We do not choose to enter this life, hungering and helpless, we come into this stale and plain world. So we spend out time searching for that one sublime revelation to fill the VTMB thread, to lose ourselves in beauty and perfection.
We do not choose to enter this life, hungering and helpless, we come into this stale and plain world...
Other urls found in this thread:
I love you too, user.
Sabbat is the shittiest sect but has the coolest clans. You know this to be true.
What is, lore-wise, shitty about accepting the nature of the curse? The Anarchs are by far the least interesting.
it doesnt have toreador so no
Do you think it will leak? they managed to plug it last time, sadly...
I care more about the new game potentially resurrecting the goth clique more than the actual game itself.
I hope it is extremely popular for this reason and this reason alone.
Toreador-chads get in here
They're hypocritical about huge amounts of shit and generally inconsistent.
reporting in
me on the left
Saulot is super bipolar in the lore and he goes from borderline saint to evil monster at the drop of a hat.
At least one gehenna scenario was about him going full maniac and destroying everything.
It's also likely he created the Baali.
They have used a name randomizer for all pictures, videos and more that contain the clan name. You can easily see that by comparing the filenames of the Tremere's pictures and video on the site, with the Toreador one. Finding the name is near impossible or would take so long time that the official video would be out before you managed to get to it.
So no, you are not getting leaks anymore.
Tomorrow's reveal better not be Ventrue, I want to know more about the other clan.
Can't wait for some epic rewarding milkies from my Toreador mommy.
If they reveal Nosferatu for example now, nobodies going to be excited for Ventrue.
God I hope she goes full ara ara on us
can't wait for the sfm porn with her
oof you guys, OOOOF
It's probably Malkavians then Ventrue
What even are the chances we will see gameplay at E3 and not another cinematic trailer?
Whats your opinion on VTMB2 theme?
Introductory, basic bitch Thinblood powers:
>summon a horde of bats from nowhere
>manipulate distant objects with mind powers
>suffocate enemies by forcing mist into their lungs
>fucking fly
Advanced, true vampire Clan powers:
>punch hard
>go fast
Aren't Brujah kinda lame?
Why do you think that piano-guy is so happy? He is most probably a ghoul of hers that she feeds him blood by making him suck her breasts.
Amen user
i prefer it the original t.b.h
They might show us what they've shown to the press during the reveal event. Paradox will be present E3 but we don't know if Bloodlines 2 will be there yet.
Pretty good. I wish they released it themselves because the current quality sucks dicks as it was recorded during their twitch stream.
So no more cute Kuei Jin, huh
Which non-vampire faction is replacing them
Its on youtube
I like it more than the original
I'm the one who uploaded it on youtube. I'm talking about Paradox uploading a high quality version of it on sites like soundcloud and such as they have the master version.
To be fair, the thinblood disciplines do sound pretty weak in their first 1-2 dot stages and you probably won't develop them much further before choosing a clan.
thanks for uploading it, dude. Thanks a lot.
Do hope Paradox can deliver some high quality audio though.
>I'm the one who uploaded it on youtube.
thank you for your service
I don't wanna be that guy, but link pls
here you go
just search it on youtube you fucking faggot.
you can see twitch overlay at 1:45, you're welcome
Probably a werewolf pack acting like super dicks but being totally "vindicated" with "muh global warming" undertones.
There should be a Kuei Jin option. Vamps are old news
lmao not even god himself cares about those losers anymore
did you feel that the twitch stream had a better quality audio on the theme than youtube? Given how youtube must process things through its filter.
V5 pretends they don't exist anymore. There's no mention of them in the core rulebook and both expansions so I don't think it's even possible.
There has been a misunderstanding. I posted the other post you replied to and you made it sound like you somehow had the 30 minute footage of gameplay they showed to the journalists. I've listened to the main theme already of course. Thanks anway.
but the Kue Jin were cool....
aah sorry, my bad. Do hope they release that gameplay footage at E3, maybe a newer build.
I don't think the quality was that high during their stream anyway. I just compared both the one on youtube and my own recording via shadowplay and they sound identical. You can get it as an .ogg file, which I used my own recording as its source. .mp3 format was not working with Sony Vegas for some reason. I can also upload a .wav version of it if you want to.
So what was the best trailer so far bros? For me its Tore > Thinblood > Tremere >>>>>>>>>> Brujah
>mfw it's not Nosferatu
It has to be Nosferatu, I can't think of any other "traditional" clan to fulfill "stealth class" slot. Malks are know for their Dominate/Dementation first and foremost, not obfuscate. With some Assamite part of the Camarilla now, it's more likely for Assamite to be in that role than Malkavian.
that's some sonic the hedgehog fanfiction autism shit.
same as you desu
Why is everyone trying to argue with that "stealth slot" thing. Have they ever guaranteed such a thing? Because the way I see it you can argue they already have that with Nebulation, which is open to every play no matter the clan choice.
awesome, thank you.
this will never not make me laugh
I feel like the reason Gangrel are cut, are to make Rudi's faction NPC's you can choose to work with instead of making it a clan you'd be indebted too
5 and ventruefags get btfo tommorow
rudi's faction sint in seattle
v5 wrecked gangrel anyway
that's canon sweatheart
I have never played through the original 1.2 before.
Now I know why.
he is in Denmark.
gangrel are cut because they cant be cut to make a war form and nos are also cut so they ain't making animalism for one clan
Rudi is painted as a global influence on Gangrel. Just like the Voermans spread all over the US and have influence on Malks with all the new Asylum locations
He lives
y-you mean they're in? Lasambros are in?
Let's just pray the only Gangrel we get to see is Beckett, alright? We'll ignore the whole fucking clan if it means these faggots won't drag it through the mud further.
