Why does everyone hate DMC2 so much? Going through the series for the first time and I'm about halfway through this one...

Why does everyone hate DMC2 so much? Going through the series for the first time and I'm about halfway through this one. Outside of a couple of really heinous bosses and the fucky rank system it's pretty good, improves on 1 in some ways even. Dante doesn't seem that much edgier than his DMC1 incarnation either.

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You can't seriously tell me that game feels good to play compared to DMC1. Try playing it again after 3 then, and see how it feels.

I've played a bit of 3 and 4 prior to this so I already know there are vast improvements, and I'm not saying this one is perfect either, I just don't think it is as bad as it usually is made out to be. I mean, I often see people recommending newcomers skip it entirely. It has issues even compared to 1 (like the automatic lock on) but there are definitely some improvements like certain skills not being tied to weapons, more intuitive rolling, and the gun swap button

>Why does everyone hate DMC2 so much?
Because it's a bad fucking game.

Care to elaborate? I understand people don't like it, I'm just looking for a bit of discussion.

>Dante is way too slow and all of his moves are sluggish
>The enemy AI is completely retarded and the game never offers a real challenge
It had some cool shit they ended up keeping in the sequels like wall running and twosome time but it's still a terrible game.

It is a misguided sequel that gets considerably more shit than it deserves.

>it's pretty good

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It doesn't get enough shit. I bought the HD collection when it was released on steam and played 2, convinced that it couldn't be as bad as people claimed. It turned out to be just as bad as people claimed.

I mean most people ate DmC alive, and that's still a better game than 2 is sans story. 2 has some cool stuff but it's basically only for the DMC nuts who are curious about it. Most of the good ideas it has are in the later games, and there's basically no real fun to had besides story as the gameplay is abysmal.

Both are better than anything in 3.

The problem with 2 is that it wastes your time and most of your enemies are just blind bullet sponges. Half of them can't even attack you unless you throw yourself into their line of fire. The sword doesn't do nearly as much damage as it should compared to the pistols even with upgrades, and the pistols automatically seek to every enemy in the vicinity, a requirement when you think about how many flying enemies there are.
It's extremely possible to be stylish in this game, but why would you want to be stylish when your competition is this?

Even Arkham isn't as bad.

DMC2 is based and misunderstood

DMC1 has a satisfying, visceral sword loop. You can even cancel the sheathing animation. DMC2's combat however is stiff as all everloving fuck, the combos are bound to the analog stick instead of the times slashes of the og. There are no upgrades whatsoever to your weapons like in DMC1 either, all of which expanded Dante's toolbox and had distinct uses. DMC2 just has a bunch of swords with varying range, and upgrading it just increases damage. The enemy AI is absolutely braindead.

are we reaching new levels of contrarianism now

>Half of them can't even attack you unless you throw yourself into their line of fire
This so fucking much.

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Mashing the gun button infinitely staggers most enemies.
The best DPS in the game is DT button mashing gun.
Dante has like 2 melee combos.
There are like 5 cutscenes in the entire game and Dante only speaks in 3 of them.

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What was that OP? I couldn't hear you over the sound of guns.

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2 did have some killer animations though.
My thoughts when any song starts playing. DMC2 had a really good OST to but the sound of gunfire drowns it out completely. Can't even turn down the sfx volume.

Oh fucking great, now we have people defending DMC2.

as if FO3 defense was bad enough

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The first thing you need to understand is that 2 is objectively bad.

The second thing you need to understand is that you can still have fun with it and you can still appreciate all the things it does right. I agree completely - if you play it immediately after playing 1, 2 feels fucking INCREDIBLE. You feel free. The movement feels spot-on. You don't notice all the holes until a further inspection.

People who hate on 2 have usually never played it. I'm not trying to invalidate them - in general, they're right. I'm just trying to get you to understand what you're dealing with when you make a discussion thread about 2. You aren't talking to people who've actually played the game and can describe to you why it's bad using deeper reasoning. You're talking to people who've saved a few funny pictures and webms, and watched a few videos about why 2 is bad. Every discussion about 2 is summed up by

>why is 2 bad?
>it's shit lol
>a youtube video
>that webm of the wolves jumping around and missing the guy
>a webm of a guy shooting argosax's tentacle

Which are all absolutely valid points but they indicate that the person only knows the cliff notes.

