It's almost totally sure that this will never happen but would you buy a PlayStation Cinco if it had total backwards compatibility?
It's almost totally sure that this will never happen but would you buy a PlayStation Cinco if it had total backwards...
>could be
>probably literally zero evidence
gamergate 2 when?
No my PC is already backwards compatible and it doesn't censor my anime tiddie games.
Only if it's true BC and not some PS Now bullshit.
no because a modded ps2 can play all the worthwhile playstation games.
No I already have PC and a Fat PS2. Played the shit out of my PS3 and nothing on the PS4 looks interesting because I nearly beat bloodborne and I don't like souls games.But no good features should be scraped and they need it to compete with the Xbox
Can your PC play P5R?
I would. There's tons of shit in the PS2 I loved, and a lot of stuff in the PS3 I missed.
Sadly, just like XBone, it'll be bullshit and only for a few select games.
Close enough
There is a patent for their backwards compatibility and PS5 slideshow presentation that implied it too
No, but I hope somebody cracks their official PS3 and PS4 emulators if that happens.
I think the PS3 Em, more importantly who cares about 1 game can your PlayStation 4 play Arma?
>PC turds always scream about PC is best experience
>plays glitchy emulator with less content
>Vanilla P5
Yes I would because I have a shit load of ps2 games that emulation just can't do well.
>tfw you didnt waste any money on this gens consoles or games
i knew skipping gens was worth it
Arma is fun nerd
No. There is a PS3 emulator out now, so it's not worth it anymore.
And you only had to wait 10 years!
absolutely, haven't played any PS game since PS2
PC is the best experience because you brainlets always say bullshit like "We don't care about you graphics or free online, it's about the games!" Well PC has the most game and even if you miss out on 6 PS exclusives you could just emulate them like 5-10 years later or buy a used PS4 when the next gen starts. For what 7 games? I'm good on putting 500$ into my PC instead of Sony's pocket
Ps2 emulation is shit
I unironically would consider getting PS5 if it's completely backwards compatible.
If it worked and didn't have a sorry lineup, yeah.
>Well PC has the most game
Most of which are shit and broken ports
if the ps3 emulation is flawless, it might be worth picking up
call me when sony themselves confirm backwards compatible after the better part of a decade shitting on it.
he said a modded ps2 you fucking dumbass
No, I'm done with Sony after what a waste of money the PS4 turned out to be plus their recent turn towards movie games, homosexuality, politics, and censorship.
Maybe if they improve I'll buy a ps6 but I'm guessing they will go the "games as a service" route before that.
If it's backcompat with 100% of the library and you just insert your game disk in and it just werks? Sure, I'd buy it.
But if it's only for the games that Sony wants to be backcompat then no, not good enough.
>Could be backwards compatible with games with anime titties
Not likely.
Hows that different from emulating? Its fucking soulless.
Cope with what? Getting more content and less glitches? Emulators are literally the biggest cope in gaming
Do you think they'll just flat out use RPCS3 like they did with PCSX-R on the PS classic?
based. same here.
fuck the #TrannyStation
Ps4 is the only system that I have no doubt Sony could make work flawlessly. Like you could stick in a PS4 game disc and the PS5 would run, also all your PS4 digital purchases would just work. PS1, PS2, and PS3 are pretty unlikely to work without emulation.
>Every game on this platform is shit!
>W-Why? Because I said so!
Can your PS4 play stalker?
Name five games were even if the port was dogshit it didn't run at better settings then the console.
>no arkham knight
>no Saints Row 2
>no ubishit games
>I'm guessing they will go the "games as a service" route before that.
The entire industry seems to be moving in that direction, user. Consoles, PC and even the games themselves, and the push for streaming games is only the start.
Why do 8gaggers all type like this? Is it collective brain damage?
stupid monkey
Yep this will be the case.
Oh yay then sony can patch out all the lewd stuff from its older titles as well. I cant wait to replay disgaea with hijab Etna.
Seething more, now back to cookie clicker
Why would I need reverse compatibility when I still have my ps1, ps2, PS3, and PS4?
Hope about Sony works on actually releasing new games worth playing, are there ANY PS4 games coming out this year worth a damn?
I would rather just buy a rifle.
I have never seen so much soi until you made this. The pc is just a soi machine get fucked and never come back to this fucking board. This is for sony only. niggerbitch
Are weebs this delusional or they honestly think they will cencor old games not even up for sale
>muh soul
Stupid retard, you can't even read.
