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Other urls found in this thread:

Star Citizen when
The Last Night when

Inb4 a zoomer who watched Bladerunner last year says it isn't cyberpunk because not enough neon.

>acording to rumor
This implies that it may not happen either

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I can’t wait to see how bad the downgraded release looks.

This, reminder to pirate it if they do that.


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And here I was hoping for a slim chance for a 2019 release date, I'm not hoping anymore.

Why should I ? They never made a single good game.

Uhh, The Witcher 3! You been living under a rock, stupid?

Oh boy, can't wait for GTA V: Cyberpunk edition

Also fps, yuck.

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I don't see why they would have to downgrade. The graphics we have seen so far are basically on par with witcher 3 so we know everyone can run the game already and most people have way better hardware now then when W3 came out. There is no reason to downgrade and would only cost them more work to do so.

They never made a bad game you mean.
Even thronebreaker is good.

imagine being upset at this kind of thing in cyberpunk instead of realizing its a great part of it: not everyone lives in gleaming city centers and wears ultra techno fashion. there are still poor people in cyberpunk worlds. thats like half the point, that theres insane obvious abundance but only for for few. Have you ilke, read literally any book

Since it's for the current gen, pray for the ps5 to be announced this year so they release it late 2019 or early 2020.

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Still hate this decision. It could've been a mix of Perfect Dark/Mass Effect dammit.

but consider: Deus Ex

But Deus Ex has been done before. What are big budget Cyberpunk TPS games are there?

Blade Runner isn't even cyberpunk. It's neo-noir sci fi

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It literally helped forge cyberpunk as a genre you fucking retarded ape nigger.

oh, ok

get ready for another masterpiece, bros.
>hearts of stone
>blood and wine
if cp77 DLC's are half as good, we'll be golden, boys!

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>make good adaptation of action packed Solo role from tabletop. In gameplay trailer a lot of homage to tabletop.
>people still whine because they were expecting "other" cyberpunk, not the one based on tabletop
also based CDPR for removing all furry shit from tabletop

>mfw we'll never get a game with this comfy aesthetic
Rocksteady pls make a Blade Runner or Matrix game

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"Ah, São Paulo. Mike Pondsmith's personal choice for the most Cyberpunk city on the planet. I LOVE São Paulo!"
- Mike Pondsmith, creator of the Cyberpunk 2020 PnP

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Hard pass.

The biggest problem with Cyberpunk is capitalism. Capitalism has no place in the future.

i don't know why people put so much weight to what mike pondsmith says.
he's an unironic hilldog that wrote a book about "if she won" (KEK) and constantly retweets leftist virtue signaling, most recently about alabama. yeah the cyberpunk he wrote was good, but that's about it. it doesn't make him the arbiter of what will objectively be a good game or not

this. you get this sort of vibe from Dune

You’re both zoomers

He just wants to speed up the process of creating the dystopia, nothing wrong with that.

...Can i shoot pregos?

but we already live in the dystopia. people think we left human sacrifice behind us long ago but people still kill their unborn as a sacrifice to hedonistic living. over a billion people murdered via abortion in what's essentially a drop in the ocean of human history.
pretty insane if you think about it in objective terms

>it's not REAL cyberpunk unless 100% of the landmass is covered in extremely dense urban high-rises!

The absolute biggest threat to humanity and the earth is human overpopulation.

As soon as I see hints to capitalism in a futuristic settings, I'm gonna refund this game pretty hard

i'm not so sure. at least, it's obvious it's what we're supposed to think, that's partly what gives me pause.
the rest is that its the third worlders that are overpopulating, civilized people have a very low birth rate.
yet we still feed africa so they can send their refuse to developed nations, it all sounds like a major scam used to destabilize sovereign nations

>getting hyped for a reskinned Grant Theft Skyrim V

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>hating immersion

I've been seeing this a lot. What's wrong with fps?

motion sickness

They want the PS4 experience pack. Also a lot of people have motion sickness (lol).

it's consolebabbies who have been programmed, through years of average (read: not good) game development, to believe that only third person is viable. the only actual good argument i've seen anti-fps is motion sickness, which is something people can manage in various ways anyway.
the fact is that first person is more immersive for the simple fact that you see what your character sees, from the perspective of an actual person, not some shoulder camera where you can't even see people looking at your eyes.

desu The Diamond Age is one of my favorite examples of this

no the biggest threat will always be ourselves, overpopulation a poor excuse when nukes
one day someone gunna press that botton then boom

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have you tried playing above 70deg fov concolepleb?

