Are there any video games about love?

Are there any video games about love?

And have you ever fallen in love with a video game character?

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I currently am in love with her. Sucks shes forever alone and doesnt have a chad I can self insert as.

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I love Reisen!

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Sometimes i wish i didn't have emotions... are things going to get better?

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No, but you will one day cease to care.

>dragon hitler
>does the white nationalist symbol
like pottery

Yes but you need to stop coming here, stop watching porn and work out. Give it 3 month and you will be twice as happy

A lot of video games feature romance plots/subplots.
It should be easy to find one that appeals to you!

That day can't come soon enough

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mein neger
Such a shame she decided to live in secrecy. You sound like you'd be up to the task of keeping her company though. But would Ivy look at a normal weak human pityingly or would she show a tender loving side?

When you die maybe. The only other day that comes close to it is the day you start telling yourself you don't care.

eeh maji?

Sometimes witnessing perfection can bring a great pain user

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>have you ever fallen in love with a video game character?

How could you NOT fall for Aya?

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>tfw will never experience this

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I did not fall in love with a video game character, I’m not a loser. I fell in love with a western animated character

Her in game model in that dress was hot as fuck, sucked that she changed into the other outfit with the little stick legs afterwards.

I love Kasumi!

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It depends on the human. I bet she would like a smart chad. Maybe a englishman noble who treats her well.


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you could say that i have.

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What a shit couple

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>emilia thread on Yea Forums

Fucking based my fellow lads

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having perfection so close to you and losing it feels even worst. I don't wish it to anyone.

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Absolutely SEETHing lanket

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Abloo bloo ;-; were going to be irrelevant once the fat fuck writes the canon ending and someone remakes the entire show in a few years

This is how I know Yea Forums has fallen.

That hug did things to me man. Prepubescent me didn't quite understand but I had many fantasies about living with the girls on the farm being married to Cremia and playing with Romani.

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>muh quan
I didnt believe their "romance" for a second.

Yea Forums need to learn to stay in Yea Forums
worse than /pol/

Yea Forums is laughing at us again

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>this woman suffered two aneurysms while doing GoT and wanted to die in the hospital because the pain along with the surgery was so horrible and when she felt like she was gonna have a third one and thought she was gonna finally die at Comicon she wanted to do a live interview so everyone could watch it


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Poor sweetheart. Shes cool in interviews and sexy af.

>there was a time where she was legit going through this irl

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>watching t.v. shows
heh heh good goyim

Have sex, incel

Can you please shut the fuck up about this gay show.

I pirated this series since day one

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great taste fellow user

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Just went to Yea Forums
>Alita: Battle Angel General Discussion #535
Can you explain this?

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That doesn't change anything. You're still feeding that garbage into your brain.

>some fucking shit waifu thread about a flop gets 535 threads
>emilia gets jannied

Fuck Yea Forums


>dying on livestream

She would have literally lived out every 4Channer's drea,

Yea Forums is run and filled by faggots artists that can't appreciate an actual good waifu

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The hobos that hang around the park's bathroom love Fuuka.

True love.

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Like I said


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I love Fuuka!

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>Are there any video games about love?

And arguably, Odin Sphere.

>And have you ever fallen in love with a video game character?
Yukari from P3 will always have a special place in my heart.

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Is that why she can move her eyebrows in unnatural ways?

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silent hill 2

the sims 2

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What's wrong with her brain that it keeps popping?

>clearly mouths "boyfriend"

I sure fucking hope so

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Make things better yourself

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This is just sad.

>mfw i didn't fell for the gf meme

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>Wanting people that might adore you to watch you die
Oookay - that is problematic right there

She has very nice teeth and a nice mouth desu

Isn't it just sad? Just unfair? How Morrigan is so much better than Yen but Dragon Age is so much worse than Witcher?

Looks exactly like my girlfriend's little sister, except the girl in pic is taller

Luci's voice warms my heart when nothing else will.

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My nig

Did he already dump rose leslie?? The fuck?!

Alyx is a cute
So is Liara. And Max Caulfield

Knowing your gf has a foot deaths door can be hard user

I'm going to marry Makoto and make lots of little squirrel kids with her!

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No, that was a photoshoot for shipfags