Who's the best Resident Evil character?

Who's the best Resident Evil character?

Attached: claire_face_happy - Copy.jpg (629x683, 81K)

Other urls found in this thread:

mediafire.com/file/8xtl792vlvq18ed/HotCakeX Claire Bunny Girl .rar

Not nuClaire, thats for sure.

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Whose the palest girl?

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Leon (RE6)

Attached: LEON.jpg (1280x720, 81K)

I don't like short hair. I think both Rebecca and Ada would look way better with regular length haircuts. Especially Rebecca

RE3 this E3?

Shorthair is fine

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What’s going through her head?

Seeing Leon after a few hours

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Why is the Handler in Resident Evil?

Ada Wong

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No, RE8

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This guy

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and why was it becky?

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Man, I remember renting RE Gun Survivor as a kid thinking it would be like more RE2 and RE3 and being so disappointed

Sue Valentine

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What game is this from? RE0 remaster?

There's nothing wrong with shorthaired girls

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you posted her

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Why is she such a lewd pitslut?

>that spoiler
>jill first

That entire YouTube channel is so degenerate.

resident evil vendetta the animated film

Jill and Chris.
nuClaire is a nigger trash tho.

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Look at her! She looks like a boy with that hairdo! Ahahahahahahaha!

Claire is the best character and the best part of RE.

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Tomboys are always better

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Re1 firs zombie of course, the most iconic character ever. Fucking horny losers...


I'm currently playing RE remake and I'm getting stuck every 15 minutes. Should this be easier or am I fucking retarded?

Fuck off James.

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I think you meant to say the glorious and refined Shadowleggy, my friend. It's okay now that I corrected your mistake.

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That reminds me, that Evil vr guy said there's gonna be a lot more variety this time.

Remake requires a higher iq

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The second one

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I've never seen someone make a list of so many things that could just be shortened with
>I am fucking gay.

I'm not good with puzzles and riddles, I just want to explore and kill some zombies

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Examine the environment. Like literally hit x on everything.

>A woman likes dicks and can only share what wanting to get a dick into you is like
>A man likes dicks and that's fucking gay
>A tomboy shares your interests (manly) and is tough enough to tumble with you and share your based interests

How the fuck is that gay? Someone post the better explanation of this please.

Nothing wrong with tomgirls

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my man

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Another man with good taste.

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Hope RE8 goes back to zombies, hunters, crimson heads, mutated animal bosses, etc. Give some variaty. Just please no angry worm people with guns. Hate that shit. I want a town or location getting infected and it feeling like actual shit went down.

Based and saved


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None of the characters are particularity well written. Their main value is how attractive they are

She's pretty well written, once you realize she's working with Wesker

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Or how awesomely campy they are, like Barry.

I miss chrisposting

Where the hell did you get that idea?


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Don't wag your finger at me, young lady.

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do you know da wae

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Dead memes


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Where did these come from?

I love Claire.

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I can see indentation marks on her skin from where her pants were tight around her hips

More Beccas. Does she have family what do you think?

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>only bravo member to survive
>knows where everything is in the mansion
>guides Chris to Wesker
>knows where the selfdestruct system is and how to use it
>Wesker purposely shoots her in her vest so she survives
>weskers hidden photo of her

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Nope. Still waiting for the right person

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I hope RE8 and 9 are first person, along with REmake 3.
After that, they can go back to whatever.

Don't forget the Wesker mode in the RE0 remaster, where Rebecca basically acts as a servant for Wesker.

Someone named bricksh0es I think, probably wrote his name wrong.

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why does birkin grab a pipe when he easily claws apart hunks squad

Rejoice or not.

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Yea that too

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There wont be new RE in 2020 capcom's financial documents showed that. Your hopes for new RE on E3 are dead now

He was still trying to resist becoming a mindless beast, and instead he thought to use a weapon like he would've done if he were still human. When he clawed apart Hunk's team, he was filled with pure rage and didn't think or care at all about what he was doing. Birkin only fully lost control to the virus when G2's new head sprouted during the Sherry elevator scene.

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God she's cute and hot. Muh dick is confused

user I think you got the filename wrong. That's supposed to be Vincent Goldman.

Jill, you fucking plebs.

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I thought the same team behind RE7 had been working on RE8 for a while now? There are two Resident Evil project teams at Capcom. RE2make was made by the team behind RE Revelations 2, and they were working on it while RE7 was still being developed.

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>RE2make was made by the team behind RE Revelations 2
No wonder it felt cheap

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8 is supposedly still in early production.


Had it been Chris in RE2, he wouldn't have had to run from Mr X like a little bitch, he would've punched him in his goddamn jaw and dropped him.

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It doesn't feel cheap though, it feels extremely AAA

Modern Chris yeah, but 98' Chris?

I don't think Chris had those sorts of gains in RE2

Capcom changes the features of characters so much I really really really hope they stay consistent with current Dante/Nero and don't fuck them up in the future.

>all those shadowleggy lewds
What absolute madman. Gud shit, hope he continues drawing her.

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I'm sure they will look the same for the rest of the time they're using RE engine. Chris Redfield was the same for all the MT Framework years

What does her face even look like? I've never seen it without that dumb hair covering it up

mediafire.com/file/8xtl792vlvq18ed/HotCakeX Claire Bunny Girl .rar

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