No, he is canonically undead.
It's time, Lasomchads.
so I understand the expectation but not the desire? Why would you people actively want Ventrue to be in over Lasambra? We're already getting fewer clans the the original why not at least use one of those slots for something new and more interesting? Tore really do cover everything Ventrue do
i want that throne!
>[your favorite clan] got cut they could add brujah
His designs are labyrinthine in nature.
how do vampires learn new disciplines not associated with their clan? i don't mean the magic ones like thaumaturgy, i'm talking about ones like potence and fortitude. does it just come with age? like a toreador will inevitably get stronger as time goes on and their potence will just build up?
Delete. This. Post.
>new trailer comes out
>show's the asylum or whatever that corridor was
>the further in the weirder it looks
>starts looking like flesh
>Tzimisce annouced
post your fucking face when
is the male talk icon suppose to be G-mans lips?
ive never not seen it
>how do vampires learn new disciplines not associated with their clan?
You learn from vampires whose clans are associated with those disciplines.
man that sucks. Well now that that entire team was shitcanned hopefully they fix is and make gangrel the rip n tear clan again
I think brujah's in this weird place where they aren't really anyone's favorite clan but I don't think they the most hated clan
i'd gasp
Malks are in.
Malks are in.
Malks are in.
not a bad way to start a thread OP. i came in just to see what was going on. guess i should look up the factions and such with the new game.
>Paradox goes out of its way to pull a quick one on us and put the biggest never ever in,
malks are dlc
>people wanting to be with Toreadors
>its fucking Cappadocians
>posting Vincent Day
>while favoring Lasombra
He's a Ventrue. Antitribu, but still a Ventrue.
From what we have seen so far they're following a more traditional RPG classes approach with the clans. A clan that punches people, another clan that will satisfy mage players were their words. Besides the last two Deus Ex games are a huge inspiration for the devs, just look at Potence's description and the pic related. Obfuscate similarly fulfill Jensen's cloak in VtM. This is at least my take on the whole matter, we'll know which clan it is in nine days at most.
That would be sweet.
i dont know why ventrue fags are worrying they are such a low effort clan to include they are almost a shoe in
its shit like malk, nos and gangrel that get custom disciplines and game paths that are the most endangered and should be scared
Are some quests impossible as a Nosferatu in VTMB 1? I'm trying to talk to Venus because I want that sweet cash flow but she refuses to talk with me. I tried finding a wiki for this shit but the fandom wiki has fuckall for comprehensive information
oh shit it finally happened
>she made me eat crap
whose crap? vampires don't poo. ghoul poo?
It was most likely some Dominated human or maybe even an animal. The Toreador in question was clearly a sick fuck.
As he should be
Did you do Larry's quest?
>piece of shit diversity social justice snowflake has my same name
Fuck this.
Holy fuck V5 ghouls are so fucking boring.
Fun ghouls deconfirmed
Nobody will ever be exited for Ventrue
>The skyscraper interior is actually tzimisce as they are the domain owners
>Ventrues aren't there at all, toreadors get the role of the talkers
Not yet, nah.
Where are my fellow Brujah?
You have to do his quest first, then he tells Venus about you and she gives the quest
Speak for yourself, nossie.
>Tzimisce kicking Ventrue out of the game
Imagine the shitposting
I know the kiss is supposed to feel great and all but this looks very painful.
lmfao. i guess it was only a matter of time before they made damsel into their little nazi puncher. where was this from?
The notorious V5-Anarch Expansion.
are you actually able to still have some self-respect in your daily life or when you look in the mirror despite purchasing this game?
Purchasing what?
Do you know where you are right now, bud?
>More fabulous than Torreador
>More charismatic tan Ventrue
>Could break any Brujah in half
>Would nuke away Nosferatu primogen if not stopped by mary sue
>Tzimisce which by definition makes any tremere his bitch
How can one vampire be so based?
>andrei putting himself in a position in which your boy could judo toss him
bad form
at least she makes it cute
yeah i'm not convinced
>We do not choose to enter this life, hungering and helpless, we come into this stale and plain world
right in the feels. why is it so hard
>tremere - virgin nerds
>malk - penguins of doom *holds up spork*, depressed females, armchair psychiatrists
>toreador - females, "that kid", attention whores, not a single cool person
>ventrue - autists who can't deal with people disagreeing with them
>gangrel - furries, innawoods LARPers, kemono "not-furries" furries, monstergirl "not-furries" furries
>tzimisce - edgy autists, tentacle fetishists
>lasombra - edgy autists who can't deal with people disagreeing with them
>nosferatu - madlads of the kind that picks Wario, cooler virgin nerds, creepy weirdos who would pick malk but don't want to be with lolrandom
>salubri - moralfags who aren't actually moral just autistic
>brujah - no one, not even the "SJWs" because those preferred to make Rudi a gangrel
Warning: the above is true.
i'd like to see him try.
andrei was the best villain of the 3 big ones
He is a tzmimisce
it has toreador antitrubu though
Turning into mist sounds awesome. I can see myself maxing that out for a stealthy character.
tremere/nos basement dweller
malk SO RANDOM attention whore
venture prep
toreador pretentious artfag
gangrel stoner/hippie
brujah hood rat/wigger
tzimisce school shooter
The dream
gangrel are the far better unga bunga melee clan
This stuff is why I love Toreadors. They're complete monsters. They're opposite of Nosferatu is a lot of ways. Beautiful, easily able to trick people into thinking they're not evil, but through and through they're assholes of the greatest order that would torture you to death if it meant they might get a moment of inspiration from it. While Nosferatu are ugly sonsofbitches, but at worst live up to their faces, and at best turn out to be pretty alright people.
