This fucking goober killed Sin by himself some 10 years before the game even started, and basically Tidus and the party are losers for needing 7 (SEVEN) party members, plus an airship with a massive cannon to destroy the same enemy, AND it took the entire party, essentially a cheat code in the Hymn of the Fayth, and a full stack of Aeons to bring him to his knees.

Basically, whay I'm trying to say, is "Final Fantasy X - Braska, Auron and Jecht's Wild Ride" should be SE's because this alpha chad deserves to have his story told.

Also FFX thread

Attached: Braska_Final_Aeon.jpg (1920x1080, 1.53M)

Other urls found in this thread:


Yuna (not T*dus) and the party stopped Sin FOREVER. It is their story.

Not a thing anymore with X-2.5

Funny you pointing that out. Final Fantasy is full of questionable content desicions. Best example is Lagunas adventures in FF8. Laguna should have been the main character.

>Laguna should have been the main character.
Nah, but I think FFVIIIs world and overarching timeline lends itself better to the side show shenanigans that VII got. I mean, it's built in to the narrative at every turn whereas with VII it's kinda thrown together. A Laguna spin off would be great.

You're missing the point. Jecht became the Final Aeon needed to "defeat" and become sin. It's by Yu Yevon's design. Yuna didn't turn any of her guardians into the Final Aeon and instead fought it head on, entering its body and killing the parasitic Yu Yevon that uses the Final Aeon to recreate sin.

That doesn't even make sense, nerd. He barely has anything to do with the plot and the reason for the flashbacks is Ellone trying to change the past by having Laguna stay with Raine so that she and Squall don't become orphans.

Sin gets more powerful each time he reincarnates dumbass
Also Tidus and friends literally ended Yu Yevon forever instead of just furthering the cycle like good goys

The actual best example is Basch or Balthier in FF12

>or Balthier
Fool. Balthier being the main character of FFXII makes no sense. It would be like Han Solo being the main character in ANH.

Yeah, Jecht is the one true chad to rule them all. when you
> Basically rule over an entire sport, inventing new moves that are practically unbeatable
> Travel to a new world n shit
> Go from a sports player to a drunkard then into a badass monster sayer
> Kick ass all the way through the world
> Kill fucking SIN in a one on one duel
> Kick back and farm EXP for a few years
> Let your son kill you to make him feel better about being the dampest noodle to ever have existed

I only mentioned him because I thought I read somewhere that he actually was originally the main character. Could be wrong.

You're thinking of Basch. He was originally supposed to be the MC of 12

Sorry anons, but Square considers that horrible fanfiction called FFX Will canon and in int Sin returns.

Tidus killing himself by kicking a bomb, Yuna reviving him causing Sin and all the other dead characters including Seymour to return, the eons likely getting corrupted again, Yuna having to cut her relationship with Tidus since that lead him disappear, Auron's daughter and etc. all being considered canon by Square.

>Fayth are statues that merge with the summoner to form an aeon
>You can revisit these statues to re-talk to the fayth
>Aeons are essentially separate entities from the fayth
>Lord Zaon (fayth of the first final aeon/yunalesca's husband) is even a statue
>Yunalesca asks you to choose which person to become the fayth of the final aeon - note: fayth of the final summoning, not the final aeon itself
>Somehow Jecht is Sin and is himself inside Sin
>Not just the mindless final aeon from the merging of jecht+braska

Square died in the brief interrum between FFX and FFX-2 anyway, this unsent shambling abomination called Squenix is just a perpetual trainwreck for my amusement

Square isn't stupid enough to call that shit canon, right? Wouldn't they just sweep it under the rug and pretend it never happened? That book has ZERO fans and didn't even turn a profit last I checked, what's the goddamn point?

If Yuna tells Tidus that she revived him, he would disappear so she had to break their relationship according to said horrible canon fanfiction.

I'm pretty sure they retconned the entire thing because it was trash


Attached: CBG.jpg (1920x1080, 77K)

I desperately hope for a retcon, but it hasn't happened yet and that's bad.

It's square. They'll just push it into before crisis/crisis core territory where it's semi-canon but they won't give a fuck about the details if they make a third game.

They needed more people because they weren't going with the final aeon method which would have just resulted in Yevon hijacking it and making Sin again with it at its core.

No seriously it's actual trash and makes BOTH X games worthless. Why would Square Enix back it when literally everyone who cares despises it, it prevents future stories/money in the setting, and the story itself sold like such shit it's essentially a bomb?

