Persona Q2

I feel like they should port Persona Q2 on the switch. The reason I say that is because the 3ds is basically dead after this. I mean, this might be the last game and because of that, not many people will buy it. What do you think Yea Forums?

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I wouldn't really care, as long as they don't cancel the 3DS one because of it. I've been anticipating it for quite a while and I love EO mapping, so this will be my last go at it.

This but with an english dub.
Featuring Vic from the pussies may cry series.

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It's already leaked

Q and Q2 with upscaled graphics, and an English dub for Q2, would probably sell more on the Switch individually than the two sold combined on the 3DS.

Tell me a way to do EO mapping on the switch without it being clunky as fuck and I'll tell you how EO5 is gonna work.

EO5 already exists dummy

I know, and I have the SE ordered.

>without two screens
Disgusting. PQ is a shitty crossover game anyways that just invalidates everything with mindwipes.

Imagine the smell when they remake Persona 3 without da man's voice

why does it need a dub
The dub of PQ was fucking horrible

dubfag are dumb

>imagining p3 without my nightly sup dude
Fuck funimation and fuck Sean Schemmel

What's the point of these spin-off games when the people buying them don't know the characters? Were any of them even on a Nintendo console?

Almost sure they will, since P5 Quarterpounder added a new playable waifu.

Everything with even the slightest positive existing reputation sells well on the Switch for some reason, so yeah, obviously it will sell better.
As a game it would be inferior to the 3DS originals but considering the complaints about PQ, the majority audience doesn't like gameplay and is only here for the fanservice and dialogue.

>implying that ever stopped nintensois from being hyped

>Sup dude
It's like you didn't even play the game

I just got it because I enjoy mapping. I've never touched a mainline Persona game and don't plan to.
It is amusing how people bitched about it being hard though, it's the easiest turn-based RPG combat I've ever played apart from Pokemon.

Despite what you've heard on Yea Forums, very few people are die hard brand loyalists. It's actually entirely possible to own both Sony AND Nintendo consoles.

Do you enjoy the characters and story at all?

*dabs out of thread*

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I want to take Caroline (yes, only Caroline) out on a date!

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I liked Aigis (I like robots) and the story of Zen and Rei.
Yosuke reminded me vaguely of Daichi from DeSu2, so I liked him too.
I don't remember everything about the other characters but I distinctly remember hating Yukari because she bitches all the time and is a worthless unit in battle.

Me too.

It's like you really have played the mainline games. Nice.

It is?
It helps that Aigis is broken as fuck. Zero reason not to bring her in combat, her stats are heavily skewed in exactly the way the game is balanced (i.e. extreme physical bruiser with high defensive abilities and a damage booster, fuck all for magic because non-instakill offensive magic is dogshit).

Aigis is top tier in P3, Yosuke is a bro, everyone hates Yukari.

How would they do the map thing on switch?
The whole point of Etrian Odyssey is the map on the second screen.

Because I own a PS3 as well you fucking autist.

the switch pretty much killed etrian odyssey by not having a second screen, so good luck with that.

Hey don't call me a fucking autist, dude. You're the one that likes Persona games.

Huh. Well I guess that worked out then. Is Chie popular too? I used her for a while because she was cute but swapped her out midway through the second stratum.
After beating the game once I swapped out Yosuke for the P3 protagonist though, because Debilitate is amazing for farming Gold FOEs for exp.
The Mystery Food X event was probably the most memorable event in the game, apart from the good spooky themed area. The FOEs there were pretty decent but the game fucked it a bit by making 2 of them susceptible to instakill.

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I think Chie is pretty popular. Personally I liked Yukiko more.

Didn't really touch her after the first stratum because she's wholly offensive magic (Fire mostly if I remember right) based and that kind of magic is worthless. Only good magic unit is Naoto, she instant kills every single random encounter in the game in one move.
I guess Yukiko was moderately amusing in the cutscenes? I vaguely recall her having some strange thing about laughing at random shit the other say.