Didn't they have to redo that book?
so are we all ignoring the six fingers thing?
did i miss a joke or something
>Tzimisce ever making in
Highly doubt just because they wont make Sabbat joinable and Camarilla is a big nono because of Tremeres
No you just missed the 10 other threads where it was already mentioned and discussed.
Exactly. Im not here to be some fucking goodie two-shoes and its way more fun to be evil when dont look the part. I'm glad the trailer seemed to embrace that side of toreadors
>PC is victim of a mass embrace (classic Sabbat tactic)
>the Camarilla put you on trial, they don't know what's going on
>all hints point towards you diablerizing your way into a clan (which Camarilla typically doesn't allow)
>magazine article mentioned working with various vampires
We're gonna be made by a Sabbat vampire.
Chose your clan anons.
>My little panzerfaust
my sides.
>all hints point towards you diablerizing your way into a clan (which Camarilla typically doesn't allow
Don't you get a "get out of jail" card if you diablerize a vampire thats under a blood hunt?
i like how these lists always try to shit on my fave but just make it sound great
Nos, Malk and Tzim, in that order.
It's kinda funny that actual females that I saw/know that are into vtmb2, are either hooked to poster guy (majority + Outstar), or Dale (tumblr).
Only faggots on Yea Forums meme this guy. Wonder why is that?
What the hell is that last thing?
Tzimisce all night, every night.
but VTMB2 only lists 4 clans
It's thinbloods + 5 others.
Tzimisce because they have pic-related.
Because only unironic faggots like Ventrue.
>Fiend looks like an eldtrich terror
>Gangrel looks like a discount bilbo
>Toreador looks like a fag
>Ventrue middle age crisis
>Tremere look cool but they are literal mutts of vampire blood (saulot never forget)
>Nosferatu are cool
>Malks are malks
That's because women have terrible taste in men. Isn't that common knowledge?
link to them? the official site shows only 4
Ventrue are literally fag bait.
>Isn't that common knowledge?
It's commonly suppressed knowledge.
v20 gangrel
what the fuck is wrong with her chin
>hooked to poster guy (majority + Outstar)
They're not all announced yet, that's what these threads are waiting for.
>tfw no Tzimisce gf to slit your wrist for so she can drink your blood
ok my bad continue
it just further confirms tzimisce as playable
>non-ugly taz
Does Blush of Life also reduce fang size? How else would they uphold the Masquerade? Tell everyone they are wearing fake teeth?
how was the camarilla one? All I can ever find about it is the shit about gays in Chechnya.
What is actually the difference between Venture and Lasombra?
pretty sure they're retractable no?
Lasombra don't cast reflections. :^)
Camarilla is pretty good. It sets the metaplot of Second Inquisition and is a fun read. Doesn't have cringe-parts like Rudi or Feeding-Vitae-to-Your-Baby.
Is the guy that ate shit also a Toreador, or is he another clan?
>attractive to women
I don't understand? I can get crazy Toreador on the poster, but who the hell finds this attractive?
If I was a tzimisce I'd just put straws in my ghouls or something
no biting required
just me and a silly straw
It's funny how everyone claims to like Nosferatu but almost nobody actually plays them because running around in sewers and missing a good third of all dialogue sucks so much ass.
a hunter
personally i just hate men
Lasombra has edgy darkness discipline and is sabbat.
as a man- same
Ventrue control the world through money and corporations. Lasombra control the world through various religious institutions
He did specify that it was tumblr who was into him.
100% based
The fangs are implied to be retractable, though I don't recall any book explicitly saying they are.
They are brutal enough to deal aggravated damage so they should look obvious as fuck when biting.
How does it feel being deranged?
Tbh he just needs a different haircut and nose job and he'd be alright.
Tzimisce with thin-blood's telepathy would be broken though
>Use it to get the target closer to you then use vicissitude on it
you don't need to ask, you experience it every day. you wouldn't be here, otherwise
Lasombra is a very varied clan; sure, they could be vampire capitalists like the ventrue. But they also can play the role of sailors or pirates. Traditionally, they derived power from religious institutions, so many can be found in churches, mosques, etc. Further, thanks to obtenebration and their connection to the Abyss, they can take the role of mystics and occultists.
Everyone likes the concept behind the clan but not how they actually play, yeah. Maybe VTMB2 has a workaround for that if they add them at some point.
>It's funny how everyone claims to like Nosferatu
Its more like 50/50 between Tzimisce and Nosferatu with tremeres and ventrues somewhere between
But that statement is wrong, boss.
Nosferatu are actually intelligent, useful to society they're in and have friends, unlike said 4channers. 4channers are more like bunch of Malkavians that were put in the same room and now they do nothing but speak utter gibberish, thinking they're deep.
Nah, I'm sane and actually more rational than average.
All my issues are social in nature.
Anyone who hates men and not women necessarily has to be deranged, though. It's like hating scientific method but being fine with propaganda.
>and missing a good third of all dialogue
You can still pretty much talk to everyone, it's a huge exaggeration to say you miss a third of the dialogue, and they give you unique lines as a Nosferatu. And you only have to use the sewers instead of the cab for travel, you can walk around on the streets otherwise.
I'd be okay with Brujah if it was a small sect based on the old ways.
Don't ruin Yea Forums's wish fulfillment.
Lasombra have cool shadow magic and mainly control the world through religion rather than corporations.
>Nosferatu are actually intelligent, useful to society they're in and have friends
I disagree.
>I'm sane
then fuck off back where you came from
The Brujah are naturally boring because they have no cool powers.
Lore can't help them here.
He's right though.
Nosferatu own biggest information network and they have dirt on everybody which does make them useful to every organization they're willing to work with, and Nossies have each others back while anons are out to gut each other. So he's right about Nosferatu not even being close to 4channers.