If I can actually play ALL of my old PS1-4 games and the emulation isn't "Xbox on 360" level shit I'll buy a PS5 day 1. None of this Xbone dripfeeding bullshit.
So you don't have to plug them in just for one game, for starters.
>PS5 is completely backwards compatible with all previous Playstations including PSP and Vita
>All leaked stats are true
>Price: 699 US dollars
Would you still buy?
It would be the only reason to buy it for me, since I want to put my PS2 and PS3 to rest. Never bought a PS4 because it lacked backwards compatibility and because most of the exklusives are boring as fuck and I have a nice PC for everything multi platform I think I will buy a X Box One only for my huge 360 library soon.
Sony will certainly lead the charge as they are greedier then wall Street Jews, maybe them crashing and burning will dissuade others. I could care less what happens to the company at this point so hopefully they really get fucked to show no one wants that.
PS1 can be emulated on a toaster
PS2 can be emulated on a good computer
PS3 cannot be emulated
PS4 is probably compatible to PS5
Frankly, I don't think PS5 will play PS3 games.
>PS3 cannot be emulated
Xbone has done a good job justifying playing OG and 360 games on it over the original systems by offering generally improved performance and higher resolutions in the emulation.
Backwards compatibility would be nice so devs don't fucking spam remasters of a 2 year old game
Cry harder why are you shilling a children's console on a video game board? Only Perverts want to play with kids toys. Also Sony made PCs so I can as I please, probably too young to remember though
According to SteamSpy
>9,300 games were launched in 2018
>2017 saw the release of 6,700 games in total.
>30,000. That’s how many games are on Steam right now.
Want to guess how many games have been released for PlayStation, PS2, PS3, and PS4? Go ahead. Guess. I'll wait.
>could be
Fully backwards compatible with some kind of upscaling and potential performance boosting support for older titles would make me really consider. Especially if digital purchases are carried over.
Why not let it play PSP games digitally too?
>Buy this 500-600 dollar hunk of shit so you don't need to get up off the couch
Wew,I knew Americans were lazy but this is the next level.
Anyway I would rather play those games on the original hardware. Makes the experience better.
>PS3 games
not that it matter since it doesn't have any
PS1 can be emulated on a toaster
PS2 can be emulated on an ok PC
PS3 cannot be emulated on a good PC
PS4 is probably compatible to PS5
It's hard to care about the better graphics settings when shit's just broken. Final Fantasy III, when new: black screen, then patched for a while, now black screen. FF XIII-2, if you have multi-channel audio it plays harsh buzzing in the rear speakers, pc users are mostly stereo and don't play console ports, so no one cares. Dark Souls required a third party mod to get better than 360 graphics which introduces gameplay changing problems that the master race likes to pretend don't matter.
Yes, this is all because the ports were done by idiots, but on one platform they work, on another they don't.
The PC needs a stable API that hardware and software MUST be compatible with. This "upgrades break shit randomly" stuff HAS TO STOP if the PC is ever going to be a proper, relaxing experience.
Way better games then those 9300 steam 2018 games
it'll be able to play all of your old games but it won't be able to read them off disks, you'll have to buy them off the playstation store if you want to play them again. they might be generous and let you transfer your games from an old console to a new console for a fee
people will bend over backwards to explain how its actually okay because it wouldn't have been possible to make a console play old games off of a disk without downloading stuff off the internet as if that was a good argument
>inb4 that's just all indie GARBAGE!
If it was on your PlayStation tho wouldn't you be praising it?
>98% of the games are multiplat, except with 5x better graphics on PC
PS3 can easily be emulated on a potato since Sony got the blue prints. It is nothing for them. They are just lazy and cheap cunts, which they demonstrated with the shitty PS1 classic mini.
That's besides the point, it's not just getting off the couch but also taking them out of storage, wrestling with TV inputs and all that jazz. Hell, most modern TVs don't even come with composite inputs, so you'd need an adaptor for that. If you have no use for one then don't buy it, I'm certainly not spending another cent on a console ever. But there certainly is a use for it.
Dude, they implied that the PS4 would be backwards compatible too
And I would have an XBone today if they actually allowed more than a handful of games. "But it's the publisher's fault!" only because microsoft forgot where they left their testicles.
