Was he a good character?
Was he a good character?
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He doesn’t like himself in the artwork tho.
Somewhat agree but I still love Rockstars artwork so I'll give it a pass
Yes! I want him to fuck me!
he reminds me of someone...
In the end, I tried... I did.
>there's a good man within you... but he is wrestling with a giant
>tfw I liked Mary Beth
idk what to feel about all the hate she gets.
so what was the big mystery in this game ? Has it been unfolded ?
>I gave you all I had... I did.
>You let him damn us all
I wish the low honor route had some unique missions like the High Honor did but I guess that’s not much of redemption
No, he was a fantastic character
This. I have no shame in saying that I think Arthur is the greatest character in any piece of media ever. I'm not exaggerating. An actual 10/10 character.
It's funny how even when you're playing as John, Arthur still carries the entire epilogue by having the absolute best mission be tied to him in American Venom.
would he have taken arthurs side at the end?
He was the best. The very best
He would have gotten himself killed in the bank heist
I feel the same way, but they probably figured it would be too much extra work when most people go high honor anyway.
he probably would've cowered in fear and ran away. either that or side with dutch. he seemed quite feeble of mind.
Yes. If he had survived I have no doubt he would have sided with Arthur. He liked Dutch, but he wouldn't side with Micah. That's if he didn't just decide to leave like Bill and Javier did.
Sean was a massive shittalker and certainly a braggart but he wouldn't side with Dutch at that point, not with Micah whispering in his ear.
he carried the entire game
>kept arthur well groomed and well fed throughout the game
>tb hits
>stop grooming him
>by the end he looks like a caveman that could drop dead at any minute
>for the last mission put on his leather jacket
>mfw the final ride back to camp
looking back to when he was healthy and clean and then to sick and dying hit hard
It hurts. I hope Rockstar can someone continue to make Kino characters.
Why don't people like her?
He may have been the best
>I guess....I'm afraid
folk say she's an opportunistic selfish bitch
As good as the game might be, those music videos are autistic as fuck
I hope they keep the core team of 3 writers and don't have any other basedfaggot zoomer come in.
I only shared it cause the song is pretty good and it's reuploaded by Arthur Morgan's VA
Wish we could have seen the gang in their prime. Before blackwater when they robbed stages out west
Been playing it online while it's free on PS4 and it feels so boring not playing as Arthur even if I do finally get to play with the LeMat.
>“I felt in great command of that stuff and that was a joy to play [...] because it felt very clearly that Bronte was a trigger for Dutch in the sense that Dutch met a guy who was who Dutch wanted to be – and yet Dutch found him so despicable. You know the old expression ‘show me what you hate, I’ll tell you who you are’ – I think that’s why Dutch sends Bronte to where he sends him to. There’s not room in Dutch’s mind for that type of person.”
just a heads up, there's 2 pretty good interviews with Dutch's VA about the game and Dutch's character, and one with Arthur's VA. one on twifinite and another on q-magazine. They go into spoiler territory.
And there's tons of more interviews with john, arthur, javier, dutch, bill, sadie, micah and charles from the last 2 months on youtube.
He's a big guy
Yes. I wish I knew he was going to get sick permanently so I could have made a save back when he was healthy and finished all the side stuff in the game. Now i'm stuck doing it with John.
Fuck yes. I loved John but Arthur was fucking amazingly well written. The online is buttcheeks though.
What's going on with the online? Does it actually have a playerbase? Did they make the grind less ridiculous? I seriously haven't heard anything about it since it launched.
>his leather jacket
It's not leather. Its cloth, and cowhide leather for the collar
t. I have a replica that's officially licensed
>I'm afraid
>a replica that's officially licensed
Literally what
they recently launched out of beta, added poker and a defensive mode as well as free roam events and ponchos
in the summer a role playing update is coming with bounty hunter and 2 other roles I forget now with their own progression and rewards.
Some replicas aren't offical and are poorly made. How do you not understand this?
I understand that perfectly well, what I don't understand is why anyone would make a replica of Arthur's jacket, and why anyone would ever buy one. I seriously hope you don't wear it outside and it's just a collectors item that is hanging in your room or something.
Nah he would’ve gone with dutch imo
Whose redemption was better Arthur or John?
Arthur's without a doubt.
I wear it all the time and it gets complimented a bunch. I seriously couldn't care less what you think about how I dress or my financial decisions
>not doing it the other way around
jack's, 'cause his was red and dead
Looks cool where'd ya get it from?
kind of a hard choice but i have to go with Arthur after RDR2 basicly showed that all of RDR1 was Johns own fault
How in the fuck is this Arthur? It just looks like John.
He was a chump.
He didn't even get to kill his bitch nemesis. Marston did all the work in this game, and in RDR1
I'll drop a link, but they stopped making them. They were a limited run. Pretty reputable company so if you want one bookmark it or something, they may produce them again.
kek have sex you fucking virgin
what do you think they're doing next
>he doesn't know about playing as young Hosea in 3
oh user... we are in for such great and terrible things
Oh that sucks. I guess i couldnt pull it off anyway
GTAVI or Bully 2, maybe Undead Nightmare 2. As for RDR3 the only thing they could possibly do is a Rickets prequel or a Dutch prequel
>I couldn't pull it off
Why? Are you fat or something? The last thing you should ever do is care about what people think. Especially people from this board
I think they should drop the RDR cast and move on to another wild west cast.
>are you fat
>Twinfinite interview
>Mentions The Proposition
Fuck yeah, that movie doesn't get nearly enough attention
>I couldn't pull it off
I'm sure you're not that bad off, there are worse out there.
Wouldn't let it discourage you from how you dress dude.
You guys are alright.. Dont go to Mens Warehouse tomorrow
What's his name again?