Yeah, that sounds like her. They had a running bit with her laugh. It's interesting that she's all about offense in PQ, she does have fire magic but she's also a healer in P4.

Chie is one of the most divisive girls in the series.

She had Dia but I never used her enough to remember her skill kit. I think Konohana Sakuya has a fire boosting signature skill.
Just looked it up though and sure enough, she gets Diarahan alongside Maragidyne and Agidyne, as well as the skill I was thinking of, Inferno Boost (the highest Fire booster in the game). Unfortunately worthless because physical crits are far more reliable and inflict a lot more damage with multihit attacks. Junpei is apparently an unstoppable force in battle but I never bothered with him.

Seems like that fits Yukiko, too bad about magic being useless. Junpei is pretty good, he's funny in P3.
>Why you guys always gotta be harshin' the 'tards?

Is it because of the meat shtick? Idk, that got kind of annoying but the chibi model was decently expressive. She hits hard but eh so do a lot of other ones. Got Aigis and never looked back. Functionally Aigis works like a Protector in EO, but with a hell of a lot more offense. I'm not really sure what I'd liken her to.

>persona etrian odyssey without mapping

>I liked Aigis
>I distinctly remember hating Yukari because she bitches all the time
you don't even need to play Persona 3 anymore

Junpei can use a skill like say, Danse Macabre, Hassou Tobi, or Myriad Arrows, and attack up to 16 times per turn.
Pair this with a crit-boosting skill and Power Charge, and he will deal the second highest DPS (Highest is Linker Aigis) in the entire game. Absolutely broken as fuck.

It's got "persona" in the title. It doesn't matter that it's a novelty spinoff title on a dead system and it's by a b-team, people are going to buy it regardless.

Not really, I mean, Persona only got really popular because of 5. It's not like pokemon.

I don't really understand why she was always bitching

Damn, that's pretty cool.

>Persona only got really popular because of 5

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Because her dad was one of the two people who caused everything that happened in P3

I preordered the special edition atlus had a top notch hand held library

Did you forget how huge P4 was?

The thing that makes him more broken than another phys unit is that he has the unique skill Golden Gemini, which is far more reliable than the alternative Heroic Gemini. I think it also stacks but I'm not 100% sure.
Just testing something don’t mind me.

>P5 fags actually believe this

He’s right you retard 4 was popular but not nearly as big as persona 5 it became mainstream in a way


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>when the people buying them don't know the characters?
Because the people buying them know about the characters? Do you think people just have to buy one system and stick with it?

Niche popularity =/= actual popularity. P5 BTFO literally every other Atlus game ever in terms of international sales.

inb4 "but Japan" when you're not on a Japanese imageboard

>that just invalidates everything with mindwipes.
>he hasn't done ng+

>Niche popularity
Even P3 gained big popularity with normalfags.

Literally my wives

p4 solidified persona's popularity with jrpg fans and weebs, p5 took persona to the mainstream, and p6's sales figures will probably make 4 and 5's look like a joke.

What are you testing user? It looks cute.

I can't tell if that makes her guilt-based or just irritable
Never used her.

mating press

The twins are sluts

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You've never played an EO game before, have you OP?

Reminder that he’s most likely he’s gonna win the case because Monica put 2 websites (one of them being Tumbler) as a source in court to show that Vic sexually assaulted women. The “victims” then proceeded to shut down those pages and mass delete everything about Vic because those were false allegations and the “victims” didn’t want to be called into court

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well you get to take them places in The Royal. Doubt you can date them, pretty sure that would be crossing the line for normalfags.

>Implying Atlus cares what gaijans think
Also it'll probably be like taking Elizabeth on dates in Persona 3

Still the stigma could lead atlus USA to not do business with him

Who the fuck doesn't pirate a fatlus game?

I'm taking Caroline to my room and you quite honestly can't stop me.

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>Implying Atlus cares what gaijans think
Why do you think they made it a nippon life sim with 3?

how did Switchfags become bigger portbeggars than PCfags in such a short time?