>Almost 2k games
>1 exclusive worth playing
Now THAT'S impressive
I never thought Sony would go as far to censor games in Japan because of vague laws in some country on the other side of the planet. The reasonable way to do this is to leave it to the devs to either censor everything or just censor in the regions with prudish laws. Instead Sony decided to just throw millions of customers into the trash. Sony has already passed the threshold of logic and reason there is no telling how low they will sink now.
9000 of those 2018 steam games are exclusive to PC, so enjoy your early access shit :)
Then why didn't the PS4 have backwards compatibility? Emulation isn't exactly cheap in terms of processing power and development. My guess is they took the only working PS3 emulator and worked on it for their own purposes, since it's open source.
I highly doubt that the PS5 will be BC with PS1-3, Sony is way too greedy for it.
But in the event that it is fully BC with all PS games, I don't mind spending $600 for the PS5.
Yeah. In like 3 years post launch
>inb4 they use the open source emu for ps1 emulation
>use cfw on ps5
>get the perfect machine to play my weeb games on
>I never thought Sony would go as far to censor games in Japan because of vague laws in some country on the other side of the planet.
West is where the money is at retard
>instead Sony decided to just throw millions of customers into the trash.
lol your anime visual novel trash barely sell 50k
that's a cute bird
>Then why didn't the PS4 have backwards compatibility?
Because all of their partners wanted to resell the same shit to people again. PS3 and PS2 had backwards compat, though only initially for the PS3
No. They'll just hold my save files and games ransom in their shitty ecosystem.
They have a worked PS1 and PS2 emulator with enhancements for the PS4. They are just making you buy them again. That's the "backwards compatibility" Sony like.
PS3 is impossible on the PS4. The PS3 literally had more CPU horsepower and many games used it even if they didn't need to. It was the GPU that sucked.
Sure, anything can be "backwards compatible" if they make an always online streaming box. :^)
Was their a patent for it
>Not having a switch
>Not having you're vintage shit out and ready to go whenever
>Being so fat the idea of doing anything beyond picking up a control is worth a 500 buck investment
Cringe my man
Hell fucking yeah I would. I'd even pay $500 for one.
Wrong it would have made ps4 cost more that's why they didn't add it
you pretty much picked the three worst ports that have ever been released on PC that are also really really old. are you going to bring up the dogshit metal gear solid 2 PC port?
>The PC needs a stable API that hardware and software MUST be compatible with.
it's called directX and openGL and now vulkan. and they have been for 20 years.
there is valid criticism of pc gaming but literally nothing you typed is valid criticism
>Because all of their partners wanted to resell the same shit to people again.
More like because the PS3's architecture is a mess and they couldn't get the games to run. If that had stopped them back then, it would be stopping them with the PS5.
*Censored weeb games
I agree that it's annoying, but most of the good 360 games are on it anyways. It's still missing a lot of the great OG games though, where's JSRF and Mechwarrior?
You'd still have the physical copies to play on an original system though. But the saves are a reasonable point I guess
don't have any PS games so no get fucked basedny
We know that it'll be PS4 compatible entirely, so this thing will basically turn all those PS4s and Pros into deadweight. Might as well have a 5 instead of a 4, essentially, and their resell value will plummet as a result too. But i'll still hold off until it's worth it. If it had all console compatibility, then hey, maybe, but it's Sony, they can't do something without shooting a foot off anymore.
We were literally talking about emulation. It would cost $0 to impliment on PS4, only R&D but considering how bad sony was doing before the PS4 succeeded they might not have had the resources to do much of anything besides launch the PS4
This is not news this is clickbait
Considering such a platform would have FF1-15, DQV, VIII, and XI playable on it. Alongside MGS1-5, Metal Gear Rising, the entire Team Ico Trilogy, Xenogears, all DMC games, all Drakengard and NieR, BOTH Ni No Kunis, Persona 1-5, basically all of SMT, Parasite Eve, SUIKODEN 1 AND 2, and Mega Man Legends, my answer would be a BIG YES. Even if you don’t want a PS5, it’d be worth getting simply for all that incredible legacy content.
>Japs can't do anything right
That's why they are leaving the PlayStation to make mulitplats. It's already nearly seamless now especially if you only play new games, as for problems would you rather fix it your self in 5 minutes or pray that Sony sends you the fix eventuality
You're brainwashed by the console manufactures lol nearly every game made in the last 25 years was a multiplat if you hate steam because people have "the gull" to publish their games just use all the other launchers normal PC gamers use 0 or multiple launchers
If I have to rebuy $50 of jackbox games just because Im buying a PS5 Im going to end it all.