Don't care.
Playing an FPS with a CONTROLLER is wrong.
CDPR is basically saying "FUCK YOU" to all us console players.

Based CDPR. Pre-ordering (the PC version) right now.

I put a fucking lol in (), i though it was enought irony, you autistick retard.

you're completly wrong
there will be no more world wars
ruling class (jews) will just slowly tighten the screws on working class until everyone is trapped in superefficient megacities as literal debtslave

May have inspired many Cyberpunk works but it is not, it is sci-fi noir

Retards, simply put. They hate immersion and want to watch a character's ass all along instead

Goddammit dude...

then get off console, pleb. it's an inferior shitstation originally marketed towards kids for a reason. without exclusives the platform wouldn't even be viable anymore, kek.
i used to agree with you but the "Nuke" threat is so overplayed. how likely is it that not a single terrorist or bad actor has managed to blow a nuke up anywhere by now? i'm not sure nukes are what we've been told, or that they even exist.
gotta ask yourselves these kinds of questions when something is being used to create fear for decades without ever manifesting itself. people shit themselves over nukes meanwhile we kill ourselves with diabetes en masse as well as immigration displacing entire populations over time.
as far as im concerned it's probably a smoke screen to distract us from the real issues

Depending on the games it is okay to have a controller. I use one on my PC except for online play of course

CP2077 is will definitely have this. They just haven't shown much of the night time atmosphere.

>release trailer that has an unorthodox tone to make your game standout when it really didn't have much competition
>make stupid decision after stupid decision
>the game's not even the RPG it was planned to be but a reskinned witcher with a cyberpunk setting
>outer world comes out with a debut trailer and it's basically everything this game should have been sans the cyberpunk setting

I'll still play it but I'm not even excited for it anymore.

I get the motion sickeness, but otherwise, it's just another perspective. As long as it fits the view and narrative, I don't see the issue. Plus lots of fps games have been on console. It works fine if not a bit floaty. People need to shut up and actually play, rather than bitch lmao.

kill yourself you lobotomized troglodyte

They are worried about game journalists complaining about crunch so it will be another 2 years yet.

>Unorthodox tone
>Android (which we've seen in game already)
>Murdered a bunch of people
>Being shot at by cops (we've seen in game already)

that's the thing, they made a conscious decision to build the game, ground up, as first person. i don't even mind third person, it's just third person for the sake of it is retarded.
it's literally a pleb filter and yes, people show themselves as idiots when they say it won't be worth playing for this single reason

It's not just the nukes. Read about the mouse utopia experiment and then take a look at the society, we're showing the same symptoms. We're gonna destroy ourselves before anyone presses the nuke button. Not to mention all the gov and elites' fuckery that's also going on.

I fucking hate journos.

In the same rumor it says MS may be buying Platinum and the "leaker" and other neogaffers were insulting eachother in the comments.

Why do they make articles about this?

>when the demo is nothing but nighttime footage
how btfo Yea Forums?

Honestly I'll be annoyed because I want to see all of the game, not just something to shut up shitposters.

extremely btfo. they'll move the goal posts of course, but the butthurt will never deminish. they'll just keep nitpicking shit like "gtapunk" and "trannies" because they don't know the source material

>hyped about a rumor of the announcement of a release date
nu/v/ sucks

Why did i move here?

To suck all the cocks.

I can't wait for the nighttime gameplay to be shown this year so these retards can finally shut the fuck up

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Autistic here. The fact that V started off in a really nice apartment really bummed me out. I wanted to start the game in a shitty ass cube located in bumfuck nowhere, in a terrible neighborhood and gradully work up to nicer and nicer apartments as the game goes on. The narrator said that "we're near the beginning of the game" yet the apartment V has looks so fucking high-end. I hope they've reworked this but who knows.

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Because this board was voted the worst place to post in all of Yea Forums

to cry about 2nd game of the decade about to be dropped by CDPR

I guess it was the weather

No shit, its the future. That is probably a shit apartment in the future.

technically that kind of apartment is hell already. living as a nameless joe in the midst of millions who wouldn't give a shit if you died tomorrow. i don't think people are meant to live in such huge cities, it's impossible to care about your neighbors.
and look at her lifestyle, literally a degenerate alcoholic, even her partner in crime complains about her choices.