>projecting own insecurities on entire Yea Forums
>V5 wrecked shreknet
It's gone, the golden age is ogre
I hope the sequel will have both Camarilla loyalist Brujah & Anarch Brujah.
>v5 wrecks nossies and gangrel
>but also wrecks tremere and giovanni
dunno what to think about these
Sounds like Lasombra is just better than Ventrue, then. All the power and elitism but also magic.
i like malkavians because they say funny things in the first game, watcha gonna do about it cuck?
>can by executed or excommunicated by the cams for shitposting
It's time to rise up nossies.
> I'm sane and actually more rational than average
Ventrue certainly have more power in the age of capitalism, though. And sure, fortitude's not flashy, but it's good.
Nosferatu are like a family. They all look out for each other. Something no other clan does.
Nosferatu also only sire only those that are good at gathering information, pro-hackers and etc. In more rare cases they sire Cleopatras (beautiful people with shit personalities).
However, they go for actually intelligent people, mainly. So, any user who thinks they're like Nosferatu, or that Nosferatu would ever sire them, are deluding themselves hard. Unless you're some sort of high IQ hacker, or very attractive human being who is a cunt... you can forget about it.
Because they are. Ventrue are management NPC tier.
They pretty much are.
Ventrue have two social disciplines meaning that they can two niggas at once or one nigga twice, but they have nothing against based and redpilled niggas who can't be jewed.
Lasombra clan weakness is a big risk of masquerade break, though. If someone puts you in their cringe compilation, you're a spooky blur.
Ventrue have dietary restrictions which are easy to meet if you're a jew.
I'm not even giving this mutt any (You)'s.
RIP schreknet tho
Assamites never ever
>The Nosferatu tend to embrace two classes of people: first are those for whom the Embrace is a step up, such as the homeless, the hopelessly antisocial, derelicts, the mentally ill, the emotionally damaged, the flawed, vagrants or other people at the bottom of the totem pole, often out of a feeling of kinship with them.
Didn't they make V5 into just fanfiction tier aka not canon?
there are no words to describe how much I've cringed at this post
Falseflagging Lasombrap. Devs probably never even thought about putting your shitty clan in, let alone make it playable.
How is it possible to start as a thinblood and then join a real clan?
Forgot to add: sounds like a lot of Yea Forums's population alright.
Will Caine be an uber driver this game?
Diablerie is a thing. You suck not only the vitae of another vampire but their very essence, their curse.
If 0 to 9 Tzimisces won't get in the game
Driver Caine is not canon.
Nosferatu get a bad rep for no reason.
You don't miss out on any story or mission dialogue, in fact you get hilarious unique responses from the major characters.
You can't talk to hookers. Boo hoo.
Also, if you don't linger on the streets and don't bump into NPCs you can stay out of the sewers.
You do fast travel via the sewers which you can access from many locations, and then you click on one of the multiple city maps instead of the one cab driver. So you actually have more fast travel options as Nosferatu than the other clans.
Especially handy in Downtown if you would otherwise have to slog from say the Anarchs to Venture tower. There's a sewer grate right outside the Last Round and then a city map right next to the ladder.
You also never have to give a fuck about blood, as you get more blood from rats. If you snack on one rat that's 1/3d of your blood pool back. Sewer level is a breeze as a melee/unarmed Nos.
Nah, he will work in a coffee shop this time. Remember the barrista backstory they talked about? Caine is actually your friendly coworker that schemed you into being a victim to the mass embrace.
hurr durr derp
If you suck off a real vampire to death and then some, you become 13th gen of their clan. Thinbloods are 14 and 15 gen.
Oh, but FUCK getting to the Nos haven though.
But isn't that super duper illegal and immoral?
only if you get caught ;)
I don't think so, it just released last year
Does that mean that if you diablerize a vamp from another clan you'll have 2 different curses?
Do you inherit a nossie's ugliness?
Nobody gives a fuck if you do it to someone who is blood hunted or something like that.
It is, but there are cases where Camarilla offers sanctioned diablerie of blood hunt targets as a prize to Thinbloods who prove their worth to the organization.
Not if the victim has a blood hunt going for them.
Only thin bloods change their "clan" on diablerie.
Everyone else just gets xp but loses humanity and risks being overpowered by new soul.
You only have your clan's curse, if a Ventrue diablerizes a Nosferatu they will not become ugly. As thinbloods don't have any clan curse, they will inherit their target's clan when they diablerize.
As someone who works with a lot of different types daily...
It's mainly because women tend to be attracted to danger and unknown. Toreador on the poster fits that bill.
Another type of women, ones that like Dale, are either teens again, or just women that like to pretend that they would date such guy, but in reality they wouldn't even glance at him on the street unless he packed cash/and perhaps somehow winned them over with personality (assuming Dale has chad personality).
Lastly, those that go for Ventrue guy are those that have a boss-employee fetish. Which is why Sebastian was popular among girls, even though he was gigantic bitch!
>won them over*
Holy fuck women are subhuman
That's a big risk if you're a certain blood mage...
forgive me Yea Forums for I have sinned
hang yourself
I'm waiting for gamplay reveal. If it's good then, def preordering it. This would be like the 3rd game I preordered or so, Divinity Original Sin, End is Nigh, and this. Worth it.
>Lastly, those that go for Ventrue guy are those that have a boss-employee fetish.
Soooo literal fags? Because getting dominated by your superior is far bigger fetish within fag community than women.
You either have no fucking idea what you're talking about or know it first hand.
Not sure which.
>the true end for vamp 2 is your thin blood becoming the new caine by eating all the clans
nice 6 fingers
I used to work as a bartender and women usually went for guys with cash, while fags were ones that were hit on me, my boss or other employees because they were "attracted to uniform."
itzimisce confirmed!