Modern Square has completely lost any modicum of sense or taste
The fact that they actually greenlit Yoko Taro to make another game after Drak3 is testament to that, then the fact that when that game turned into a surprise hit they shifted him to a fucking mobile gacha game

How the fuck was Yu Yevon so fucking dumb that he got indoctrinated by his own fake religion

You clearly have absolutely no understanding of how irl cults pan out
Stop playing video games and educate yourself

This got me as a kid, man, you have no idea

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Are you implying most cult leaders aren't on some level extremely stupid?

Even though the second Dissidia was a rampant train wreck of shit, at least they let the characters look cool in the cutscenes.

Attached: tumblr_p0iokfmrOs1uetr35o5_500.gif (500x250, 2.59M)

FF7 story didn't need Advent Children and the Genesis retcons, Sephiroth black wing and etc. but squeenix had to squeeze.

>tfw the fucking gacha Dissidia has a better story than NT

Most cult leaders are extremely intelligent and charismatic while most internet smart guys are dumb as shit and too autistic to understand human nature despite there being a million examples of it and all of society as a monument to how fucking absurd it is.

How are internet smart guys smart guys then if they're extremely stupid?

NT story
>We need all of your help to defeat Shinryu, so for it both faction should fight each other to awaken and then destroy it.

Crazy more like it, to convince others you have to be convinced yourself. Cult Leaders believe the shit they are peddling, Con Artists don't.

If you tell a lie enough times, even you start to believe in it.

Manipulative and charismatic, yes. But if they were exceedingly intelligent how would they forget that the lies they fucking invented are lies? Also, you're taking this oddly personally. Did you get dicked over by a cult or something?

Jecht was definitely designed by one of those dads that had a "are ya winning son" moment.

You're all retarded. Yunalesca and some retards who wanted to kill the (((al bhed))) founded Yevon, not Yu Yevon himself. That and guess what - we literally never hear a single line of dialogue or thought from yu yevon. He's not even a fucking character. He's a force of nature. How the fuck is a hurricane going to believe in vishnu?

Because you touch yourself at night

Because I'm a cult leader, no you can't drink my kool-aid you silly boys
Have fun thinking you're smarter than everyone while not accomplishing shit and being in a perpetual state of confusion lol

>Killed sin by himself

No? He simply went to Zanarkand with Braska and Auron and fell for Lady Yunalesca’s bullshit. Yuna and team did the same thing, but decided to kill sin and Yu Yevon themselves.

Yu Yevon was once a summoner, but after a thousand years of cycles he became unrecognizable

> The party doesn't get here in time to stop Seymour controlling Sin
> Just as he gains total control, Jecht floats down, arms crossed, looking at Seymour.
> "Are ya winnin', kid?"
> Proceeds to destroy Seymour and his entire spinning contraption in one punch
> "I'll be up ahead, kiddo."

When do you think it's time to bail out of a cult? Some say it's when the cult starts to arm itself, but I think it's when they begin developing chemical weapons - that's when you know you got yourself your money's worth.

And...oh look no mention of him founding yevon you fucking brainlet

Why would you want them to do that? You know they will make some dumb character like Genesis and tie him into the 2.5 shit.

Besides, what story can be told here? It seemed like they only fought monsters and the church wasn't trying to kill them. You'd have to bullshit some previously unmentioned conflict into existence to even have anything going on.

Aeons are not separate from the fayth, they are a manifestation of the bond between the fayth and summoner. Its made very clear that the fayth pull their consciousness into the Aeon, their can only be one manifested Aeon at a time.

Braska dies on the final summon and doesn't merge with Jecht. Jecht retains control of the final summoning. Yu Yevon takes control of the final aeon and begins to make another Sin using it. During this period of time its called the Calm, Jecht still has control so he isn't just attacking random cities, probably just sleeping out in the ocean till Yevon finally takes complete control. Jecht as Sin does meet up with Auron and transports him to Dream Zanarkand to watch over Tidus. Then 10 years later when Jecht is losing control, he escorts Tidus and Auron off of Dream Zanarkand.

Don't make Baltheir the main character. That takes away from his charm.

Yu Yevon wasn't a villain. To save Zanarkand from the war with Bevelle, he had the remaining citizens turn into Fayths to maintain Dream Zanarkand, making an armor to protect himself in the process, which would go on to become Sin. Yunalesca didn't die in the city and went on to defeat Sin the first time. Yevon founded around her actions, and she had nothing to do with it, nor is Al Bhed specifically hunted down by anyone and is solely banished from society because they still use the Machina that Sin seeks out and destroys.

