Hours of cutscenes

>hours of cutscenes
>anime plot twists out the ass
>majima turns from a cool likeable guy into le random wacky wildcard xD
>annoying mini-games everywhere
>half-assed jav actress models for virgin pandering
Who even plays this shit?
yakuza thread

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>majima turns from a cool likeable guy into le random wacky wildcard xD
Other way around actually, he was always random wacky retard but they gave him a cool backstory afterwards in a prequel (zero) I liked zero majima the best

user it's not ps exclusive anymore. you're allowed to like it now

he's normal in 4,5, and 6.

>>anime plot twists out the ass
That's what ruins this series for me. It's anime as fuck, when it should be like pic related.

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Atleast there's people in vidya. I enjoy kimchi and sushi.

Take Mafia III for instance. Created by SJW kikes and their anti-Trump agenda to the point of wanting to murder him.

Kill white faggots and make them trannies, I say.

Italians would never hire a nig.

On the other hand the Yakuza series is based to the point of extreme accuracy.

East > West. Japan wins again!

Shit I had to look it up I thought 0 came after 4, didn't play 5 though. 6 did come after 0 though.

>but they gave him a cool backstory
It's literally just a mishmash of the plots Kiryu's had over a few games except he stays in the yakuza in the end instead of leaving (leaving actually makes sense because Kiryu/Zero-Majima is this shitty moralfag mobster that makes no sense)

Yakuza 3 clearly really tried to capture Sonatine's feel. It failed at that but it still tried.

Also Saejima's based off of some classic yakuza movies too or some shit, again executed terribly like everything in this dumpster fire franchise is.

In what order should I play the yakuza games? Are the originals on PC in burgerland?

don't start threads like this, you'll end up attracting the shitposting GoW autist.

>anime plot twists out the ass
>still manages to have a shit load of kino moments

how do they pull it off?

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I think my favourite thing about yakuza threads is when people post webms to prove yakuza is good and the clips they post (yakuza at it's best) make the games look worse than any shitpost could have

cuz 0 has some of the best boss intros in video game history.

yall suck at making these kinds of OPs

Can we all agree that it's a good thing that the enemies in Yakuza games don't really pose a threat and wait to be hit because it makes the games feel more like sidescrolling beat em ups?

Either start from 0 or emulate the original PS2 game. Kiwami 1&2 are remakes of the first two games but have some questionable changes especially with K1 but they're worth checking out if you started with 0. 3,4,5 are getting PS4 remasters and will probably get PC ports shortly afterwards

Beast mode weapon damage scaling is broken in 0

Thanks, I'll probably emulate 1 and 2. first. I generally prefer release order over chronological order

0's combat is broken in general due to them slapping a powerstat.
makes it incredibly easy to become overpowered very early on, and it ruins replays. older games never had this problem since your damage was static.

how is enemies that dont attack you a good thing?

Because it's reminiscent of old 2D beat em ups. Maybe you're too young to have played them but the enemies didn't attack you in them. Yakuza is like a 3D version of those games.

not him but auto lock on brawler combat is inherently garbage and these games are only good for the story and atmosphere

hol the fuck up
aint that the boutan stealing punk ryuji from zero

There's actually some items you can equip that make enemies unrelenting, so groups of them won't give you a chance to recover

You can skip pretty much all the cut scenes and dialog. You could also avoid all pretty much all the mini games and side quests too. Maybe you should try a game more to your speed on Uplay

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>Beast mode
Why would I want Kiryu to fight like a girl?

Wait, Beast mode is useful for something?

The most serious entries are Y1 and Y2 on PS2