Honestly, i'm even waiting for gameplay, i just want to know if there's going to be a phisical version with cool extras for me to pre-order. Would be cool to have the actual sountrack cd and art book.
Can you blame them? My suit fetish is the reason I'm a Ventruefag too.
Women love money, or guys that smell of danger because they're in their bad boy period that will last until they're 30 and then they settle for some beta nice guy.
Fags either want to dominate or be dominated. Fags are more to be attracted to "daddy" types as such. Which is why "daddy Ventrue give me your dick blood yum yum" type of posting only exists on Yea Forums,
They only hit on you because you looked like a faggot
16 hours
My boss was more like this guy and whenever he was in the room, fags would either openly hit on him, ask me or other workers about him, start talking with their other fag friends on what they want of my boss to do to them.
so now that the tremere clan structure, the thing that made it last for so long against enemies all over, is completely kaput, what happens to them now?
They get diablerized by the Salubri to go full circle.
Indeed, If anything with Nosferatu you get to experience more the game, as the other clans have no reason to walk around the sewers or lurk the dark alley corners.
Besides, with level 5 Obfuscation you can simply run around the street like anyone else.
There were far more fags who started spreding their anus when they heard that poster guy might be Anson because...
...shit. Ventrue daddy fag is just one/two guys spamming it in every thread.
hunted like rats by anyone with sense
Civil war between the houses using the Camarilla and Anarchs as pawns
>Crazy Prince who can get his dick up >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> some Ventrue faggot who can't get it up
And I am very thankful for that other faggot doing god's work.
Prince is biggest daddy title desu
Since Nosferatu obviously won't be in at release, I hope they take the extra time to do them right. I want a proper Mask of a Thousand Faces.
No, women aren't men. They're just animals.
Because Toreador can actually bone you.
Ventrue looking fag can only do so in fanfictions.
Because insane Prince sounds like fun.
Another suit Ventrue is old news.
It's not a science why.
>Since Nosferatu obviously won't be in at release
I just want Seattle Prince bf.
Yes, boring Toretards only want sex with a guy with fangs. Ventruechads actually want to get succed dry by their daddy which feels much better anyway.
How would (you) even be embraced? Nobody would bite into any of you.
>still in denial
delusional uggo
you're saying "women" but describing men, why is that?
A bored malk would embrace me to program his dream vidya for him.
He'd be the idea guy.
buzz off
Agreed. Personally i think they will make Stealth something any clan can do (the regular way + nebulation), so the ideal Nos DLC would be to make regular stealth missions much easier (thanks to obfuscation) and present stealth mission that only Nos can do. Also, lots of hacking.
>Toreador = will let you suck his dick and drink his blood semen
>Ventrue = will never let you suck his dick and drink his blood semen because they're all faggots of another kind
It's not a science, senpai.
Probably killed by some frenzying brujah retard who then accidently drops some blood into my mouth.
What happened to Giovanni?
You can't get more boring than Ventrue desu.
>Gangrels are animals in bed.
>Brujah are wild in bed.
>Malkavians are crazy in bed.
>Tremere are creepy in bed.
>Toreadors are artists in bed.
>Ventrue are just some suit guys that are too shy to get their dick out because they're afraid that Blush of Life won't help them get it up.
a Toreador would embrace me after I cautivate her playing a spicy cumbia on my piano
>Nosferatu are terrifying in bed.
>Tzimisce are TERRIFYING in bed.
I knew a guy with 11 toes.
I'd probably be a hunter tbqh
they joined with the harbingers of skulls and samedi. considering how much the harbingers hate the giovanni I'd assume that means their situation is dire
>Some princes are concerned he will lead a crusade.
How has he not been assassinated?
fuckin salubri bro there, dope.
Aren't Harbingers of Skulls Sabbat?
Man, that spelling error at the french tittle is just cherry on the top
>only 7 Salubri left
>no one knows what the fuck they are doing nowadays
>they just secretly enjoy the rest of their unlife joining weird Tzimisce orgies
Whicheve clan embraces those who:
>can play violin
>can sing (although I haven't used my vocals in a long while)
>can sculpt
>have fascination with occult stuff
>have fascination with blood
>have fascination with humans' anatomy as whole
>find beauty in death
Toreador embrace gigantic faggots
You sound just like the common Toreador faggot and not only because of the stuff you listed.
You have been embraced by...
It's spaghetti and corpses boss.
>posted this daily
Asshurt nossi detected
Welcome to Rudi's army!
I’m honestly fascinated with how gay your post is, user
You like blood, eh? Put on the hijab, we're embracing you.
Pick one. Brujah are Chads, Tores are artsy little pussies.
whichever clan loves history and archeology...
I'm not a dude.
Considering Tremere ate him....
Hey my cuties, just a casual Tremere passing by.
Do you happen to have any books about demons and stuff by the way? Just curious.
Women are even bigger faggots than most faggoty of faggot men, tranny.
Say that again?
t. tranny
Ventrue clan is op. Fuck you. I have a Ventrue tattoo for fucks sake.
Neck yourself
you better post that, just like the Toreador chick.
Dude Brujah are awesome. Passionate and dedicated. We could use some rabble-rousers.
gotta post it
They should have stuck to V20. Bastards.
>are either hooked to poster guy (majority + Outstar)
Guess I'm growing the long hair then and going to pier to butcher people.
>My suit fetish is the reason I'm a Ventruefag too.
That could easily be toreador.
Yeah, I keep those books right next to my collection of crosses. Feel free to check them out.
Here ya go. Not the best pic but I'm tired from work.
Or old clan Tzmisce, Giovanni and Lasombra.
