is pic rel worth it? what's the best the genre has to offer. should i skip dmc and get bayonetta 1/2 on switch? what's the deal
Yea Forums! i've been craving a good action game
Yes, its worth it.
But i must say, DMC1 and 2 are both trash.
Dont let the boomers tell you otherwise, 1 is a very poorly aged game.
3 is a near-masterpiece though
dmc is better. bayonetta is still good though. don't listen to that other user, dmc1 is great. you can skip dmc2 though it sucks
Bayonetta 1 is alright, but i wouldnt touch 2.
I’ve gotten into the series recently and I generally enjoyed my time with DMC1. Sure, some aspects of it has aged (fuck the underwater sections) but it’s still pretty fun to play.
DMC1 is the casual filter.
KH 2 and 3 are pretty good
are 1 and 2 still worth it for understanding story or what?
are the underwater sections worse than the ones in mgs2? (aren't that bad)
lol, have loved the kh franchise since 1 came out and even played some of the handhelds- couldn't get thru kh3
I want to fuck Trish.
3 gets good torwards the end and while story is weak it’s the best gameplay in the series besides 2
Does the ps4 version still has the broken Kalina Ann grapple move? Not like the move is very useful but still.
>worth it for understanding story
2, absolutely not. 2 has NOTHING to offer the story.
1 shows the introduction of Trish, which is essentially Dante's sidekick, but she isnt really important in 4 or 5, and she isnt even in 3.
other than that, the bosses of 1 make cameos in 5, and the main boss Mundus hasnt really been relevant since 1.
If you play 1, it'll help you understand the story, but you dont need to.
The only DMC games you need to play to understand it is 3, maybe 4, and 5
Play DMC1 if you want to get into the series/genre. You can skip 2 if you want, but 1 is a must play for any action game aficionado. If you just want a quick fix then do DMC3.
Bayonetta is great as well.
DMC1's underwater bits are very short and ask very little of the player. The controls are weird but not nearly as bad as MGS2's, you barely even fight any enemies and it's over in just a few minutes.
ugh, i'm on the caribbean which everyone claims is one of the best levels but it still seems like a chore. can't get behind the gameplay as much as 2's cause it really does seem like an overload of QTEs... so much shallow variety without really nailing core gameplay that feels good
>maybe 4
Maybe? Half of 5 is following up on shit set up in 4.
1. Yes, get DMC HD. 1 is a great, unique game and 3 is one of the best action games ever.
2. If you liked 3 then get 4SE and 5. 4SE is a worse game but has a lot more in terms of characters to play as and definitely feels like a different game. 5 is about as good as 3 but has its strengths and weaknesses relative to it.
3. Get Bayonetta for Switch. 2 is also a good game but a lot weaker in terms of combat mechanics.
4. Also play God Hand, Ninja Gaiden series (Black or Sigma, II, and Razor's Edge are the best way to play the trilogy), The Wonderful 101, Transformers Devastation, and Metal Gear Rising Revengeance.
5. Once you get through all of those you should either be sated or in there enough to look up indies and/or more obscure 6th gen games.
Yes. The grapple animation comes out but it grabs nothing. That's about the only real issue with the HD version of 3, while 1 had a lot of visual effects fucked up but is completely functional gameplay-wise IIRC.
is it though? the only thing you need to know is that Nero is armboy, and the involvement with Yamato.
4 and 5s story are pretty seperate user.
I'm pretty sour on KH3, but I liked the caribbean specifically because it gave me a long, uninterrupted stretch of time to just explore, find chests, and fight enemies. That might not be your thing. The beauty of that world is that once you get out on the open sea you can head to the finale of the world whenever you want.
>1 is trash
I want to hang all niggers that think like you.
DMC1 is worth it because it's the best game in the series.
just buy it for 3
Maybe if you have no brain. Who skips the introduction and establishment of a key character just because they think they can sum it up in a few words? You'd know so little about Nero in 5 without having played 4, and while it alludes to a lot of what happened in that game, allusions and characters mentioning shit isn't the same thing as seeing it for yourself and going into the sequel knowing what the score is.
1 is a good game but 2 is absolutely not worth it for anything.
im just basing it off of if OP even wants to play all the games.
if he doesnt wanna waste all of his time, then he can just play 3 and 5, and still have a decent grasp on the story.
of course if he wanted to know everything, i would tell him to play 1 and 4, but he doesnt NEED to
nice, thanks for the recs. playing through the mgs series right now in release order and can't wait to get to revengeance.
wanted to play the wonderful 101 as one of the sole saving graces of having a wii u but it got stolen before i could :\
I really miss the brooding OG resident evil atmosphere and sound design. After DMC1 Capcom dried up on it.
>playing through the mgs series right now in release order
Protip: to have extra fun in MGS3 call on the codec after you eat or pickup anything interesting.
Or just call the codec whenever. There are so many little conversations.
The glowing mushroom conversation in 3 has to be my favourite. The other one has to be when you attack the cardboard box after talking to Stillman for the first time