Which game have you sunk the most hours into?

Which game have you sunk the most hours into?

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How does science explain that this image is more arousing than naked real women?
Seriously the fuck

probably cs 1.5/1.6

Between HoMM3, D2, and WoW... better part of a decade?


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I want to sink my dick in Kuro's cunny if you know what I mean

This series is trash and every subhuman who spreads it deserves death by firing squad. And I say this as the most degenerate lolicon on this board.

Pokemon, TF2 probably

lol ur a casul m8

Calm down buddy

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Pokemon Diamond version. I was unemployed for an embarrassingly long time after high school and it was the most grindable game I owned at the time.

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Don't have stats on any of them, but if I had to guess either Monster Rancher 2, Heroes of Might & Magic 3, or Civilization 4.

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CS:GO over 3 300 hours
TES:V way over 1 000 hours, no logs for most so I can't be sure
osu! about 900 hours

Half-life 2 Deathmatch/ Garry's mod.
Followed by Warcraft 3.
These games lasted me a long time.


>And I say this as the most degenerate lolicon on this board.
Do you feel in charge?

I agree on it being trash, but that's still no reason to get upset over it like that.

Dawn of War 2.


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Bloodborne or Monster Hunter 3 Ultimate

It's probably a tie between Ragnarok Online and Guild Wars 1

Can guarantee I'm a bigger degenerate than you.

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sauce my friend

>most degenerate lolicon
you don't need to lie

Autism simulator.

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FF12 at 168h
TitS SC at some 162-164h

It's hardcore scat.

The series is absolutely amazing.

>tfw can listen the BUN BUN BUN

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world of warcraft

counting Yea Forums as a video game is cheating.

5.7k hours in Dota 2. Time well spent.

I don't believe you

Nah, m8 that's nothing.
Come back with some nishi iori.

Probably Runescape.

Anzu Nina Chupacabra

Only degenerate incel pedophiles who belong in the loony bin find that picture more arousing than real women.

She's casually being lewd like it's no big deal. And not overtly pornographic, just lewd in a kinda cutesy way. It's the type of shit women are fighting against in video games because they don't want you to know being comfortable with your sexuality is appealing.

Feet Grand Order

right now its this cute and funny game here.

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Speak of the devil.

You act like I don't like any and all loli stuff.

I'm so sorry user I'll trust you 100% next time

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Trackable: Splatoon 2
Untrackable: Various versions of Tetris


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Uhhh I wanna fucc Kuro

Whats on the other side of the wall?

Ain't he just great?
I don't lie when it comes to porn my friend.

>Ain't he just great?
He was. Too bad he hasn't done anything in like four years.


Probably World of Warcraft.
I quit during Wrath of The Lich King but even then I had over 550 days played on my main, had several alts as well.

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True. It's a big shame when great scat artists just disappear, or even worse just stop doing scat.

shut the fuck up retarded resetranny

It's a mix between WoW, CS1.5/1.6, and Dota 2

I have over 2k hours in Dota 2, the other two I'm not really sure how many hours I put in them since it was before steam kept track of hours played. I no longer play any of these games and regret every second I spent playing all of them.

ARK, surprisingly. It has a bad rep; but I fucking love it. It's probably because I bonded with one of my best friends on there

This artist does a very pedo stuff.

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wow it's like I'm really on resetera

Right. Real little girls are better.

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FFXIV probably has my absolute most time ever at this point.
I wouldn't be surprised if Modern Warfare 2 is my second, but I can't really check. Right now I'd say rainbow 6 siege is second.

TERA or WoW, MMOs are such enormous time sinks and huge traps if you're a NEET. I've spent years logged on in those games, often just idling or hanging out with people.

Artifical > natural. It is the human way
Cars are better than walking. Ovens are better than lighting a bundle of sticks. And 2D is better than 3D. After all, why invent something inferior to what already exists?

WoW is probably the game I've sent the most time in of all time, with countless hours spread across several characters and many realms.
Dota 2 behind that at 2072 hours
Eve Online behind that at 1097 hours

Of all the games that went to shit, why did it have to be Eve

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>And I say this as the most degenerate lolicon on this board.
Sorry but that would be me.

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that was a good thread.

as for thread, eo series