>started off
Lad we don't know where in the game the developers started.

Couldnt care less

what movie is this? i wanna watch it

Shit faggot game that will never live up to the 6 years of hype. Cdpr took the sjw pill anyways

>or that they even exist.
>being used to create fear for decades without ever manifesting itself

IMAGINE being this retarded

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This af

Is that Red Baron reference?

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I'm honestly starting to grow interested in the game.


Really hope we hear something from Reikon too sometime soon about their next game

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I kinda wanted something pic related as a starting apartment. While it's true we don't know where exactly the developers started, I'd assume it's fairly early on seeing how we got some tutorial type objectives like "pick up your gun and jacket and check your email"

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You opened this thread and typed this post so clearly you could care less.

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that was "vertical slice" demo so probably around midgame point
I'm fully expecting player to start homeless or living in some fucking bottom level slum

I just don't get it. There will be a day 1 mod to make it night 24/7, why care? Why get upset about something so easily remedied?

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It's Yea Forums, they'd rather bitch about the game than discuss it.

I could care less.

I wouldnt be suprised if they added sometking like "ethernal smog" ingame option to make it night only
cdp has proven in the past that they actually listen to their fanbase

Im probably not going to play it honestly. 300 hour games fucking suck. Hell i never finished the witcher 3 because i was 150 hours in and i obviously hadn't even come close to the end.

That will be a day 1 mod made by some shitposter.

fucking zoomers with their 6yo level attention span

you can do 150h in a week dude

Wow just another "movie" shit like w3
With shitty combat straight from w3 only in first person, with enemy levels and ? marks.

Having a character that already has some establishment would actually be fresh at this point
>Every elder scrolls starts you off as hobo
>In The Witcher Gerault starts with amnesia and nothing
>Adam Jensen didn't ask for this
>VTMB (and surely the second) you're a loser who got roped in
I know it works for explaining the world to the audience, but I honestly wouldn't mind if the player character started with some basic knowledge and ability

Think about how different the opening would be if you started with a fade in, crawling through a vent with someone explaining to you what to do mid conversation for you to be dropped into the action just a few seconds later. Maybe it sounds cliche because its oldschool but I'd much prefer that to a bog standard 5 minute opening cutscene, followed by the tutorial dungeon, followed by the fish out of water exposition dump following the first mission

Any RPG worth its salt is at LEAST 50 hours.

>Witcher 3 has sword combat
>This has FPS combat
>With shitty combat straight from w3
What did he mean by this?

Why the hell should anyone be excited about "The Witcher 3 but it's in the future but its a really boring shitty future where everything's grungy and depressing."
>Play as another dreg of society on a incredible quest to learn about how humanity sucks and is turning the world into one big ugly robot.
>Repeatedly press the sidestep button to get infinite invulnerability to everything.
>Engage in pointless sidequests that only exist to distract you from the fact that the main campaign is boring trash.
>Stare at the incredibly detailed and saturated brick wall and blind yourself with the nuclear powered NVIDIA Geforce bloom engine that burns your fucking eyes out to distract you from everything else in the game.
>Spend 80 hours walking, and riding your hor- I mean super techno hovercar!
What's not to be excited about!

It could work but honestly the slow start and going from rags to riches just fits RPGs too well.

Not using shitty catchphare, retard
How nice that you skipped enemy level part, dolboeb.

>photos/videos can't be faked
>there's no other way to create a people shaped shadow on the ground
question your presuppositions, brainlet.

Ive put maybe 200 hours in and have almost 100% the game. The fuck have you been doing?


Look fellas, I said im not going to play it. Now back off!?

Pic related is you?

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Based retard at it again

Go to a mental ward you fucking schizo.

Go play final fantasy or kingdom hearts then you fucking loser

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I read that as

>We'll get a 2077 release date at E3, according to rumour

What did he mean by this

you could nuke every major city on Earth and humanity would still survive
there's enough of us that it would be almost impossible to ever kill us, unless there's some type of cataclysmic shit like an Ice Age, and even then we could just leave Earth

My b. I've put in 111 hours lmao. I'm not saying you have to play it, but I've played through both dlcs and have maybe 20 quests of any kind left. All I'm saying is, what the fuck have you been doing to not be anywhere near endgame?

