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The Surge 2 on Steam

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didn't even know they were making another one

stop shilling your garbage game
no one will buy it

>tfw the surge is my favorite soulslike game

i loved it more than i loved Souls games
it has soul


I enjoyed it
I want to play the dlc of the first one, but it never goes on sale, fug

It was pretty good but id say definitely go into it ng+ atleast. The difference of enemy balancing and materials that were available was a little weird for ng

Fact: all the Soulslikes (Nioh, Lords of the Fallen, The Surge) sold enough to get sequels and convinced the God Eater developer to try their own stab at it.
People like the genre, no matter how angry the Soulsborne community gets towards those games.

A Walk in the Park is pretty fun
the Old West DLC is just a challenge mode, it's good if you feel the need to grind

wait hol the fuck up when is this coming out

the first surge was unironically an amazing game

First one was kinda shit but hey, I had a good time on it.

>people hated that song and the nig spokesman so much that you can disable both in the menu now

TBA 2019, which typically means early 2020

Only edgy faggots consider the surge a bad game
It's not perfect by any means but it's quite decent, and the artwork is fantastic

its literally just a music file you could replace the song with anything from day 1
i used a metal cover of at dooms gate

i was really surprised about the art direction and the writing, they're both top notch
then again it figures Germans would be good at creating industrial environments

i kept it
it figures a multinational company would play commercial rock everyone could relate to in the break room

I enjoy the Surge, but you have to be trolling. It is one of the most "me too!" carbon copy games I've ever played and its narrative and vibe is hugely dissapointing

It literally took me like 15 hours to finally understand the combat (so almost a full playthrough) and I don't know why. It's probably because I'm a massive soulsfag and played those games for so long. But after understanding the combat it became fun as fuck and is easily better than at least half of the souls series

Also kudos to level design. Best damn levels I've ever seen in a souls game

>50 bucks
>sub 20 hours game (blind, otherwise it's like 10 hours tops)
>melee only
>no character development
>no pvp
>every weapon feels the same
>only 5 levels
>piss easy
>badly balanced
>horrible level design
>non story
>non characters
>nonsense setting
>pointless gimmick mechanics to make it look less like DS
>no innovation

really ''''''''''decent'''''''' game

i honestly thought it had great atmosphere
the revelation in the board room was pretty good too
by comparison, DaS' setting was fairly standard westaboo shit

> $50
My ass
Everybody owns it from the monthlies, and it was like $2 for months on g2a
> edgy faggotry
Exactly what I said

"Souls" isn't a genre, you fucking moron.

thats right, its a subgenre of action games

what does edgy mean for you?

>on Steam
No epic no buy

>it's disappointing trust me
faggot post

You can just paypal xing ping the money

>implying the pricing is relevant after the first half year
they clearly set themselves up as a dev that can't properly price their product, selling it at full price, despite having only about as much content as a DS DLC

I wouldn't say the writing is one of its stronger points. Warren barely reacts to a damn thing like a mute Souls protagonist, which is damn bonkers since he's explicitly not mute. The world-building and concept is great though.

>every weapon feels the same
stopped there. This is objectively false

I've never played The Surge but your post is verbatim what you guys always post when shitting over Nioh (with "Diablo loot reeeeeeee" added) so your opinion can be summarized as

>It's not Souls so it's shit!

Something like
> piss easy
> Nonsense setting
> point less gimmick mechanics
Followed by
> no innovation
Just this entire reply:

he must be some retarded zoomer, trying to fit in
just like he doesn't even know what edgy means he has no clue about what makes a game good

>the artwork is fantastic
the best thing he can say about the game is the artwork, i.e. everything in the actual gameplay is shit

I dont agree with the people who say the story or the setting or the environments are great, theyre all shit

What makes surge great is the combat and level design.