Suits aren't Ventrue only.
Not bad, least its small, simple. Where is it?
extremely based. user delivers.
What's stopping a thin-blood from just becoming an eternal NEET presuming he's not slaughtered for heralding Gehenna? Going full vamp would have a ton of downsides and turning back human just means the vamps come and kill you for being a threat to the masquerade. Why not stay in the middle and live on NEET bucks and squirrels you catch in the backyard for a few decades?
>not posting full picture that shows your mug
Faggot. At least Toreador landwhale had guts to show her stupid face.
On my right forearm
I played VtM for over ten years with the same troupe.
The skin.
Yeah I gotta respect that, makes sense if you've played that long. Based user, confirmed.
I'm never posting my face here lol.
Best clan
Don't forget the suit and the fact that you'll have to hang up your dead bodies on Ferris Wheel.
You must be even uglier than Toreador landwhale then.
>People wanting Tzimisce as playable vamps
They are literally evil. Not in a "wolf and cattle" way either, they're edgy as fuck and revel in that fact. The only way they'd work is if you were hated by nearly everyone.
My favorite character I made was a Ventrue. Put in months of research and writing his backstory. That was for our run of Giovanni Chronicles I
Pussy! Just how ugly are you to be so scared?
Too problematic sweaty
>tfw Ventruefag but Vent was easily the least enjoyable clan to play 1 with
Will it be more satisfying in 2?
Nosferatu irl confirmed.
Damn bro. Who hurt you? Why do you care what some random dude on the internet looks like?
Why does this have to be SJW. I'll pre-order the deluxe collectors edition if the promise to cut it out.
I'd fuck him.
Not about being ugly I just don't plaster my face all over the internet. Why the fuck do you care?
Dale looks interesting so i wanna know more
The fuck are you saying, why would you ever post your face anywhere online, what are you an idiot tard?
That's the old one, get a sword on it as well. Nice
>hooked to poster guy (majority + Outstar)
R- really?
Right. Sounds like someone is triggered. Lol.
Necrophilic, incestuous mafia*
Nah I came up on and played heavily modified third edition and V20. This is my Ventrue clan symbol.
Stop being so triggered over being called an ugly nosferatu irl. You're just confirming what he's saying desu.
Uh that wasn't me dumbass.
Um thanks? Lol. And for the record once again I'm a dude.
Since when is having slight anger being triggered? Is Bill Burr constantly triggered? I'm not even the tattoo guy
you're welcome. it's a cute tat.
>Doesn't have cringe-parts like Rudi or Feeding-Vitae-to-Your-Baby.
That was hilarious, clearly you've never seen mommy forums in the wild, it was a tone-perfect parody.
He's fuckin' yoog, can probably decapitate the others with a punch, even if he'd probably prefer to suck their dicks, but it'd be alpha.
Yes. So grow out that hair, pick up your suit and take a butcher knife from your kitchen if you want to fuck her.
I think the guy is jealous I have an awesome tat.
Are those reddit hours? What the hell is up with whole RP and tattoo tier talk? To what kind of faggotry have I returned to?
DMC threads had fujo hours.
VTMB threads have faggot hours.
I don't know man. I just mentioned I have a Ventrue tattoo and a couple of people wanted to see it then some autist goes full sperg. Apparently he's triggered by it for some reason. Probably jealous his mommy won't let him have ink. Would lose good boy points and thus tendies.
>Are those reddit hours?
>Are those reddit hours?
Those are just Ventruefags, user.
No, you are acting like a total plebbit faggot too, see
VTMB threads are full of females and mental females.
This is nothing new and nothing that depends on hour, it has been the case for a week or so.
Is it possible for thinbloods to get embraced twice?
>complaining about faggots in a vampire thread
have you never been present for the old vtmb threads. Are you only used to discord and hate after Bloodlines 2 got announced.
>Fags who'd want to be embraced if they lived in WoD
>When wizards exist
Spend a few hundred years being someone else's bitch vs spending a few centuries doing literally anything. Wizards even die cooler since vamps are likely going to get BTFO by a normal human or stabbed in the back while the wizard gets rekt by a terminator or melted by a plasma cannon.
Don't act innocent user:
These are pure "please upvote my comment" type of posts.
Whatever homie.
Just when I thought the thread couldn't get worse.
Mages get old and die
Vampires keep on sucking for centuries
Dude. I'm just responding to messages. Chill the fuck out. You must have the tism.
No. You die and it's final death, there's no corpse to feed vitae with.
Not him but I've only been in these threads the past couple of weeks. I put off beating vtmb for years, but the sequel gave me the push to do it. I didn't want to post in these threads till I had to avoid spoilers.
Not sure if it's always been this way but there's also a lot of avatarfags. Or at least guys who post the exact same post in every thread, hoping for (you)s. Somehow makes this feel like I'm on /vg/ until actual discussion starts up again.
You're right. Lets get back onto a thread. Guy showed a tattoo, which was asked him. It's just cringe to keep talking about it at this point. Nobody gives a shit about his rp stories.
Now back onto the topic: What are chances of him being in?
Why are Magefags DBZ level shitposters? They're always going on about powerlevels and shit when as far as I can tell, no one gives a damn whether it's vamps, wolves, fae, ghosts, or mummies.
>What are the life, time, and entropy spheres
Still, even 50 years as a wizard would probably be better than eating rats in sewers for 500.
Only if there are mentions of Inconnu.
For real. I post a pic because a couple of people asked me to deliver. I deliver and this autistic gets triggered.
Is all that stuff about killing your sire and becoming human again legit?
also, why would a character do that in the first place?
Does silver have an effect on the Kindred like aggravated damage or does it only affect Garou?