So it's confirmed no English dub? Why do weebs ruin everything?

You might be able to date Lavenza actually. Seeing as she actually confesses love to the PC anyway.

Because they wanted to make Persona it's own thing instead of it being SMT with a different name.

Because that's what they thought the Japanese wanted?

It was never that. Stop pretending you've played P1/2, or any SMT games

True even if he wins the case and Funimation and Monica gives a public apology. The Label is gonna stick with him for the rest of his life.

I think this is more about Atlus of USA refusing to do so.

why are you playing japanese games with english voices?

Weebs didn't ruin shit, this is a result of that dumbass voiceactor's guild.

why are you playing japanese games with english text?

>a god damn Japanese game
Who tf do you think plays these games

You could already take them to your room in P5D

Why do you need people from another country to read our text for you?

P5 is by far the most popular Persona game, true, but surely you remember the time between 4 and 5 where 4 got multiple spinoff games, a TV anime, and then a remake (expansion?) on the Vita.

Please grow some brain cells before you post again

Best guess would be the "savvy" people who avoided buying a Wii U (and 3DS, apparently) assumed the Switch would have backwards compatibility and immense third-party support.

The VA guild is probably refusing to do it without exorbitant prices and the fact that the costs of even the lesser known one shot up after P5.

I hope Aigis is still bonkers OP in Q2.

>Wasting gorillions of dollars on VAs when the games budget is a slice of pizza and a bag of nachos

It's 100% a date. Justine's line confirms that you're showing them the world, which they were naive about, just like Liz in P3.
A date doesn't have to be romantic though. You go on dates with all the girls but they don't get super heavy until rank 9 or 10. That said, Lavenza is already open with her affection for Joker and we now have 3 extra months with her, so dating the twins will only take that further.

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>ruining the series that (apart from FF) is stereotyped as being the roneryfag weeaboo series standard
yeah nah mate

The meat shtick is one of the reasons yeah. It sucks because her meat thing wasn't overblown at all in vanilla or golden. Then they made her a one-note MEAT MEAT FSTEAK character in the spinoffs.
Theres also the supposed lack of "purity" due to already having a boyfriend once in the past, revealed in her SL. However only disgusting otaku trash cares about that who's opinion doesn't even matter anyway

What are difference between hard and risky except for the joker thing? How much is damage difference?

>damn weebs ruining my japanese games

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I doubt they want to court controversy by not bringing him.

Junpei barely has any voice lines for it to matter.
There’s no english dub because it’s a 3DS game in 2019.

wait, is the Royal actually adding 3 extra months after March? I'm confused about the third semester part, like the story ends during that timeframe unless they bump it forward.

The numerical difficulty difference isn't really noticeable, it's basically the same as Hard in that respect. However
>can't remove Joker from your party and he sucks early on (becomes broken later though like every MC)
>if Joker dies it's instantly game over
>can't run away from FOEs
>can't land status effects on major/super bosses

Unless they completely gutted phys (which I'm sure they haven't) she's almost guaranteed to be as ridiculously broken as she was in PQ.
None of that was mentioned in the game because all she was just meat kid, so I wasn't bugged by that and wouldn't care even if I knew. I didn't mind it that much because I wasn't really expecting anything else, prior to PQ my sole exposure to Persona was a Hiimdaisy video.

It was because Q2 sold like absolute dogshit in Japan and they couldn't get the budget to do the dub from that, you retards.

Does Q2 still have the shitty SP system that makes non mudo/hama spell casters useless?

in Q1 the modifiers were the same, but you couldn't run from FOE battles.

That too. I don’t think the Vic thing is the issue I think the VAs just want a lot of money out of Atlus since P5 did so well. Thing is Atlus likes their 3DS games cheap.

Because the Japanese and their cockroach language deserve to be swallowed up by the sea.

Two of those posts reference the cost you fucking retard

Panic was so broken.

