Using ROMs for "game preservation" is a fucking meme...

Using ROMs for "game preservation" is a fucking meme. You can buy pretty much every game on ebay or through second hand sites.

Even if it's digital only i'm sure someone is willing to sell there psn/xbla account to you which has a copy of scott pilgrim vs the world: the game on it

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Other urls found in this thread:


t. trademark attorney

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t. poorfag

>Paying $300 for something you can get for free

user you're not supposed to use an image that goes against your argument, no one will pay $300 for that shit when you can get it online for free you dumb boomer

Reminder that you can buy the most expensive N64 flash cart for at least $100 less and play every N64 game ever made on real hardware + unreleased games and hacks/translations. Buyfags just can't stop getting BTFO.

it's ok anons we know it's because you're a poorfag and not because the games are no longer being sold no one actually cares about piracy aswell as you admit you're just a poorfag

im a pirate so what? what you going to do about faggot? you can circlejerk your moralfaggotry on shitty forums like gbatemp or reddit

I paid close to $200 for a flash cart for N64 just because I couldn't stand the thought of not buying the most high end one available. I'm not a poorfag.

$300 for a game that cost $50 on release, given more time it will only inflate more.


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It is about game preservation because I am not going to spend $300 for a game from a collector that the original devs and publishers won't sell me.
Sell me the game at a reasonable price and I will buy it over a rom every time

i don't care if you personally don't want to purchase of resellers on ebay i'm just pointing out that user said you can't purchase them at all when you can so just admit you're a poorfag
>not buying the original authentic carts
you're a poorfag

>Using ROMs for "game preservation" is a fucking meme.
How ya nerd gonna play those games once all consoles or the game itself breaks huh? Consoles without games are worthless, other way around its the same. Roms and Emulators never break ni the same way and PRESERV GAMES you tripple faggot zoomer

you don't get to dictate the prices poorfag either accept it or pirate just don't try to justify it as preservation when all these games are still being sold

I'm not paying some ebay jew a ridiculous markup just to play games on original hardware. The smart decision is flash carts.

>Company doesn't earn a profit.
>Second hand sales.
>Company doesn't earn a profit either.
>But I also lose money in the process.
>A third party unrelated to either of us gains money instead.
>But with emulation I get to keep my money as well.
>This is apparently bad to OP.
You're retarded. You are the dumbest gorilla nigger from the darkest parts of the Congo.

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ok just don't say these games aren't being sold anymore when every game is still available to buy

I will buy physical copies of games I love and pirate the rest.
Fuck you, bitch.

>people taking the bait this hard.
Smash 64, even in box mint can be found for a third of the price from ops listing.

Anyone paying these prices is moron that can't search for shit.

I've got boxes that are nearly 40 years old, I take care of my shit everything is in protectors, away from direct light, away from any heat source, and that's why they look the way they do, and they'll probably look just as good for another 40 years

>available to buy
From resellers.

That’s what you sound like. You know what, I really need to sincerely thank you. Seriously, I cannot tell you how glad I am to see this thread. It’s the last shitty thread I will ever read in this godforsaken website.
Until I read this post, I had some faint sliver of hope that the average iq of anons in this miserable skinner’s box was above room temperature - at least in celsius. But, while my optics nerves were being assaulted by the flaming parrot caca you call an opinion, it dawned on me that I am browsing a website full of immature, childish, gay children and I have no more desire to waste my time like this.
I have MCATs to study for. I could call up my old fraternity buddies, they’ve been hounding me to chill with them, or see how my family’s doing. I’m wasting time right now that I could be spending working on my idea for an isometric 6 player board game with deckbuilding mechanics and dragons and also its set in the old west. Instead, I’m playing chief tard-wrangler to a bunch of gay tard children. Fuck it. I’m out. Peace

nothing wrong with pirating
get fucked
fuck nin-toddlers
stay mad

>download rom for free and enjoy games
>pay some hoarder faggot for their physical copy

It's not even a choice faggot 4/10 people will bite but they know why.

You're right, even more of an argument against the idea you somehow can't buy these games anymore.

see you tomorrow poorfag

They are being sold for so much because of emulation, dummy. Nobody would even remember 99% of retro games if it was not for roms essentially creating the retro games market.

Why do guys like this always get their collections ruined by floods or fires?

So? You can still buy from them so user can't say there are games that are no longer available for purchase.

buying old games is a meme. the only games that need support is games from small companies

old games being lost is a meme.

Fuck resellers, lazy jews think they deserve a shit load of cash for a product they didn't make.

Keep buying your children toys while I'm smart with my money and build up towards my stock portfolio instead

>old games being lost is a meme.
it is, since pirates are stocking all of them away

I like buying original psx games because I'm a huge nostalgiafag but I still hate collectors. Half of them are autistic faggots who don't even play the games they buy and the other half are scalpers inflating the prices to absurd levels, yet the first group still gladly pay because they are fucking morons

Hey I thought you were leaving? What happened poorfag?

PSNow is the only good way to do this, if they let you download all the games to the system instead of just some then that will make it much better. I willl gladly support old games because they are legitimately good games and also hold fond memories, if you constantly compare old to new you will never appreciate them.

The only reason to pirate is because you want free and convenient access to toys. They have nothing to do with preservation because you can still buy pretty much every game.

