Why do all of their games feel like Guilty Gear but with a different coat of paint?

Why do all of their games feel like Guilty Gear but with a different coat of paint?

Attached: Arc_System_Works.png (220x220, 17K)

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Because it looks good as fuck

Because when they deviate from the formula, games don't sale.

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You must not play GG because none of them feel like it.

Hey I had this game! It was pretty shit though, few characters and really slow. Felt like it was made with a budget worth 2 bigmacs and small fries

Granblue probably won't sell too well because it isn't a well known brand and because they're focusing more on a ground based game

I'm willing to bet it will break even just from getting so much of a push thanks to all that gacha money. Might end up being whack in some way, though

Why do I start playing guilty gear and then drop it every fucking time. I don’t get why I am not feeling these games I have tried but I always drop them for other objectively worse fighting games.

tournament players will probably shill it hard since they know cygames has money and isn't afraid to spend it

I don't know, all of their games that I played seemed to lack jank. Like things that are too polished, think jank in terms of fighting games as 3rd Strike or that new Power Rangers fighting game. Having a bit of jank is what helps makes fighting games fun, in my opinion. And if it's perfectly polished it feels a bit flowchartish.

The same happens to me with all of their games. Everyone I know who plays them seem to love it but I just think it's bleh

If you think guilty gear plays like bb tag, you're a scrub who doesn't understand either game
What you should be referencing is that it's very easy to tell visually that a game is an arc sys game

Visual style makes sense. The Street Fighter Alpha series looks similar to Darkstalkers and stuff like that. But I don't know, I just don't see the appeal of their games and maybe that's why they all feel the same to me.

Everyone I know who plays it goes nuts for it and every other ArcSys game, but I'm just stuck sitting there scratching my head trying to figure what they see in it that I don't and I've spent a lot of hours trying to figure that out. I don't think it's a badly designed fighting game, but I just don't get why people go nuts for it.

People just like pretty games and arcsys have been able to make games that still run well while having this cell shaded look that both prominent but not too aggressive.

>BlazBlue was made because they couldn't use Guilty Gear at the time, so they wanted it to feel like GG.
>Battle Fantasia is not like GG
>P4A is not like GG
>GGXrd is of course like GG since it's a fucking GG sequel
>DBFz is not like GG
>GBVS is not like GG
Oh, it's another Yea Forumstard who know nothing about fighting games.

why did they make this their logo

literally why

They don't, if they did I would like their games that aren't Guilty Gear more.

A logo made in 2 seconds with Paint is pretty based if you ask me

They explained it a year or two ago. Something about a wave of success or something like that.

>Why do these games I have no experience in feel the same?

failed normies pretend they like guilty crap and blazshit because muh anime and hentai

arc system works sucks

Have sex

I'm 90% certain one of the heads at Arc Sys said their kid drew that during the early days of their business so they made it their logo

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failed normies play smash


I do have experience with them, I guess I should've worded this thread a bit differently. I more so don't get the appeal of their games, and that's probably why they all feel the same to me. Everyone I talk to who plays ArcSys games go nuts for them and I just don't see the appeal

Maybe it's a personal thing, maybe it isn't. But at least I'm not claiming that they make poorly designed games and I'm just salty that MvCI didn't sell amazing well and that SFV still sucks. I /want/ to get into ArcSys games and every time I play one I lose interest about an hour later and turn off.

I guess they're just not for me.

In what dimensions does Hard Cop Uprising feels like GG?

Because they are an obvious bunch of hack jobs.

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Because you're a fucking casual and don't actually understand fighting games. If you did you'd understand why BB is kuso and GG is salaryman.

Mechanics, fast paced, cobo heavy, feedom (roman cancel) and of course, the fact that each of the characters are totally different in term of gameplay, they even have their own mechanics.


Daigo is literally an official CyberAgent shill, anyone thinking GBFV won't become the new FGC flagship is insane.

It's a damn shame that a corporation can buy into a community, but that's how video games have been going for the last twenty years so it's not too surprising.

Granblue will probably sell great just because CyGames has enough money to shill anything. They managed to shill shadowverse enough to turn it from a bottom barrel failure into one of the bigger online TCGs through sheer shillpower.

Plus GBF is one of the big three gacha mobages in the eastern hemisphere and CyGames practically owns the FGC now with how many tournaments they sponsor, how many arcades they fund, and how many events they have.

fucken lol

it's not like people haven't rejected games before even if a company have put a lot of money into it

>ArcSys replied with taking he lead developer status away from him
>when he has already openly talked about developing the next Guilty Gear and the ArcSys president has openly said Daisuke is working on the next Guilty Gear
This was already baseless when it was first posted, but it was disproven by ArcSys' actions following the first time it was posted.

CyGames is basically the Disney of the FGC? Everyone "loves" them because of how much power they hold?

>It's a damn shame that a corporation can buy into a community
What is Capcom

Well, Granblue Versus might not even be that successful financially, but what it will do is put the idea of "Granblue not casual, Granblue legitimate brand" into the brains of people averse to CyGames (for good reason) prior. In order for it to do that, it needs to become popular even if they run it at a deficit.