>decide to leave like Bill and Javier did.
when did they leave?
Shortly after the fall of the gang. Dutch left them and ran off on his own to be specific
>he cant pull a coat
What does that mean?
>first playthrough
>playing chapter 3/4
>start to notice slight bags under Arthur's eyes
>"oh wow, the stress of being on the run is getting to him. cool detail"
>tiny coughs sometimes after missions, usually happened when a wagon was going past and blowing up dust
>"nifty detail man"
>continue through chapter 4
>bags getting heavier
>coughs getting worse
>Arthur getting paler
>by the time you get to Guarma the cough is awful
>constantly looks sweaty and pale
>by the time the diagnosis comes in Arthur looks half-dead anyway
What's great about it is how gradual it is; you're really seeing a man degenerate and succumb to the disease right in front of your eyes. Since it picks up so slowly you can legitimately tell something's very wrong by about halfway through chapter 4, but as the TB gets worse and worse you're in a sort of denial thinking "nah, it can't be. they wouldn't do this" or if you're a little bitch like me not wanting Arthur to die at all so you pretend it's not a problem even though it's becoming increasingly obvious.
And I suppose that's one of the best things about RDR2's story overall. I went into it expecting to only care about the Marstons, but I ended up caring about Arthur above everyone else. By the end I'd mostly accepted it was inevitable, but even still I wanted him to beat the script and find a way to survive so badly, that when the time finally came I unironically had a lump in my throat.
Not bad to say I'd written him off as an unlikable prick after the second trailer.
>still pushing for the Dutch and Hosea meme
the main point of both games were redemption, something both hosea and dutch didn't have. absolutely no way it would be someone we know since the 3rd protagonist would just die after getting their redemption.
Objectivley speaking, would you describe this game as kino?
Nice Mega64 shirt, a lot of their shirt designs are neat
Do you really need to ask
and it's Arthur's fault he got himself killed. culpability is not the reason. Arthur's redemption was better because the game showed him going 180 while John was already in the process.
Yes. Sure, the mission structure is ass but the story, the immersion, the world, the music, the voice acting, everything else is beautiful.
the guy was referring when theyre still back at camp. who sean will side with. not what happened after.
At this point I feel like they're mostly a merch company, and yeah they make really good shirts.
It should be, but it's too tiresome with too much slog in the middle. It's like watching the 4 hour version of Once Upon A Time in America, except there's also 30-minute long sequences of Noodles buying the cars used in his jobs or scaring off every single would-be punk he ever met. The story is great, but it's impeded by the game that was built around it
>it's Arthur's fault he got himself killed
If anything 2 makes John's redemption that much better. Arthur was redeemed through John's ability to become a better man and build the best possible life for his family. It was actually genius how they wrote and pulled off a prequel to a game with a character we hadn't ever heard about.
the game is great too though
Not 100% of it but its highlights are some of the best, if not the absolute best I've ever seen.
I played RDR1 and i was counting the minutes until we got the "Mexico song part" 2, and yet Unshaken still hit me like a wrecking ball because of how well set up it was after Guarma.
By the time Arthur got TB I had about 2000$, I was kind of hoping there was an option to just grab his old girlfriend, run away and rent a cabin to spend the last of his days relaxing. Of course that's not Arthur.
Also looking back the way Bill, Javier and Dutch act in RDR1 now is weird.
Mad dog Morgan, shot in the back by morning.
Dutch did nothing wrong
Maybe, but for all the memeing about 'rockstar design is shit/outdated', the mission structure does get stale when you're 30 hours in and the story is still rising action. Everything just blurs together, and you end up skipping optional missions because you know they won't be fun and it takes forever to get anywhere and you have to cross state lines so many times to get to mission starts even well into the lategame and you've got these bullshit survival circles constantly draining away and applying debuffs if you don't babysit them so it all just fades away in your mind and by the time you get to the next big character moment it feels like years have passed.
sounds like a personal problem
almost as if taste is subjective
who would have thought that
Was Arthur even ever mentioned in RDR 1? Or did they just make up some fan fiction shit?
don't give out your opinion like it's established fact then :)
jack mentions reading king arthur books iirc
He was a millennial cowboy, it didn't work. I found it baffling people thought it was a well told story, it was all over the place
>Dutch gives his "you can't fight change" speech in both games
>Dutch giving the ''two theories when it comes to arguing with women and neither one works'' in RDR2 and John reciting it to Bonnie in RDR1.
>Epilogue in RDR2 ending with John and Abigail standing at the hill over Beecher's Hope right where their graves will be in at the end of RDR1
>Jack: Mommy, I wanna be an outlaw when I grow up!
>Abigail: Over my dead body!
Jack becomes an outlaw standing over Abigail's grave.
>The 'Mark Johnson' bounty is essentially John at the end of RDR1 and the final two debtors (Chapter 6), a man named John trying to leave with his wife and a dead man named Arthur.
Most artwork doesn't look like the characters.
>don't give out your opinion like it's established fact
>the game is great too though
oh, I see now. can't we have just one sincere thread without a wind-up merchant?
Did arthur introduce those to him or something?
if you didnt finish this part with just a revolver then you're doing it wrong
with a red dead revolver?
He means you can't pull it off, you retard. If you seriously think a video game based jacket, based on real life attire, is autistic to wear, you are dense in the skull.
It's literally just a well made classical jacket
ok vincent
King Arthur isn't Arthur Morgan, it's an old medieval tale.
>tfw missed the Excalibur DLC
Morally, no. He did fucked up things for fucked up people.
As in well written? Yes, extremely well written and acted. RDR2’s story will stick with me for years.
You did your worst, you tried your best.
Now it's time to rest.