I'm not going to pay $300 for a copy of a game that the original devs see not one single penny of. If that makes pirating it immoral, then i'm immoral. Companies need to make games more readily available, and for a reasonable price. $20 even, I think would be okay. But I'm not about to pay $30 for a fucking virtual console port, and I'm also not going to sit around with my thumb up my ass waiting for nintendo to start putting out SNES games so I can play super mario RPG, ff6, and chrono trigger again.

emulation is anti-preservation and the scene itself is full of trannies and weirdos. The only way to preserve these things is learn how to maintain real hardware. You don't see video enthusiasts obsessing over how to emulate CRTs, but how to maintain and preserve them. Emulation is preservation is a placebo statement. Emulation was never about preservation, it's about enjoying games conveniently and for free. Anyone who says otherwise is delusional. You'll do preservation efforts a lot better writing down capacitor lists for each sega genesis revision and service them yourself than you'd ever by contributing code to an emulator.

I own Smash 64 but

No one in their right mind who isn't a collector would buy an original. Besides, it isn't like you're even supporting the people that made the game. Only the seller.

You can download all ps4/ps2 titles, you can't do ps3 because the system can't emulate PS3. Nothing can, reasonably, yet.
>muh rpcs3!
still has horrible graphical artifacting in every single game, though it does run some at a playable framerate.

>Even if it's digital only i'm sure someone is willing to sell there psn/xbla account to you which has a copy of scott pilgrim vs the world: the game on it

Violates the terms of service of both XBL and PSN.

So we should abolish the sale of... anything not directly from a corporation?

>The only way to preserve these things is learn how to maintain real hardware.
um, no. the cartridges and discs themselves will eventually stop working. digital copies is the best way to ensure preservation

why should I pay some fag hoarder to play old games? it only benefits hoarders

Do you see games as "services" or "products"?

If games are products then somebody who owns the game owns the value of that product. And if you would like one you need to pay them.

You can play what is essentially a digital copy on real hardware with burned disks/flash carts/disk drive replacements.

Fuck you man poor people should be able to play games too without literal elitist gatekeeping from faggots like you. You're the sucker paying for shit you could get for free because you think it makes you better somehow

Literally never saw disc rot before outside of shitposts on Yea Forums posted by underage emuniggers.
Take care of your shit and it will never be an issue.

Don't go to extremes. No one said to abolish the sale of out-of-print games. But it's to ridiculous to suggest someone pay $300, that will never go to the people who made it, for a game the original company doesn't make available over using a means to play it. I agree with the point the other user you quoted made. If Nintendo (using this example) won't make the game available, then fuck 'em. It's getting emulated.

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I own pal versions of Mr Gimmick and Little Samson. Paid around 150€ for each and I really enjoy them even though I don't consider myself as a collector

it is their intellectual property, they hold copyright, and are still actively making money with Super Mario Bros. through the Switch, Wii U, and 3DS shops, so legally it makes sense why they would.

Fuck people who feel like they can break the law just because of nostalgia or because they feel like they're doing the world a fucking service by stealing intellectual property or actual ROMs and shit.

>"Uwu, but when companies or artists create media, it belongs to the world now."

Fuck off. I say they sue the bastards for every copy downloaded in addition to any other moneys to be collected. Hell, Commodore Products (the company that currently exists since CBM went bankrupt) should sue for developing for the C64 without a license.

Not sure how that happened but pic in was meant for my first post replying to

Nintendo 64 in all it's forms and availiability sucks complete and utter dick when emulated and the library is fucking small, like around 300 measly titles compared to the thousands of shovelware on other console. There's only maybe 3 or 4 games that fetch ridiculous prices like Conker or Bomberman 64: The Second Attack. The rest can be reasonably acquired and played on hardware like it was meant to be.

>You can buy pretty much every game on ebay or through second hand sites.
I'd love to try out Rule of Rose, but not at fucking $100+ for the game and then the additional hardware, not to mention the PS2's NTSC/PAL fuckery. If it ain't available in a convenient manner, I see absolutely no reason why I shouldn't emulate something.

Even more so because even if I really like the game, none of my money will be forwarded to do the dev, or even the publisher, so what's the fucking point.

>so legally it makes sense why they would
Why who would do what?

Why they would take down rom sites and sue emulators into oblivion. Good for them

because floods and fires have the highest rate of personal property destruction outside of theft/vandalism.

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No one, or at least not the comment string you replied to, is talking about that.

>I deserve free shit and devs should work for free because I don't value your labor
>muh gatekeeper meme

You aren't entitled to play all the games that exist. Sometimes, you were just too late and missed the boat and will have to live with missing out on that experience. Deal with it.

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>because you can still buy pretty much every game.
when the alternative is paying over 100 dollars for a video game, you can go fuck yourself, schlomo

The point is Nintendo has the right to make their games as available as they want and you're not entitled to theri games for free.

>You aren't entitled to play all the games that exist
That's where you're wrong.

it's ok user you're a poorfag nobody cares if you wanna pirate just admit you're a poorfag

There is only one rule in video games.
Either your game is $20 or less.
Or it's yohoho it's a pirate's life for me.

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entitled nigger

I've got better things to spend that kind of money on.

There's a difference between being poor and being smart with your money. I wouldn't expect a braindead, virgin, posing, Yea Forums-goer to even begin to consider something like that.

>video games
>affected by inflation

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>lol poorfag lol entitled lol poorfag lol entiteled
You are fucking annoying retard

I would be a poorfag if I did dumb shit like drop 300 big ones on old fucking toys I can get for free

whatever you say poorfag

I swear only the gaming community has these weird piracy moralfags.

You'd never find this shit with movies or music.