Absolutely none. I'd expect to see Lambach sooner. I hope we get a new Tzimsce character, and one that's a bit different than Andrei.
No it isn't. Kindred can't become human again.
You only eat rats if you're nos, because those just don't give a fuck and are fine with being basement dwelling madlads.
If you're a faggot, you get to drink blood from the 10/10 bitches who are addicted to your bites.
Even thinbloods? Makes sense.
Very low. Sadly.
>ruled by Toreadors
>Camarilla is in charge
Hey buddy I got that unicorn blood you asked me for, interested in buying a bridge too while we're at it?
Only if they have the flaw Allergic to silver
On a scale from fat incel neet to Justin Trudeau how CURRENT YEAR will this game be
Once you are cursed with the blood it's permanent. In WW cannon anyway.
wanna bet? im gorgeous
Dracu won't be in, but it'd be cool if they made Taz that is old clan.
Never mind then.
Portland, I'd say
Post your club music
>also, why would a character do that in the first place?
Because being a thinblood has many disadvantages of being a vampire while it doesn't have many of the advantages.
You get the mandatory basement dwelling and hunger, but your powers are weaker, you don't resist bullets, your body doesn't regenerate without spending blood, you can have ghouls which means masquerade is harder to keep and no one protects you during daylight sleep.
Does anyone here play CK2? Has anyone tried the "Princes of Darkness" mod for it?
Because wizards can do anything and not only that, anyone can potentially awaken while vampirism screws you out of that permanently. Vamps as a splat are still fun and make for interesting stories and vidya games, but its amusing people would willfully choose to become cursed pawns despite their potential to be more.
There are hints for ST on allowing cures, but nothing explicitly confirmed by rules.
It's supposed to be story-specific.
so what kinds of tech do technocrats use? just lasers and terminators? Do they have shit like iron man suits or 'nanomachines, son'
They have space bases and death star lasers.
are you enjoying it?
the vtmb threads after bloodlines 2 got announced are quite different i´d say. Avatarfags as you said, but a lot more fighting and disagreements too, plus politics. Vtmb 1 threads rarely had it, and V5 was never brought up, now we have the daily Rudi posts and so on.
I miss them.
I'm already a Toreador by having their curse. Aka Stendahl Syndrome. I hate it.
The tragedy of vampiric existence is what makes playing one so appealing. It gives you a chance at a lot of character development.
I didn't knew they made the entire Museum front for the patch, when did this happen?
Also didn't knew about Grout's Maze, that was pretty fun!
No reason for him to be in. He only really cares about shit in his neck of the woods, like most of the 'old clan'
Don't worry, user. You might get Malk'd instead.
I don't think Vlad has left his castle in centuries.
They can do all the same shit as wizards but with a SCIENCE! and sci-fi theme. There's art in some of the books of a dude in full power armor just ripping vampires a new one.
never played any real mods for it outside of shattered world but I'm surprised there isnt a VtM DLC for it
Toreador generally embrace artists not art enthusiasts.
I did enjoy it. Like I said, only really started posting after I beat it last week. I would lurk occasionally when VTMB threads would pop up. I already miss how slow and chill they were. It seems the meme about making people reinstall it has gone away with the sequel announcement too.
I guess all the shitposting is to be expected when a new game is announced. Rudi is easy enough to filter, and it takes out most of the shitposting with it. but still it's a weird fucking change to go from one thread every week or two to suddenly near-constant threads on a daily basis.
man the techs are so cool
I can't imagine anyone cares about WoD for the powerlevels. If I wanted to jerk myself off and play an uberpowerful PC, I'd just be in Exalted.
Also there are the Sons of Ether mages. Basically mad scientist style mages. Think Doc Brown from back to the Future but turned to 111
That's even worse than. I don't need extra retardation to my own retardation. Being a faggot that gets captivated by art that is "oh-so beautiful" is bad as it is.
he¨d be a poseour.
Stop larping.
Just Malk me the fuck up lad, I don't need these fucking meds anyway
Trips checked
I could see getting turned into a Toreador when I'm out at a poetry reading.
>Ventrue tattoo
>Not Nos
Could play it off as liking theater.
also make it 6" and put it on the side of your face.
How bad is it?
Good night, user.
More likely they would go for the poet themselves. The Toerador are drawn to the artists not the art when looking for a childe
Shut up faggot. You're ours now.
>also make it 6" and put it on the side of your face.
might be a little hard to play that one off
fuck me thats good. I feel joy in my whole body
I know, that's what I meant. I sometimes read my poetry publicly
Just say "Wanna check out my soundcloud" after you explain it and they'll understand.
do you seriously not have any emotional feeling or reaction when looking at that painting? Im curious.
You do metered poetry or the more modern 'slam' freeform poetry? I've composed exactly one couplet of metered poetry in my life.
I recently saw the original in a museum in Milan and felt the same way user. Hayez has since become a favorite of mine.
I don't even give a shit about art, user. I just get naturally fucked by it. It doesn't even need to be art, or a great looking sculpture. It can be even architecture itself that will make me lose my mind. It's beauty itself that captivates me. Not the fact that it's art.
No. Not even a little. I would need feelings first.
Yup. You would be malk'd 100% for sure.
They don't look for those who are insane. They look for those who they can 'enlighten' with their embrace.
>kindred detected
Hunterchads, get him!
I've done both. I tend to do free verse poetry because I find it more liberating and it lets me experiment with the form more. Metered poetry can be fun to do, but I only really do it when I want to challenge myself.
damn you lucky devil! These are just so fantastic and amazing.
I legitimately believe that people that claim to feel things when looking at art are making it up
Yeah metered poetry is fucking difficult. But man when you hit the right meter it's beautiful.
Stop breaking the masquerade you Toreador cunt.