Oh shit, people gonna kill themselves when they see more daytime footage.

the amnesia asspull of a plot point really bothers me. it's such a hamfisted way of saying "this character has a rich history, but you have to learn it through trickles of memories granted by interacting with the world and people around him".
fuck, people need to stop using that, it's beyond lazy

I dont remember it was like 2 years ago and i havent played it since. I remember one of the last things i was doing was looking for some armor pieces maybe?

>sun bad
>neon good
Are you stuck in 80s?

>*Footsteps getting closer*
>*Shitpostbots launch their insults but CD-PROJECT-RED only start smiling because it doesent work on him*
>*Footsteps are getting even closer*

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Did you complete the main story or was it just a random treasure hunt?

>thinks nukes are fake
>calls me a brainlet

tinfoiled and eddie bravopilled

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>cdp not winged husar
one job

you're not questioning anything you've been told and you're calling me the brainlet. what you posted could either be faked or just a big bomb.
there's no true evidence nukes are real, just niggers in labcoats and videos that allege it.
there is no visual difference in the firebombing of japan vs the alleged nuking. it looks identical.
really makes you think..

fucking this
only retard boomeers are afraid of nukes

This is how it should look like.

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This will always remain the funniest shit to come out if video games in 2018.

you are literally retarded

You barely see your customizable character and can't enjoy them strutting around in cool gear. TPS combat could've been like Mass Effect with all the cybernetic powers and shit.

>makes BBnegros seethe
time to replay Chad 3

why? you're stuck in groupthink and can't even articulate why you believe in nukes except "durr video/picture with an alleged story". you fall back on insults.
learn some critical thinking, kiddo.

I don't care what the jaded shitters on this damn board say, I'm hyped. I will also buy the game and most likely enjoy it, because I'm severely addicted to cyberpunk and will enjoy anything related lika a brainless fucking automaton.

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Problem was boredom from mices. They didnt included must haves like wheels or cotton/cardboard. They went crazy like a cat in a empty room.

Like clockwork. Back to your fortnite, kiddy.

what the fuck is this shit?

They themselves said they would be at e3 like half a year ago you fucking retard.

actual mega buildings in the background

A retard that shopped floating buildings into the sky for no reason.

>unrestrained capitalism leads to destruction

You have brainwashed yourself from the hours upon hours of low IQ youtube conspiracy videos because you so desperately want to feel as if you have some "forbidden knowledge" that was not meant for the common man. Then you say retarded shit like nuke ain't real and say Im stuck in "groupthink" because Im laughing at how retarded you are

You probably think dinosaurs aren't real and the earth is flat.

I would say "have sex" but I actually don't want you too. I don't want you gullible retard genes to be carried on.

>outer world

jesus christ, dumbass, learn some fucking physics
nukes are literally college level physics
you're up there with the flatearthers in dumbness

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Okay? Doesn't mean you can't see your character at all. Personally, I've been liking the mechanics at play. Call me a doom-fag but that movement looks fun and if there's enough skill variance and such, I don't see the customization mattering all too much. Plus, you don't see your character in the tabletop it's based off of.

>Class disparity
>unrestrained capitalism
cringe. Leftards just have to sully everything

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and there it is. the naked projection and strawmen.
>everyone i disagree with believe in this, and this, and this
that's not how things work, kiddo. question what you've been told instead of trying to shut people down for doing that very thing. that's the definition of groupthink over critical thinking.
>gullible retard
oh my, the irony. lmao
let's try this again - why would nukes have to be real? because you've been sold a bill of goods all throughout public education? you do realize that's not meant to make you smarter, it's to make you dumber, right?
saying "college level physics" proves nothing except how improbable it is that its true. if it's so sophomoric to figure out how a nuke works, why hasn't anyone actually made one and used it? i thought terrorists were rich, predictable and wanted to wipe us out?

>Not wishing for batman beyond game set in dystopian future Gotham.
Old gothic architecture and purple smog from the pollution being illuminated by the 24 hour neon holograms.

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You talk like a faggot and your shit is all retarded.

So basically jack shit other than speculation? I can speculate all day by myself

You already do. All day in your room talking to yourself.

You're a fucking retard.

so you can't even make a coherent case. i can understand getting upset that your world view is a lie (everyone who becomes aware of government corruption and psyops reaches that point) but the childish namecalling is pretty embarrasing.
if i was retarded you wouldn't be struggling to respond.