So you think I should give someone that isn't Nintendo $300 that they'll never see a dime of? If Nintendo wants me to pay for old games, they should make them available. I pay for everything, I never pirate games I can pay for. I know I'm not entitled to shit, but if there's something I want to play that isn't available, I'm emulating. That's just a lost sale from the business choice of not having a full library of backwards compatible games. Companies have the right to make their content available whenever they want. They also have the consequence of losing potential sales.

Seething with regret for spending 300 on ONE game

>buy this ridiculously overpriced game
>oh you don't want to? fucking entitled poorfag
Seriously, which company's bankroll are you on? Or are you just mad no one's biting on your ebay listings?

to you maybe. what he says is the absolute truth

>being a good goy who overspends when buying his vidya

By not doing it right. If you're going to get into collecting, you got to up your risk management game. Proper liquid containment, appropriate fire suppression, air quality control, light quality control, it goes on.

I’m salaried and pirate shit, why would I spend my hard earned money for entertainment? I pity you

>but if there's something I want to play that isn't available, I'm emulating.
Pretty much every game is available though.

Whatever you say OP

>You can buy pretty much every game on ebay or through second hand sites.
Until you can't.

>why would I spend my hard earned money for entertainment?
Because other people who bought the products are selling the products.

Let it go man, you're talking to an autist.

kill yourself digital merchant

>earthbound was 400 dollars when it came out
you aren't even proving anything youre just embarassing yourself

Name me 18 games you can't buy

And...? I’m richer for not paying for it. You have no point here, you are an absolute boot kicker though, that much is crystal clear.

Their mistake for buying a product that is worthless in today's digital age if their intent was not of consumption but of investing.

>You can buy pretty much every game on ebay or through second hand sites.
What about arcade games, mobile games or consoles from the 70's?
Are we done here? You got the attention you wanted.

Name me 18 games you can't buy

So you cant sell your car? You sure as hell arent the originator of that.

I buy original copies for collecting purposes and then I wrap them up in plastic bags and play the roms instead
does that upset you autist, I don't even have my old consoles plugged in because they take up too much fucking space

No, you google them yourself. If you want to behave like a 4 year old because you need company, you can ask your parents for a babysitter.

i don't care

you can bet your ass i'm 3d printing a car as soon as it's feasible, never buying used again

So you're saying you can't name 10?

It's valuable to collectors. Note the box and manual prominently displayed in the ebay listing, which are of no use to someone just wanting to play the game.

You've already established that you consider everyone entitled anyway, why would I waste my time researching something you'd immediately discard anyway?

Already answered, you're not buying arcade cabinets on ebay and paying shipping. Find healthier ways to interact with people, fatty.

Cartridges and discs and consoles will eventually, inevitably fail... And then what?

That's the problem I'm thinking about. There will be a point where it just isn't practical or shit just stops existing or might as well not exist any more because things get increasingly hard to find.

But really all this thread is is another fucking argument/bait thread. Fuck off and die.

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Stop thinking of the immediate future, we have already lost a lot of arcade machines to time.

To prove there are games out there you can no longer purchase.

I'm not a collector, but I'd never buy a game without seeing at least the box and the disc. Not because I want everything, but because otherwise it's hilariously easy to just download anything, burn it and then claim it's something someone would want. At that point, I could do the exact same thing without spending money.

>Already answered,
Where? Point the post out to me.

I may not 'deserve' it but that doesn't change the fact that I can just Google a game and play it within 10 minutes of finding a rom. I don't see the point in spending food money on entertainment that I can find for free. I buy physical when it's practical but 200 bucks to play 20 year old GameCube games with inflated prices doesn't appeal to me at all. my priorities are retiring, not making sure some dude on ebay feels like he's getting his money's worth peddling his old toys. You think every game that can't currently be bought from the manufacturer should just be forgotten and disappear? What's the harm if the original manufacturer can't even take my money for a product anyway?

On the post you just quoted; you're literally foaming at the mouth for attention, you stupid shit.

Name 26 arcade games you can't buy

Can someone give me €15?

I want to buy a game but I'm a poorfag.

I'm looking for work, but nothings comes to me.

That post didn't list any games though. Also stop projecting.

I'm getting extremely mixed messages at this point.

that's why you take pictures of your collection and have insurance

>You think every game that can't currently be bought from the manufacturer should just be forgotten and disappear?
You can still buy them

I have a 4TB HDD filled with games from the NES all the way up to the Wii and I plan on uploading them at some point so others can enjoy them if they haven't already.

You don't need to reply twice just because you're upset.

What game? OP will pay for it since he has a rock hard peener for purchasing things

>I've got boxes that are nearly 40 years old, I take care of my shit everything is in protectors, away from direct light, away from any heat source
Everybody laugh at this delusional faggot that thinks the plastics and shit in these old games is going to keep. Take them out of the boxes and try them faggot. Just like the idiots with extreme wine vintages that are literally just vinegar when opened.
>they'll probably look just as good for another 40 years
When you die childless the people cleaning out your shithole are going to toss all of them in the trash. Doesnt matter how good they look in 40 years when nobody cares about you and the local authorities send out cletus to clear out your home and they bag it all.

I rather spend my money on cool games like Sekiro than old shit

No, you cannot.

Miitopia for 3DS

I know it isn't a very special game, but I want it.

Also it has this awesome theme:

difference being the people who start these arguments are piratefags themselves not moralfags and only the gayman community has pirates who enjoy arguing over every little thing

Name me 19 games you can't buy

I'm playing games more than I'm on this shithole
You emufags are delusional
lmaooo let me get a time machine and tell 6 year old me not to keep my game boxes because some faggot in the future will tell me it means I don't play games.

