Alright, I wanna get a new PC. Budget is £1000. I even bought some games on last year's christmas steam sale. Problem is, I'm a huge retard when it comes down to this, and the last PC I owned was a shitty prebuilt. Any tips on this shit?

Attached: concern.png (449x470, 25K)

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well, first of all, you wait for the ryzen 3XXX line-up :^)

logical increments > pcpartpicker > yt building tutorials
/g/ also has a general: /pcbg/

Just go with AMD proccessor and buy two lower shelf GPUs for CrossFire

do this

thanks lad

what does this mean exactly

>Any tips on this shit?
Don't ask Yea Forums

Bruh u gotta delete that system 32 folder. It makes your PC run faster.

crossfire is two amd gpus and sli is two nvidia gpus. Don't bother, you don't need all that power.

What resolution and fps do you want to play at?
1080p: Gtx 1660 +latest i5
1440p: Gtx 1070 +latest i5
4k: gtx 1080ti + latest i7
Then build the rest of the pc based on your budget that is left over.


>latest i5/i7
just no, that's overpaying
buy a r5 2600 and put the rest towards a GPU

I'm in the same boat. Want to build my first good PC but don't know the first thing about it, and I'm afraid of being ripped off if I go to a store, or people messing with me on purpose on the internet.
Guess I'll keep using this toaster forever.

I don't really give a shit about graphics, as long as the framerate is great. If I had to pick, 1080p and 60fps would be lovely.

Use PC part picker, it's how I built my first pc back in the day. You could just buy prebuilt too but if you want to build your own use pcpartpicker.com

Also reddit has really help subs for PC building if you dont mind using reddit

how do so many people not know about PC part picker. it's so easy these days to make a desktop.

1060 should work for you, could also get a 1070 for a little more power if you wanted.

If you can wait a month or so, new AMD processors are being announced in a week and they'll likely be a very strong competitor to Intel.

No idea, back in the day when these threads were made it would be mentioned within the first 4 replies.

to be the fair the first reply was about it, i'm just surprised that it's still being asked, considering when I google "gaming pc part guide" I get part picker as the first link.

That's what I mean though, how do I know I can trust that site, or people telling me I should use it? For all I know they're pushing certain brands or they're subjective in some other way? I really wish I had a friend who knows about PCs or something.

I know about PCs, that site can be trusted, so can logical increments, there is a reason everyone recommends it, and you're making a PC, you are not doing brain surgery, if you take a general consensus on parts you are not going to go very wrong, now those sites don't take into account new hardware and potential price drops, which are things you need to consider, so when building a computer, make sure to google "next gen intel/amd/nvidia" for processors and graphics cards and if it's not far off, and you don't need the newest card, wait for that since prices will go down.

OP is retarded and so are most Yea Forums users.

Ignore everyone in this thread and just get a another prebuilt. Save the time and effort.

no one's keeping you here

and overpay 50%? lol