This pasta needs some tomato sauce to make it believable
At least make it sound like you have played for more than 2 hours

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>subjective opinion on feeling
>somehow can be objectively false
think about stuff before you write it

that aside, the only objective difference in weapons is the swing speed, which makes anything but the fast weapons a liability

>verbatim what you guys always post when shitting over Nioh
not quite
Nioh is mostly criticized for its lack of enemy variety and the not seamless world
the diablo loot is actually solved extremely well in Nioh

isn't it time for bed now Jan? those 60 employees in your gamedev sweatshop don't underpay themselves

> >50 bucks
My ass
> >sub 20 hours game (blind, otherwise it's like 10 hours tops)
My butt
> >melee only
What do you want? Magic?
> >no character development
> >no pvp
> >every weapon feels the same
This is legit a lie
> >only 5 levels
Huge locations that take hours to complete. Hitman 2 also have 5 levels by that logic
> >piss easy
My ass
> >badly balanced
> >horrible level design
> >non story
> >non characters
> >nonsense setting
Literally retarded
> >pointless gimmick mechanics to make it look less like DS
New is bad
> >no innovation
Now you complain there's nothing new. You contradict yourself

> really ''''''''''decent'''''''' game

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>the diablo loot is actually solved extremely well in Nioh
But you guys always say the very opposite! The thing you yell the hardest is how the Diablo loot is AIDS!
Now I'm 100% sure that your opinion, like any Soulsborne fag, is not worth listening.

Will Shammy have to make a video on this one, too?

They have introduced directional parry like in For Honor
I don't like that shit, desu

Hopefully not, the first one was shit

how's it going making below minimum wage in of the most expensive cities in the world and spending your time shilling for a dev that won't hesitate to fire your ass at the next opportunity?

>What do you want? Magic?
You can have sci-fi ranged options like lightning guns or flamethrowers. That said, that fag probably wanted magic unironically.

he doesn't talk much, he's a bit of a sperg
although admittedly the story DLC kind of ruined that

>implying Yea Forums is just one guy

the major issues with diablo loot are RNG and inventory overflow
Nioh solves both by having a large and very easy to sort inventory, along with multiple uses for trash loot and by making RNG not relevant in the long run by allowing to reroll item modifiers

>Lose Access to one of the best weapons because you didn't deal enough damage to cut it off
Hope this is fixed.

Based. Best Souls clone beside Sekiro.

which weapon?

Probably talking about the PAX Imperator

I switched to staves halfway through the game but even then im pretty sure thats not the best single-rigged in the game

>weapon archetypes with innately different stats
>weapons within said archetypes have different speed and impact stats that can be modified by armor and mods
>unique weapons like the fireflies or final boss weapon that has a unique moveset blend between one handed and twin rigged
weapon values are objective you fucking idiot. Or, are you actually trying to tell me that heavy weapons feel the exact same as twin rigged?


You have drones

what's the deal with this game? just another ARPG riding on the popularity of FROM?

I basically used that EVO space suit arm weapon the astronaut looming enemy gives you near the beginning of the game. With upgrades it basically stayed the best weapon throughout the game for me. I never switched it (except for trying out the Matis but I went back because I preferred high damage over DPS),

Base game maybe. Basically all new staves in dlc are better

It’s a soulslike that shakes up the competition because it’s good and offers unique improvements. Also Neil Blomkapf art style.

>Or, are you actually trying to tell me that heavy weapons feel the exact same as twin rigged?
exactly, every weapon, regardless of the actual model, has a horizontal and a vertical swing that, in terms of game physics, follow the exact same vector and as such the only real difference between weapons is the speed of the animation / the time for them to pass that vector
the visual difference is just something to distract retards from realizing the superficiality of weapons in surge

Man, I remember when you faggots were hyping up Lords of the Fallen.
Never, ever again.

>look mommy I get to damage 1% of the enemies hp every 20 secs

Isn't the reach different, turbotard?

>the visual difference is just something to distract retards from realizing the superficiality of weapons in surge
not him but i can tell you havent played the game or at least didnt take the time to familiarize yourself with the combat. when you combo horizontal and vertical together you get some very interesting combos that differ even within same weapon types (each type has 2 somehow different comboes). knowing how to combo your weapon makes the game actually a lot easier

that's most likely not regular Yea Forums visitors, but deck13 employees
they are known for being active on this board whenever they release their games or news about them

you can tell by the complete denial towards major issues of the game and straight lies such as "good level design", while the levels where unimaginative, repetitive mazes with bad lighting

In what fucking universe?
When it was near release the only things Yea Forums said about it were "meh, Souls bootleg" and "lol Warcraft pauldrons"

I liked The Surge but only played it because it was free on PS+. I would have never, ever played it if it weren't given away though.