Miitopia was fun. Okay OP, he’s waiting!!!

Last time I checked the boards for movies or music doesn't have people being obnoxious about their piracy
24/7 starts to get on people's nerves

No One Lives Forever 1-2, for starters.

New Zero Team
Golden Axe Revenge of Death Adder
Denjin Makai
Gun Master

This, I’ve been laughing my tits off, turbo virgins that are jealous and tremendously upset that other people don’t have to pay for media is hysterical

Literally walk outside and walk up to anyone you see and ask if you can mow their yard for 10 bucks. People will gladly pay you 10 bucks to do some shitty odd job they don't feel like doing.

But you're going to say no, because you're absolutely worthless, and the very idea of exerting yourself in any way whatsoever is so foreign a concept to you that you give up before even trying

No, no no. I "deserve" jack shit. The question is whether I'm able to obtain free shit, which I obviously am.
If the devs don't enjoy working for free, well, maybe they should get real jobs. So long as the fruits of their labor can be effortlessly copied and distributed by any child with an internet connection, it should hardly be surprising if that's exactly what happens.

Ok turbo virgin, ok. Just buy the game for him instead of sperging

roms are not for preserving anything other than the pirates money
and thats OK

I would do that if I was an american who can do that.

Here in Spain people usually don't have yards or talk to any stranger to give a job.

That's kind of the opposite end of the spectrum though. If nobody pays for anything, nobody's going to make anything. Passion's great, but nobody wants to follow their passion to literal starvation.

>if you don't break labor laws and evade taxes you're just lazy
This is what Americans actually believe.

And? Walk to a fucking neighborhood and do it. Or clean people's cars. Or offer to take out people's trash for a quarter.

You're a piece of shit and you will have an excuse for every single valid answer to your question that everyone can give. You're just subhuman. You have absolutely no right to live

Rom's preserved many games that would be otherwise gone. Nintendo used the fucking romscene to create their own snes emulator library - the romgroups marks where still found in the software they sold.

Ok then Please explain user's life to me. Clearly he has some income as he has an internet connection and a computer to play games on, but somehow can't get 15 eurobucks

you're just copypasting posts from the previous thread word for word
for what purpose?

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i want everyone to know i'm right and user was wrong, these games can be bought and he was just looking for an excuse to pirate

I'm lonely and that's the only way to get replies.

don't impersonate me. i have every right to be here. i'm only posting in self-defense

>Walk to a fucking neighborhood and do it.
Again people don't have yards here

>Or clean people's cars.
Proffesional service already does this.

>Or offer to take out people's trash for a quarter.
I don't think you've ever lived here.

>You're just subhuman. You have absolutely no right to live.
Lay off the edge their edgemister.

I'm sure you'll come up with an excuse for every valid suggestion. Enjoy being broke and depressed.

I can't explain user's life to you. I'm just pointing out that if you offer to mow someone's lawn for ten bucks, you're likely working under minimum wage, and most likely not paying taxes for the money you make.
If you do it for a living, you're literally a parasite on society, undercutting honest lawn care entrepreneurs and giving nothing back.

I’m the salaried guy. I also have a wife. Just buy him the game moralfag. He may be tempted to pirate it!!!

So what you're saying is that you honestly believe that literally every single job in the entire universe is taken, that every single person employs both a professional lawn service AND a professional car cleaning service, and that the poor little uneducated, lazy, stupid NEET unwilling to educate himself or try in any way at all, is just a poor victim of this cruel world? That's so sad, let me go get my tissues.

I can live without the game, if fine with that.

But you should chill a bit.

Anyways, I hope to get a work soon, I just ended my studies so, no money until that.

Eh, there are other ways.

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>im m-ma-married
lul, your dad work for nintendo too, faggot? nobody believes you.

You're only posting because you're lonely and want people to get angry at you.
OP is just baiting for interaction, but you're the kind of stupid shit who sees a bad thread and makes it worse. Stop enabling trolls you dumb sack of crap.

>MFW I buy games that I've emulated for years just because I know they're good games rather than spending big $$$ on something I don't even know if I'd enjoy
So this is what it feels like to be retarded

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Yeah, backing up software is a meme. We should leave it on the hardware so that it can die with the plastic and circuitry it's enslaved to!

dumbass OP, fuck you

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Oooooooooook turbo virgin. Guess what we were able to afford since I never spend money on entertainment. A hot tub!! Imagine that!

You aren't entitled to play all the games that exist. Sometimes, you were just too late and missed the boat and will have to live with missing out on that experience.

>being this insecure about being a KHV
kekarooni, you know tfw no gf was a joke, right? It wasn't mean to be life advice.

hahaha way to out yourself, stay mad incel

Personally, I honestly believe you're a hypocrite, and have never done manual labor in your life. You've maybe imagined yourself washing someone else's car, because you like to think you're hardworking, but you've never done it, and you're never going to.

I'm not a hypocrite, I'm watching a movie in my apartment on my television while talking down to stupid lazy people. I enjoy pointing out others worthlessness. This isn't your hugbox.

>buying from western ebay scalper dickheads
You can get the same game in-box in Japan for like $40

I didn't say I was personally entitled to everything. I explained that backing up software for preservation is a good, moral, upstanding thing to do especially when there are artistic components to the software much like in vidya. There is no justifiable reason to let perfectly good video games vanish from existence so easily when we could just download them lol dummy

>Stupid faggots gave up wizardry powers.
Lol get smoked.