No, I'm not buying another Sony console.
>West is where the money is at retard
True, but the niche is what drives the best seller market. Many a company has gone bust trying to sell only their top 100.
"These 100 products are 95% of our profit! Let's get rid of the other 900 and make tonnes of money!"
"Why did we make 30% less last quarter?"
Because you alienated your loyal customers chasing fair weather fans.
I also forgot about Kino PS3 games like Warhawk, Motorstorm, and Resistance: Fall of Man. Also Red Dead Redemption 1.
I don't think I want backwards compatibility as much as I think I do. It sounds amazing and I'm sure I'll look forward to the opportunity to play a bunch of classics I missed and then never actually do it
Because they are cheap, the PS 4 could have easily emulated PS1 and 2 and they also did not put it in. They want you to buy shitty remasters on their store.
They could put the whole PS3 system in a mobile phone nowadays.
>it would have made ps4 cost more
Because it would have needed a faster processor, and they would have had to develop an emulator for it anyway. Why do you keep hitting yourself?
Retards working off of a patreon figured it out, with infinitely fewer resources as to the PS3 itself. That bullshit excuse was only true before RPCS3, now we have a working PS3 emulator before a 360 which is something no one could have predicted with all the bitching about PS3's architecture
It doesn't work like that. It's more like emulating an FM radio on your microwave. It takes a lot more duct tape and scrap metal to make it work even if you have the schematics for both items.
What if the PS5 uprezzed them? And was like an amazing emulator? And we could finally play DQVIII in 1080p.
now that you mention that it seems really unlikely that they'd do this because they would have to implement some kind of virtual memory card and also translate save data from ps3 games. like i know that is not technically difficult but i find it very hard to believe that sony would commit resources to something without immediate financial gain
Nope, already got ripped off by Sony once this decade
Fuck those censorship happy no games gay ass niggers I hope the new no games machine flops
>And somehow raises the value of my PS4 so I can sell it
> It would cost $0 to impliment on PS4
LOL what a retard, it's not simple to emulate a console even emulators on PC has problems
OG PS3 had PS2 hardware in it so it could even play PS2 games
>They could put the whole PS3 system in a mobile phone nowadays.
Of course not, you can't possibly be this retarded. They can make an equivalent cellphone processor in terms of processing power, but the cell is big, clunky and hot by design.
I meant games from the past, of course.
Sony has produced 0 good emulators internally
How much does it cost to emulate on your already emulator-ready PC? It's software you mongoloid that's my point
As long as they don't pull the same shit they pulled with PS2 games on PS4.
Resolution would just be stretched. It'd look like switch. Ratio is hardcoded. Games made for 3:4 old-school TVs will always be 3:4. The only thing an emu can do is stretch them so it's all distorted. You have to recode the game itself if you want to change the resolution (size or pixel density)
>>The PC needs a stable API that hardware and software MUST be compatible with.
>it's called directX and openGL and now vulkan. and they have been for 20 years.
Video games are programmed by inexperienced, sleep deprived youngsters. You can put a big DEPRECATED notice in 72pt red font on the API docs all you want, this game is going to use it to meet the milestone. Then microsoft patch DirectX, and nVidia patches their drivers, or doesn't implement the buggy version for their new cards and now this game is broken.
What do consoles do? They just include old versions of the library because why the fuck not? Launch Wii games get the same IOS they always used because they CARE about maintaining 100% compatibility where Microsoft don't give a flying fuck.
Vita ain’t bad, no? And I thought the PS2 nailed PS1 games.
I just want the next Xbox to be backward compatible with the same games the One is with OG Xbox and Xbox 360 games so I won't have to buy a One X for now
>could be
could have a giant dildo strapped to it aswell
They would have likely had to make some hardware changes to accommodate emulating the PS3's processor because its massively different. Emulation is more than just processing power
You actually have no idea what you're talking about, not a single word here is accurate.
Vita used PSP hardware internally iirc
Ah. I’d be okay playing it with black boxes if that resolution was updated. Text would look gross but cest la vie
If it did, yes
Because there wont be any worthwhile games on it until the end of its lifespan like ps4, and even then ps4 only had like bloodborne
Can you run Crysis at 60 FPS maxxed out?