>can't land status effects on major/super bosses
hard pass

Is there a like a tier list that excludes MC characters? Using party of 4 MC seems so boring. Is link skills worth it or just for late game?

Why are you playing their games then?

They made stuff like the Velvet trio fight in PQ1 a joke though. Literally all you had to do was put down a poison circle, wait and heal.

This is great, always wished you could do more with the twins after you maxxed out their confidant. It's probably the most important confidant IMO.

None of them reference the funding though dipshit. Dubbing costs are usually collected from the initial domestic sales unless it's a huge game. Underperforming means they have to cancel the future plans.

Indeed it was. Not sure why they didn't make it like EO where a limited array works and you have to strategically do it, like opting for Poison or Blind on the Ur-Devil.
Ordinarily I'd agree but PQ's status effects are insanely busted. It would actually improve quite a few bosses not to just be able to set panic and go.

>FeMC voice and attitude

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Because their women make my peepee hard.

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Its probably due to how many VAs they'd have to hire, like with Dynasty and Samurai Warriors games. Plus the 3DS is on it's last legs.

No one knows, but presumably there's a new threat after Yaldy, or maybe you don't fight him for real for another 3 months and there's stuff in between. Kasumi changes the story quite a bit.

Literally the same thing

Curious myself though I personally don't mind making a party of 4 MCs plus Aigis/Naoto.

Kasumi will probably be the new final boss, considering her design parallels.

Can't we keep them separate so i can date Caroline?

How's the OST?

Sure thing, retard.

You understand that those women disappear if they disappear, right?

It's complicated because there are so many characters and different things are good at different points in the game. A lot of the characters blend together too, into their respective archetypes.

There might be another palace in between Yald, and he gets bumped towards the end instead. He is definitely the end boss, you can't really get better than a universal threat.

How about back to a personal one? With P3, the Abyss of Time was more of a threat to SEES rather than the entire world. Kasumi could be there to directly challenge everything the PT stands for.

>He is definitely the end boss, you can't really get bette-

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Is FEMC the only real linker? And best one?

I hope so.

Well it depends on how it's balanced compared to PQ.
For magical units to be balanced
>SP restoration needs to either be easier or needs to take HP like Phys, or phys takes SP instead of HP
>Magic needs easier access to multihit skills of more than 2 hits, phys gets Myriad Arrows easily
>Magic must be able to crit
>more enemies must Null Phys, especially FOEs
Otherwise just pick the unga bunga smash ones like Aigis, plus a good buffer/debuffer like P3MC and maybe Naoto if she's the instakill lord like in PQ.

They could just give you more than 3 max SP without sub persona you know

We know that Akechi dies before January 1st though so the Sae and Shido stuff still happens when it's supposed to. I dunno, I can think of ways they'd be able to top Yaldy, he's definitely top tier by modern Persona standards but there's still room above him if you consider old Persona or SMT power levels.

>literally the personification of "we live in a society".
>actually being threatening
If Joker just read The Ego and His Own he wouldn't even need to fight him

I played 4 and 5 on a PS3 and emulated 3. I'm not buying a PS4 to play the same game a second time but with a mary sue

It's not even that, it's simply that HP is super easy to replenish so even the most costly of skills is viable to spam as much as you want, while SP restoratives are extremely stingy in distribution and barely restore any SP at all, making it worthless for long battles or strong enemies.
Naoto's works because the SP cost of doing it once replenishes from the sub persona, just barely.


But is it red-pilled?

not really

>Mary sue even though we know nothing about the character
Based retard.

No dub? fucking sweet no ashley burch rise ruing it

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I forgot about that. Goddamnit, Persona 4's cast just got progressively worse

>the weapons are based off weapons from movies
that's cute

The game is painfully easy once you get past the first dungeon just like the first PQ. Use whoever you want, also the MCs don't get broken until their awakening.

I don't remember if Burch was chosen because Bailey had a scheduling conflict or if she was like Baker and got too expensive to bring in.

