ass stretches of time with no substance at all. the real substance doesn't show up until the last month. it has less style because it was on the ps2 with a postage-stamp budget and reused assets.

I'm not too fond of 3, so I don't really agree with you, it is handled differently from 4 and 5 though so I can understand where people are coming from when they say they prefer the way the characters are handled there, even if I don't agree with them. It also helps that Junpei is handled exceptionally well, so it's not hard to see how people would want them to take the approach that brought about a character like that. Characters in 4 and 5 have a connection to their games themes as well, and I feel like the claim that those games, or I suppose it's more just P5 that gets hit with this, is "style over substance" isn't really true. It is stylish, but I don't think it's that lacking in substance compared to P3 or 4, and I also think 3 and 4 were stylish in their own right too.

I don't think the Answer and Arena have completely ruined P3's ending, not yet at least, if they ever actually go through with Elizabeth un-dooring Door-kun then they will have ruined it, but they're not there yet.

You have to keep in mind that the "death" theme also revolves around the tarot's meaning of death, which signifies a transitory stage to rebirth.

Probably not, it's very non-sexual despite all the waifufags. The most fanservice in the game is a second long shot of a girls breasts.

>I don't think the Answer and Arena have completely ruined P3's ending, not yet at least, if they ever actually go through with Elizabeth un-dooring Door-kun then they will have ruined it, but they're not there yet.
I don't think they'll resolve that. I feel like they'll sweep that under the rug and just release more dancing spinoffs or maybe a gachi game even sooner. I'm surprised they haven't made a phone game cashgrab at this point. Does atlus have integrity?

that's a reach. junpei and chidori aren't "reborn," they're brought back to life the way they were with magical woo-woo powers.

didn't the smt gacha "game" flop? not sure they'd want to risk it again so soon, especially with what happened to nis.

>They actually made a gacha game
>it flopped
Thank god I guess

>I'm surprised they haven't made a phone game cashgrab at this point.

>flip phone games

They're still cashgrab phone games.

>I didn't really want to buy a console just for one game.
Then try out some of the other exclusives?
This is such a stupid statement.

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Are you talking smack about old phone games?

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After Futaba's palace, it goes downhill from there
Also, Ryuji was in the right, FUCK morgana