Yu Yevon summoned Sin so hard that he literally couldn't stop. He's not even a villain, honestly. He was just trying to repel Bevelle and went too hard.

No, he bitched out and let himself be a pointless sacrifice. He didn't kill shit

>When do you think it's time to bail out of a cult?
Before you give them all your money and burn bridges with everyone who loves you. After that well, might as well see it through. Not like bailing from a cult is going to be pleasant or easily survivable.

>but I think it's when they begin developing chemical weapons
Name a single thing you might do in your life more interesting than this? That's what I thought, you're lucky if you find a cult interested in more than just fleecing its members and sexually exploiting them.

>Brought undead auron to zanarkand
>brought auron and teeeeedus back to spira when teedus was of an age where he could actually fucking do something and yuna was ready
>brought teedus to yuna
>showed teedus repeatedly that sin fucks shit up in a "come at me you crybaby faggot" fashion so that he gets pissed but CONVENIENTLY never hurts anyone important to the plot.
>fucking sits there under macalania in a "are ya winning son? Here, the fayth hymn is my weakness" moment
>appears again in zanarkand to ask "are ya winning yet son. Oh fuck what did you do to the final aeon I hope you have a plan"
>Holds back until party is inside
>I'm not going to be able to hold back anymore once I'm final aeon mode but you got this bro

>Supplementary material released in book form by a different author over a decade after the fact that contradicts established information about how key plot elements work
They could say Wakka was canonically a fayth the whole time but that wouldn't make it true.

>villain is called Seymour
haha le stemade hams XDDD
well I made it Seymour, despite your directions

Anima was originally going to be a final Aeon for Seymour, but in his disillusionment their bond broke permanently. Seymour would never be able to summon her with the power to defeat Sin, their bond weakened enough that Tidus and Gang could dab on her and Seymour. From her dialogue its clear that she is still in the pilot seat when summoned as Anima.

Neither Jecht nor Tidus could have defeated Yu Yevon without the other.
The whole point of being a father isn't getting in a pissing match with your son.
None of you should reproduce and fortunately you won't

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Jecht for Smash


While he didn't kill or defeat anything, he did single-handedly set everything into motion. Yu Yevon's defeat was started by Jecht.

I’m not saying Jecht wasn’t a complete bad ass, just saying his accomplishments weren’t much more than what Yuna’s team did. It is 100% true that without Braska’s voyage with Jecht and Auron that Yu Yevon would still be around. They are responsible for actually setting up the next group to stop sin.

>tfw in the shitty gacha Dissidia game Jecht takes a fat ogre shit on his son and tries to make him feel worthless
>But only does so because he figured out the world they're in is a place of respite where Tidus can be happy without the trauma of remembering he's dead, and wants to let Tidus be blissfully unaware as long as possibly by not letting him get involved in the fighting

Attached: 1553533268541.jpg (1024x768, 42K)

>took two generations of Zanarkans to finally defeat an ages old problem started by a Zanarkan
Why are Bevelle scum so fucking weak and worthless. Zanarkan master race

Dissidia has never been canon. They completely raped Ultimecia as well by turning her into a full-on villain instead of someone pushed to the limit and having to basically stop time to save herself, like in the original game.

Based Zanarkand Fayth masterrace dreamt both of them up for the purpose of defeating Sin once and for all.

Ultimecia was a pretty clear-cut villain in 8 user. She went from sympathetic to unforgivable by the end, Dissidia just tends to show the villains at the end of their development if they had any, so she's never had the chance to be sympathetic. If there's any villain they really did dirty it's Cloud of Darkness. Why the fuck is she helping Chaos out if his side's been nonstop winning and snuffing out light for hundreds of cycles?

>Blitzball kid wants to become a blitzball when he grows up
>In FFX-2's creature create - the Bomb fiend tale literally has the bomb turn into a blitzball so his friend (with the exact same model as blitzball kid) can become some blitzball star or some shit I dont fucking remember youtu.be/p4Ja0iYvjUg
>Tidus mistakes a bomb for a blitzball and kicks it
Who's laughing now, faggots. Blitzball Kid killed Teedus

>the bahamuth fayth guides tidus from the very start of the game just before jecht shows up in dream zanarkand
>probably also showed up and interacted with jecht before he turned into the final aeon/sin

>bahamut fayth is probably the one that dreamed up jecht and teedus himself based on a subconscious merger of his own shitty relationship with his father and the blitzball star Shuyin

I seem to remember Yu Yevon and Lady Yunalesca striking up a deal with Bevelle to leave that town alone so long as they perpetuate the lie and send their strongest summoners to be sacrificed

Thank Squeenix for making a literal kid fanfiction canon.