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just checked most of that shit is on ebay my man

>paying $5 for a nes rom
>paying $7 for a snes rom
>paying god knows what for an n64 rom
If you wanted to buy 3 nes games, that's 15 fucking dollars plus tax. Eshop NES games should be no more than $1. You know the only time I buy a NES game on there? Never, only when I have a ton of left over change on my account from buying other games. If they were all $1, I'd gladly buy a handful of my favorite old games. But $5 for OE fucking 30 year old game, are you kidding me? SNES games should be $3 max, N64 $5 dollars max. Until then, I'll just be cool with an emulator and roms I can download in 5 seconds for free.

What's that got to do with anything?
I'm saying that you've never done manual labor. That you don't belong to the proletariat. That whatever job you have, it sure as hell isn't mowing lawns.
Am I wrong?

Out myself? What? Do you want me to attach a picture of the receipt?

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stop being poor

The only one that's on ebay is Golden Axe Death Adder, and only one for over $1000 from Japan.

OP is a reseller that's mad because his scalping isn't paying off, lol

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>There is no justifiable reason to let perfectly good video games vanish from existence
good thing you can still buy them then.

>You think every game that can't currently be bought from the manufacturer should just be forgotten and disappear?
>You can still buy them
>No, you cannot.
>just checked most of that shit is on ebay my man
Okay, I didn't realize ebay is a manufacturer now.

Ah but that’s the best part! I pirate literally everything, so my power level is concealed very well with my hard drives. Nobody suspects a thing.

seething incel


who said anything about the manufacture? you can still buy them

People who collect vintage video games are usually greedy fucking faggots so I think I'll keep my ROMs.

>not having a firefoam sprinkler system in your home

you're not poor are you?

nice selfie btw also quoting yourself

More like stop paying for over priced ROMS that you can find on the internet for free in five seconds. How the fuck am I poor when I even have a system to download these ROMS on in the first place? Jesus Christ you're stupid. I bet you also buy bottled water too instead of just using your tap.

you can still buy it though along with most of those games I just checked ebay

Link the listings then.

What are you talking about? I’m convinced at this point you have ass burgers syndrome.

>$7 for an entire video game is overpriced
Get a job.

your selfie post here

>backing up software for preservation is a good, moral, upstanding thing to do especially when there are artistic components to the software much like in vidya

You can tell your cellmates how you were totally working to preserve history in federal prison, scum.

Yes, it is, considering the games are at least 20 years old, can be downloaded on the internet for free, and can be bought at any flea market for much cheaper.

A selfie post? If you’re implying that’s a samefag then yes, I posted those..? Tell me user, how old are you, and are you employed? Or are you just trying to justify using your government gibs on children’s toys?

Then buy it at the flea market instead of justifying your theft

>selfie post
Ah you’re a zoomer then. Abandoning thread

Fucking normies get off my board!
If you have a job, you shouldn't be posting here.

do you know what a selfie is?
also i have a job which is why i can afford games instead of pirating children's toys and pretending it's preservation even though all of these are available for purchase.

It’s worse than pirates who make no profit

Did you get so butthurt over the posts in this thread that you felt the need to make this one?

It's also an easy scam to pull so whoever buys the account will lose access.

When did I say it was for preservation? I simply don’t want to pay for them. Highly doubt you have a job. Burger King at best if I’m giving you the benefit of the doubt. And I’m still lost on this selfie post thing dear seething zoomer.

have sex

bend over


Not him, but Rule of Rose is unlikely to ever turn up at flea markets and copies of it starts at roughly $150-200. I'd like to try the game, but it would be fucking insane to drop that kind of money on a game I may or may not like.

May want to have sex yourself buddy! Poor guy.

>simply don’t want to pay for them.
that was my point this entire thread, it's not preservation. also i wouldn't be able to afford these games on a burger king wage. and that crying wojack was your own selfie pic, seethe harder incel

>no u

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Good goy, I'll be sure to be buy a US copy of Mother 3 right away!

Wow. You’re definitely fresh from reddit. I’m out lil guy. Also preservation is an absolutely valid reason. Physical media will not last forever. You cannot dispute this fact. You’re point is moot and you’ve proven you’re a retard. Congrats

M8 it looks let the person who said the preservation thing isn't in this thread
Let it go and go browse some other thread instead of worrying pointlessly and screaming at Yea Forums

No, I'm only posting because you all attacked and ganged up on me. Stop projecting.

I am not getting butthurt, I am simply refuting a false accusation made against me. You have no proof that was me.

I wanted Miitopia, but maybe if you people put your miis we can do our story here.

This is now a miitopia thread
Post Miis

Wait what the hell that shit is worth 300??

If it is then I can at least get 50 out of my boxless autism bros

You don't get rich by wasting money.

You missed out on freeshop, but the 3DS hacking scene is still very active if you want to play Miitopia.

you can buy mother 3 on ebay

you don't get rich by playing with children's toys so that's a dumb argument

Attached: dwnld.png (609x733, 41K)

>Also preservation is an absolutely valid reason.
no it's not, you even admitted you just don't want to pay for them, also pretty much every game can be bought physically and that's a fact. it's not my fault i'm right and you're wrong. you can't refute my point without resorting to ad homos. now run along to reddit my little guy.

The person who drops 300 on a nintendo 64 is a literal poorfag, wasting that much money so frivolously. Then ebegs on twitch because he cant buy food now.

