It has begun

it has begun

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Belgium is based!

EU laws applied to all EU members

WE DID IT Yea Forums

>One Angry Gamer
Can you get a source that isn't trash

This is good. It will push mobile games away from Free to Play/Pay to Win into a single monetary transaction that will turn gachas from pay to win to grind to win.
They have to go after Fate Grand Order and Pokemon Go to change the market. Fire Emblem Heroes is a dead game and Nintendo themselves killed it.

When will America follow suit assuming the bill regrading gambling in games rated T and below gets passed?

>not "it has belgium"

That law does not come from EU parliament, but the Belgium one AFAIK.
So the game is blocked only in Belgium

good to see i can still f2p on my train journey

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If it's just one country, then that's not enough. It needs to be a thing in the US as well.

Considering it's America, probably never


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>downloads apk

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Finally, some good news.

>waaaahhhh big daddy guberment save me from the big scary lootboxes
Can leftards be any more pathetic?

Can't wait for this to snowball into indiscriminate legislation of games.

why don't they just remove the loot boxes instead


says the guy who's more than happy letting his government spy on him :)

Good thing the UK is leaving the retard union so we can have our lootboxes in peace instead of having eurotards ruining video games for everyone.

>ban all vidya between certain hours
I can see it now.

>let us just exploit the human brain to quite literally rob you of your money

oag is the only trustworthy news outlet

how else would the retards learn to not get exploited?

>quite literally
Go read a book

I like how instead of making changes to the game that it isn't filled with loot boxes, they just simply pulled it

So why are you not fighting against chemicals approved by FDA that are QUITE LITERALLY addictive?

Glad to be a wafflebro, fuck gacha

>exploiting the human brain
Newsflash: human brains are too smart to be exploited like some retarded animal. Only subhumans get exploited.

the game is entirely based around lootboxes. All mobile games are. It's impossible to make money otherwise. The loot box/gambling aspect is what gets people playing, nobody would play it if it was just a subscription fee or whatever since without the collecting/gambling it's just an objectively shittier version of a regular fire emblem game.

Dude, all gacha games are pullinng out of Belgium. I got banned in one game just because I logged while being in Belgium.
The glorious gacha purge has begun.

It is a simple math equation. Soon, when it is worth it, they will release 2 versions of the same game. one with and one without. Then the snowball effect will occur.

You are still shitposting on Yea Forums.

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>conservitard sucking corporate cock
40 years of cum guzzling and you guys still really love that cum.

B A S E D.

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Nothing of value was lost.

Real talk, how will the anti gacha purge go on from there? Can it escalate Europe-wise?

So France 2.0? The country where people mainly buy a PS4 for nothing but shooters and Fifa?

How many people even played FEH there? Like 3k or something? Nothing was really lost regardless.

Technically people would pay. A lot of gacha have pseudo-subscriptions of 5$ a month and people buy those.
The gacha devs can redesign their greedy shit around season passes or character buying, but first they need to be forced to shut down the gambling scam scheme.

Gacha cucks get fucked.

Gambling addicted faggots on reddit are seething like crazy, absolutely based Belgium

wasn't some right wing guy that proposed it?
same principle as spoonfeeding being bad, you need to let the idiots overcome those things themself, when they start to pass hunger they will stop wasting money on crap, if you keep blocking stuff you just making it easier for them to fall to a new one in the future

Publishers will pay lobbyists to ensure loot boxes are never classified as gambling.


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implying I'm not

It easily can. US can also theoretically pass similar law.
Asia not so much. Maybe Korea because they already have strict online gaming control.

I guarantee you aren't.

>human brains are too smart to be exploited like some retarded animal.
75 percent of humans are literal npcs

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any cause that falls back on "dude people will realize they're being retarded and do the right thing" is doomed. we're way past the point of gacha addicts stopping themselves.

this is probably what will happen whenever similar laws pass in other countries. Easier to just stop offering the product.

Chalk one up for removal of personal responsibility!
Self driving cars and more traffic lights next, please!

>Yea Forums clapping at nanny states censoring vidya
The reddit raid was real.

The EU can't issue laws, it can only issue directives and then the member states either adopt them or not. It's not a federal government, it's as it says, an union.

that's like saying jews will pay to make sure gambling doesn't get outlawed

doesn't work

It's funny how Japan and China impose regulations on gacha and the publishers are like "okay we'll comply and disclose odds etc etc" and business goes on as usual but when the west imposes regulation the publishers are "fuck you we will not disclose odds, we're pulling our games out of your country and we'll be taking you to court"

then they will die poor and removel themself, same ending, gacha shit eventually dies
why would you be interested in savng an adict?

How long until TF2 and CSGO stop being f2p and went back to full price again ?

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Dude the color red makes humans hungry fuck off we are incredibly easy to exploit.

corps think they run the west

they are about to learn

>hey Yea Forums isn't it funny how bugmen countries accept censorship but white people are actually bothered by it
makes u think huh

They actually do have to go after Pokémon Go.

Eggs are literally just lootboxes with added steps and the occasional freebie to mask the fact that they are lootboxes.

>Banning child gambling is now censorship
Oh Lord

Hopefully never, gambling is one of the few things that still falls mostly to the states to regulate.

I'm really sad mobile games just became cash grabs instead of them developing into proper titles. I suppose a few like that exist but it's such a minuscule number.

This so much.
r/The_Donald and the Trumpkino Discord have them as a top news site up there with Fox News.

don't give money to your kids to spend on gacha
>but think of the kids
it's a parent job to think of the kids
haven't touched a single gach game and any of the adicts will just download the apk
but you're just allowing more parents lazyness with laws like this

So you'd be happy if heroine was legal and we just said "Don't let your kids buy heroine, duh."