They literally saved the FGC in 2008

>literally created the first modern day fighting game
>all fighting games are built on SFII
>makes their money through actual video games

>literally is hiring someone else to make the game for them
>has nothing to do with it, is just making GBFV in order to make their brand seem "hardcore"
>makes its money off of gambling, is so malicious they literally had to change the way the Japanese gacha laws works because CyGames lied about their rates

Which one is buying into the community, again?

the rpg probably has a better chance of making it become mainstream, only thing is they've hardly shown shit off for it and it was the samething for gbv until recently

CyGames isn't the anything of the FGC because they don't fucking make fighting games.

Nah, we love them because of this:

I realized I misunderstood it once I posted it

>we love them because of a press interview with a PlayStation shill magazine with a guy who has never made a video game in his life

No, that's still Capcom.

No one actually loves CyGames yet in the FGC, but CyGames also hasn't treated anyone badly yet and is bringing the promise of breaking up the SF monopoly and being able to support a circuit.

A lot of people have already made money by CyGames being involved, so they're going to buy into GBFV because there's the promise of more money. And a lot of players want the Street Fighter monopoly on 2D fighters headlining tournaments to be broken.

It's closer to the way Amazon basically bought their way into the film and television industry, and now doesn't give a shit about what anyone thinks because they can do whatever the fuck they want. A good example of that lunacy is how CyGames did the Anubis ZOE2 remaster and developed the VR game systems just because the president fucking loves Zone of the Enders and wanted to actually pilot Jehuty. He's still trying to get Konami to let them develop ZOE3.

But GG is their only good game mechanically.

You better be talking about Crosstag there user. if you mean actual BB then i'm going to have to assume you're one of those assmad GGcucks who still hasn't gotten over the period when Arcsys literally couldn't make GG games even now that GG's fully back.

You really want me to go on every shitty practice made by Capcom during the last 10 years?

If one of the things is Capcom doing on disc DLC just remember that ArcSys did the same with BBtag

They made HnK and that's jank central.

Oh, and CyGames and ArcSys haven't done worse?

My only fear for the future is that ArcSys makes a Jojo fighting game and it plays more like DBFZ and not GBFV

BBtag is shit, but they sold the game at a large discount to account for the DLC. it really wasn't scummy at all, they were just trying out a new pricing method.

I honestly forget that they did that

An arcade I go to has an HnK cabinet, it's pretty fun

Why do people want ArcSys to keep making licensed video games? Anyways, a JoJo fighter by ArcSys would look terrible if they used the same stuff they've been using for everything else.

You can hate it if you want, but they are coming in the business with good intentions.
We can't said bad things about them for now, if they do some shitty things like Capcom, we will judge them the same fucking way.

>It's okay if Arc does it!

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They only want them to do it cause DBFZ did so well because of how large of a fanbase DBZ already had and because of how good ArcSys' track record is. Jojo would perform okay but it won't reach the status of DBFZ because the fanbase of Jojo would complain about how difficult it is to play and how the auto-combo needs to do more

Despite that, me personally, I'd like SNK to make a Jojo fighting game, I think they'd do a good job with it

And this is just one little thing.

>You can hate it if you want, but they are coming in the business with good intentions.
>good intentions
I have played Granblue long enough to know that even though there are a few talented people, they work under someone like Kimura Yuito who absolutely does not have good intentions.

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>instead of $60
>a large discount

>Year is 2035
>After years of anticipation ArcSys released GGxBB
>It's just a looping gif of Sol fucking Ragna in the ass
>It wins best fighting game of the year

>wanting Jojo instead of HxH

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I can buy two on disc dlc characters with the amount of money i've saved

>two whole asset flips

I've never watched/read it

I'm sure if I had I would want it

Because it is exactly what they are. Too bad I don't like any of their games.

Geo will strike again in the first round brudda

Then watch it right fucking now
but be ready to hit the same fucking wall than Berserk

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The fact that Granblue's infrastructure is so much of a mess that GW broke TWICE is incredibly humorous. If it happens a third time I'm not sure what will happen.

Sol but this time he's blue and can turn into a werewolf that just so happens to look like Sol with his Dragon install!

I laughed at the scene in Berserk when it showed a burning barn full of dead children, I'll probably laugh at HxH as well

>granblue isn't a well known brand

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Have you ever played another ArcSys game? Even BlazBlue plays differently now, and that started as "Guilty Gear but not"

I didn't know it was a thing till ArcSys said "hey we're making this"

The wall is more about waiting months for a chapter, but yeah, HxH is more serious than your average shonen manga.
Most of the characters encountered by the main cast could kill them in 3 seconds.
If you like Jojo, you will love the Nen, it's the same kind of great power ideas and mind games.

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Jojo doesn't really have any mind games

It's just pretending to be smart by being written by someone who is bad at planning ahead

My apologies oh great worshiper of Japan, I should have never consumed western media it has made me so soft and so gullible. I had watched a movie for the first time in years without subtitles, I enjoyed it. I was more animal than man


So these are the people complaining about japanese characters being put in a japanese crossover fighting game...

Apology accepted

ok retard

What idiot would complain about that?

I think the better question is why do all of their 3D games feel slow and awful, but the 2D sprite games are all excellent?

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dumb rwoober

because it's pretty hard to top GG's core systems and character variety

AC sprites had a lot of soul, but Xrd feels way better to play. The only bad thing I can think of in Xrd is the 'YRC eats inputs' stuff because everything else plays better now

Honestly, its one of the things I really like about GG xrd and what looks really nice about GBFV. The deliberate and less smooth animations on each hit feel very nice for me while playing because it helps with recognizing hit confirms while also making each hit feel satisfying when compared to other games