>too little enemy variety
>weapon pool is shallow
>5 areas, but Central Production basically acts as your hub so you run through it a bunch of times
>5 bosses with two of them basically acting as the human enemies with more attacks
>one boss even reuses the very first boss
>corridors look identical, you can get lost extremely easily, the "map" in-game sucks ass

I will definitely play Surge 2, but I'm not paying full price, let alone anything less than 80% off.

reach doesn't matter when you can jump into and out of range with the overpowered jump that the game has instead of the roll

heh I have been waiting for this
go ahead and play the game again
try a combo of yours
now try how often you can swing your weapon normally during the time you would take for that combo
then compare the damage you do

you will realize, that the combo does less damage, because it attacks slower than regular attacks
also it locks you into the animation

>straight lies such as "good level design", while the levels where unimaginative, repetitive mazes with bad lighting
the levels are literally what dark souls fags cream themselves over taken to its conclusion, paths looping around opening shortcuts using the same bonfire. jesus christ

This may be the most elaborate false flag reply I've seen in a while

yeah you definitely played the game for 30 minutes using single-rigged
not interested in room temp iq

I"ll get this game for FIVE(5) dollars.

Pirating is free bro

Piracy is immoral.

So are video games

Wait. I see on the side it says Online Multiplayer

That was one of my biggest problems with Surge 1. But I see nothing on what it is.

yes, they copied the loops
but the level design in surge is bad for those other reasons already stated

why you think so?
the game is piss easy because you can just jumpattack enemies all day long and they can't touch you at all because you can just jump out of range just as easy
fast weapons are simply better, because they allow you to get in 2 or 3 swings inbetween the jumping attacks, causing higher overall damage than what you would gain from the increased damage of slower weapon swings

it's your fault for trying to play this like DS with blocking and evading

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Nioh is the best out of all them.

the surge already "plays a little different" what pointless nonsense is this

It's supposed to have a character creator right? Can't wait to play as a qt3.14 cyborg grill.

Every guide I've watched today unanimously states spears are the best weapons in the game

>literally no one:

i thought you continued playing as warren? pretty sure the promotional material featured him

you mean staves? and yeah they are

I wonder will Warren be in the story at some point

You know your game is fucking bad when it only gets attention for being labelled "souls-like"

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>strengths and expertise of the studio
like producing original garbage games nobody cares about and then copying dark souls lel

they mean they will tack on some more pointless gimmicks on top that will ruin the base mechanics to prove it's "totally different"

why are you so salty on internet dot com

I didn’t think it was amazing or awful. But props to the devs for having a chance to build on the concept and continue their dream. Maybe this one will stand out in a good way.

I mean shit it’s not like this is a from game or something.

>needing a guide for a sub 20 hour game

It's my first attempt at a souls game, snob


The amount of autism this guy is displaying makes me question if he is a dev playing devil's advocate for keks

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The first game was a piece of shit.
Developers clinically can't design levels and the world. Aesthetics are the most boring shit possible, the industrial wasteland of the first level is actually the best environment in the entire game. Level design sucks ass as well, with enormous stretches without any shortcuts followed by multiple shortcuts in a very small span of time.
Developers can't balance the movesets. Heavy-duty and single-rigged are shit because they are extremely slow. Their combos are even slower and lock you into the animation hopelessly, while enemies have a nearly infinite poise and can DPS you to death in seconds. Twin rigged and staves are extremely strong bordering overpowered territory since they have insane speed and good DPS. Boss weapons just slap some elemental effect on one of the attacks, i think only the final boss weapon is unique and even its uniqueness is just DS2 tier "mixing up the movesets of different classes".
Developers generally can't balance for shit and in many ways they actually went ass backwards from the LotF. Drones are garbage. Not a single one of them is comparable to the gauntlet from the first game which had a fucking railgun. Heavy builds are garbage and armor balance is shit as well, security suit is the best suit in whole game.
I won't even say anything about the plot or setting because that shit is literally inane. The only interesting NPC in whole game was that girl with identity crisis.


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half the fun is finding things out for yourself
you are missing out hard

i actually really like that song but i replaced it with something else so i never got to hear it spammed ingame

Did you protect her Yea Forums?

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>that's most likely not regular Yea Forums visitors, but deck13 employees
So, the typical shills you see on Yea Forums then, anybody remember the Fallout 76 and other Anthem white knights? Those were fun days


can i play as a zaku?
this is a very important question

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Yeah but this game clearly believes the player has some prior knowledge about should games
I get my ass kicked horribly since the very beginning
I am not watching walk-throughs, though
There's plenty of noob guides because it's tough

The first game had great spooky bits during the final level

Damn... really..? I will now pre-order The Surge 2 on Steam.

Do it, faggit