>why sun has to be real? because people told you so? It may be just ball of coal burning in the sky

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While it might be debatable as to whether it applies to real life a consistent theme of cyberpunk fiction is the examination of the negative potential effects of unrestrained capitalism overtaking government

look up what a strawman is, kiddo.

I want to hug him tenderly.

And that’s a good thing

>Implying you need to vocalize to speculate

People call you retard and don't bother arguing with you because there is not point in arguing. Any points that don't fall in line with your retard youtube conspiracy brain will just be deflected with "its fake/CGI/CIA psyop"

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If you have to tell people the genre of your game by putting the genre in the title, then you can guarantee it's not that genre.

>A system that values profit/wealth above all else supplants a system that ensures rights for all citizens regardless of their wealth
>Good thing
I guess that's perspective for you

So you’re telling me Metal Gear Solid ISN’T tactical espionage action?

nice cop out. people (read: you) don't bother arguing because you realize you have no bigger foundation other than what you've been told.
you realize how retarded that is to run with, so you get angry and exit the debate.
that's fine, just don't pretend it's my fault lmao

your argument is literaly
>you cant belelieve shit they say bro, think for yourself bro, but only think the same thing that couple of retards on yt say ok bro?
you literaly
achive exact same results with conventional explosives that nukes have
>hurr but have you seen it youself?
that's same fucking rethorics that flattards use

>capitalism means you don’t have rights
>a system where you literally can’t own property or have money does
So this is the power of letfies

my argument is exactly this:
use critical thinking.
that's literally it.
critical thinking proves that there are questions not being answered by the people that tell us we should be afraid of a number of things. when people are afraid, they don't mind giving up civil liberties. the justifications are all there.
and what makes you think we should believe them, anyway? do you really think the government and LE SCIENCE MEN give a shit about ordinary people? we're just tax cattle to them.
i never said i know the truth, i said i suspect i know what might not be true - you're twisting it because you've never been taught how to think and you need to use strawmen to make sense of it.
how do you know its not possible to achieve those results with "conventional explosives"? are you a master of explosives? have you ever tried? or do you rely on third party information?
you don't have to like the counter arguments, but you do have to be able to argue against them, not just state them and make retarded noises as if that proves your point.

>my argument is this: use critical thinking
Define critical thinking

>Get fucking hyped
>for a GTA clone with redneck hillbillies

yikes no wonder games are trash these days. The fans are no better.

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>Strawman argument
Capitalism and government can (and do) coexist. The only reason capitalism actually works on a large scale is because of government. The problem comes where one eclipses the other. Governement without capitalism is almost as bad as capitalism without government. Sorry to shit on your ANCAP dreams but good luck enforcing intellectual property rights and building the common infrastructure private industries need to function without a government nigger

so i guess bb king is now thrash metal since blues "helped forge" rock'n'roll
you're some special kind of stupid aren't you?


but this game isn't going to go deep into any of those points
video games never do

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>I can strawman capitalism and steelman socialism and you cns’ do anything about it hahahahahahah
Of fur sure my guy taxes and regulations sure help businesses and enforcing monopolies (which IPs are) sure helps the consumer
Infrastructure is a good porint though

Classes are very much a part of cyberpunk, but it's more distinct than just wealthier and poorer people.

I'm ready for another Fallout 76 and Anthem tier fiasco.

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Kill yourself tortanic wannabe.

>massive corporations fucking with people and using them for their own ends
>poor people becoming literal cyberpunks and sometimes taking the figt to the corps.
That's atleast some sort of class warfare whether you like it or not

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This bait is extremely low quality. I would like a refund.

>political faggotry in a video game thread

I fucking hate you people.

Hey he started it

>people getting motion sickness
Imagine being deficient as a human. It's just like subhumans who are allergic to peanut butter lmao

>being afraid of a bit of politics

>Comparing a Polish developed game from a company known for being consumer friendly to shitty western AAA trash games that are essentially consumer milking machines
Thread theme

If any of that faggot music is in the game im definitely not buying it

now that's a pretty bait, exquisite

No, what I'm comparing is people getting hyped for something. It hasn't come out yet. The hype people are showing for this doesn't look any different than it did for any other massively disappointing game.