The person who chose not to buy it is intelligent, and probably has a pretty fat stack in the bank no doubt because he is smart with his money and saved that 300 instead.

I could pirate that game, but I want it legal...

>The person who can afford to spend hundreds of dollars on luxuries is poor
>The person who needs to resort to piracy and rationalize it as preservation is intelligent and smart
poorfag logic

Well shit, here we go again

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retarded bait


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Imagine turning yourself into such a poorfag because your moralfaggotry made you buy overpriced, second hand old games

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There's being a poorfag and then there's being a sucker falling for a scam.

i don't have a problem with buying digital releases if they make them available but theres no way in hell i'm paying 50$ for a scratched up disc only ps1 game on amazon or ebay or even worse hundreds of dollars for a sealed copy just because its been out of production for 20 years. i wouldn't even play it at all at that point but if i can download it for free on my computer then why not

it's not a scam though. you can say its overpriced but they're not defrauding anybody.

How am I a poorfag? I'm educated and have a well paying job, and I do independent study on weekends. The fact that I'm watching a movie I paid for on a TV I paid for in an apartment I paid for makes me lazy somehow? I have enough money in the bank to get anything I could need and I earned it all.

Meanwhile you're sitting in your parents house crying about McDonald's rejecting you while user can't afford 15 euros for a game.

Hey anons, I just bought Dark Cloud and Dark Chronicles on PS2 for 30$ a piece. What am I in for?

Call everything you don't like bait and you can ignore reality forever!

For example, I don't think you're bating me. I just think you're a very sad person.

Not the US version

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keep working like a retard poorfag to buy your shit while I enjoy the good life living of my stock portfolio dividends

You can also buy reading lessons on ebay.

the game was never localized you can still find the game on ebay though

Congrats. You can't really hurt me or make me feel bad for doing this, I get to talk down to stupid people because I'm not one of them. It's the privilege you get for not being a worthless parasite.

>tfw pirate literally everything
>cousin is federal agent and tells me unless it's CP, the worse that'll happen is you get a mean email from your ISP provider or the company

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>while I enjoy the good life living of my stock portfolio dividends
I believe you, NEET

>You can buy pretty much every game on ebay or through second hand sites.

Do you also have a projector? You're giving off a projecting vibe.

Attached: OkayIBelieveYou.jpg (1280x720, 59K)

"Projection" isn't a get-out-of-arguments-free card. At some point you're going to have to grow up and discuss things like an adult.

Yes, but it's not the US version that the post you were replying to wants.

Attached: 100%.jpg (767x431, 41K)

the version that user wants doesn't exist, also that image applies more to you than it does to me

>everybody is a native English speaker
try leaving your house retard

Are you a library or museum? No. You're not.

So you're an ESL NEET larping as a venture capitalist? lol what a retard

On the off-chance you're being serious, transporting a unit from location X to location Y is not preservation. Copying a unit from location X to an effectively infinite amount of locations is preservation.

>Name calls others because talking down to others makes his butthole tickle in a nice way
>"At some point you're going to have to grow up and discuss things like an adult."

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You're doing literally the same thing, you realize.

stay mad poorfag, anyways I'm out of here got better things to do

>ESL NEET tries to talk down to the superior white man
I like how you are so unaware of the employment world that you don't even know that every worthwhile job comes with a 401k comprised of various investment portfolios and stock options.

>you all attacked and ganged up on me
Are you crying right now? You're 12 years old, you shouldn't be posting here.

>oh, you want to experience this old, historical game?
>that'll be 300 bucks plus tip accounting for the fact it's no longer being produced and slowly becoming more rare

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I never said I wanted to discuss things like an adult, especially with someone who's already acting like an idiot :^)

>here's a game it costs X
>user, did you steal that thing?

how silly of you.

The ratio of retardation to cognizance in this post is simply astounding.

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All this says is that you're a genuine idiot and not just acting like one.

I don't care if the company doesnt earn money tho? I just want the physical copy of the game I like to play.
I mean I get if you want to pirate and all, I have an Everdrive for every console but I like owning a bit of physical medias of the games I like a lot.

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>gets thoroughly BTFO
>types a greentext strawman reply to nobody
Every. Fucking. Time

tell that to pewdiepie

You started this. You attacked me. I am defending myself. I am in the right here. Impersonation is easy here and it's very very strange that people are now denying its reality.

>Oh old games are rare
>Oh man old games are so expensive

Quit waving your collector dick around, this shit is not rare or even close to that expensive.

Attached: oh much rare so expensive.png (1332x668, 386K)

2000 games would take you more than your lifetime to play, baka. Just buy the games you like instead of buying everything you see.
This guy deserves to lose his ''hoarding'' collection

You're right, even more of an argument against the idea you roms are needed because can't buy these games anymore.

>getting a free, and this next word is really important here, ___copy___ is theft
>when the owner of the intellectual property and creator of the game literally cannot profit from purchases anymore

>one of the most popular games on a console is not expensive due to the sheer number of copies
really gets the noggin joggin

Srs, I don't get why ppl even care if the developers get money, lmao.
I don't even know that code monkey cuck,

This is my first post in the thread, you schizo.

i doubt anyone can jog your noggin

even then the developers get jack shit. the publishing company gets it all

I have 1500 games, AMA

The option has been made available & archived by many, so I don't really care. Fact of the matter is I can enjoy these old games for free, and there's nothing preventing me from doing so aside from poorly coded emulators.

literal child brain

You are literally a child. You don't like reality, so you make up rules for yourself.

