Name a better JRPG from the past 10 years.
Persona kiddies can fuck off, take your shit taste with you
Name a better JRPG from the past 10 years.
Persona kiddies can fuck off, take your shit taste with you
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based retard
FF XV is a terribly made game, the direction, the flow of the story, the enemy balancing, the production values are all just shit.
>XVfag thinks he can call out others on having shit taste
Persona is trash you dumb weeb, fuck off
If you had any taste you would name any SMT game, baby.
what's even the point? Like asking us to rate turds. Smelly is smelly, jrpgs are for children and high chromosomers
Ain’t even that big on Persona (tend to prefer SMT) but P5 is a way better game than XV.
Xenoblade Chronicles 2
Xenoblade Chronicles X
Octopath Traveler
SMT IV Apocalypse
Radiant Historia
Persona 5
Get fucked, kiddo.
Toki a best
that game never came out
Literally every other JRPG except Star Ocean 5
Persona sucks
FFXV is trash you dumb fujoshit, fuck off
>Xenoblade Chronicles 2
>Xenoblade Chronicles X
I loved 15
Though I only ever played 6, 10 and 12
Kingdom Hearts 3
oh look its this fucking psychopath again. hello there.
Both are leagues above FFXV
YIIK is one of the few games I would say is actually worse than XV.
FFXV may be a steaming pile of shit but XBC2 is what happens when you swallow that shit and regurgitate it.
Ni no Kuni
Literally fucking anything
nah, XC2 has better gameplay.
People like to shit on XC2 for "otaku pandering" but FFXV is just as bad when it comes to fujo pandering. They literally killed off the female love interest off-screen just so the fujoshits wouldn't have their gay headcanons threatened by a female.
would you look at this fag
let's see... RPGs better than FFXV that came out in the past 10 years
the following come to mind:
Xenoblade Chronicles (1 and 2)
World of Final Fantasy
Persona 4 & 5
Megadimension Neptuina VII
to be honest, it would be harder to name a RPG released in the past 10 years that is WORSE than FFXV, outside of YIIK.
Just stop retard
>all these turn based games
You need to go back.
Persona 4 came out in 2008, unless you mean Golden.
The game is shit. Take off your delusional weeb glasses. Even KH writing isn't this cringey.
Not all of us are phone-addicted zoomers with ADHD.
Bloodborne is a WRPG
>he doesn’t play both turn-based and ARPGs
And a vast majority of them take a huge steaming dump on XV.
Hating turn based is the most normalfag opinion ever
FFXV is shit, take off your delusional fujo glasses
Did you not read my first post you stupid nigger
>Persona 4 came out in 2008, unless you mean Golden.
huh, I thought P4 was a 2009 game. Oh well, I guess you can replace P4 with P4G in my post.
It's an RPG made in Japan, therefore a JRPG.
to be fair this is the "combat" of the game OP is trying to defend
I’m still disappointed they canceled Episodes Aranea and Luna. Those two character definitely deserved more screen time and development, especially Luna
People actually died waiting for this.
Luna was one of the most boring and uninteresting love interests in FF history.
I wouldn't say the worst because Rasler exists because he dies within the first half hour of XII. While
You know you're dead wrong. ARPGs are more modern compared to the outdated turn based combat. No one should be supporting an outdated system that was only implemented due to system limitations. ARPGs don't go side to side with classic RPGs, they replace them.
I'd much rather play a turn based game than this shit
>implying a broken mess like FFXV is better than shit like SMT, Chrono Trigger, Etrian Oddysey, and Bravely Default
Yeah, no. You’re just an idiot.
>ARPGs don't go side to side with classic RPGs, they replace them.
then why is FFXV's "combat" such a disappointment?
Not THAT good, but I really liked it. Completed it twice, just started a third time.
Never has a game explained its combat system worse. It's a lot of fun, relaxing, free flowing, and almost impossible to intuite.
>It's an RPG
No its not.
It's an action game with levels.
Technically nips are on the west side too.
>Never has a game explained its combat system worse
So how does it actually work
Are Yea Forumsirgins memeing FFXV now or it's just autismo?
>Name a better JRPG from the past 10 years.
Name a worse one.
I bought the Royal Edition and it's the only game I've dropped in years.
Yeah, but alot of games are better than it.
What's funny, there's a couple lines in Va-11 Hall-A where a character, probably one of the YIIKES devs thought the game would be a cult classic, and even had another character, not seen, but mentioned, cosplaying as the main character.
Certainly not your pic related, because it never came to be. Though I wish it had.
Pretty much everything is better than FF games, especially FFXV.
it was always autismo.
Sorry, I don't have time to explain to you why you're wrong. You have to be mentally slow to play turn based games, so it would be a pointless endeavor trying to teach you. With ARPGs you need to be quick to think, I'm not going to regress my thinking to be slow paced.
There are no turn based games that come close to the XV in regards to combat system or story.
Fight slow. Observe. Walk around. Always be in parry. Use wait mode to know and use the right weapons. Know the combos and their timing. Use regroup. Craft spells using lots of catalysts (to get 15-30 fire spells in one craft, for example).
Most of them, even Neptunia is better than this trash
>There are no turn based games that come close to the XV in regards to combat system or story.
>There are no turn based games that come close to the XV in regards to combat system or story.
Any game that isn't XV qualifies.
Not him but I’ve played plenty of both ARPGs and turn-based games and FFXV is one of the shittiest I’ve ever experienced.
