Which version is the best?

Which version is the best?

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3rd from the left.



2 > 1 > 3 > 4

#3 with the eyes of #4

first one. rest are pleb magnet

>the murder town saga

left is the best, only tasteless faggots disagree

>some kid's deviantart drawing
>forehead you could land a plane on
>angery anime girl
>traumatized anime girl
3 or 4 depending on the context of the scene

They all suck desu famalam

What game?

3 for flatness


When's that new Umineko EP out? And how long until it's translated?

3 desu

1 = 4 > 3 > 2

1 literally has soul.

2 and 3 are the best just because of the eyes because they feel like a punch to the soul. I like 3's eyes better, but 2's background is better with its blurriness that makes it seem like the situation is going out of control for the player in a bad way

1 has "soul" but it looks fucking awful

if you say 1 or 2 youre a preteen


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The stream sprites (#2) are the best. The console sprites (#3) on some character like Keiichi look god-awful. Stream sprites are the highest quality and most faithful to the original look.

I don't know how people played 1 with that fucking horrible art

I watched a Let's Play in 2007 filmed with an old ass flip phone cam.

>left: soul
>everything else: soulless


Man this game was so unsettling when I first played it.

Attached: LIAR!.jpg (818x600, 197K)


Attached: ohihatethis.jpg (750x733, 40K)


And Rena's old sprite isnt even the worst one.

Attached: Sa_pc_sch.png (293x413, 177K)

I want to kiss Rena!

this but ironically
fuck faggots like these. die of dies whore

why does she have big tities now?

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*blocks your path*

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>Started watching anime
>Really liked the first 4 episode arc
>Was confused when everything reset for the next arc but stuck with it
>Dropped it at the 3rd arc because I was mad nothing still wasn't explained.
Should I go back?

>Decent amount of SOUL
>Borderline SOULLESS

yeah but read the VN instead

You dropped a mystery show because things weren't all laid out for you? How much of a moron can you be?

Everything is ok except 1.

I would say #2 because it retains that nice early 2000's VN crust while also not being ugly like the OG #1

>tfw voice patch isn't finished yet
I just like hearing the voices. Is that too much to ask?

1 and 3 = Soul
2 and 4 = Soulless

Anyone choosing 2 and 3 from the left is just contrarian.
True patrician taste is 1 and 4.

From the left: 1 > 2 > 3 > 4

From left to right. 4, 1, 2, 3

epitome of soul
literally souless

the original is always the best because it carries the original intention of the arist

People are going to say mitten hands is better than the mangagamer one purely because "muh soul" but it genuinly doesn't fit the game.

4 has soul

Hotdamn Sextoko

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The original intention of the artist was to save money by drawing it himself, there's a reason he got them remade later.