Sure, if the caveat for BC isn't that PSNow garbage.
Oh, those will be blocked
Anime boobs are too problematic for snoy these days
Xbone bc isnt bullshit my guy
someone has to pay programmers to write software you idiot
I'm not the guy but some come out of my mind quickly
Onimusha 3
Resident Evil 4 (Original PC version)
Halo 2
All unplayable on PC
>They just include old versions of the library because why the fuck not?
Because there's a reason those old ones get depreciated. It's like comparing an iphone 4 to an iphone x. The new design is more efficient. People using old methods are people that never continued their education after graduating. Like doctors that still recommend debunked home remedies.
Like, a week ago my doctor told me to wear high-tops for ankle support. That's been debunked for 10 fucking years.
>buying Sony products in 2019
Lmao are you actually retarded or do you just like being scammed?
I already own a PS3 and PS4, and I can emulate everything I care about from PSX and PS2, so no, I'm not going to give Snoy any more of my money
>a patent for backwards compatibility, that thing that's long since been done since the Atari 5200
You keep moving the goalposts at a rapid pace to defend Sony it's comical. I say R&D in the original post, idiot
APIs have only gotten better look at what had changed between even Direct x 10.1 and Direct x 12
Christ you are dense
Imagine how people would react if a shitty PC emulator was in a PS4 and they put their disc in and they got glitches
>Kino games
Neck yourself, retard.
Based and logical pilled
Screen size and resolution is hardcoded. Period. A SNES game will always be 640 x 480. If you tried to force it to be 720p, then Mario would look like Stewie from Family Guy and the square blocks would all be rectangles. That's a fact. A console can not simply rewrite the whole fucking game and remux all the textures to fit the new resolution. Holy shit. Go to school.
>retard doesn't know anything about anything
Well, they used a "shitty PC emulator" on the PS1 classic, so you're clearly an idiot who doesn't know what he's talking about.
Cease this idiocy right this instant, you're simply embarrassing yourself at this point. Do not continue digging this hole that you've made for yourself I beg you.
It's the only way I'll buy a PS5. A lot of these PS3 era games have atrocious fucking PC ports, so being able to play those PS3 games with better graphics would be nice.
I can't believe how stupid you people are. Not a single thing is being said about the quality of emulators, only how software emulation increases the cost of hardware in any way whatsoever
They can shrink a cell CPU to the size of a RAM chip now. It is nothing. You can put that thing in a fucking calculator lol. That thing is over a decade old now. The only thing complex about it is its autistic architecture and instruction sets, which makes it harder to emulate. With the blue prints, that shit will run software emulated without a problem, especially on current CPUs.
The SNES uses sprites, not polygons (excepting Star Fox). Polygons can be rendered at higher resolutions without much of an issue, so your analogy is fucking stupid.
>They can shrink a cell CPU to the size of a RAM chip now
No, they fucking can't, you ridiculously dumb fuck. Stop yourself, think and then post.
Incidentally, if you read the patent, all it talks about is the software compatibility maneuvering. It makes no mention of discs or hardware. It could very well be a component to a virtual store where they're gonna charge you $20 for Mortal Kombat 3 Ultimate. Because IT'S FUCKING SONY. Of COURSE they would. You think they're just gonna give you this shit for free? My sides are prepared for launch.
Nah, Sony is off the fucking rails right now.
Made a mistake giving them a chance this past gen, I'll just stick with my switch, hacked Vita, and pc for the next couple years. Maybe an xbone if they bring something impressive to the table
>Using my PS4 as a Netflix machine like the last 2 years
Do it, then, faggot. Just go do it. You know I'm right.
>A SNES game will always be 640 x 480
Not only is that wrong but why are you talking about SNES games
Yes! If they had both disks and a downloadable version on the ps store i would buy it.
Reggie is such a cool guy for someone that looks like they would be a complete tool.
Halo 2 is on PC lol it's the only way to really play the OG online still and it's getting community mods and updates still. And for the rest just emulate it dolphin is a great GC em
No because...
A. I still have all of those working platforms
B. I have a PC that can emulate
Backwards comparability fags need to fuck off, ya'll need to take care of your shit better.
My god, user, I've seen some dumb fucks here, but you sure take the first prize.
I can't believe how stupid you are to think software emulator is better then having actual parts which emulate perfectly
It's 3:4. I used a commonly recognizable 3:4 resolution for comparison. Saying 512x448 doesn't paint the clear comparison to widescreen.