Sugar and food additives are just as exploitative. When are they going to ban Mc.Donalds then?


Smokes are legal. Weeds are legal. Sex is legal. But I don't see anyone seething about banning those.

>degenerate parents die from overdose or any other problems they get from it
>their kid dies from it too
>degenerates bloodline removed
looks like a win too me, the only law I want is the one that prohibits addicts from getting gibs

We're not going to pass that bill. Google, Apple, Microsoft and Facebook will make sure of that. They will force some kind of inconvenience on all users before they allow that ban to succeed.

better than polygon

First amendment means they can’t ban the sale of the game by age, only the lootbox payment method. So that bill is dead

We tax the shit out of them to discourage people from buying them. Like how the lottery in the US is run by the government.

Can you hold back a little on the edge?

Tbf, Nintendo has always been ass at mobile. Nothing is really lost here.

don't worry conservatives will start hating gacha once pastor childfucker starts telling them lootboxes are satan.

Americans hate laws that protect consumers from greedy corporations. I mean, just look at how they practically begged the government to repeal Net Neutrality.

>disclosing the odds of winning is censorship

First off, no it isn’t.

Second, scratch-off tickets and state lottos have to disclose odds, it should be no different. Quitgobbling the corporate cock.

I bet you hate roads.

the game is a global client, they literally can't change the pay structure for just one single country, and since that country is tiny and insignificant it's cheaper to cut service there (read just take the game off their eshop while not actually stopping people who already have it from playing) than it is to remodel the whole game globally just for belgium.

I'm not edgy, just wish parents acted like good parents

>I mean, just look at how they practically begged the government to repeal Net Neutrality.
funny how large corporations were the one screaming loudest about nn

it's almost like google and netflix don't want to pay their fair share of internet traffic


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Every day I see the most retarded shit on this board

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Your parents were great and sheltered you from everything?

>Comcast and Verizon good
>other corporations bad

>big corp bad
>communism good

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Both are bad.

Literally righy wing mongoloids complain about this lmao

>applying laws to curtail exploitative practices in order to defend citizens is communism
Eat shit.

Good hopefully all these garbage ass pieces of shit get wipe off the face of the earth. Should never have been allowed and you fucking retards who play them should all be beaten.

>We tax the shit out of them to discourage people from buying them.
Doesn't stop burgers from getting bigger. Maybe an outright ban would do. But can't do that because of muh freedom of choice. Oh wait. But this freedom of choice is not allowed in games for some reason. No, no, no think of children!!!

>country that represent 75% of your market passes laws that reasonably limit gachas by doing things like forcing them to disclose pull rates
>company complies
>country that represents 0.01% of your market demands you rework your entire sales model
>company laughs in their face as they delist their game there
yeah who couldn't have seen both these outcomes happening.

Unless it's immigration, then they have to adopt it or lose all their funding.

>you can go to parties or whatever you want
>but you have to pay for everything
those were pretty much the fuck my parents gave

Feh bros will this effect our sales?

Doesn't stop your pharmas from funding gender researchs so they can exploit mentally ills though.

You do realize that we already do ban a lot of things to protect the consumer that are food related and that banning the sale of beef patties on bread would immediately put us into a recession?

Fuck in 16 states they aren't allowed to sell "riced" vegetables because consumers are dumb and they have to protect the rice industry in america.

Is it really being "redpilled" BEING HAPPY with corporations constantly becoming more and more malicious with how they shove dildos in your ass?

I feel like Yea Forums and /pol/ are losing their way lately

And this is why always Nintendo didn't officially released Dragalia Lost on the European soil, to be sure this won't happen again
I have to download the APK from 3rd party store or connect through a VPN to download it from the play store every update but it's not a big deal

I didn't imply that at all. nn doesn't do anything to address regional monopolies tho

I agree this is great news and I hope similar laws are passed in the US. Fuck the free to play model it's ruining games.

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And no one will ever do anything about regional monopolies because Americans love getting dicked by corporations

>Makes 10 million per month


Belguim is 0.15% of Earth's population. They're irrelevant.

I don't see you lot banning pornography despite it being addicting. And pretty much ruins the lives of the people working in the industry. Oh wait, it's a women's choice if she were to be a porn star. Despite the women are lured by misogynistic males who only sees them as sex objects with cash. Fucking hell. The west is so fucking dumb. And yet they dared to act as if they are the moral police for the human race.

>Fuck in 16 states they aren't allowed to sell "riced" vegetables
Do you honestly think this is a good thing?

Yeah do you know what fake milk that gets auto changed to onions did to the dairy industry?

What? Do you have schizophrenia?

Lets roleplay for a second. Lets pretend somehow lootboxes and the like get banned. What will the big companies like EA, Epic, etc do? How will they get back that revenue?

shut the fuck up thats how

Invent a new way to bleed people dry until that gets outlawed.

sell expensive skins that people will buy anyways
pretty sure lootboxes were never a giant source of revenue for epic anyways

Yes, yes, I'm sure they're comfortable with that which is why they definitely don't force countries to take their 'directives' on immigration and why they're definitely not trying to create an army that's led by unelected officials.

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So why don't these companies just get rid of loot and just let you but shit outright? Camilla micro bikini SSS Tank Flying Mage with Anti Arrow $25

but Yea Forums told me gacha is based and not at all like lootboxes wtf?

>not realizuing that the whole capitalist system runs on exploitation of your evolutionary traits

another low iq post in Yea Forums
whats new

from the thumbnail I thought that was a godzilla image

>10 million per month
yeah, its dead

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The constitution means exactly jack shit when it comes to actual law.