>I want game but don't want the system!
>UH...UH...since I just want the one game, it's okay for me to steal it!

All you're doing is trying to justify your theft.

with posts as dumb as yours, no they cant. great argument btw

great reading comprehension dumbass

sorry to tell you user, but piracy is not theft

Good, because none of these cocksuckers is capable of making something worth paying for these days.

>i'm sure someone is willing to sell there psn/xbla account
For a shill you sure aren't doing yourself any favors when you show you don't know jackshit about contract law.
Those digital licenses cannot be transferred.

>You may not sell, buy, trade, or transfer your Online ID, Account or any personal access to PSN Services through any means or method, including by use of web sites.

anyone with posts like yours user. more keep coming I see. literally seething

You keep claiming it's theft, how is it theft? Who is being stolen from? Could you perhaps be making up rules, like what constitutes as theft...?

>have pirated over 60k ROMs
>didn't read this gay thread or any of the posts

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>2000 games would take you more than your lifetime to play
this sentence is incredibly depressing
i need more time
more time
for vidya

Not him but u dum. Stealing a system is physically taking something from another person. When you download a ROM, all the people with original carts still have their carts.

This is some severe autism. You are both gigantic faggots.

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Fuck off and kys.

Just dropping in to inform you all that there's DMCA exception regarding roms and you can download anything for free from

dunno why. he gave a shitty example and I gave an argument to why his example was shitty but wtv

How about more time for developing other skills?

I have 10TBs worth of backed up roms from NES and atari to PS4 and switch. whole sets of almost every major console in existence

deal with it nerd

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>Scalpers selling 30 year old games for the price of recent releases
>Saving money for the future / for better stuff by downloading free roms instead makes me a "genuine idiot"
Sure, whatever helps you sleep at night

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>when a product is no longer in production I am entitled a free copy of it
Imagine being this much of a child

>there's DMCA exception regarding roms

I sure the judge and jury will find this as an acceptable argument

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>Could you perhaps be making up rules, like what constitutes as theft...?
Actually that is what you are doing

This was the only non-retarded post in that argument, the fact that you continued to autistically argue afterward is what makes you a faggot.

Attached: frank.jpg (1029x481, 39K)

Imagine being so much of an actual boomer that you apply your archaic and outdated rules to new concepts and media where those rules have drastically different outcomes. I can't wait until your dementia sets in and your obsolescence becomes fully cemented, unless that is what I'm already experiencing by reading your posts.

>disregard women and worldly possession
>play over 10 000 video games in your life time
>ascend to the highest rank of wizardry

Attached: Old_wizard_by_faustissima-d3094f2.png (900x949, 942K)

>getting mad that you may possibly at some time in the future may not be able to receive a free 30 year old videogame
Yup. Genuine fucking retard.

Find me a physical copy of SMT 1 in English

His hairy ass.

Just because it's on doesn't make it legal. There is tons of user-submitted pirated material on there. There is no such DMCA exception.

sure thing bub. i'll shit on retards all I want thank you very much
thankfully such crimes are not prosecuted in my country so neither I nor judge or jury could care less. copyright infringement is still not theft

>In common usage, theft is the taking of another person's property or services without that person's permission or consent with the intent to deprive the rightful owner of it.
>with the intent to deprive the rightful owner of it.
>yeah haha can't wait to fucking deprive those devs and publishers of their code
Adieu in advance if you fail one more time to ignore the entire argument that you're literally taking nothing away.

>I can't wait until your dementia sets in and your obsolescence becomes fully cemented
Until then stay absolutely seething that you did not receive a free 30 year old videogame

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>ever paying ridiculous prices for ancient tech when you're not a collector
Nah I don't support the retro kikes

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Buying ancient out of print games when the developers don't see a single cent from your purchase is a meme.
Especially when you can emulate on a CRT in lossless RGB quality with a controller that's 10 times better than the original one.

>find me something that doesn't exist
Cool argument

>thankfully such crimes are not prosecuted in my country
Sounds like you have nothing to worry about then

Exactly. But it does exist through emulation (piracy) and fan-translations

How come Japanese used games are always inexpensive, CIB and in immaculate condition, while American used games are always loose, smeared with feces, and more than twice as expensive as they originally sold for?

Attached: archive.org_details_consolelivingroom.png (971x943, 936K)

It would cost me currently 500 bucks to get my most played ps1 games in physical discs and if I could find them reliably where I live I would buy them, but since I'd have to buy them on ebay and pay over 20-30 bucks in shipping and risk the games getting damaged, I rather just emulate them. Same for nes and snes games hoarders are charging up the ass for good games so it's not worth it at all. Gbc and gba games I buy since they're cheap as hell and accessible where I live. So cry harder collector fags and hoarders. I'm gonna play Crash Bash since Sony can't seem to be smart enough to release that game either as a classic download or an HD remake.

>Jesus multiplied bread and fish to people.
>the very first act of piracy was by hand of a man without a sin
I dunno, I think God himself wants people to share games among themselves

>In common usage
Point still stands

Welp, you better start writing angry articles and get some senators into legal actions to stop archive accumulating all that videogames ready to be downloaded by anybody for free.

Attached: uuugggghhh.png (137x158, 39K)

this said nothing about a DMCA exception for roms

Oy vey, well said, Mr. Goy

Don't care to sift through the ones that have become found through other sources since this happened, but this was a list of games on backlog by a collector who goes by the name "BakuDD" who announced he would never dump another one of his games ever again after SaintTimmy leaked some he posted on a private tracker. Some of these games, particularly the Apple Pippin ones, are so rare that they've never been seen in person, only in a few images of the screens from decades ago. Not here is the infamous Garage: Bad Dream Adventure, of which there were only 3000 ever made, and it was lost until 2014 simply because none were coming up on the market.