And we're talking about emulation. SNES is relevant.
who the fuck said that? Jesus christ
Can it run on W10? I still use XLink Kai to play online on Xbox
Yeah, it's fucking sucks that he's gone
>Sorry guys, I gotta get back to playing animal crossing on my 3da... Forever
Show us 720p of a 3:4 game that's not stretched and isn't a software remake. Do it. You know you can't. It's not possible. Like I said 4 posts ago.
Game cube ran everything at 480p I run their games with AA at 4K you can have fun with 2002 hardware if you think "that's how god intended" I'll be using 2019 hardware to run 2002 software because the lord blessed my rocks better than Nintendo rocks
Yes they can, but they do not even need it, since they can software emulate that thing. It is just a autistic CPU, nothing special at all. Stopp believing Sonys lies to justify their shitty practice. You should read up on the development of the Cell and the Xbox 360 CPU. You really think there is some Nippon magic involved or what? They are just cheap and want you to buy more remastered shit you already own, so they tell you the fairy tale of a super complex CPU that is just a autistic multi core with its own little instruction sets which can never be replicated ever....
Yes. I have a box of PS3 and another box of ps2 games I have been dreading getting rid of. My PS3 still works fine but all the controllers are fucked, they don't make new ones anymore and the PS4 controller will only work with certain games. I would still wait a year post release for a price drop though, no matter how much it costs.
>b-b-but muh polygons
Oh, shut up. This is what happens when you force 3:4 to widescreen.
I'm not entirely sure if he actually played it, but if he really put in the time in Dragon Quest IX, I feel a strange kinship. I can't imagine many people that high up actually play grindy JRPGs. It's too bad the wifi for DS is gone forever outside of emulation and hacks, also.
Is there anything worthwhile on Netflix anymore? The X-Files is gone last time I checked and I don't care about Friends and The Office and original series shit.
Not the guy you're replying to but what exactly is impossible? Can't you just pillarbox it?
The fucking PS4 can't even play it yet.
Then it's not emulation at all, and it's impractical and expensive. Also there are software emulators can reach near 100% accuracy, and even fix graphical issues the original hardware had, like how the PS1 handled perspectives and textures.
Am I getting trolled here? Seriously, how could you possibly be this retarded?
user, it's 4:3
i was going to buy the ps5 anyway but now i wont unless they make this a thing
Of course that's what happens when you force 4:3 to widescreen you fucking mongoloid. We were talking about RESOLUTIONS, not ASPECT RATIOS.
Try to read up on it, then we'll continue our discussion. I don't want to go too hard on you just because you're 12 and dumb as a brick.
>Haha I can play 4k gamecube games 20 years later
You said it costs nothing for an emulator on ps4
I'm actually looking for Netflix recommendations right now
I watched arq, that was an ok time travel loop sci fi movie (think watered down primer) also watched blame! , Was just ok.
Kinda running out of sci fi over here...
So old things should stop working because new things good, old things bad? I don't care how they do it, if some farming simulator played by 10 people worked in 2007, it should work today. If you're going to tell me that only popular, up to date stuff should exist, I'm never going to convert to your PC religion.
what does an emulator have to do with native hardware? My god
Xbone back compat is legit, you can play Ninja Gaiden Black, 2, and Razors Edge all on one system now
Ah, the badge of honor of a dumb shit who doesn't understand what he's talking about. There are old console emulators with 100% cycle accuracy, if that's what you want to hear. But it's still emulation, that fact never changes.
Cause ps3 had native ps2 hardware to emulate retard, unlike your software shit on PC with tons of problems
Yes,backwards compatibility as in "pay 10 bucks to download final fantasy 7 yet again"
I'm a programmer, I know this stuff. DX12 is no Vulkan, but it's still a game changer. Change is good. But compatibility is king. Whether it's video games or business software; what worked in the past should work today. IBM mainframes today are still capable of running 1960s COBOL *unmodified*. It may be a virtual machine running in an emulator, but it works.
Microsoft should've given their balls a tug and the first time nVidia broke a "Games for Windows Live" game stern words should have been exchanged and a driver not certified until it was fixed.
But they don't care, and so they'll always be second best to consoles.
>modding your PS2
how viable is it these days,I still have a mint condition silver one laying right next to me what can you actually do with one that an unmodded one couldn't do?