Almost all of them. But I'd like to see your response to XCX or Star Ocean
Probably not Nep, though.
>he actually believes this
They are also better than KH but that isnt hard to do
Sensible chuckle
its made in japan you stupid motherfucker
>jrpg is a style
then call it another name, not all japanese rpgs are anime bullshit
This looks horrendous. People paid for this?
>muh system limiations
no they had real time combat back in the day, it was a choice
Octopath is pretty bad and it's still better than XV
Pokemon is pretty bad and it's still better than XV
KH3 is pretty bad and it's still better than XV
agreed 100%
>it would be harder to name a RPG released in the past 10 years that is WORSE than FFXV,
DQ 11 or w/e
both of those characters are pretentious annoying fuckers so it works out beautifully in the end
Massive kek at Hold O to Win
Bloodborne isn't an RPG though. If bloodborne's an RPG so is metroid and legacy of kain and castlevania symphony of the night.
take that back
the 3DS version was goat
This is the best Square game. Along with Super Mario RPG and Chrono Cross
Turn based combat can be more strategic and tactical, see jagged alliance 2, xcom ufo defense, etc...more time for planning for the player, etc...
Real time combat can be interesting as well but FFXV's combat is shit, I'd go as far to say that FF12 even had better combat.
This game was mediocre as fuck and it's still better than XV.
I think the guy you're replying to is a fucking idiot. Every ARPG I played (diablo, path of exile, grim dawn, victor vran, titanquest, baldur's gate dark alliance etc etc etc) all have much better combat than XV.
My nigga. TWEWY is legitimately one of the best games I’ve ever played.
>Real time combat instead of turn-based combat
>Western aesthetics and narrative
>Lovecraft-influenced writing
>No anime tropes
>Influenced by the Legacy of Kain series
Bloodborne is a western game that happened to be made by a Japanese developer. Calling it a Japanese game is an insult.
My bad I played the PC version.
Same desu
Underrated but not THAT good. Definitely better than XV though.
But that wasnt released in the past decade sorry. 2007.
XV doesn't even have better story than entires in its own series with turn based combat (VII, VIII, X, IV, VI)
As far as combat goes I'd unironically rather play trails of cold steel
>Kingdom Hearts, Dragon Quest and Etrian Odyssey 3 are WRPGs
Fuck no, I was okay with FFXV at first, but after seeing the BS they pulled in the Dawn of the Future novel, it became a piece of shit. I don't care if it's a separate novel, it's still where the game's story was supposed to end up.
>he's seething so much that modern WRPGs are so shit in comparison that he has to claim a Japanese developed game isn't Japanese
The absolute mental gymnastics
TWEWY is fantastic but it came out in 2007.
Go away Barry
holy Jesus
To be fair, the ports came out in 2012 and 2018 respectively, but I prefer the DS version compared to those.
Bloodborne is a western game, not a Japanese game.
Chinese food is still Chinese food even it it was cooked by a Mexican chef and his Irish helpers
Not a JRPG but, damn, this is my favorite RPG of the current decade so far
>food analogy
Oh neat a JRPG thread
>WRPG shitters trying to claim a JRPG is western
Calling anything a western game is an insult, especially modern ones nowadays.
Some of the Atelier games are on sale but I've never played any of them. What is good about them?
>closet weebs
Cringe. Either accept who you are or stop being a hypocrite when you whine about japanese games
Cute girls, good music and item creation autism.
How young are you?
>>No anime tropes
Have you even seen the weapons? Or half the bosses? Or "KILLING GOD LOL / CHURCH IS BAD LOL" typical japshit? You can't be this stupid.
Welcome to the time warp, user.
I see your point but still disagree, the game is very Japanese in its design, perhaps a "tribute" to western ideas, but still very japanese at its core
Radiant Historia.
>not liking TWEWY
How young are you?
FFXV would have been the best JRPG if it executed well on it's innovative ideas; but, it did not at all. DQ11 is safe, lazy, tripe; but, in the end it's still the, slightly, better product, unfortunately. P5 is a bit more inspired; however, it's lacking in gameplay improvements. But, it's certainly significantly better than FFXV. Xenoblade2 was a mess. However, it did give me a sense of a talented team being held back by their incompetent vision and higher-ups, as well as their commitments to the development of Breath of the Wild. I'd still put it over FFXV.
Dragon Quest XI
Trails of Cold Steel I-IV
Xenoblade Chronicles 2
Xenoblade X
Octopath Traveller
Ni no Kuni: Wrath of the White Witch
Pokémon Black 2 and White 2
Shin Megami Tensei IV
Plus a few more. I don't think XV is dogshit either, just very middle of the road.
Let me tell you about this game.
I'm not a person who cares for JRPGs at all.
But I found this game extremely engaging.
It doesn't hold you by the hand with it's sorry campaign, and the campaign treats you liked an adult and isn't pretentious garbage like FF tends to be.
The combat was truly engaging and I never felt like I was mindlessly going through battles like I do in most games.
It's just a really good game and if other SMT games are like this then I should play them
any othet ff
The only JRPG I've gotten through in the past five years is Xenoblade X, mostly because tyrant hunting was a blast and making a new class work was fun
It came out when I was 21, was pretty over the typical KH type teenage-aimed story bullshit
More enjoyable characters
So you never played it, huh?
They are somewhat like that, I would recommend Soul Hackers and Nocturne