Just calm the fuck down and wait for things to come out before claiming it is the best thing ever. Who knows. Maybe this game really will be garbage. Why assume otherwise?

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>faggot music
What makes it 'faggot music'? It's aesthetic af.

Should have said anarchist civilization

Nobody cares about cybercuck 6066

these are so dumb

how do you even get this conclusion out of that picture? it's making fun of people who focus autistically on one single aspect, ignoring the rest which makes the whole.

yeah, focusing on aesthetic or fun is gay. think about politics 24/7 like the cool kids.

>Why assume otherwise
Their company's history of consumer-friendlyness that they have held on to even as other good publishers (namely Bethesda) have started to do shady shit. If I'd never bought a CDPR game before I would certainly be more skeptical about its potential. Its anecdotal as fuck but I like CD Projekt



strawman my dick your ass, tranny

Millions of people do but sure.

The gameplay demo made the game look boring as fuck. How can anyone be excited for this?



because it looked fucking sweet and is a promise of much more.
first you autistics spammed that the game is dead because there was no news, then a video came out and you moved the goalposts. you'll do it again. it's what you do lmao

Not everyone is a brainlet who can't enjoy many aspects of cyberpunk at once

have sex

>That pinkish sky in the top center image
Kino imcoming


most people just arent geniuses who get their social commentary from video games, i guess

then the game is not for you user
its as simple as that, not all games are supposed to be enjoyed by everybody
what are you? some kind of tranny that you want to be able to have EVERYTHING?

That phrase you just spewed, thats what makes it faggot music.























lol. What's so cyberpunk about São Paulo? The fact they put mashed potatoes inside their hot dogs?

Bad games being made means devs are wasting their time not making good games.

> Who knows. Maybe this game really will be garbage. Why assume otherwise?

I don't know, maybe because it's fun to be hyped? There's a difference between overhyping a game that is unlikely to hit it's goals (I.E. No Man's Sky) and expecting a game from an established developer to be good.

Even if it's a bad game critically or sales-wise (Which again is just statistically unlikely), the main fans of CDPR are probably gonna enjoy it regardless.

They're making it first person so you don't have to look at your ugly character

Holy fuck you're dumb.

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Define it in your own words, don't just post some infograph.

Holy shit, you are a A grade fucktard.

oh no

This is a big post.

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Never go full retard anaon

>It's bad because I don't like it
People high on hubris are terrible.

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Hype by definition means you are too excited. Over hyped is redundant.

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how am i stupid? if i was stupid you'd be able to actually say why. what you really mean to say is
>this guy doesn't believe the current group think haha can you believe this loser!

>the current state of Western gaming

is this the type cyberpunk Yea Forums craving for?

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Based and sipped

Where the fuck is that color even coming from?

>Gay retarded pink filter
No, this is what the faggots who were happy with GTA: Cyberpunk think actual cyberpunk fans want

I'm hoping this is rocksteady's next game after whatever they're working on now

>Star Citizen when
Isn't Star Citizen already out? I see it streamed on Twitch.


It has been in alpha for seven years.

Why does it feel like cyberpunk threads have actual paid shills?

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It's really cyberpunk isn't it :^)

Paid shilling and autism are near indistinguishable from eachother

>The retards who post about neon and night are paid shills
Who the fuck are they paid by??

If nukes were fake then most of us would be dead or at war by now, and I'm not talking pussy police actions that are colloquially called wars like Vietnam or Korea. I'm saying worse than WW2. the Cold War would not have existed. You can't explain the modern balance of power without WMDs of some sort or another. If you think the major economic blocs of the world chose a side (Warsaw pact or NATO) over a false pretense then you're a moron. Nukes have saved more lives than they have taken in my opinion because of this.

no one
they literally do it for free lmao

>>The retards who post about neon and night are paid shills
No, that's autism.
The shills are the people who argue against every single negative comment about the game.

>argue against every single negative comment
Lad let's be real for a moment here. The only things negative posted are some nonsense about GTA, daylight, and it not being bladerunner.

*Clarification: I'm not calling you yourself a moron, I'm stating that anyone who doesn't see that fact is one

except we wouldn't be, because entire nations would be held at bay throud MAD, as they currently are. the original point was exactly that: fear. its a powerful thing.
>different sides in on the same lie
already happened with the moon landing.
nukes can be fake and still save lives through deterrant, btw.