How the fuck were they so based that they actually dared to make based blitzbomb canon? The absolute madmen!

Attached: 3A390349-CCAD-40D2-AE64-9B89138729BE.gif (350x174, 273K)

By remembering that calling something based was originally a term of extreme derision


Dissidia takes these villains and removes them from the context of their games, user. Ultimecia is a victim of fate. The universe wants her dead. In the game, she's been hunted by SeeD her whole life and is prophesied to die at their hand. She's completely nuts by the time she starts diving into the past, and one of the first things she does is have Seifer interrogate Squall to find out why they're trying to kill her. Time Compression was her final solution, and the only way to save herself.

Honestly, this exemplifies Square Enix decision making. It doesn't get much more retarded than this. Maybe the Final Fantasy XV musical idea comes close.

>Time Compression was her final solution, and the only way to save herself.
This is in the FFVIII Ultimania, but can be inferred from the events of the game. If they remake the game, they should make it more clear.

>Hating on the best boss fight

hahaha imagine playing a whole long jrpg game to save a world from rampaging giant creature and then playing a second game to bring the main character of the first one back

hahaha and then he dies to a bomb disguised as sports equipment and then the female lead resurrects him and then breaks up with him and then the rampaging giant comes back too

hahaha would that be fun and make it all feel fulfilling and like it had a point hahahaha

Shinryu is a plotpoint from the first two Dissidias.

Kuja seems to have progressed from his IX self, but was turned into Kefka's lackey until NT.

>fuggg, everyone wants to kill me
>better destroy most life in my time
>oh shit, still prophesied to die
>better compress all of time
>while i'm in the past i better find out why they're trying to kill me
>*nukes balamb and trabia garden because that would solve the problem*
>*hijacks galbadia garden and invades balamb garden*
>get defeated and lose original possessed body

I love Drak3, it's my favorite YT game actually
But it really does try to be offensive on every level and Squenix had to be totally mad to let him make another game much less one that got a bigger budget than anything he ever did prior

For a fucking time witch she sure doesn't seem to grasp what a self-fulfilling prophecy is

I know, the Feral Chaos with high HP from the first game had its support.

That's because Jecht became the final aeon, whereas Yuna & co refused Yunalesca's deal so they could break the cycle. Yuna NEEDED all of that extra help to even stand a chance without the "established" way of beating Sin.

Jecht obviously wasn't even the first final aeon, there have been many.

That's not how the Fayth work, Bahamut is Bahamut. The original Fayth of Jecht and Tidus are somewhere within the thousands of combined Fayth at Mt. Gagazet.

>sin never gets fully destroyed
>keeps regenerating and getting stronger and stronger
>eventually destroys all life on the planet
>becomes a space whale and travels to other planets with similar levels of technology to destroy

Yeah but I'm saying the idea of Shinryu emerging after the conflict between the two gods is not just an NT thing, it just actually has them address it, so holding that against it's story doesn't make sense to me.


I just said the story in a nutshell, not worlds against it.

>Comes to Earth
>Fights Godzilla

Ok, fair enough. Just seemed otherwise from the chain of posts.

>so powerful it carves the world into pieces with its pyrefly/laser beam attack
>none of the damage is reflected in x-2
ayy lmao

Attached: Sin.jpg (960x720, 139K)

Who was Trema again?

so Lavos? But I thought FFX was supposed to be somewhere in the VII timeline?

Don't remember shit from X-2, but the he shares a character model with the undead guy who welcomes summoners to Zanarkand.

I could've sworn if you let Sin overdrive you on the airship you could hear Tidus cry out as the party get obliterated but I can't find any videos of that chilling shit

He's talking about the space whale from FF4

It's been a while since I've played FF4, but isn't that an airship and not a living creature?

Because like 95% of X-2's levels are recycled from X.

You missed the whole fucking point of the game dude, Yuna fights against the wheel because of Tidus. They choose not to sacrifice themselves to Sin, rather fight it head on.

FFX-2 is almost as cheaply produced as Falcom games. Why make new assets when you can reuse everything and call it a sequel?

A master that despises the past, for it he destroyed the spheres of the past in order to prevent their informations to be known, he trained many for the battle against Sin but it was useless since Sin had been defeated. As an unsent, he crafted and controlled monsters under Bevelle.

Someone post the gifs