Here are the cliff notes on what DMC2 does right:

>the movement DOES feel better after 1
>the DT upgrade mechanic was cool
>making guns actually effective was a good idea, they took it a little too far (although given they give you so little style and DMC is ABOUT style, you can tell most of these people have never even tried to S-rank a 2 mission)
>expanding the gun's moveset was a great idea
>weapon switching
>the atmosphere was top-tier
>bloody palace
>2 characters
>the soundtrack is good
>despair embodied is kino

I also enjoyed the map design. 2 felt like a real adventure, you went to a bunch of different locales.

Overall it's an incredibly disappointing sequel to one of the most monumental games of the PS2 era. It is however very easy to see the beginnings of DMC3 in it and it actually had some nice ideas. One thing DMC2 does that I legitimately love is if you get a Green Orb when you're at full HP you get a very heft amount of Red Orbs, compare this to the first and later games where it's about 50 Red Orbs at best. The melee system is unintuitive because doing longer combos means unlocking onto enemies, the enemies themselves are poorly thought out and implemented piles of trash, the art direction and sound design are ass, the cutscenes and dialogue are also terrible. The Amulet system was pretty cool, DMC2 Dante still remains one of his best designs, and Lucia is fucking thick as Hell.

Really the best part of DMC2 was playing as Trish, but she was essentially DMC1 Dante reskinned as Trish.

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>improves on 1 in some ways even
You mean by removing puzzles, different weapons and making every enemy some military?

>Dante doesn't seem that much edgier than his DMC1 incarnation either.

To this day DMC1's sense of impact and "umph" factor has not been topped. Doing everything as Dante in 1 has such a satisfying sense of weight to it, especially Stinger and Ifrit in general.

>E&I can juggle your enemies better than your sword can
>Upgrades are merely for extra damage
>Enemies feel like they have no intention of fighting
>There are secret missions, found in a similar way as DMC1 but on a much larger map
>Said secret missions are just waves of enemies
>The camera at times is somehow worse than 1
>You have to hold R2 to disengage the always active and awful lock-on system
>Due to how the mission ranking works in this game, getting an S at the end of the mission is very hard, namely for the orb requirement EVEN IN "BOSS ONLY" MISSIONS
>Infested Tank and Chopper are a thing
>Trismagia is even worse and when the 3 heads are split apart only one of them takes damage and there's no way to tell which is which
>Lucia's underwater missions
>First phase of the final boss is a ridiculous damage sponge that nobody asked for
>You actually have to try to die (I played through Normal and Hard, maybe DMD is actually somewhat difficult)
Can't think of other stuff so I'll point out a few good things
>Dante's design
>Weapon designs
>The OST is nice
>Real time gun switching
>Customizable DT
>Early styles "concepts" (rainstorm, twosome time, wallruns, that one aerial sword combo etc.)
>The game is short

Mostly agree with everything but,

>making guns actually effective was a good idea
Guns were effective in DMC1 though, especially E&I with Devil Trigger and Charged Shot.
>the atmosphere was top-tier
I highly disagree but I'm usually a person that absolutely hates city environments so I'm likely biased there.

For me it's dropping an inferno on fools. Nobodies gtfo

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>Lucia was thick as Hell


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Who enters the shop at the end of Lucia's campaign?

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>Having a sword fight with Nelo Angelo feels good
>But so does charging Ifrit attacks and destroying him

It's me coming to claim my waifu.

DMC2 is completely fine if you treat it as a Onimusha game with a DMC skin, made a decent rundown.
I agree that that hate is far overexaggerated and some of it is also undeserved, but the DMC fanbase in general has massive double standards.
I'd say the game is actually pretty impressive considering it was whipped up in four months, wouldn't even be that hard to correct and turn into a good game either, but it's just a pipe dream by now, which is a shame since it has my favorite atmosphere and feel, I really dislike how Itsuno turned the series more and more into some silly tokusatsu instead of keeping the hard boiled gothic horror feel, which 1 and 2 deliver in spades, then again, finders keepers and Itsuno's the one who made it big.

dmc2 isn't even as good as the shinobi ps2 game lol

Congratulations user!

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Thank you.


When I played Shinobi I was getting flashbacks on DMC2. Some of the animations seemed identical, like the lock-on where he pulls his arm back behind him, Dante does the same thing. Then they also have the same infested helicopter bullshit. I swear the two were made by the same person before itsuno hopped in.