>The shills are the people who argue against every single negative comment about the game.
who does this? i only see people counter-trolling the autists by reminding everyone they're just angry about the sun and that all the lighting isn't literally neon.

>some nonsense about GTA
>reminding everyone they're just angry about the sun
Spotted the shills

until you state otherwise, it's true. the fact is that you shills only cry about the same handful of things and its retarded shit like the perspective, sun and judging stuff based on unfinished gameplay footage

Prove me wrong.


>you shills
Uh, buddy do you know what a shill is? Or is this just the new start Babel Media has you pulling, feigning ignorance?

>still shilling

>Thinks the moon landing was faked as well as nukes not existing
Are you a flat-earther too? Would explain a lot. I guess the background radiation just magically spiked in the 20th century at around the same time the supposed "Nukes" were being tested. Do you not believe in fission or fusion either? Do you think the sun is just a big halogen lamp in the sky? Please enthrall me as to how the sun works and the earth's core stays hot in your world

i don't think the earth is flat. do you really claim to understand "background radiation" or any of those other subjects?

why did u post a scripted gif, yikes

not only that there is 100s of DUMBS under all states, and some of these DUMBS can fit citys full of people.

Yes, pretty well for a layman actually. Most people don't even know what radiation actually is or how/why it affects biological systems

i don't think any sane person denies radiation, what i'm saying is i don't think nukes are what we've been told. if such a powerful weapon existed i think it would have been used in the past decades. instead, it's just a boogieman apparently

only if it had the same badass soundtrack would it work, and not the same shit over and over, like hire those guys that did the intro

Ps5 was confirmed to not release this year. If 2077 launches this year, Microsoft will launch.

Yeah bro totally, and chemical weapons are fake too otherwise they would still be using them right? And incendiary and all other kinds of completely fucking inhumane weapons to use, the geneva convention is just a big hoax too right? Why would they bother making terms to protect humanity as a whole just fuck it LOL

>strawman after strawman

Cyberpunk 2020.

They're examples of your argument being used in the exact same context you brainlet.

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except you mentioned a bunch of stuff i haven't and characterized it as things i said, which is a strawman.
also since you mentioned laymans level knowledge, that's literally just regurgitating information others have curated for you. you don't know if it's even real, that's not really knowledge. thats the whole point in talking about nukes.
if you're content going on wikipedia and reading about random things then good for you, my IQ is a little bit too high to accept second and third hand information as a good enough reason as to why we should give up civil liberties.

>The retards who post about neon and night are paid shills
>Who the fuck are they paid by??
That would actually make sense though, complete retards on Yea Forums think they out shills whenever they notice somebody roleplaying, but it wouldn't take somebody with too many smarts to piggyback on obnoxious shitposting and spam it to increase the games visibility at the same time as pushing people to the opposite corner as the obnoxious faggot spammers

>pays taxes for land he already owns but not really because the bank actually owns it
have fun "owning" that land in that "democracy" you got going there, totally not already a corporate oligarchy riddled with so much corruption it would be impossible to fix without an extremely violent revolt of some kind
I'll take my video games and be happy with that until I commit suicide thank you very much

>except you mentioned a bunch of stuff i haven't and characterized it as things i said
Good to see you either haven't even read my post or just have absolutely no reading comprehension whatsoever.
>my IQ is a little bit too high to accept second and third hand information as a good enough reason as to why we should give up civil liberties
Okay, that's where i'm bowing out. You believe whatever you want to believe, bud. You're cemented into your insanities, so there's no point in talking to you.

First of all they were used and if you think that it could have just been more firebombing you don't know your history. The Japanese had been enduring those bombings for a long time and it took the total overkill of using a nuke to break their fighting spirit. If one bomb could be that devastating they realized they couldn't endure that at all given the convenience of its size making one bomber capable of leveling a city instead of the many bombers/bombs needed in the air at one time to conduct strategic bombing.They were only never used after the USSR got them too. Making nuclear weapons too dangerous and effective to use against a state that also has them. The international community will turn on any nuclear power that uses nukes against a non-nuclear power so even using them against an unarmed opponent will draw the eyes of all the other nuclear powers too
Simply put, they are far to effective to use strategically without drawing a riposte. Using them tactically risks escalation to strategic use as well. Humanity has gotten too good at war for us to have an actual full-on war at this point