No it can stir and stimulate real emotions you just have to be wired that way.
Stop breaking the masquerade you Toreador cunt.
t. totally not a hunter
t. totally not making it up
That sounds like there's something wrong with you then. The entire point of art is to make people feel shit, or to get your own emotions out. Though naturally most people don't have it to the lengths that user is talking about.
Agreed. I don't think I could ever chain myself to one form of metered poetry, but when you get it right it's great. It's just one of those things that's incredibly difficult to get right, and make it feel geniune. A lot of current writers I read/hear doing metered poetry do it in ways that make it seem pretty un-legitimate, if that makes sense. Maybe just my own bias there.
maybe you are just autistic and cant comprehend real emotions.
Think of the artistic talent that went into it! Every brush stroke making something grand and beautiful. Almost Indescribable
That's not me and it does not work that way. I don't get captured by every single beautiful art I see, or someone posts. My mind has to get "captivated" by it. I won't start fainting like a moron just because I saw a pretty painting.
It's basically like when your mind wonders and then certain thing catches your attention out of nowhere. Same thing here. Some things just "catch" my mind's "attention." It's not a thing that happens instantly, but it's more common to happen if I'm surrounded by art completely so that ends up being an only thing that I can focus on.
I can't wait to join Cross' Masquerade clean-up team.
This might sound even more pretentious to you but the "emotional response" often only comes to me when I look at a real painting and not a picture online. Also, like all artforms, it helps if you know about the history of the piece. Like for example was painted during the times of war and the guy is kissing his girlfriend goodbye. The colors represent the flags and the shadowy figure in the backround might be someone wearing a mourning gown.
In other words, go to a museum, cretin.
Then again, it's entirely subjective so who cares.
So what's the largest non-clan bloodline at the moment?
Should they replace Ravnos since they're more or less gone?
true i dont faint either exactly, but i can get an intense rush of happiness if its beautiful enough for me. Like butterflies in the stomach, an endorphine rush, you know?
>tfw we could have had the next clan by now if it wasnt for reddit
I dunno m8 from where I'm sitting you sound like the obsessive one
Um why is it Reddits fault?
fucking faggots I swear. I've seen one complaining about the legality of the main theme on youtube.
my entire room is filled with oil paintings
It's more like trance for me and losing the sense of my own reality.
As I said before, I'm not some kind of art enthusiasts at all. It just happens when my brain decides to become too fixated on it and it only work in real life. At least I never had my shitty issues when looking at online images.
It only ever happens if I'm place filled with art (gallery, museums), or just building that has amazing architecture. It just happens. I don't decide to be focused on it, I don't even normally give a shit for it, it's just my brain that out of nowhere starts being fixated on that particular thing to the point of me losing sense of my self and my own reality.
my entire room is filled with beer cans
that's art right
Spreading it and getting Paradox attention or downright doing what said. These are the same people that fucking mail publishers when there's a fuckup that gets you free goodies without paying for it.
With Bloodlines 2 having full character customisation I'm guessing you'll be able to make your vampire asian if you want. No idea if it would work lorewise, but it'd be cool if your PC being asian came with the hidden possibility of having them be mistaken for Kuei-jin at some point, to their benefit or detriment.
if it isnt bud light, my friend
So you're just in awe when exposed to grandeur but you make a big fuss of it unlike other people?
why not learn to appreciate if so?
>exploit gets figured out
>reddit plasters it everywhere they can so paradox figures it out and covers it up before the next week
gee boss I dunno
Wow what a shitty issue to have indeed. You are truly fucked in the head mate, I’m so sorry
The same bunch that gives Starcraft's source-code back to Blizzard, the same bunch that scraps Xbox Devkit to make a PC case out of it. I'll never stop being mad at those fucks.
In the best case I'm like that autistic man that keeps staring at nothing for hours. Except I can't get my eyes off "beauty" that captured my brain. In worst case I start sweating, my heart starts hurting and I can even faint in most extreme cases (thankfully, I only ever fainted once in my life as a kid from this).
It's not something that I get by seeing every single great art (especially not seeing images online; those do nothing for me), but I have high risk of it happening if I'm exposed to a place that features art.
It just something that is random. I might pass through the entire art gallery without feeling nothing at all, but then I might get fucked by that random statue across the street. It's just random shit that my brain chooses to obsess over that I normally give no crap for.
That doesn't sound fun in a bit.
Are you sure that you weren't embraced by a Toreador?
you're trying to tell me this dude isn't completely making this shit up right now
Same for me, the VTMB2 stuff really made me take another run at 1. I originally did a Malk run years back, didn't get to far. Just finished with a Tremere. Did all the side quests, firearms and charisma. Loved it, incredibly unique game
Magefags don't understand the concept of levels, they can do cool shit but god help you if your martial class can do heroic things at the same level.
You'd be surprised at what type of mental conditions there are. His isn't honestly that unknown to the world.
Fixations on certain objects/things is very common shit when it comes to mental illnesses user.
if that's what being open minded and into art is actually like imma take a hard pass
looks like harpo marx
I am currently managing my hype levels. I am at "Meh, it'll be okay but probably not great."
I wanna hype tho
it's not, it's stendhal syndrome you fruitloop.
Engels! My Blood! I cannot write when thirsty!
Except he's not in the art at all. His mind just gets autistic about it from time to time. This is not something normal, brainlet. It's called mental illness for a reason! Because it makes no fucking sense and because it's not something that should normally happen.
>all this hype
>get a sudden urge to buy the new pen and paper game
>it costs $50 plus tip
why are these books so expensive?
Because it's a niche game and hobby, now give me those shekels goy.
Are you unironically hearing about Florence syndrome aka Stendhal syndrome for the first time in your life? That condition is old news.