Susume Venture Keigyo
The Alius
Nijiiro Twinkle
EMIT 1 2 3
The 4th Unit series
Uruuru 1 and 3
Uruuru Excellent
The Tower 1.2 and 1.3
The Tower CD Winter Edition
Crescent Satsujin Jiken 1 and 2
Dragon Syndicate
Power Climb
Kaeruman with the rare VHS tape and concept album
Pantos Story
Putle Story
Eternal Odyssey
Locus Alba 2
Polychrome with the OST
The Dinoventure
Tattoon Master
Doukeshi Satsujin Jiken
Future Zero
Heian Mato Karakuri Kidan
Key Of The Magic
Ozawa Ken+
Garzey's Wing
Panorama Quiz Kaitou
Diet Go Go
Virtua Memo
Kastia No Ken
Darkside Conbini
Aa Megami Sama
Ding! Mono
Favorite Dear
Frane 1&2 Pack
Frane 3
Spectral Force
Final Odyssey
First Queen (remake)
Last Guardian 2
Ryuuki Denshou Plus
Small House 2
Mushidanshaku No Yakata
Hanamaru Koumuten
Dinosaur Museum (unreleased Pippin game)
Top Management II '96
Para Para Paradise (not the konami game)
Youkai Ningen Bem
Silent Mobius Alice Ridell
Macro TV
Tenrou Toshi
Tam Tam Teo Rhythm Star
Gokudou Simulation Teppoudama Jingi
Frontier Brain
Platoon Leader
Target Gear Alga 2nd
Wrestle Life
Buster Sword

Actual games, user, not random indieshit you find in itchio

Makes sense, most companies have the common sense to know it's not worth the time money and bad publicity to go after the little man.

Like it's gonna do something, dream on.

2 secs in duckduckgo

I don't have a problem with it, I'm not a delusional moralfag. But I'm not gonna pretend that it's legal just to make myself feel better about pirating.

These are games, made long before any site like ever was conceived.
The fuck are you even talking about user? Here's one that managed to get onto MyAbandonware later.

Not an argument

Hey, at least this autist will be busy being angry somewhere else, when we'll just download all games in peace

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>Compilations consisting of lists of Internet locations blocked by commercially marketed filtering software applications that are intended to prevent access to domains, websites or portions of websites, but not including lists of Internet locations blocked by software applications that operate exclusively to protect against damage to a computer or computer network or lists of Internet locations blocked by software applications that operate exclusively to prevent receipt of email.

>Computer programs protected by dongles that prevent access due to malfunction or damage and which are obsolete.

>Computer programs and video games distributed in formats that have become obsolete and which require the original media or hardware as a condition of access.

>Literary works distributed in ebook format when all existing ebook editions of the work (including digital text editions made available by authorized entities) contain access controls that prevent the enabling of the ebook's read-aloud function and that prevent the enabling of screen readers to render the text into a specialized format.
What do any of these have to do with ROMs?

It literally has definition about obsolete formats and original hardware. Roms fit this definition nicely.

I'm actually with you guys, i was sarcastic since what i meant is that doing that will result to be useless and if one head is severed, two will grow.

I'm all for emulation and piracy in general but this doesn't make sense.
how would you define a video game being distributed in a format that became obsolete?
Why does only IA get a DMCA exception for roms and everywhere else has to worry about legal trouble?

Was talking to some people who are doing their Phd about the archiving of historical programs which also included video games. The point being physical media will eventually fail no matter what and it is important to properly archive history.

Beauty of it lies in open interpretation. You can say that any software is obsolete when there's no more consoles being produced, for example there's no more PSX or N64 being produced so their formats are obsolete, even though you still have CD being used to this day.
IA is non-profit organisation and it takes no money from ad-revenue. That was the main issue when N sued coolroms into the ground, that romsites are profiting from licensed products. Here we have a clean situation - no profit, all for free and motive is preservation, not quick cashgrab. It's basically a digital library.

How can i buy the scott pilgrim game for ps3?


You can't since its digital only and not on PSN, you could hack your PS3 and pirate it.

Paying digital media is the worst kind of cucked

I do not give a shit
Everdrive 64 3.0 is 2/3 the price and is the best of both worlds of original hardware and cheapness
If you collectorfags want me buying their stuff they better offer something that is worth it compared to their competition

Most of those are ancient console titles that were either JP only, unpopular, unreleased, or some combination thereof. In the list of leaked games (not that list, but the one uploaded to Mega) one of the games was almost considered mythical it was so rare, and people had been looking for it for decades (as it was the third game of a trilogy) with none for sale to even buy. Japan as a whole doesn't seem to care as much about media preservation because of their laws though.

Why would you want to give money to some chink on ebay for an ancient game you can get for free? I can understand supporting the developers of games you like so they make more stuff you like, but buying shit on ebay is a dead end and will lead to nothing but money in some guy's pocket that in no way benefits you.

>implying I don't pay for anything
I buy hard drives to store all these fuckin romz BITCH.
They're games from MY generation so i do what i want fuckin kid

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>isos for multiple 6th gen consoles
Not enough space bro, those aren't complete sets.
The Wii isos might use up an entire 4tb drive on their own. Yeah there aren't that many games worth playing but we are preserving games here, not pirating.