>have absolutely no reading comprehension
>You believe whatever you want to believe, bud
i think its odd that people like you accept what you're told when the stakes are as high as they are with privacy and other rights.
>You're cemented into your insanities
insanities, like wanting proof of certain concepts before i accept giving up my rights? gee whiz.
>First of all they were used
how do you know?
> if you think that it could have just been more firebombing you don't know your history
i've seen pictures of alleged nuke aftermath in japan as well as firebombing, both looked identical
>you don't know your history
the japanese already gave up by the time they used those "nukes". you don't know your history. the true "breaking of spirit" was forcing the emperor to humiliate himself in public, which was pointless because they later let the japanese keep him.
>The international community will turn on any nuclear power that uses nukes
except this has never happened, it's an empty threat until it does

This is true to an extent, but I'd argue that CW and BW are far more inhumane than Thermonuclear weapons. Honestly that's the reason why the US killed its chemical and biological warfare program, they were worried about their image and got rid of all their WMDs except nukes. They realized that BW and CW were not only less humane, but less effective and predictable than nukes and scrapped the research

>incorrectly uses "strawman"
>incorrectly uses "projection"
>my IQ is a little bit too high
You're a good troll i'll give you that.

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I'm looking forward to all the tears when it's revealed to be just more AAA SJW garbage. AAA games can't afford to not be SJW anymore. They have to be bland and safe enough to appeal to as many people as possible to offset the insane development costs stemming from the west and their obsession with ultra-realism that pushes budgets into the hundreds of millions just so we can see horse testicles that adapt to cold weather.

At this point, considering all the disappointments and empty promises made by supposedly trust-worthy people, how can anybody get honestly excited for a video game anymore?

No, seriously. How do you still find it in yourself anymore?

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Might not have been her apartment. May have been the guy she just fucked, or possibly a hotel.

>i don't think people are meant to live in such huge cities, it's impossible to care about your neighbors.

They're not. This is a scientific fact, There's been lots of books written on it. For example, humans, as a biological species, are tribal. Packs of 10-30 is ideal. Bullying (as we know it) is a core instinct to maintain pack integrity by ensuring everyone works as a team for survival. If someone is not conforming, they are a threat to the team's survival. So they're forced to either conform, or go to another pack where they will fit in better.

There's tons of little bits of trivia about human nature that are tied directly into pack mentality. The absolute worst thing to happen to humanity, with that in mind, is the internet. Our pack is now 8,000,000,000 people and while we might not all be dying, it's obvious the amount of misery is off the charts.

more so that its the most obvious example of the extreme contrast of exceptional wealth and extreme poverty

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sounds about right, given all the shitposting and trolling that goes on, that bullying principle is still at work lmao

that looks really organized
coolest shanty towns I've seen from a distance were in mountainous regions of the Philippines

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Fuck the sun and fuck diversity

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Honestly, I think this game needs a LOT more sex appeal if they want to move copies. They have not shown any attractive women so far. Cybernetics all over their fucking faces may "on theme" but it's just not hot. It doesn't make appealing screenshots. And this isn't an art exhibit. If they don't at least have 1 or 2 main characters that are smoking hot, it's pretty much a no-buy for me. I have zero interest in any of the material I've seen about this game. I'm a fucking 44 year old boomer and even I don't care about cyberpunk shit.

The Cyber milf looked hot.

>I'm a fucking 44 year old boomer and even I don't care about cyberpunk shit.
how are you still alive grampa ROFL
stfu boomer

If rich people are so evil, why don't they just burn down that shanty town?

then who will be the underclass they peddle everything to?

You're paying for my retirement.

nah i'm a neet. i'm already retired except i'm not an old fart having heart attacks or having to take boner pills just to beat off to magazines
*dabs on the boomer*

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unabombed and tedpilled

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Because there's nothing evil about doing well for yourself. To say that, you'd be implying that rich people are evil because they don't give away half their money to people that didn't earn it and probably don't even deserve it. Very, very few poor people are poor even though they work their hardest, or have bad luck. Most poor people are lazy, useless humans. Go spend some time in the ghetto and you'll understand.

>exceptional wealth
Looks like you don't know about the closed condominiums withing São Paulo that are as big as small cities
The *actually* rich don't want to live near the pleb

those are just janky apartment buildings next to janky shanty towns. There's no contrast there. It's like the difference between low and low-middle class.