Ashly Burch is a cheap whore in comparison so it was probably financial

I hope not. Kanji was my linker last game, and he is seriously gutted without Bestial Roar because of how slow he was otherwise.

True, but Burch was only used in one game, and Bailey played her in PQ1

Phys still busted as fuck?

do def debuffs stack? couldnt you do 3 differnt def debuffs in q1?

Though didn't PQ come out before DAN?

Yeah, but she still played a character in Q. I don't know this is why I hate English dubs. They reuse the same actors constantly and everything is fickle. The Japanese voices in persona games have been pretty much entirely the same since the beginning, and a much wider variety

You can but using the exact same debuff (eg. using Rakunda twice) will only extend the duration

pq1 came out before dancing all night and it was a scheduling conflict but still I just dont seem them bringing Bailey back Burch is much cheaper.

Yeah but it was still around the same time that Bailey was blowing up since it was post Fire Emblem Awakening, which makes me think it was a scheduling thing.

Bailey mentioned it was because of scheduling conflicts. They might have just used Alexis Tipton as she is voicing all of her anime roles now, and the switch happened after DAN came out.

bestial roar isnt in this?

He gets a shitty defensive skill now as his unique Persona skill.

>P5 gets nip audio DLC due to AtlusUSA incompetence
>DSJ and PQ2 don't get dubbed for whatever reason
>All of the Dancing games now have Dual Audio
Been a nice few years

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To be fair, part of that is because of how autistic the Japs are about characters having the same voice. Goku is a grandmother and P5's plot was the way it was due to Igor's VA.

That is pretty likely, Tipton does a really good imitation.

I was surprised by P3D having the Japanese option. I thought 5 was a thing where they did it because of all the bitching

No Dragon Cry skill cards available?

You might still be able to fuse it onto a sub persona or skill card it to him, but that skill will always be taking up a slot.

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Jesus christ

They didn't reuse Igor's original english VA for the twist, right?

Aigis and Junpei still elder gods, based

No, because bringing in a whole knew VA for 5 lines is stupid from a money perspective when Shido's VA can do a convincing imitation.

If I'm emulating P5 how do I get jap dub?

so is Joker forced to always be in the party? I thought I had read you had complete free reign over your party

Only on the highest difficulty

Junpei's on there is fucking garbage compared to Golden Gemini, what are you talking about? And it looks like P4MC stole Aigis's skill.
Akihiko is the king bruiser now and Akechi is the king support now.

I have no idea how PS3 emu works, sorry. Unless there's a way to use DLC files there or there's a pre-existing undub version of P5

This is so fucking adorable

This. I was annoyed when Atlus usa delayed Persona 5, but when they said we'd be getting free japanese voice dlc day 1 I said fuck take your time. Didn't help that persona 5 dub seemed pretty bad from those trailers

I love Margaret

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>tfw Citra finally works on my rig

I'm in bros! When do the rest of the cast join?

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why are switchfags so obnoxious

Femc first theater. P4 cast second theater. P3 cast third theater.

>best cast last


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is there any missables like requests or bosses

That sucks ass. P4 crew just wastes space

Guess who's canon!

How is she explained in the game anyways?

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Assuming similar balance to Q
>Great tier signature skill
Joker, Akechi, Akihiko, MAYBE FeMC and Ken depending on how links go this time. Makoto as well.
Aigis, Junpei, P4MC, and P3MC got nerfed hard.

Is the hardest difficulty permadeath like Q?

>this might be the last game
With that in mind, is the 3DS liable to drop in price this year?

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What is best girl doing with her leg. Also probably not because they'll sell through their stock anyway once they stop producing it

mate you can already get a brand new 2DS for $80, I don't think any price drop for the other models will be huge

is akechi bind even good when he has lower lck

Cough up a Stagnant Air skill card and it doesn't matter.

P4D doesn't have dual audio

How easy is it to port a 3DS game onto Switch? It'd be sensible to do, but I literally can't think of an example where a 3DS game got ported.