>if you play it immediately after playing 1, 2 feels fucking INCREDIBLE. You feel free. The movement feels spot-on
I'm gonna have to disagree with this. I played the first three games back to back in the HD collection and thought the movement in 2 was fucking awful. I mean yeah Dante was a bit sluggish in 1 but he's not any better in 2.

Sister, stop being so sister serious. It's a weeb game, and it's also super sister dead.

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>I mean yeah Dante was a bit sluggish in 1 but he's not any better in 2.
That's not true, both Dante and Lucia control much better than Dante in 1, though it's mostly because of the lack of hard camera angles and faster turning speed.
The thing that is much more noticeable however, is the jump, it's a lot better than DMC1.

Played DMC2 after DMC1 when i was i kid. It was fine, although even then i found some of the bosses tedious and frustrating.

Oh and, you can play as Trish when you beat Hard mode, she plays similarly to DMC1 Dante in terms of sword combos (is it me or does she have more trouble stunning bigger enemies compared to Dante?)

If you haven't stopped playing after the helicopter part you are lying.

It has trash enemies and bosses, trash level design, trash animations, weapons have same attacks, most boring plot in the series. It's playable, alright, but it's far inferier to any other DMC, including reboot.

>making guns actually effective was a good idea

5 did this as well. Guns in 5 do pretty good damage without them feeling OP.

I rented DMC2 as a kid. Spent the night at a friends and played it for the first time. The opening started out promising with Dante falling from the skylight shooting shit as he's falling, but then there's just nothing happening. Just a bunch of wandering. I was so disappointed even then and turned it off after only an hour. Just did not have the same flair as the original and was noticeably piss easy.

Animations are more fluid, but Dante in 2 feels just so slow in combat

Yeah, sword combos are much slower in DMC2, unless we're talking about Lucia or Trish, they're also evenly paced due to the different input system, which is why they don't feel as snappy as 1.

Every time I replay DMC2 its worse than I remember

2 does not improve on squat, it's about even with 1.
I mostly hate DMC2 because after completing it, you get a DIESEL jeans fucking costume as a reward.

Fuck that shit.

2 is ass but I've always liked Lucia. Stupid thick with tight pants and exposed mid-riff.

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2 is leagues below 1. It's barely above generic actions games something like nanobreaker.

clearly shitposting. any monster is better than fucking tank and chopper. they dont even do anything despite being damage sponges like everything in the game. Hold Square and watch the bars go empty, woopee doo.

Its the worst game I've ever played, and I've played Gonzalezzzz

>2 doesn't improve squat
In general movement is a lot better than 1 but that's really where it ends
>it's about even with 1.
It's nowhere in the same ballpark of quality as 1. DMC2 feels like a game made in 6 months.

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why do people play like this, it isn't stylish at all.

There's just something about 2 that sucks all the fun out of people and makes them suddenly want to only do the most boring strategy possible. Is it just because they go into it knowing the "pro strats" thanks to the game's meme status?

>it's about even with 1
1 is the best game in the series, user.

Because the alternative is using the sword which has animations so slow that you can read a small novel in the time it takes to finish a combo.

Because the enemies are simply not engaging. No need to put more effort than needed.

The enemy names made me feel like I was playing a spanish bootleg DMC1 sometimes

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It's not like that's different from the games after 4, though. Most enemies are just punching bags for you to style on.

i'm just saying you don't even see the fancier gun stuff like rainstorm, people just stand there and shoot. absolutely no interest in being stylish.

Didn't play nanobreaker, but in regards to 1 v 2 both are basically the same in terms of replayability and cutscene worth
I didn't come into this series for Soul, I came for the CUHRAYZEE times
Now who's shitposting?

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hai guise

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Probably Trish, Lady or even Patty

Demon helicopter

>Most enemies are just punching bags for you to style on.
ok, but they don't have the ability to die by simply spamming pistols either. You have to actually make use of the repertoire to kill the enemies.

>you don't even see the fancier gun stuff like rainstorm
Well if it makes you feel better. Right after that webm cuts off I jump to avoid the goat that leaps inside the elevator and do a rainstorm.

>No who's shitposting?