Retard, use an emulator and see how wrong you are
native hardware isn't emulation you absolute mongoloid
You can pirate it on a pc
>unironically this
Why is that retard proud of waiting 6+ years to play video games. What a fucking loser.
are you joking? why people mod their ps2?
I had to crop it but if you want me to upload the 15mb file somewhere I can if you can't see the differences I can't help you
play undubs, play fan-translated games, play any game in the entire ps2 library without paying. are you retarded?
Its backwards compatibility which was the point of the conversation
Because it's 1-10 games fool I have more to look forward to in life then what ____ dev shits out
No, you responded to me saying that software emulation objectively does not increase the cost of a system. I'm only responding to you at this point to see what dumb shit you say next
>weebshit as an argument
What if its digital only backwards compatibility? The Blu-ray drive of a PS4 can't read CD-ROM.
They had me at ps2.
But there's no way they're not gonna be faggoty about it. I'll wait.
Didn't the PS3s?
The most important question, will it be backwards compatible with PS3 PSN purchases?
Only if it's actual fucking BC.
Like, I can take my Chulip disc, throw it into the console, and it'll play.
The PS3s could read CDs, DVDs + Blu Rays, but the PS4 dropped CD support for some reason. I have no idea why, they still have a red laser for DVDs, and it's not like red book has royalties. It smacks of a cost saving thing that backfired. LETS ONLY SUPPORT BLURAY TO SAVE MONEYS! but... that would mean getting a custom drive made which would cost moar moneys... and the boss says we need to play DVDs... Fine let's just drop CD support from the firmware and pretend it matters.
I don't understand the autism in this image. Is the point that FFXV, nier and WoFF are on steam or that bloodborne and the last guardian arent?
Don't they have specialized communication classes for autismals?
Software emulation is shit it's why most companies dont use it
Name on company that doesn't use emulation
>PC is irrelevant
>most companies dont use it
what are you talking about? the virtual console is an emulator. ps3 backwards compatibility was by means of an emulator. I think the only console who used actual hardware for backwards compatibility purposes was the ps2.
Yes, but the trouble is that this will never fucking be the case
technically its infrared
The point is the original image was this, and it is always used by console shills as some way to "hurt" me. And I spent 2 minutes showing that most weeb trash including bayonetta is on PC in addition to the other games.
>this time for sure
ok sony
Actual autism
>as some way to "hurt" me
Jesus fucking christ stop posting. Forever.
sometime down the line, either used or when Sony stops being a bunch of faggots
look at this sensitive faggot. i guess your mommy didn't cuddle you enought when you were a kid, huh?
cry harder bitch this is 100% the truth what do YOU not understand about this autist?
If it has all of that shit then yes, I'll get it within the first year. Sell my PS3 & PS4 to help pay it off, slowly amass PS1/PS2 games to play on it.
Not sure if/when I'd get a PS5 if that isn't the case though. It's very likely to have PS4 backwards compatibility so I could take the cost of selling the PS4 out of it at least. I'd still wait longer though, over a year minimum.
As a PC gamer this is about the only thing that would even make me consider buying one. Sucks that backwards compatibility is almost gone from modern consoles these days with only Microsoft really attempting it anymore
Why because retarded console babies like you love to spread misinformation to somehow make you're inferior platform look better? Smells like buyers remorse to me. Try making good arguments like "I love SIE games and my friends have PS4s so that's why I have it" Instead of nonsense like "all PC gaming is indie early access shit, and you have to upgrade it every year"
If it truly had backwards compat with the discs and all, I wouldn't just buy 1, I'd buy one at the start of the gen and the upgraded/slim version at the end of the gen so I'd have a backup one for the future.
my pc already does that
>BC for ps3
oh boy am i laugin'
>If it's not fun what's the point
Why the fuck have western AAA devs forgotten this shit? They're releasing games that are more work than fun these days.
>"Better make sure I log in so I get some paltry bullshit reward today!"
>"Better buy the fucking progress booster otherwise I might as well be demolishing a concrete building with my forehead!"
>PS5 backwards compatible with PS3 games
>current censor policy
No, and it will stay like that.
hard pass until censorship issue solved and new games that worth my time and money show up
until then they can literally suck my penis
Enjoy your streaming with you need to pay for :^)
I will buy it no matter what.
IF it had complete unconditional "pop the disc in and it just works" backwards comp for all previous Playstations I might actually buy it purely for convenience. I have about 100 physical PS3 games, about 50 PS2 games and a couple random ones for PS1, and it would be nice to have one console that plays them all. That would however put me in the awkward spot where I buy a console with no intent to ever buy any games for it. I'd never buy PS5 games because they're censored and buying censored versions of games is just a low IQ activity.
So, the answer is yes, I'd buy a PS5, but I'd never buy PS5 games, I'd just use it to replay the games I already have.
>would you buy a PlayStation Cinco
Exemplary goy, credit to your race.
5 cents has been deposited into your MtF account
So buy a PS3??
You could snag some PS4 games with that PS5 though.
I would.
Still sticking with the PS3 arm tho.
>PS4 games
I think you mean GAME user
you can unconditionally put in our credit info in the sony shop faggot
>no games
>no E3
top kek
>could be
AMD literally confirmed it at CES
or was that for the xbox, i don't remember
the new xbox and ps5 run on exactly the same tech anyway
>buying the censorstation 5
You have to be the biggest cuck to buy one
Only if it also had complete libraries of each console available on PSN.
Literally "NO ACTUAL GAMEPLAY: the corporate announcement"
>It's almost totally sure that this will never happen
What makes yo usay so? If the architecture is the same than PS4 bc is trivial. PS2 is easy to emulate on such powerful hardware as is the PS1 - sony already has multiple emulators for these two. The only thing missing is a PS3 emulator
yeah, I would.
>software is free
only if it means that I can put any discs in and they work and not some bullshit 'download from this limited selection' setup
If it was, absolutely. It won't though. At best, ps4/ps2/ps1. At worst, it just has ps now and considers that backwards compatibility.
As Sony, if you've developed it and plan to put it on your consoles, it would not cost them anything to do so
>sony has produced 0 good emulators internally
POPSloader is fucking god tier though, and literally every PS1 emulator stole code from it because of it.
>what is bleem
a piece of shit that straight up couldn't run a large number of titles. The bleem creator worked on the PS1 emulator for PS2, not popsloader, too.
[x] doubt
>Sony has produced 0 good emulators internally
The PS2 emulator on PS3 is pretty decent
I'm interested if it is backwards compatible with ps4, ps3 and I am sold, my ps3 is sounding like a nuclear reactor and doesn't play some games. Need to get a new one but been holding it off.
That's cool but I already have a PS2/PS3/PS4 and two of them play PS1 games.
It's really, really not. I'm pretty sure it's well known for being junk. I'm wrong anyway because PSP's PSX emulation is nearly perfect (however it is partial hardware) and PS4's PS2 emulator which was barely used is apparently great
Naw but it ran the ones that mattered and the story was very funny how Sony ran them out of business.
Project Cartographer was made exactly for that
they are desperate, the cloud will dominate everything
Yes. I have a shelf of probably 150 miscellaneous playstation games. It be nice if I could play them all on one machine.
>ran the ones that mattered
barely. It barely ran SOME games that people liked. Others it didn't run at all. Like 90% of japanese titles, and most cult classics. Good luck getting fucking vagrant story to run at a decent framterate.
The shutdown was typical of a big company shitting all over someone by swinging their big sack of cash around when they had no legal ground to stand on. They bled them dry in court then admitted defeat cause who cares. They even hired the fucking main coder and like I said, he made the PS1 emulator for PS2, one of the best emulators on the market.
>Nier Automata
I hope you like those N64 textures on console
>I'm pretty sure it's well known for being junk
I'm guessing they had to use a plethora of hacks to get it running good on the hardware
meant for
Can you play PS2 Burnout games at 60fps on an old i5?
garbage that is inferior to the original
If its full-compatibility, to the point where I could get rid of my old systems, maybe
Whatever makes you feel better brickshitter
Whats a gamergate?
Keyword is "IF" so I cannot say.
Right now I am more focused on trying to save up for a gaming desktop.
>Even if you want to PLAY THE GAME you can just PLAY THE GAME 10 years after it came out! Consolefags btfo!!
It's probably another digital store. Like they did with PS4, where they added trophies then tried charging $19.99 for a PS2 game that sells for less than $5 on GameStop.
Never buying any Sony shit again after their going off the deep end with all the censoring.
Don't believe their lies. They said the same shit with the PS4.
trying to install gta san andreas from my DVD-ROM.
Game won't boot.
Spend 3 hours trying to get it to work.