At this point in the game DMC1 feels very unique compared to the later iterations because they put so much emphasis on comboing bloated HP enemies. If you prefer faster arcade games than DMC1 has a lot to offer you.

>Now who's shitposting?
>you're shitposting/a contrarian if you don't share my opinion!

I had to force myself to even start this monstrosity and I couldn't bring myself to finish it.

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for me it's argosax the chaos

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Still can't believe they actually put fullblown water levels into the game. Entire water levels. What the fuck man. At least DMC1's were brisk.

>The enemy names made me feel like I was playing a spanish bootleg DMC1 sometimes
that's how the whole game looks to me bro. like it was made in mexico.

>if you play it directly after 1
and theres the problem. we who hate the game spent years yearning for more DMC after 1 was a fresh blast in 2001. but then they shat on us with dmc2, and not more of dmc, its different, but shit.
people hated it for that reason in 2001 and still do in 2019.

>super fucking rich
>surrounds himself with thick brown lady demon lady body guards

Is Arius /ourguy/?

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I like the idea that in DMC2 Dante became so overpowered he doesn't even have to try to defeat his enemies, he just walks past them and shoot them with one bullet.

Best thing that came out of DMC2

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>Why does everyone hate DMC2 so much?

You just wanted me to link this didn't you?

People hate DMC2 because the gameplay is shit. That's it.

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My favorite part of DMC2 is Griffon being glued to Argosax for no reason.

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It's also got a terrible story. None of the games have anything incredible in terms of story (although I do think 3's is genuinely good), but at least they tend to be entertaining. 2's story is just bad

I mean 3 and 4 completely re used the "this guy is evil and wants demonic power" as a large part of the story.

Like I said, I don't think the other games really do anything incredible. I just think 2 is significantly worse to the point that there's no enjoyment at all to be drawn from that game's story

Leave it to nu-Yea Forums to be THIS fucking contrarian.
Jesus Christ when will it end? Are we gonna get threads praising Superman 64 next?

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They probably wanted to rehash him like Phantom and ran out of time but Argosax was already done.

Did the sword choices in this game even matter? I just used the thick one because I assumed it did more damage.

I mean nearly everyone in the thread is commenting about how bad the game is, do you even bother to read?

I think the difference was just like a 5% difference in speed/reach/damage between each one. Didn't really feel like it made a difference.

Was pretty disappointing how much more focus there seemed to be on the guns compared to the melee weapons, it's like the team didn't realize melee was the focus which is why there are so many shitty enemies you can only shoot.

The damage changes depending on the sword and how fast Dante swings it. That's it.

It did, the thick one does more damage but has shorter range. The thin one is the opposite and I guess Rebellion is the balanced one. However range doesn't matter in a game where all the enemies are braindead so you have no reason not to pick the fat one.

It plays bad, the story's a mess, it doesn't have the excuse of being the "first" so they were trying new stuff out, the graphics are muddled and ugly, it has really poorly designed boss battles, it barely enhances the combat of the first, and you have to play it twice.

Here's the thing, most of Yea Forums doesn't matter.
The vast majority of the shitposting is perpetuated by a very small minority. But a ton of you faggots are fucking sheep who will eventually buy into the shitposting if it's posted long enough. It's happened time and time again.
It used to be nobody thought DMC2 was good, then one guy argued it was, now we have a larger and larger group of people arguing it is.
So yeah to answer my own question, I am expecting people to defend Superman 64 within the near future. I'd give it a year.

>Think Vendetta is one of the coolest weapon designs in the series (simple, thick sword with a broad axehead-like end and a neat pattern)
>It's in 2 and is functionally the same as Rebellion and the other one with very slight stat changes

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Didn't realize until now, but Vendetta actually looks very similar to Ganondorf's sword in Smash. I really like swords that flare out into that axe blade shape at the end.

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>now we have a larger and larger group of people arguing it is

It's literally not what's happening though, most everyone here is saying it's shit but the game has some very small redeeming qualities that ultimately do not make up for how bad a game it is. Keeping crying wolf though I'm sure it'll help.

The worst part is that they didn't even try to pretend it's demonic in nature, it's just a decorative slab of metal Dante grabbed off a corpse. That's literally it.

Shut the fuck up. You're getting assblasted over a singular user making a topic. Bitching like yours only fuels the fire. I hope the superman 64 bullshit takes off just to spite you faggot.